All known extensions

File extension

There are 6250 known file extensions.

*-gz Gzip Compressed Archive tika
*.!im IBM Audio Visual Connection (AVC) Still Video Image ffw
*.0 Hacha multipart archive (block 0) trid
*.000 Sage Backup trid
Virtual CD image trid
*.001 Fax formats ffw
Freedom of Press ffw
Norton older Ghost image (split file) trid
Sage Backup trid
Norton Backup file trid
*.002 Fax formats ffw
Norton older Ghost image (split file) trid
*.003 Norton older Ghost image (split file) trid
*.1 Man page ffw
Fax formats ffw
Roff githublinguist
*.113 113 ffw
*.123 Lotus 1-2-3 ffw
application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 tika
*.128 Soundtrakker 128 module ffw
*.16 LSS16 ffw
LSS16 SYSLINUX Splash image trid
*.1bk 010 Editor bookmark trid
*.1in Roff githublinguist
*.1m Roff githublinguist
*.1sc Bio-Rad Scan file trid
*.1tm 1tracker module ffw
*.1x Roff githublinguist
*.2 Man page ffw
Roff githublinguist
*.2bp Pocket PC Bitmap ffw
*.2da Infinity Engine 2-Dimensional Array (v1.0) trid
*.2img 2IMG Universal Format disk image (Apple II) trid
*.2mg Apple Disk Image ffw
2IMG Universal Format disk image (Apple II) trid
*.2sflib 2SF ffw
2SF Nintendo DS Sound Format rip trid
*.3 Man page ffw
Roff githublinguist
*.360 360desktop 360-degree Desktop image trid
*.386 Linear Executable ffw
*.3d CAD-3D ffw
*.3d2 CAD-3D ffw
Stereo CAD-3D Object trid
*.3db 3DMark database trid
*.3dd ESRI ArcGlobe Document pronom
*.3dm 3DMF ffw
3DM ffw
3DM 4 pronom
3DM 1 pronom
3DM 2 pronom
3DM 3 pronom
3DM 5 pronom
Cadent 3D Model trid
Rhinoceros 3D Model trid
*.3dmf 3DMF ffw
QuickDraw 3D Metafile trid
*.3dml text/vnd.in3d.3dml tika
*.3doku 3Doku game trid
*.3dr 3DMark2003 Results trid
*.3ds 3DS ffw
3D Studio pronom
3D Studio mesh trid
*.3dxml 3D XML files (zipped) trid
3D XML files (unzipped) trid
*.3fr Hasselblad 3FR ffw
Hasselblad raw image tika
*.3g2 3G2 ffw
video/3gpp2 tika
3GPP2 multimedia audio/video trid
*.3ga Mobile phone audio trid
*.3gp 3GP ffw
video/3gpp tika
3GPP Audio/Video File pronom
3GPP multimedia audio/video trid
AMR, Adaptive Multi-Rate Speech Codec fdd
*.3gpp 3GPP Audio/Video File pronom
3GPP multimedia audio/video trid
*.3in Roff githublinguist
*.3m Roff githublinguist
*.3mf 3MF 3D Manufacturing Format pronom
*.3mm 3D Movie Maker (generic) trid
*.3qt Roff githublinguist
*.3th 3D Movie Maker (generic) trid
*.3x Roff githublinguist
*.4 Roff githublinguist
*.411 Sony Mavica 411 ffw
*.4bt GoDot ffw
GoDot 4-bit graphics bitmap trid
*.4cm ClickyMouse macro set trid
*.4db 4th Dimension database trid
*.4pk Perfect Keyboard macro set trid
*.4pp PhotoParade slideshow ffw
*.4q 4Q ffw
*.4th Forth source code tika
Forth githublinguist
*.4xm 4X IMA ADPCM ffw
4X Movie video trid
*.5 Man page ffw
Roff githublinguist
*.545 AIMutation skin trid
*.565 OLPC 565 ffw
*.5vw 5View capture trid
*.6 Roff githublinguist
*.602 T602 document trid
*.669 Composer 669 module ffw
Unis 669 module trid
Composer 669 module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.6pl Perl 6 githublinguist
*.6pm Perl 6 githublinguist
*.7 Man page ffw
Roff githublinguist
*.73i TI picture file ffw
*.777 777 compressed archive trid
*.7z 7z ffw
7-zip archive tika
7Zip format pronom
7-Zip compressed archive trid
*.8 Man page ffw
Roff githublinguist
*.8* PhotoShop plug-in (generic) trid
*.82i TI picture file ffw
*.83i TI picture file ffw
*.85i TI picture file ffw
*.86i TI picture file ffw
*.89i TI picture file ffw
*.8bf Photoshop filter plug-in trid
*.8svx 8-Bit Sampled Voice ffw
Interchange File Format 8-bit Sampled Voice pronom
Amiga IFF 8SVX audio trid
*.8xi TI picture file ffw
*.8xk Texas Instruments TI-8x series Calculators Program trid
TI Program githublinguist
*.8xk.txt TI Program githublinguist
*.8xp TI Program githublinguist
*.8xp.txt TI Program githublinguist
*.8xu Texas Instruments TI-8x series Calculators OS Upgrade trid
*.9 Roff githublinguist
*.92i TI picture file ffw
TI bitmap trid
*.999 Norton older Ghost image (split file) trid
Sage Backup trid
*.9xi TI picture file ffw
*.??$ MS-DOS installation compression ffw
*.??@ FTCOMP ffw
*.??_ MS-DOS installation compression ffw
Microsoft KWAJ compressed (Phil Katz's 'deflate') trid
Stirling Technologies InstallShield compressed trid
*.?q? Squeeze ffw
*.?y? CrLZH ffw
*.?z? Crunch ffw
*.@@@ BACKUP (MS-DOS) ffw
*._coffee CoffeeScript githublinguist
*._im IBM Audio Visual Connection (AVC) Still Video Image ffw
*._js JavaScript githublinguist
*._ls LiveScript githublinguist
*.a AR ffw
Assembly language ffw
Img Software Set ffw
application/x-archive tika
Common Object File Format (COFF) Library trid
*.a1wish Audials One Wishlist trid
*.a2b Adlib Tracker II instrument bank ffw
DigitalPhono A2B Player Playlist trid
*.a2f Adlib Tracker II instrument ffw
*.a2i Adlib Tracker II instrument ffw
*.a2m Adlib Tracker II module ffw
AdLib Tracker 2 Module trid
*.a2menu Aston 2 Menu trid
*.a2p Adlib Tracker II pattern ffw
*.a2t Adlib Tracker II module ffw
*.a2theme Aston 2 Theme trid
*.a2w Adlib Tracker II instrument bank ffw
Alice 2 World trid
*.a3d Eovia Amapi 3D model trid
*.a3p GenCAM object model trid
Alice 3 Project trid
*.a3w Unpackaged Authorware 3 for Windows file trid
*.a4p Authorware Packaged file (w/o runtime) trid
*.a4r Authorware Packaged file (with runtime) trid
*.a51 Assembly githublinguist
*.a5p Authorware Packaged file (w/o runtime) trid
*.a5r Authorware Packaged file (with runtime) trid
*.a5wcmp Alpha Five Web Components trid
*.a64 Wigmore Artist 64 ffw
*.a78 Atari 7800 ROM trid
*.aa Audible Audiobook ffw
Audible Audio trid
Audible.Com File Format fdd
Audible.Com MP3 fdd
*.aa3 ATRAC Advanced Lossless ffw
Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding ffw
*.aab application/x-authorware-bin tika
*.aac AAC ffw
audio/x-aac tika
MPEG-2 LC-AAC Audio trid
MPEG-4 LC-AAC Audio trid
Astrid/Quartex AAC encoded audio trid
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2002 fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), NLS extension for AMR-WB+ Speech Codec fdd
Advanced Audio Coding (MPEG-4) fdd
Advanced Audio Coding (MPEG-2), Audio Data Interchange Format fdd
*.aae AAE sidecar format ffw
AAE Sidecar Format pronom
Binary Property List pronom
Apple Sidecar data trid
*.aaf Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) Object, Version 1.1 fdd
*.aai AAI ffw
*.aam Art & Magic ffw
application/x-authorware-map tika
Art And Magic module trid
Authorware Shocked File (Map) trid
*.aart text/plain tika
*.aas AAS ffw
application/x-authorware-seg tika
Archos signed / encrypted data trid
*.aaui Acrobat User Interface data trid
*.aax Audible Audiobook ffw
*.ab Android adb backup (unencrypted) trid
*.ab1 ABIF - Applied Biosystems Inc. Format trid
*.aba Palm Address Book trid
*.abap ABAP githublinguist
*.abc User:Halftheisland/ABC ffw
ABC (musical notation) ffw
*.abd Quicken Data File pronom
The Bat! Address Book trid
*.abf Altair Binary Format trid
*.abh User:Halftheisland/ABC ffw
ABC (musical notation) ffw
*.abif LifeTechnologies ABIF pronom
*.abk AMOS Music Bank ffw
User:Halftheisland/Template ffw
AMOS Sprite Bank ffw
AMOS Icon Bank ffw
AMOS Memory Bank ffw
AMOS AmBs ffw
AMOS Picture Bank ffw
AMOS Menu Bank trid
AMOS Asm Bank trid
AMOS AMAL Bank trid
AMOS Music Bank trid
AMOS Work Bank trid
AMOS Samples Bank trid
AMOS Data Bank trid
AMOS Picture Bank trid
Need for Speed: Underground audio trid
AMOS Memory Bank (generic) trid
*.abm Audition music trid
*.abnf ABNF githublinguist
*.abr Photoshop brush ffw
Adobe PhotoShop Brush trid
*.abs AMOS AmBs ffw
Absolute Database file trid
*.abt Verity Collection Index About File pronom
*.abw AbiWord ffw
application/x-abiword tika
AbiWord Document pronom
AbiWord document trid
*.abw.gz AbiWord ffw
*.aby AOL Address Book trid
*.ac Autotools ffw
text/plain tika
AC3D geometry/model trid
*.ac1 AC1D-DC1A Packer ffw
*.ac1d AC1D-DC1A Packer ffw
AC1D-DC1A Packer trid
*.ac2 Banana accounting data trid
*.ac3 Dolby Digital AC-3 pronom
Dolby Digital audio trid
AC-3 Compressed Audio (Dolby Digital), Revision A fdd
*.ac3d AC3D model trid
*.ac_ CaseWare 2005 Compressed file trid
*.acb ACBM Graphics pronom
Adobe Photoshop Color Book trid
AutoCAD Color Book trid
*.acbm IFF Amiga Contiguous BitMap trid
*.acc Atari ST executable ffw
The Master Genealogist ffw
application/vnd.americandynamics.acc tika
*.accdb Microsoft Access Database 2007 pronom
Microsoft Access 2007 Database trid
Microsoft Access ACCDB File Format Family fdd
*.acd Adobe ACD pronom
Sonic Foundry Acid music trid
ALAN game trid
RSLogix 5000 Program trid
*.ace ACE ffw
application/x-ace-compressed tika
Jupiter Ace snapshot trid
ACE compressed archive trid
*.acf DB/TextWorks Database Access Control trid
Microsoft Agent Character trid
X-Plane Aircraft trid
*.acfm Adobe Font Metric tika
*.aci ACI development appraisal data trid
*.acm Interplay ACM ffw
Interplay Compressed Sound Format trid
Infinity Engine Music trid
Windows Audio Compression Manager driver trid
*.aco Photoshop ffw
*.acorn Acorn Sprite ffw
*.acp ArCon project trid
TCPDUMP's style capture trid
*.acq ACQ ffw
*.acr American College of Radiology file trid
*.acs Microsoft Agent Character trid
*.acs2 AIMP Skin (v2) trid
*.acs3 AIMP Skin (v3) trid
*.acsm Adobe Content Server Message File pronom
Adobe Digital Editions Adobe Content Server Message trid
*.act Cartooners actor file ffw
Cartooners Actor trid
ADPCM (?) compressed file recorded by some MP3 Players/Voice recorders trid
*.acu application/vnd.acucobol tika
*.acutc application/vnd.acucorp tika
*.acv Photoshop Curve ffw
Photoshop Curve File pronom
*.ad Asciidoc source code tika
Mac AppleDouble encoded trid
*.ad.txt Asciidoc source code tika
*.ad1 AccessData Custom Content Image pronom
AccessData Custom Content Image (Encrypted) pronom
*.ad2 AccessData Custom Content Image pronom
AccessData Custom Content Image (Encrypted) pronom
*.ad3 AccessData Custom Content Image pronom
AccessData Custom Content Image (Encrypted) pronom
*.ad4 AccessData Custom Content Image pronom
AccessData Custom Content Image (Encrypted) pronom
*.ad5 AccessData Custom Content Image pronom
AccessData Custom Content Image (Encrypted) pronom
*.ada Ada source code tika
Advanced Digital Audio compressed audio trid
Ada githublinguist
*.adb Ability Database ffw
Ada source code tika
CorelCENTRAL Address Book trid
Ada githublinguist
*.adc Scanstudio 16-Colour Bitmap pronom
XemiComputers Active Desktop Calendar trid
*.adcp Adobe Device Central Project trid
*.adf ADF (Amiga) ffw
ArtWorx Data Format ffw
ESRI ArcInfo Grid ffw
ESRI Arc/Info Binary Grid pronom
ARIS Document File trid
Antenna Data File trid
Amiga Disk image File (generic) trid
ESRI ArcInfo Grid (binary) fdd
ESRI ArcInfo Coverage fdd
*.adg Ableton Live ffw
*.adi AutoCAD Device-Independent Binary Plotter File pronom
Amateur Data Interchange Format trid
*.adif Amateur Data Interchange Format trid
*.adl openEHR Archetype Definition Language trid
*.adm Windows Policy Administrative Template (Unicode) trid
Windows Policy Administrative Template (with rem) trid
Windows Policy Administrative Template trid
Addict compiled dictionary trid
*.adml Group Policy Language-Specific Administrative trid
XML githublinguist
*.admx Group Policy Administrative Template trid
XML githublinguist
*.ado Stata githublinguist
*.adoc Asciidoc source code tika
AsciiDoc githublinguist
*.adoc.txt Asciidoc source code tika
*.adp Ableton Live ffw
Nintendo GameCube / Wii ADP ffw
audio/adpcm tika
Microsoft Access Project trid
Tcl githublinguist
*.adr Opera Hotlist (v2.0) / bookmark trid
*.ads Ada source code tika
Ada githublinguist
*.adsc Audio Sculpture ffw
*.adt Casio Pocket Viewer Add-in Data file trid
Advantage Data Server table trid
*.adu Addict User Dictionary trid
*.adv AdvSys ffw
Ableton Live ffw
*.adx ADX Audio Format pronom
Lotus Approach database index trid
Sega Dreamcast audio trid
*.adz ADF (Amiga) ffw
*.aef CA Visual Object Application Export File trid
Cisco Unity Express script trid
*.aeh iPer Advanced Embedded Hypertext trid
*.aei Abyss Engine Image format trid
*.aep application/vnd.adobe.aftereffects.project tika
Adobe After Effects pronom
After Effects Project trid
ArcExplorer Project trid
*.aero Aero Studio song trid
*.aes AES Crypt encrypted trid
AES3 Digital Audio Interface, SMPTE Extensions fdd
*.aet application/vnd.adobe.aftereffects.template tika
*.af Afio ffw
*.afa Astrotite ffw
*.afc Apple Sound pronom
*.afdesign Affinity Design document trid
*.aff AIFF ffw
Advanced Forensic Format pronom
AGEMA File Format trid
Affix file trid
Advanced Forensics Format disk image trid
Advanced Forensic Format Disk Image, AFF Version 1.0 fdd
*.afi Truevision TGA Bitmap 1.0 pronom
*.afio Afio ffw
*.afl X-Plane Airfoils trid
*.afm Adobe Type 1 ffw
Adobe Font Metric tika
Outline Font Metric trid
Adobe Font Metrics githublinguist
*.afp AFP ffw
application/ tika
Advanced Function Presentation pronom
*.ag Applixware Graphics ffw
Applixware Graphic trid
*.agc Apollo Guidance Computer githublinguist
*.agda Agda githublinguist
*.agn Psion Serie 3 Agenda trid
*.agr Ableton Live ffw
Grace project file trid
*.agsc AGSC Audio File ffw
*.agtemplate Adobe Photoshop Lightroom template trid
*.agx Adventure Game eXecutable trid
*.ahf ASCII Header Format bitmap trid
*.ahk AutoHotkey ffw
AutoHotkey githublinguist
*.ahkl AutoHotkey githublinguist
*.ahx AHX (Abyss) ffw
Abyss' Highest eXperience module (v1) trid
Abyss' Highest eXperience module (v2) trid
*.ai Adobe Illustrator Artwork ffw
Adobe Illustrator Artwork tika
Adobe Illustrator 1.0 / 1.1 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 88 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 3.0 / 3.2 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 4.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 5.0 / 5.5 pronom
Adobe Illustrator Japan pronom
Adobe Illustrator 6.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 7.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 8.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 9.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 10.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 11.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 12.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 13.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 14.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 15.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 16.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator graphics trid
Ai Archivator compressed archive trid
*.aia App Inventor for Android project trid
*.aic Advanced Image Coding bitmap trid
*.aif AIFF ffw
Audio Interchange File Format tika
Audio Interchange File Format 1.2 pronom
AIFF Audio Interchange File Format trid
AIFF File Format with LPCM Audio fdd
AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
*.aifc AIFC ffw
Audio Interchange File Format tika
Audio Interchange File Format (compressed) pronom
AIFF-C (Audio Interchange File Format Compressed) trid
*.aiff AIFF ffw
Audio Interchange File Format tika
Audio Interchange File Format 1.2 pronom
AIFF Audio Interchange File Format trid
AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
*.aig Abracadata drawing trid
*.aih ESRI Shapefile Header Index pronom
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.aiml AIML ffw
Artificial Intelligence Markup Language trid
*.aimppl AIMP PlayList trid
*.ain AIN compressed archive trid
Source Engine Compiled AI Nodegraph trid
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.aip Advanced Installer Project trid
*.aipd AIPD ffw
*.air application/vnd.adobe.air-application-installer-package+zip tika
Adobe Air 1.0 pronom
Adobe Air 1.5 pronom
Adobe Air 2.0 pronom
Adobe Integrated Runtime trid
Adobe Apollo Rich Internet Application (obsolete) trid
*.airports RealFlight Radio Control Flying Site - Airport trid
*.aiu Advanced Installer Updates configuration trid
*.aix Interleaved ADX Audio Format (AIX) pronom
*.aj AspectJ source code tika
AspectJ githublinguist
*.ajp Anfy Applet Generator Saved file trid
*.ak TracerCAD File (generic) trid
*.akm Aksharamala Keymap Binary trid
*.aks Arkos Tracker ffw
AkAbak Script trid
*.akt AKT compressed archive trid
*.al Perl script tika
Perl githublinguist
*.alb Seattle FilmWorks ffw
VCOM Web Easy album trid
Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photo album trid
*.albm HP Photosmart Photo Printing Album trid
*.alc Ableton Live ffw
AcuCorp AcuCOBOL license trid
*.ali SAP Document pronom
*.alias Find and Run Robot (FARR) alias trid
*.all ALL ffw
*.alm Aley's Module ffw
Aley's Module v1.1-1.2 trid
Aley's Module v1.0 trid
*.alp Ableton Live ffw
AnyLogic Project trid
*.als Alias PIX ffw
Ableton Live ffw
MPEG-4 ALS (Audio Lossless coding Standard) trid
Alloy githublinguist
*.alx BlackBerry Application Loader trid
*.alz ALZ ffw
ALZip compressed archive trid
*.am Autotools ffw
text/plain tika
AmiraMesh ASCII 1.0 pronom
AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0 pronom
AmiraMesh 3D Binary 2.0 pronom
AmiraMesh 3D Binary Little Endian 2.0 pronom
AmiraMesh Binary Little Endian 2.1 pronom
Anark Media data trid
*.amad AY Amadeus chiptune trid
*.amc Acclaim ASF/AMC ffw
A.M.Composer 1.2 music trid
Anark Media Component trid
*.amd AMusic module ffw
Amusic tracker (packed) song/module trid
*.amf Dual Module Player DSMI ffw
Asylum Music Format ffw
Amiga Metafile ffw
Additive Manufacturing File Format pronom
DOS Sound and Music Interface Advanced Module Format pronom
Amiga Meta File Format trid
Additive Manufacturing Format trid
Asylum Music Format module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.amff Amiga Meta File Format trid
*.amfm Adobe Font Metric tika
*.ami application/vnd.amiga.ami tika
*.amiramesh AmiraMesh ASCII 1.0 pronom
AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0 pronom
AmiraMesh 3D Binary 2.0 pronom
AmiraMesh 3D Binary Little Endian 2.0 pronom
AmiraMesh Binary Little Endian 2.1 pronom
*.aml Abstract Markup Language trid
Morpheus layout - project trid
*.amos AMOS BASIC tokenized file ffw
*.amp.html Accelerated Mobile Pages ffw
*.ampl AMPL githublinguist
*.amr audio/amr tika
Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio pronom
AMR (Adaptive Multi Rate) encoded audio trid
AMR, Adaptive Multi-Rate Speech Codec fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), NLS extension for AMR-WB+ Speech Codec fdd
*.ams Extreme's Tracker module ffw
Ableton Live ffw
ANSI Music ffw
Velvet Studio Advanced Module System song/module trid
Extreme's Tracker module trid
*.amt ArtMoney Table File trid
ABBYY Finereader language data trid
*.amv MTV Movie trid
*.amw Anark Media Workspace trid
*.amx AND XSynth module trid
*.amxd Ableton Live ffw
Ableton Max Patch trid
*.amxx AMX Mod X plugin trid
*.amz Amazon downloader file ffw
*.an2 AN2 ffw
AceNotes PIM data trid
*.an8 Anim8or project trid
*.ana Analysis for Windows structure trid
*.anb i2 Analysts Notebook pronom
Project Dogwaffle Animated Brush trid
Enter a useful file type description trid
*.anbm IFF ANimated BitMap trid
*.ane Adobe AIR Native Extension trid
*.angelscript AngelScript githublinguist
*.ani Windows Animated Cursor ffw
NEOchrome Animation ffw
Microsoft Animated Cursor Format pronom
Atari NEOchrome animation trid
Windows Animated Cursor trid
Eternity Engine Animation trid
*.anim ANIM ffw
IFF ANIM (Amiga delta/RLE encoded bitmap animation) trid
Unity3D Asset githublinguist
*.animated BVE object formats ffw
*.anjuta Anjuta IDE project trid
*.ank Children of the Nile city trid
*.anl SimLife Animal trid
*.anm DeluxePaint Animation ffw
DeluxePaint Animation trid
*.anpa American Newspaper Publishers Association Wire Feeds tika
*.ans ANSI Art ffw
ANSIMation ffw
7-bit ANSI Text pronom
8-bit ANSI Text pronom
ANSYS model data trid
ANSI ISO 6429 ASCII file trid
*.ant XML githublinguist
*.antmpl Adobe Edge Animate Template trid
*.any AnyRail model railroad layout trid
*.aof Artlantis Object File trid
*.aoff OFF (DEC-WSE Object File Format) ffw
*.aoi Art Of Illusion 3D scene trid
*.aom Adobe Download Manager trid
*.aon Art of Noise module ffw
Art Of Noise 4-channel module trid
Art Of Noise 8-channel module trid
*.aop AOP data trid
*.aos Archos signed / encrypted data trid
AOS File Format trid
*.ap ArmPack Archive File trid
*.apa ArcPad ffw
*.apacheconf ApacheConf githublinguist
*.apalbum Aperture Album trid
*.apc Cryo Interactive APC audio trid
a-Pac compressed audio trid
*.apcdoc Ashampoo Photo Commander Document trid
*.apd APD ffw
*.apdisk OS X system data trid
*.ape Monkey's Audio ffw
Monkey's Audio trid
*.apf Apple Preferred ffw
TIBCO Foresight HIPAA Validator Validation Profile File ffw
Async Professional Fax ffw
MightyFax trid
*.api Adobe Acrobat Reader Plugin trid
*.apib API Blueprint githublinguist
*.apk APK ffw
application/ tika
Android Package trid
*.apkg Exported Anki Flashcard Deck trid
*.apl APL workspace ffw
ArcPad ffw
Monkey's Audio Image Link file trid
ACDSee plugin trid
APL githublinguist
*.apm Windows Metafile ffw
ArcPad ffw
AutoPlay Menu Builder data trid
Aldus Placeable Metafile trid
*.apn APN Wallpaper trid
*.apng Animated Portable Network Graphics pronom
*.apnx Amazon Kindle Page Number index trid
*.app Psion OPO/OPA ffw
Psion IMG/APP ffw
IOS app ffw
Atari ST executable ffw
Generated application MS Visual FoxPro 7 trid
Symbian Application trid
Timex Datalink Wristapp file trid
Psion Oval Application trid
OrbWorks PocketC CE Application trid
*.app.src Erlang githublinguist
*.applescript AppleScript source code tika
AppleScript githublinguist
*.application application/x-ms-application tika
ClickOnce Deployment Manifest trid
*.appup Erlang Application Upgrade trid
*.appx Windows 8 App package trid
*.appxbundle Windows 8.1 App Bundle trid
*.appxmanifest Windows 8 Appx Package Manifest (UTF-8) trid
Windows 8 Appx Package Manifest trid
*.apr application/vnd.lotus-approach tika
ESRI Arc/View Project 2.x pronom
Lotus Approach View File 97 pronom
ESRI Arc/View Project 3.x pronom
Apadana Project trid
Lotus Approach (generic) trid
Lotus Approach 9.5 trid
ArcView Project trid
*.aps AProSys module ffw
AProSys module trid
*.apt APT ffw
Lotus Approach View File pronom
Adaptive Prediction Tree (APT) encoded bitmap trid
Android PandaHome theme trid
*.apv API Viewer Database trid
*.apw APW ffw
Any Password data trid
*.apx ArcPad ffw
Ability Office PhotoPaint ffw
*.apxl Apple Keynote Presentation data trid
*.aq1 AptiQuiz quiz data trid
*.aqm AlpineQuest Map trid
*.ar application/x-archive tika
AIX Small indexed archive (AIX prior to v4.3) trid
ACCAreader document trid
Midtown Madness 2 car data trid
PR archiving tool archive trid
*.arc ARC (compression format) ffw
ARC (Internet Archive) ffw
ARC (database backup format) ffw
ARC (Commodore) ffw
ARC (FreeArc) ffw
ArcFS ffw
RARC (Nintendo) ffw
Internet Archive 1.0 pronom
Internet Archive 1.1 pronom
Acorn Spark Archive trid
FreeArc compressed archive trid
RARC compressed archive trid
EZBIND archive trid
Yaz0 compressed data trid
PAK/ARC Compressed archive trid
ARC_IA, Internet Archive ARC file format fdd
Arc githublinguist
*.arch00 F.E.A.R. game archive trid
*.are Infinity Engine area description (v1.0) trid
Infinity Engine Area (v9.1) trid
*.arf ARF (Axon Raw Format) ffw
Active Tutor data trid
Flexible Image Transport System bitmap trid
*.arff Attribute-Relation File Format ffw
*.argo ArgoUML project trid
*.arj ARJ ffw
application/x-arj tika
ARJ File Format pronom
ARJ compressed archive trid
*.ark ARC (compression format) ffw
QuArk compressed archive trid
*.arn CD Autorun Creator package trid
*.arp Audition Play Data trid
*.arpa DNS Zone githublinguist
*.arr ARR ffw
Amber ARR Bitmap Image ffw
*.ars Carmageddon Saved Game trid
*.arsc Android Package Resource trid
*.art ART (AOL compressed image) ffw
ART (PFS: First Publisher) ffw
ART (Android Runtime) ffw
Palette Master ffw
ART image format pronom
AOL ART (Johnson-Grace compressed) bitmap trid
Gerber artwork trid
Bernina Artista trid
ArtCam model (old version) trid
ArtCam model trid
*.artask Remedy User Tool shortcut trid
*.artborder ArtBorder data trid
*.arts ARTS ffw
*.arw Sony ARW ffw
Sony raw image tika
Sony RAW Image File pronom
Sony digital camera RAW image trid
*.arx ARX compressed archive trid
*.as Audio Sculpture ffw
ActionScript ffw
ActionScript source code tika
Applixware Spreadsheet pronom
Mac AppleSingle encoded trid
Applix spreadsheet trid
Audio Sculpture module trid
AngelScript githublinguist
ActionScript githublinguist
*.as2proj FlashDevelop ActionScript 2 Project trid
*.as3proj FlashDevelop ActionScript 3 Project trid
*.as4 Electronic Arts AS4 / ASF Music ffw
*.asax ASP githublinguist
*.asc Plain text ffw
ASCII Art ffw
ASC Sound Master module ffw
ASCII Encoded HP 48 Object ffw
PGP public key ffw
ESRI ArcInfo Grid ffw
application/pgp-signature tika
7-bit ASCII Text pronom
8-bit ASCII Text pronom
Cheetah subtitles trid
ANSI ISO 6429 ASCII file trid
LTSpice Circuit Schematic trid
ESRI ArcInfo ASCII Grid fdd
Public Key githublinguist
AsciiDoc githublinguist
AGS Script githublinguist
*.asciidoc Asciidoc source code tika
AsciiDoc githublinguist
*.ascx Microsoft ASP.NET Web User Control trid
Microsoft ASP.NET Web User Control (UTF) trid
ASP githublinguist
*.asd Ableton Live ffw
ASD Archiever compressed archive trid
Common Lisp githublinguist
*.ase Adobe Swatch Exchange ffw
Adobe Swatch Exchange File trid
3D Studio Max ASCII Export file trid
*.asef Adobe Swatch Exchange File trid
*.asf ASF ffw
Electronic Arts AS4 / ASF Music ffw
Acclaim ASF/AMC ffw
video/x-ms-asf tika
Electronic Arts Music pronom
StratGraphics Data File pronom
Advanced Systems Format pronom
Windows Media Audio pronom
Windows Media Video pronom
FIFA 2004 audio file trid
ASF (Advanced Systems Format) fdd
*.ash ASH compressed data trid
AGS Script githublinguist
*.ashprj Ashampoo Burning Studio project trid
*.ashx ASP githublinguist
*.asice Extended Associated Signature Container tika
*.asics Simple Associated Signature Container tika
*.asif Apple IIgs Sampled Instrument File trid
*.ask Ableton Live ffw
askSam database trid
*.asl Photoshop ffw
*.asm Assembly language ffw
Assembler source code tika
Solid Edge Assembly Document trid
freeCAD assembly trid
Assembly githublinguist
*.asmx ASP githublinguist
*.asn ASN.1 githublinguist
*.asn1 ASN.1 githublinguist
*.asnd audio/vnd.adobe.soundbooth tika
*.aso application/vnd.accpac.simply.aso tika
*.asp Active Server Page tika
Active Server Page pronom
ASP githublinguist
*.aspx ASP .NET tika
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Form (UTF) trid
Microsoft ASP.NET Web Form trid
ASP githublinguist
*.ass SubStation Alpha Subtitle trid
SubStation Alpha Subtitle (Unicode) trid
*.asset Unity3D Asset githublinguist
*.ast All Sound Tracker module ffw
Nintendo GameCube / Wii AST ffw
Actionamics Sound Tool ffw
Ability Spreadsheet ffw
'Need for Speed: Underground' soundtrack trid
All Sound Tracker module trid
AST Audio Stream trid
Actionamics Sound Tool module trid
*.asvf Asphyre Sphinx Archive File trid
*.aswcs avast! antivirus skin trid
*.asx video/x-ms-asf tika
Windows Media Metafile pronom
Advanced Stream Redirector trid
*.asy LTSpice Symbol trid
*.at3 ATRAC Advanced Lossless ffw
Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding ffw
*.ata Antenna project trid
*.atc application/vnd.acucorp tika
*.atf APL workspace ffw
Photoshop Transfer Function ffw
Photoshop Curve File pronom
Axon Text File format trid
*.ath Alienware AlienFX Theme trid
Athena document (v2.x) trid
Athena document (v1.x) trid
*.athtune athtune script trid
*.atk CMU Andrew Toolkit image ffw
*.atm Vue D'Esprit 4 Atmosphere Preset trid
TerraGen Light and Atmosphere trid
*.atn Photoshop Action File ffw
Photoshop Action trid
*.atom Atom ffw
application/atom+xml tika
Atom web feed trid
*.atomcat application/atomcat+xml tika
*.atomsvc application/atomsvc+xml tika
*.atp ATRAC encoded audio trid
*.atr ATR ffw
Atari ATR disk image trid
*.attr iPhoto image data trid
*.atx application/ tika
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.au AU ffw
uLaw/AU Audio File tika
NeXT/Sun sound pronom
NeXT/Sun uLaw/AUdio format trid
Audacity audio block trid
*.au3 AutoIt githublinguist
*.aud INRS-Telecom file ffw
*.auf Audacity Block File trid
*.aug Augeas githublinguist
*.aui ArcSoft UI trid
*.auk Awk githublinguist
*.aum Adobe Update Manager data trid
Adobe Update Manager data (UTF-8) trid
*.aup Audacity Project Format ffw
Audacity project trid
*.aur AutoREALM Map trid
*.aus AutoREALM Symbols trid
*.automaticdestinations-ms Windows 7 Jump List trid
*.autoplay AutoPlay Media Studio Project trid
*.aux TeX githublinguist
*.avastsounds Avast! Soundpack trid
*.avb Microsoft Chat Character trid
Avid Editor Bin trid
*.avc Kaspersky Anti-virus data base trid
*.avg Digital Terrain Elevation Data pronom
*.avi AVI ffw
Audio Video Interleave File tika
Audio/Video Interleaved Format pronom
AVI Audio Video Interleaved trid
AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) with Indeo Codec fdd
AVI OpenDML with Motion JPEG Video fdd
AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) with Cinepak Codec fdd
AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) with DivX Codec fdd
AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) File Format fdd
AVI OpenDML with DV Digital Video fdd
*.avj AntiVir Job trid
*.avp AntiVir Profile trid
Avira AntiVir Virus scanner Parameters trid
*.avr Audio Visual Research sound trid
*.avro Avro serialized data trid
*.avs AVS X image ffw
Winamp Advanced Visualization Studio File trid
*.avsc JSON githublinguist
*.avt AVATAR ffw
*.avw Analyze AVW ffw
*.aw application/applixware tika
Hewlett Packard AdvanceWrite Text File pronom
Microsoft Answer Wizard trid
PHP githublinguist
*.awa AnimationWorks Accelerated movie trid
*.awb Adaptive Multi-Rate WideBand Audio ffw
Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband Audio pronom
Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband ACELP codec trid
*.awd AWD (Artweaver) ffw
AWD (At Work Document) ffw
AWD (Away3D) ffw
Microsoft At Work Fax document trid
Artweaver Document trid
*.awk AWK ffw
AWK script tika
Awk githublinguist
*.awl AWL programming language (Var. 2) trid
AWL programming language (Var. 1) trid
*.awlive Active WebCam live capture trid
*.awm AllWebMenus project (v3.xx) trid
AllWebMenus project (v2.xx) trid
AllWebMenus project (v4.xx) trid
*.awp Ability Write ffw
*.aws Ability Spreadsheet ffw
StatGraphics Data File pronom
Ability Office Spreadsheet trid
*.awt AbiWord Document Template pronom
*.aww Ability Write ffw
*.ax DirectShow filter trid
*.axc Axc ffw
ALC ffw
ALD ffw
ALI ffw
ALT ffw
AOI ffw
ADD ffw
ADI ffw
*.axd AXD HTTP Handler File pronom
ASP githublinguist
*.axe AutoRoute Export file trid
*.axi NetLinx githublinguist
*.axi.erb NetLinx+ERB githublinguist
*.axml XML githublinguist
*.axr Elcomsoft Password Recovery config trid
*.axs AXS module trid
NetLinx githublinguist
*.axs.erb NetLinx+ERB githublinguist
*.axt ZenWorks snAPPshot ASCII Application Object Template trid
*.axx AxCrypt tika
AxCrypt encrypted trid
*.ay AY chiptune trid
*.aym Z80 music code with AY music trid
*.aza QazaR compressed file trid
*.azf application/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azf tika
AirZip FileSECURE format (print quality) trid
*.azs application/vnd.airzip.filesecure.azs tika
AirZip FileSECURE format (original only) trid
*.azw AZW ffw
application/ tika
Amazon Kindle eBook trid
*.azw1 Kindle Topaz eBook trid
*.azw3 AZW ffw
*.azx ZX Audio trid
*.azz AZZ Cardfile card trid
*.b B ffw
Img Software Set ffw
GTA: San Andreas save game (v2.00 PC) trid
GTA: San Andreas save game (v2.00 PC German) trid
GTA: San Andreas save game (v1.00 PC) trid
GTA: San Andreas save game (v2 PS2) trid
GTA: San Andreas save game (v1 PS2) trid
BundleFile trid
GTA: San Andreas save game (v1.01 PC mod) trid
GTA: San Andreas save game (v1.00 PC mod) trid
GTA: San Andreas save game (v1.01 PC) trid
Limbo githublinguist
Brainfuck githublinguist
*.b** BOA Constrictor Archiver compressed archive trid
*.b00 BOO ffw
*.b1 B1 compressed archive trid
*.b16 PCO B16 ffw
*.b1n Flymaster B1 Nav firmware trid
*.b2z B2Z dVS Model/Object trid
*.b3d BVE object formats ffw
BodyPaint 3D ffw
Blitz3d object trid
*.b4s B4S ffw
Winamp 3 Playlist trid
*.b5t BlindWrite TOC trid
*.b6t BlindWrite TOC trid
*.b6z B6Z ffw
*.b8 Cubicomp PictureMaker blue channel image data trid
*.ba Scifer ffw
*.bad Brutus Application Definition trid
*.badongo BaDonGo file info trid
*.bag Digital Evidence Bag ffw
Bag archive trid
AOL Instant Messenger buddy list trid
*.bak Temporary files ffw
Back Up File pronom
Microsoft SQL Server backup trid
*.bal Ballerina githublinguist
*.bam Infinity Engine Compressed Animation (v1) trid
Infinity Engine Animation (v1) trid
*.bar BAR (Age of Mythology) ffw
*.bas Tokenized BASIC ffw
GW-BASIC tokenized file ffw
MBASIC tokenized file ffw
Compucolor BASIC tokenized file ffw
Basic source code tika
Basic source code tika
Basic source code tika
BASIC File pronom
QuickBASIC Extended v7.1 Source trid
TRS-80 tokenized BASIC program trid
BAS VBDOS Pro 1.0 Source trid
HBasic source code trid
CHDK UBASIC script (with rem) trid
GW-BASIC source trid
Microsoft QuickBASIC 4.5 source module trid
CHDK UBASIC script trid
GW-BASIC protected source trid
Visual Basic githublinguist
*.bash UNIX/LINUX Shell Script tika
Shell githublinguist
*.basin HEC-HMS Basin model settings trid
*.bat Batch file ffw
Dosstart.bat ffw
Winstart.bat ffw
application/x-msdownload tika
Batch file (executable) pronom
Batchfile githublinguist
*.bats Shell githublinguist
*.bav The Bat! Antivirus plugin trid
*.baw BrainLED AlfaWave session trid
*.bay Casio raw image tika
*.bb BitBake githublinguist
BlitzBasic githublinguist
*.bbf ScriptBasic Binary File Format (64bit) trid
ScriptBasic Binary File Format (32bit) trid
*.bbm ILBM ffw
*.bbs Opus-CBCS ffw
Opus Embedded Commands ffw
*.bbsong Beepola song ffw
Beepola chiptune trid
*.bbx BrainBox neural net trid
TeX githublinguist
*.bc Photoshop Thumbnail Cache ffw
Big Crunch compressed file trid
LLVM Bytecode trid
LLVM Bytecode (compressed) trid
LLVM Bitcode trid
*.bca Jetico BCArchive encrypted archive trid
*.bcf Belltech Business Card Designer Pro trid
*.bcif BCIF ffw
*.bck TNC Packed Backup trid
BackupExpress Pro trid
*.bcp Warrior Kings game data trid
*.bcpio application/x-bcpio tika
*.bcs Yamaha Basic Style trid
BCS Video trid
Infinity Engine Compiled Script trid
*.bct Photoshop Thumbnail Cache ffw
Adobe Bridge cache trid
*.bd Benn Daglish chiptune trid
*.bdb Microsoft Works Database ffw
Microsoft Works Database pronom
*.bdc Babylon Dictionary trid
West Point Bridge Designer project trid
*.bdf BDF ffw
application/x-font-bdf tika
Quartus Block Design File trid
Bitmap Distribution Format - UNIX font trid
Brother Embroidery File trid
Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format githublinguist
*.bdic Google Chrome dictionary trid
*.bdl Nintendo GameCube/Wii 3D Model (ASCII) trid
Grid 2 Bundle trid
*.bdm BDMV ffw
application/ tika
*.bdmv BDMV ffw
*.bdr Microsoft Border art trid
*.bds Benn Daglish SID chiptune trid
*.bdsproj Borland Developer Studio Project trid
*.bdy PLSQL githublinguist
*.beam BEAM ffw
Compiled Erlang code trid
*.bed UCSC BED Annotation Track trid
*.bee The Bee Archiver compressed archive trid
*.bef BEF ffw
*.befunge Befunge githublinguist
*.bf Cryo Interactive gamedata trid
HyPhy githublinguist
Brainfuck githublinguist
*.bfa BigFix File Archive trid
Blowfish Advanced CS encrypted trid
*.bff Sense8 NFF ffw
AIX Backup File Format trid
*.bfli BFLI ffw
Big Flexible Line Interpretation (C64) bitmap trid
*.bfn Brother Embroidery System Font trid
*.bfx Bitware BitFax page(s) trid
*.bga OS/2 Bitmap Array ffw
OS/2 Bitmap Graphics Array trid
*.bgdb Global Virtual Accademy e-learning file trid
*.bgi Borland Graphics Interface ffw
BGI image ffw
Borland Graphics Interface driver (v3.x) trid
Borland Graphics Interface driver (v2.x) trid
*.bgl Babylon Glossary trid
*.bh BlakHole ffw
BlackHole compressed archive trid
*.bh2 application/ tika
*.bhf PCAnywhere32 Data trid
*.bhl BlockHashLoc ffw
*.bho Behold Organize data trid
*.bib BibTeX ffw
application/x-bibtex-text-file tika
BibTeX references trid
TeX githublinguist
*.bibtex BibTeX ffw
application/x-bibtex-text-file tika
BibTeX references trid
*.bidule Bidule layout trid
*.bie JBIG ffw
*.bif BIF (Image Alchemy) ffw
Infinity Engine compressed archive (v1.0) trid
Infinity Engine archive (v1) trid
TomTom Navigator info trid
TomTom Go info trid
TomTom info (generic) trid
*.big VIV ffw
SGA archive - Home World 2 game data trid
'Electronic Arts' Game Archive trid
*.bik Bink Video ffw
Bink Video Format 1 pronom
Bink Video trid
*.bik2 Bink Video ffw
Bink Video Format 2 pronom
*.bil Band Interleaved by Line (BIL) Image File fdd
*.bilw ESRI World File Format pronom
ESRI World File fdd
*.bin RAW (Audio) ffw
BIOS ffw
MacBinary ffw
CUE and BIN ffw
Printfox bitmap ffw
BIN (Binary Text) ffw
application/octet-stream tika
Binary File pronom
DESI-III drawing trid
Gemtek router firmware trid
Thomson Speedtouch serie WLAN router firmware trid
Cisco ASA firmware trid
GPS Tracklog (MTK Chipset) trid
Pebble application Binary trid
Sega Genesis / Megadrive / 32x ROM image trid
AVG update package trid
PrintFox (C64) bitmap trid
JetFighter 2015 savegame trid
Gemtek router firmware (variant) trid
*.binds Elite: Dangerous controls bindings trid
*.bio BioArk compressed archive trid
*.bip KeyShot 3D scene trid
Band Interleaved by Pixel (BIP) Image File fdd
*.bipw ESRI World File fdd
*.bison Bison githublinguist
*.bit Lotus Manuscript graphics ffw
Xilinx Bitstream trid
*.bix BIX Archiver compressed archive trid
*.biz PrintMaster Gold document trid
BIZ dVS Model/Object trid
*.bk FrameMaker ffw
*.bk2 Bink Video ffw
Bink Video Format 2 pronom
*.bkf Windows NTBackup archive trid
*.bkg Samsung document trid
*.bki IBM Softcopy Reader (Bookmanager) Bookshelf (and Book) index file trid
*.bkr ReplaceEm fileset trid
*.bks Microsoft Works Spreadsheet ffw
IBM Softcopy Reader (Bookmanager) book file trid
*.blade Blade githublinguist
*.blade.php Blade githublinguist
*.blb Blorb ffw
Glulx ffw
Blorb package trid
*.bld MegaPaint BLD ffw
3D Home Design Suite model trid
*.blend Blender 3D 32 bit pronom
Blender 3D 64 bit pronom
Blender 3D data trid
*.bli Thomson Speedtouch serie WLAN router firmware trid
BLINK compressed archive trid
*.blk AutoCAD Block Attribute Template pronom
Quilt block (v8) trid
*.blob Steam Registry trid
Cosmic Blobs model trid
*.blorb Blorb ffw
Glulx ffw
Blorb package trid
*.blp Blizzard Picture (type 2) trid
Blizzard Picture (type 1) trid
*.blt Saved AIM Buddy List trid
*.blu Apple Binary 2 Library Utility archive trid
*.blue EVE Online data (generic) trid
*.bluej BlueJ Package trid
*.blw ESRI World File Format pronom
ESRI World File fdd
*.blz BriefLZ compressed data trid
*.bm XBM ffw
VBM (VDC BitMap) ffw
YBM ffw
*.bma BMA Archiver compressed archive trid
*.bmd Nintendo GameCube/Wii 3D Model trid
*.bmf BMF v1.x bitmap trid
BMF v2.x bitmap trid
FloorPlan 3D project trid
ByteMap font format trid
Corel Binary Material Format trid
*.bmg Message string storage trid
*.bmh RIPscrip Icon ffw
*.bmi BMI (Zoner) ffw
application/vnd.bmi tika
*.bmm RIPscrip Icon ffw
Bleeper Music Maker music trid
*.bmml Balsamiq Mockups prototype trid
*.bmp BMP ffw
Alpha Microsystems BMP ffw
Windows DDB ffw
Award BIOS logo ffw
OS/2 Bitmap Array ffw
Windows bitmap tika
OS/2 Bitmap 2.0 pronom
Windows Bitmap 1.0 pronom
Windows Bitmap 2.0 pronom
Windows Bitmap 3.0 pronom
Windows Bitmap 3.0 NT pronom
Windows Bitmap 4.0 pronom
Windows Bitmap 5.0 pronom
AWBM Award BIOS bitmap trid
Windows Bitmap trid
Bitmap Image File (BMP), Version 5 fdd
*.bmpw ESRI World File fdd
*.bms QuickBMS script (with XML header) trid
QuickBMS script (with rem) trid
SilkRoad mesh trid
*.bmu Aurora Engine BioWare Music Unit (v1.0) trid
*.bmw Jeskola Buzz song ffw
Buzz song trid
*.bmx Jeskola Buzz song ffw
Buzz song trid
BlitzMax githublinguist
*.bnd DB2 Bind File trid
*.bndl Need For Speed Bundle trid
*.bnk AdLib instrument bank ffw
ExamView Question Bank trid
Adlib instruments/sound bank trid
*.bnr BannerMania banner trid
*.bny Binary II ffw
*.boa BOA Constrictor Archiver compressed archive trid
*.bob Bob ray tracer bitmap ffw
*.bom Bill Of Materials trid
*.bones JavaScript githublinguist
*.bonk Bonk ffw
Bonk compressed audio trid
*.boo Boo githublinguist
*.book FrameMaker ffw
application/vnd.framemaker tika
FrameMaker book trid
ICE Book Reader Book File trid
*.boot Clojure githublinguist
*.bootskin BootSkin theme trid
BootSkin Vista theme trid
*.bot Soldat Bot Information trid
*.box application/ tika
Lotus Notes File pronom
Microsoft Store download package trid
*.boz Bzip 2 UNIX Compressed File tika
*.bp Brian Postma SoundMon v1.x module ffw
BP SoundMon 2 module trid
*.bp2 AutoCAD Batch Plot File 1.0-R14 pronom
*.bp3 Brian Postma SoundMon v2.x & v3.x module ffw
AutoCAD Batch Plot File 2000-2005 pronom
BP SoundMon 3 module trid
*.bpd Business Plan data trid
Buero Plus NexT FlashFiler database file trid
*.bpg BPG ffw
Better Portable Graphics tika
Better Portable Graphics pronom
Better Portable Graphics bitmap trid
*.bpk application/octet-stream tika
*.bpl AutoCAD Batch Plot File 1.0-R14 pronom
Borland Package Library trid
*.bpm B's Pro Tracker module ffw
BizAgi Process Modeler tika
Bizagi Process Modeler document trid
*.bpr C++ Builder XML Project trid
SGP Baltie Program trid
*.bps B's Pro Tracker module ffw
Microsoft Works Word Processor ffw
Microsoft Works Document pronom
*.bpw ESRI World File Format pronom
ESRI World File fdd
*.bpx Lumena PIX/BPX ffw
Truevision TGA Bitmap 1.0 pronom
*.bqw ESRI World File fdd
*.bqy Binary II ffw
BrioQuery trid
*.br Brotli ffw
*.br6 Bryce 6 Scene trid
*.brc BlueCielo Meridian BriefCase - File Archive Library (v1.00) trid
*.brd EAGLE PCB (circuit board) drawing trid
KiCad pcbnew PCB layout trid
Eagle PCB drawing (XML) trid
Eagle githublinguist
KiCad Legacy Layout githublinguist
*.breff Wii Effect controls trid
*.breft Wii Effects Textures trid
*.brf BRF ffw
*.brik BRIK/HEAD ffw
*.brk Protein Data Bank ffw
*.brn Gabriel Knight 3 barn game data trid
*.bro Bro githublinguist
*.brres Mario Kart Wii BRRES model data trid
*.brs Brightscript githublinguist
*.brsar Wii BRSAR audio package trid
*.brstm Nintendo GameCube / Wii BRSTM ffw
BRST Audio Stream trid
*.brt BeRoTracker module trid
*.bru BRU ffw
*.brush Xerox Doodle brush ffw
*.bs Printfox bitmap ffw
Infinity Engine compiled character Script trid
PrintFox (C64) bitmap trid
*.bs4 Mikogo session video recording trid
*.bsb BSB ffw
MapInfo Sea Chart trid
*.bsb.txt BSB ffw
*.bsc BinSCII encoded file trid
*.bsdiff BSDIFF 4.0 pronom
bsdiff patch trid
*.bsdl Boundary Scan Description Language trid
Boundary Scan Description Language (with rem) trid
*.bsi Future Composer (BSI) module ffw
Future Composer (BSI) module trid
*.bsl 1C Enterprise githublinguist
*.bsn BSA Packing program compressed archive trid
*.bson BSON ffw
*.bsp BSP ffw
Quake2 map trid
Quake Map trid
Valve Source map trid
*.bsq Band Sequential (BSQ) Image File fdd
*.bsqw ESRI World File fdd
*.bss Beathoven Synthesiser ffw
Beathoven Synthesizer module trid
*.bsv BSAVE Image ffw
Bluespec githublinguist
*.bsz BSplayer Skin trid
*.bt Binary Terrain ffw
VTBuilder - Binary Terrain (generic) trid
BluffTitler Show trid
VTBuilder - Binary Terrain v1.x trid
*.btab ASCII tab ffw
*.btapp uTorrent Application trid
*.btd Power To-Do List Data trid
*.btf BigTIFF fdd
*.btg Binary TerraGear - FlightGear scenary data trid
*.btif image/prs.btif tika
*.btm Batch file ffw
*.btpc BTPC encoded bitmap trid
*.btr Btrieve Database 5.1 pronom
Microsoft Front Page Binary Tree Index pronom
FrontPage Binary-tree index trid
*.btw ESRI World File Format pronom
BarTender label format trid
ESRI World File fdd
*.btx DB/TextWorks Database Term and Word Index trid
*.builder Ruby githublinguist
*.builds XML githublinguist
*.bum Poser Bump Map ffw
*.bundle Bundle file (Linux) ffw
Bundle file (OS X) ffw
Mach-O ffw
*.bup DVD data file and backup data file pronom
*.buz Buzzic v1.x ffw
Buzzic 1.x module trid
*.buz2 Buzzic 2 module trid
*.bvd BvD fileset trid
*.bvh Motion Capture File trid
*.bw SGI (image file format) ffw
Silicon Graphics Image pronom
Silicon Graphics B/W bitmap trid
*.bwe Black and White 2 Environment data trid
*.bwf Broadcast Wave File audio trid
*.bwg BrainWave Generator trid
*.bws Photo Enote (Enot) external photo viewer settings trid
*.bww Bagpipe notation trid
*.bxb BasicX compiled bytecode trid
*.bxl Accelerated Designs PCB Library trid
*.bxu PictureGear Studio file trid
*.bxy NuFX ffw
NuFile Exchange Archival Library pronom
NuFX archive (with Binary II header) trid
*.bz Bzip ffw
application/x-bzip tika
BZIP Compressed Archive pronom
*.bz2 Bzip2 ffw
Complete Genomics ffw
Bzip 2 UNIX Compressed File tika
BZIP2 Compressed Archive pronom
bzip2 compressed archive trid
*.bza BZA compressed archive trid
*.bzip2 bzip2 compressed archive trid
*.bzl Python githublinguist
*.c C ffw
DCS ffw
C++ source code tika
C source code tika
C githublinguist
*.c++ C++ ffw
C++ source code tika
C++ githublinguist
*.c++-objdump Cpp-ObjDump githublinguist
*.c++objdump Cpp-ObjDump githublinguist
*.c-objdump C-ObjDump githublinguist
*.c10 Virtual MC-10 tape image trid
*.c16 DVI ffw
*.c3 3D model trid
*.c32 Syslinux COM32 module trid
*.c3d Coordinate 3D (subset of ADTech File Format) file (more generic) trid
Chem3D Format trid
Coordinate 3D (subset of ADTech File Format) file (common) trid
*.c3xml Chem3D XML format trid
*.c4 JEDMICS C4 ffw
CALS raster ffw
*.c4* Clonk game data trid
*.c4d application/vnd.clonk.c4group tika
Cinema 4D 4.x pronom
Cinema 4D 5.x pronom
Maxon Cinema 4D v4.x object trid
CINEMA 4D model (generic) trid
*.c4f application/vnd.clonk.c4group tika
*.c4g application/vnd.clonk.c4group tika
*.c4p application/vnd.clonk.c4group tika
*.c4u application/vnd.clonk.c4group tika
*.c64 PC64/DOS Saved Session image/dump trid
*.ca1 Crack Art ffw
*.ca2 Crack Art ffw
*.ca3 Crack Art ffw
*.cab Cabinet ffw
InstallShield CAB ffw
application/ tika
Windows Cabinet File pronom
InstallShield compressed Archive trid
Microsoft Cabinet Archive trid
*.cabal Cabal ffw
*.cache Magick Persistent Cache ffw
*.cad CadStd drawing trid
Drafix Windows CAD drawing trid
GenCAD layout trid
QuickCAD Drawing trid
EXTRACAD drawing trid
*.caf Codisk Audio File ffw
Core Audio Format ffw
Apple Core Audio Format 1.0 pronom
Cathy catalog trid
Cal3D Animation File trid
Core Audio File trid
*.cag Capella gallery data file trid
*.cai SeeYou flight data trid
*.caj CAJ database trid
*.cak Sega FILM/CPK video trid
*.cake CoffeeScript githublinguist
C# githublinguist
*.cal CALS raster ffw
CALS Compressed Bitmap pronom
SuperCalc Spreadsheet 4 pronom
SuperCalc Spreadsheet 5 pronom
SuperCalc Spreadsheet 1 pronom
CALS raster bitmap trid
SuperCalc worksheet trid
Windows Calendar trid
QV Map Calibration data trid
*.calc EasyCalc 2.0 sheet trid
*.cals CALS raster bitmap trid
*.cam Casio QV digital CAMera bitmap trid
*.camproj Camtasia Studio Project trid
Camtasia Studio Project (UTF) trid
*.camrec Camtasia Studio Screen Recording trid
*.cap BSB ffw
TCPDump pcap packet capture tika
Microsoft Network Monitor Packet Capture 1 pronom
Microsoft Network Monitor Packet Capture 2 pronom
pcap Packet Capture pronom
Microsoft NetMon v1.x traffic capture trid
Snoop capture file trid
Generic network capture file (XCP style) trid
Capella sheet data file trid
Microsoft NetMon v2.x traffic capture trid
*.capnp Cap'n Proto githublinguist
*.caproj Construct 2 Project trid
*.capx CapXML ffw
Construct compressed game project trid
Capella CapXML music notation trid
*.car application/ tika
NASCAR Racing Car description trid
CAR compressed archive trid
SAPCAR CAR archive trid
Carrara Environment trid
Carnivores /2 /Ice Age animal and object graphics and behavior file trid
Biosym archive trid
Cellsprings CA Rule trid
*.cas CAS (Atari) ffw
Fluent case trid
MSX cassette tape image trid
*.cat Security Catalog ffw
application/ tika
Acrobat Catalog Cat File pronom
Microsoft Security Catalog (DER encoded) trid
Microsoft Security Catalog trid
Elcomsoft ADC Advanced Disc Catalog trid
*.catalog Amiga Catalog translation format trid
*.catdrawing CATIA Drawing (v5 r17) trid
CATIA Drawing (v5 r10) trid
CATIA Drawing (v5 r11) trid
CATIA Drawing (v5 r16) trid
CATIA Drawing (v5 r15) trid
CATIA Drawing (v5 r14) trid
CATIA Drawing (v5 r19) trid
CATIA Drawing (generic) trid
CATIA Drawing (v5 r18) trid
*.catmaterial CATIA 5 pronom
*.catpart CATIA Model (Part Description) 5 pronom
CATIA Part Description trid
*.catproduct CATIA Product Description 5 pronom
CATIA V5 data (generic) trid
*.cats C githublinguist
*.caz CAZIP compressed file trid
CAZIPXP compressed archive trid
*.cb7 Comic Book Archive ffw
*.cba Comic Book Archive ffw
Chuck Biscuits/Black Artist module trid
*.cbcx Comic Book Creator document (Unicode) trid
Comic Book Creator document trid
*.cbd MapBrowser/MapWriter Vector Map Data pronom
MapBrowser - MapWriter vector map data trid
*.cbds Comic Book DS trid
*.cbf Infinity Engine archive (v1.0) trid
RKS Software Clandar Builder saved calendar trid
CoffeeCup Button Factory button trid
*.cbi CBI document trid
*.cbin CACTVS (binary format) trid
*.cbl COBOL source code tika
COBOL source code tika
COBOL source code tika
COBOL githublinguist
*.cbm FBM image ffw
*.cboard Final Cut Pro X Color Board preset trid
*.cbor Concise Binary Object Representation container tika
*.cbp Code::Blocks Project trid
*.cbr Comic Book Archive ffw
*.cbs RKS Software Clandar Builder Style Sheet trid
Codebreaker save trid
*.cbt Comic Book Archive ffw
*.cbv ChessBase Archive file trid
*.cbx TeX githublinguist
*.cbxml CodeBox snippet library trid
*.cbz Comic Book Archive ffw
*.cc C++ ffw
C++ source code tika
Kodak Color Control profile trid
C++ githublinguist
*.cc3d CompuCell3D project trid
*.cca Multimedia Fusion - Click'n'Create file trid
cc:Mail Archive Email Format fdd
*.ccd Elaborate Bytes/SlySoft CloneCD CDImage (description) trid
*.cce Calendar Creator Plus Data File pronom
*.ccf Component Configuration File (generic) trid
Wii Virtual Console CCF archive trid
*.cch Corel Chart pronom
*.ccm Creative Commons Module ffw
*.ccp COBOL githublinguist
*.ccproj XML githublinguist
*.ccrf Calcomp raster bitmap trid
Saba Centra Recording Studio recording trid
*.ccs CableNut Custom Settings trid
*.cct Shockwave Movie tika
Macromedia Director Shockwave Cast trid
*.ccx CorelDRAW ffw
*.ccxml application/ccxml+xml tika
XML githublinguist
*.cd Class Diagram (Unicode) trid
Class Diagram (UTF-8) trid
*.cd5 CD5 ffw
Chasys Draw image file pronom
*.cda CD Audio pronom
CD Audio track shortcut trid
*.cdb Mactive AdBase data trid
Pocket Access database trid
Sangduck database trid
*.cdbcmsg application/ tika
*.cdcom Circuit Diagram Component (compiled) trid
*.cdd Claris Draw document trid
Cadifra Diagram trid
ConceptDraw document trid
*.cdds Midtown Madness 3 data trid
*.cddx Circuit Diagram Document trid
*.cdf Common Data Format ffw
Computable Document Format ffw
application/x-netcdf tika
netCDF-3 Classic pronom
netCDF-3 64-bit pronom
Affymetrix Chip Definition File (Text) trid
Channel Definition Format trid
Computable Document Format trid
CDF, Common Data Format (multidimensional datasets) fdd
Mathematica githublinguist
*.cdf-ms ClickOnce Compiled Manifest trid
*.cdk Calamus ffw
*.cdkey application/vnd.mediastation.cdkey tika
*.cdl CD Label Pro project trid
NetCDF (network Common Data Form) trid
*.cdm PowerDesigner Conceptual Model trid
NTI CD Maker image file trid
*.cdo Crescendo Music Notation score trid
*.cdpz ConceptDraw Project document (Zipped) trid
*.cdr ISO image ffw
CorelDRAW ffw
CorelDraw Drawing 6.0 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing 7.0 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing 8.0 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing 9.0 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing 10.0 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing 11.0 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing 3.0 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing 12.0 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing X3 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing X4 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing X5 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing 5.0 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing 4.0 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing 2.0 pronom
CorelDraw Drawing 1.0 pronom
CorelDraw Document trid
CorelDRAW drawing (zipped) trid
Elite Plus Commander file / saved game trid
*.cdrzip DICOM Images zipped archive trid
*.cdt CorelDRAW ffw
CorelDraw Template pronom
*.cdw CeledyDraw drawing trid
KOMPAS Drawing trid
*.cdx CorelDRAW ffw
The Master Genealogist ffw
CDX ffw
chemical/x-cdx tika
CorelDraw Compressed Drawing pronom
FoxPro Compound Index File pronom
Chemical Draw Exchange Format pronom
CDX Internet Archive Index pronom
Compound index MS Visual FoxPro 7 trid
ChemDraw model trid
Sybase iAnywhere index files trid
*.cdxml application/vnd.chemdraw+xml tika
ChemDraw XML trid
*.cdy application/vnd.cinderella tika
*.cdz pSX compressed CD image trid
*.ce1 ComputerEyes Raw Data Format low-res bitmap trid
*.ce2 ComputerEyes Raw Data Format hi-res bitmap trid
*.ceb Apabi eBook trid
*.ced EEGLAB Channel Data trid
*.cef Cereal Encrypted File trid
*.ceg Continuous Edge Graphic bitmap trid
*.cel FLIC ffw
KiSS CEL ffw
TDDD ffw
Lumena CEL ffw
Autodesk Animator CEL File Format pronom
Affymetrix Probe Results (Text) trid
Lumena CEL bitmap trid
Autodesk FLIC Image File (extensions: flc, fli, cel) trid
Celestia script trid
Affymetrix Probe Results (Bin) trid
*.cer PEM encoded certificate ffw
DER encoded certificate ffw
application/pkix-cert tika
Internet Security Certificate trid
MSI/Accelrys Cerius II trid
*.ceylon Ceylon githublinguist
*.cf CFEngine ffw
*.cf1 Common Loudspeaker Format binary (v1, Type 1) trid
*.cf2 Common Loudspeaker Format binary (v1, Type 2) trid
*.cfc ColdFusion ffw
ColdFusion source code tika
ColdFusion CFC githublinguist
*.cfdg Context Free design grammar trid
*.cff Boom Tracker v4.0 module ffw
BoomTracker 4.0 module trid
Compact Font Format trid
*.cfg INI ffw
ZPAQ ffw
text/plain tika
MS Flight Simulator aircraft configuration file trid
Polycom SoundPoint IP configuration trid
Linksys NVRAM configuration dump trid
ShowMiiWads configuration trid
HxC Floppy Emulator configuration trid
INI githublinguist
*.cfl Compressed File Library 3 compressed data trid
*.cfm ColdFusion ffw
ColdFusion source code tika
ColdFusion Template trid
ColdFusion githublinguist
*.cfml ColdFusion source code tika
ColdFusion Markup Language trid
ColdFusion githublinguist
*.cfn Calamus Font ffw
Calamus Font Data trid
*.cfs Compact File Set ffw
*.cft CFAST Disney Animation Studio ffw
ChiWriter low resolution screen font. trid
*.cgf EGrid32 Compilable Grid Format (ready to be compiled) trid
EGrid32 Compilable Grid Format (ready to be modified) trid
*.cgi Perl ffw
Common Gateway Interface ffw
CGI script tika
Python githublinguist
Shell githublinguist
Perl githublinguist
*.cginc HLSL githublinguist
*.cgm CGM ffw
Computer Graphics Metafile tika
Computer Graphics Metafile ASCII 1 pronom
Computer Graphics Metafile ASCII 3 pronom
Computer Graphics Metafile ASCII 4 pronom
Computer Graphics Metafile (Binary) 1 pronom
Computer Graphics Metafile (Binary) 2 pronom
Computer Graphics Metafile (Binary) 3 pronom
Computer Graphics Metafile (Binary) 4 pronom
Computer Graphics Metafile trid
Computer Graphics Metafile (Clear Text) trid
*.cgp NetCaptor's CaptorGroup trid
DVDFab Change Graphic Picture trid
*.cgr Quest3D data trid
*.cgt GOLD Parser Tables trid
*.cgx BSAVE Image ffw
*.ch Scitex CT ffw
CWEB ffw
Ch file format trid
Ch file format (encrypted) trid
Charity githublinguist
xBase githublinguist
*.ch3 Harvard Graphics ffw
Harvard Graphics Chart 3.0 pronom
Harvard Graphics Chart(v3.0) trid
*.chan Channel Players ffw
*.chat application/x-chat tika
*.chd MAME Compressed Hard Disk image trid
*.chem Pic githublinguist
*.chesstitanssave-ms Microsoft Chess Titans Saved game trid
*.chi ChiWriter ffw
ChiWriter Document 3 pronom
ChiWriter Document 4 pronom
Windows HELP Index trid
ChiWriter document (v4.x) trid
Chip Tracker module trid
ChiWriter document (v3.x or older) trid
*.chk 3D Movie Maker (generic) trid
PolySpace check results trid
*.chl Black and White 2 game data script trid
Chile compressed file trid
*.chm CHM ffw
application/ tika
Microsoft Compiled HTML Help pronom
Windows HELP File trid
*.chn Turbo Pascal chain file ffw
ApBasic Chain file/module trid
*.chp CHP! - CH compressor for Picture! compressed bitmap trid
Ventura Publisher Chapter trid
*.chpl Chapel githublinguist
*.chr CHR (Borland font) ffw
3DS Max pronom
BGI (Borland Graphics Interface) font trid
SRI PeakSimple chromatogram trid
Infinity Engine Character (v2.x) trid
Infinity Engine exported player character (v1.0) trid
*.chr0 Wii Model Animation trid
*.chrt KChart File tika
*.chs C2hs Haskell githublinguist
*.cht Harvard Graphics ffw
Harvard Graphics Vector Graphics 2.0 pronom
SPSS template trid
*.chu Infinity Engine user interface description (V1) trid
*.chw Microsoft Compiled HTML Help pronom
*.chx CHX font format trid
*.chz ChArc compressed archive trid
*.ci CyberTracker instrument ffw
Ć ffw
*.cif CIF ffw
chemical/x-cif tika
Crystallographic Information Framework pronom
ATCO-CIF pronom
CleWin CIF layout trid
BoomTracker 4.0 instrument trid
Crystallographic Information File trid
*.cii application/vnd.anser-web-certificate-issue-initiation tika
*.cil application/ tika
Clip Gallery Download Package trid
*.cin Cineon ffw
OS/2 Change Control File pronom
Calculux Indoor project trid
Cinemaware music trid
Id Software Quake II Cinematic video trid
Kodak Cineon bitmap trid
*.cinema4d Cinema 4D project trid
*.cip Cisco IP Phone image ffw
*.circuit KTechlab circuit design trid
*.cirru Cirru githublinguist
*.ciso CISO Compressed ISO CD image trid
*.cit Intergraph Raster ffw
*.civ5map Civilization 5 Map trid
*.civ5save Civilization V saved game trid
*.cjsx CoffeeScript githublinguist
*.ck ChucK ffw
ChucK githublinguist
*.ckbx Cricket Audio XML Bank Description trid
*.ckd KeyCreator Design file trid
Cadkey Design file trid
*.ckf Casio Keyboard File trid
*.ckt CircuitMaker schematic trid
*.cl Common Lisp source code tika
OpenCL githublinguist
Cool githublinguist
Common Lisp githublinguist
*.cl2 Clojure githublinguist
*.cl2arc Comic Life 2 Archive trid
*.cl4 Easy CD Creator 4 Layout trid
*.cl5 Easy CD Creator 5 Layout trid
*.cla application/vnd.claymore tika
CLASS336 Markup Language trid
*.class Java ffw
Java bytecode ffw
Java Class File tika
Java Compiled Object Code pronom
Java bytecode trid
*.classpath text/plain tika
*.clb COM+ catalog file trid
*.clbx MP3 Automagic CD Cover Creator label trid
*.clf ListPro data trid
*.clg Collage Maker document trid
*.click Click githublinguist
*.clixml XML githublinguist
*.clj Clojure ffw
Clojure source code tika
Clojure githublinguist
*.cljc Clojure githublinguist
*.cljs Clojure githublinguist
*.cljs.hl Clojure githublinguist
*.cljscm Clojure githublinguist
*.cljx Clojure githublinguist
*.clk Corel R.A.V.E. 1 pronom
Corel R.A.V.E. 2 pronom
Corel R.A.V.E. 3 pronom
Corel R.A.V.E. Animation trid
WatchGuard cloaked file trid
ClickFORMS data trid
*.clkk application/vnd.crick.clicker.keyboard tika
*.clkp application/vnd.crick.clicker.palette tika
*.clkt application/vnd.crick.clicker.template tika
*.clkw application/vnd.crick.clicker.wordbank tika
*.clkx application/vnd.crick.clicker tika
Crick Software Clicker File trid
*.clmov Clan Lord movie - Visiostone trid
*.clo Cloé picture ffw
SPSS Chart Look trid
*.cloe Cloé picture ffw
*.clp PCPaint PIC ffw
PCPaint CLP ffw
Blu-ray Clip info ffw
Windows clipboard ffw
application/x-msclip tika
DeskMate clipart trid
PCPAINT/Pictor bitmap trid
CLIPS githublinguist
*.clpi Blu-ray Clip info ffw
Blu-ray Clip AV stream trid
*.clr Macromedia Flash Color Table File trid
*.clr0 Wii Color Swapping Animation trid
*.cls Visual basic source code tika
Visual basic source code tika
Visual basic source code tika
Visual Basic class definition trid
Visual Basic githublinguist
Apex githublinguist
TeX githublinguist
OpenEdge ABL githublinguist
*.clw Clarion githublinguist
*.cm Puzzle image (X11) ffw
*.cm3 CM3 ffw
*.cma OCaml library trid
*.cmake CMake ffw
CMake githublinguist
* CMake githublinguist
*.cmb Reason Combinator Instrument Patch trid
*.cmbl Vernier Logger Pro data trid
*.cmc CMC ffw
application/vnd.cosmocaller tika
Comic Collector Collection data trid
*.cmd Batch file ffw
Scala (music software) ffw
text/plain tika
Batchfile githublinguist
*.cmd5 CrystalMaker Data format (v5-6) trid
CrystalMaker Data format (generic) trid
*.cmdf chemical/x-cmdf tika
CrystalMaker Data format (generic) trid
CrystalMaker Data format (v2-4) trid
*.cmf Creative Music Format ffw
Sangduck Map trid
Creative Music File trid
Cal3D Mesh File trid
*.cmg Cramfs ROM filesystem package trid
Chessmaster saved game (generic) trid
Chessmaster saved game (10th ed.) trid
*.cmi DVI ffw
*.cml CML ffw
ChordML ffw
chemical/x-cml tika
Chemical Markup Language pronom
Chemical Markup Language XML document trid
Chemical Markup Language trid
*.cmmf CrystalMaker Data format (generic) trid
*.cmml Continuous Media Markup Language trid
*.cmod Celestia 3D model (ASCII) trid
Celestia 3D model (binary) trid
*.cmp application/vnd.yellowriver-custom-menu tika
THEOS compressed archive trid
AUKTOOLS 2000 compressed archive trid
KiCad footprint information trid
*.cmproj Channel Master Project trid
*.cmq DVI ffw
*.cmr CMR ffw
*.cms CMS (Creative Music System) ffw
CMS ffw
*.cmu CMU Andrew Toolkit image ffw
CMU Window Manager bitmap ffw
CMU Window Manager bitmap trid
CMU format - Andrew Toolkit trid
*.cmv Corel Movie animation trid
*.cmx CorelDRAW ffw
image/x-cmx tika
Corel Presentation Exchange File 5.0 pronom
Corel Presentation Exchange File 6 and Later pronom
Corel Metafile Exchange Image trid
*.cmy DVI ffw
*.cnc3replay Command and Conquer 3 replay trid
*.cndf Compressed Channel Data File trid
*.cnf PlayStation 2 system configuration trid
*.cnt Help File Contents trid
*.cnv Canvas (Atari) ffw
DB2 Conversion File trid
*.co Cult3D object trid
*.cob COBOL source code tika
COBOL source code tika
COBOL source code tika
Caligari trueSpace File Format ASCII pronom
Caligari trueSpace File Format Binary pronom
Caligari TrueSpace Object trid
COBOL githublinguist
*.cobol COBOL githublinguist
*.cod Lightning Strike ffw
application/vnd.rim.cod tika
Blackberry Binary Executable trid
Forte Agent Charmap trid
*.coffee CoffeeScript ffw
CoffeeScript source code tika
CoffeeScript githublinguist
*.col Technicolor Dream ffw
IFF Color Map - Palette trid
Grand Theft Auto 3 collision data trid
HTML Help Collection trid
*.com DOS executable (.com) ffw
application/x-msdownload tika
Borland Turbo Pascal 3.0x DOS Command trid
EICAR antivirus test file trid
Shrink packed DOS Command trid
16bit DOS command MoonRock+Arrowsoft Asm. trid
Six-2-Four (624) packed DOS Command trid
LGLZ compressed DOS command trid
ASIC compiled DOS COM trid
ICE compressed/scrambled DOS Command trid
DIGITAL Command Language githublinguist
*.comfycakessave-ms Comfy Cakes saved game trid
*.comicdoc Comic Life Document trid
*.comiclife Comic Life Document trid
*.command Shell githublinguist
CompanyLogoDesigner project file trid
*.compositefont Windows Composite Font trid
*.conf INI ffw
text/plain tika
psitree router configuration trid
fswebcam configuration trid
*.config text/plain tika
*.conll CoNLL-U githublinguist
*.conllu CoNLL-U githublinguist
*.contact Windows Contact trid
*.control HEC-HMS Control specifications data trid
*.coq Coq githublinguist
*.core Core Design module trid
*.cot Intergraph Raster ffw
*.cp Component Pascal githublinguist
C++ githublinguist
*.cpc Cartesian Perceptual Compression ffw
Cartesian Perceptual Compression image format pronom
Cartesian Perceptual Compression image trid
CPC, Cartesian Perceptual Compression fdd
*.cpck Professor Layton game data package trid
*.cpe Windows FAX cover trid
*.cpf Canon EOS C300 Custom Picture Profile ffw
*.cpg Manga Studio ffw
Cool Page Project trid
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.cph Corel PrintHouse image trid
Arc Digitized Raster Graphic (ADRG) fdd
*.cpi Cartesian Perceptual Compression ffw
Blu-ray Clip info ffw
CPI ffw
Cartesian Perceptual Compression image format pronom
Sietronics CPI XRD format trid
International Code Page file trid
AVCHD Clip Information trid
Cartesian Perceptual Compression image trid
CPC, Cartesian Perceptual Compression fdd
*.cpio Cpio ffw
Afio ffw
UNIX CPIO Archive tika
CPIO pronom
CPIO ASCII archive trid
*.cpj WinOnCD Project trid
*.cpk Sega FILM/CPK video trid
*.cpl New Executable ffw
Portable Executable ffw
Corel Color Palette trid
Win 9x/ME Control Panel applet trid
*.cpp Buzzic v1.x ffw
C++ ffw
C++ source code tika
C++ source code tika
C++ githublinguist
*.cpp-objdump Cpp-ObjDump githublinguist
*.cppobjdump Cpp-ObjDump githublinguist
*.cpr CUBASE ffw
Cubase Project trid
CPC Plus Cartridge image trid
*.cproject XML githublinguist
*.cps The Powder Toy Compressed Powder Save trid
Corel PhotoHouse image trid
Component Pascal githublinguist
*.cpt Compact Pro ffw
Corel Photo-Paint image ffw
Canvas (Atari) ffw
application/mac-compactpro tika
Corel Photo-Paint Image pronom
Corel Photo Paint trid
Mac Compactor (Pro) Archive trid
DTS Compact audio trid
*.cpv Polytron VCS logfile trid
*.cpx ImgStar ffw
Corel CMX Compressed pronom
Windows codepage translator trid
*.cpy COBOL githublinguist
*.cql Cypher Query Language pronom
SQL githublinguist
*.cr Crystal ffw
Crystal githublinguist
*.cr2 Canon RAW 2 ffw
Canon raw image tika
Canon RAW 2.0 pronom
Poser character rigging trid
RAW File from Canon digital camera trid
Camera Raw Formats (Group Description) fdd
*.craft Kerbal Space Program (KSP) spacecraft trid
*.cram CRAM File Format 1.x pronom
CRAM File Format 2.x pronom
CRAM File Format 3.x pronom
*.crash Mac OS X crash log trid
*.crb Enter a useful file type description trid
*.crc Total Commander CRC file trid
*.crd Cardfile ffw
application/x-mscardfile tika
Microsoft Windows 3.x Cardfile database trid
*.cre Infinity Engine Creature (generic) trid
Infinity Engine creature (v1.0) trid
Infinity Engine creature (v1.2) trid
*.creole Creole githublinguist
*.crf Cal3D material File trid
Calcomp raster bitmap trid
*.crg Calamus Raster Graphic ffw
*.crl Certificate Revocation List ffw
application/pkix-crl tika
*.crp Cities Skylines CRP ffw
*.crs StepMania Course trid
*.crt Opus-CBCS ffw
PEM encoded certificate ffw
DER encoded certificate ffw
application/x-x509-ca-cert tika
CRT C64 Cartridge Image Format pronom
C64 Cartridge image trid
X.509v3 security certificate trid
Security Certificate trid
*.cru Crush compressed archive trid
*.crv Photoshop Curve ffw
Corel PhotoPaint Tone Curve trid
vCarve Pro design trid
*.crw CHDK raw ffw
Camera Image File Format ffw
Canon raw image tika
Canon RAW 1.0 pronom
RAW File from Canon digital camera trid
Camera Raw Formats (Group Description) fdd
*.crx Chrome Extension Package tika
Google Chrome Extension trid
*.crypt Cryptx encrypted data trid
WhatsApp stored messages trid
*.crypt7 WhatsApp encrypted database trid
*.cryptomite CryptoMite encrypted trid
CryptoMite encrypted archive trid
*.crysisjmsf Crysis saved game trid
*.crysispsf Crysis Warhead saved game trid
*.cs C Sharp ffw
C# source code tika
ColorSchemer Studio Color Scheme trid
C# githublinguist
Smalltalk githublinguist
*.csaplan SPSS Analysis Plan trid
*.cscfg XML githublinguist
*.csd Csound ffw
Singer embroidery design trid
Csound Data trid
Csound Document githublinguist
*.csdef XML githublinguist
*.csf PCRaster Map ffw
GeoMedia Coordinate System File trid
Cal3D Skeleton File trid
Content Sealed Format trid
Quartus Compiler Setting File trid
PCRaster map trid
*.csh Photoshop ffw
C shell script ffw
application/x-csh tika
Adobe Photoshop Custom Shape trid
Tcsh githublinguist
*.cshtml C# githublinguist
*.csl Citation Style Language ffw
Citation Style Language trid
XML githublinguist
*.csm Motion Capture File Format trid
CASL compiled PalmPilot program trid
*.csml chemical/x-csml tika
*.cso High Level Shading Language ffw
DirectX Compiled Shader Object trid
CISO Compressed ISO CD image trid
*.cson CoffeeScript-Object-Notation ffw
CSON githublinguist
*.csp application/vnd.commonspace tika
AudioZip encoded audio trid
CASLwin executable trid
*.csplan SPSS Sampling Plan trid
*.csproj Visual Studio C# Project trid
XML githublinguist
*.csr Certificate Signing Request ffw
PKCS10 ffw
*.css Cascading Style Sheets ffw
Statistica ffw
Cascading Style Sheet tika
Cascading Style Sheet pronom
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) File Format fdd
CSS githublinguist
*.cst Manga Studio ffw
Shockwave Movie tika
*.csv CSV ffw
BVE object formats ffw
BVE route formats ffw
text/csv tika
Comma Separated Values pronom
Weather Analytics data trid
CSV, Comma Separated Values (RFC 4180) fdd
CSV githublinguist
*.csvs CSV Schema ffw
CSV Schema pronom
*.csw Compressed Square Wave trid
*.csx C# githublinguist
*.ct CyberTracker module ffw
Scitex CT ffw
IRIS CMYK Front End Processor CT ffw
Scitex Continuous Tone Bitmap pronom
CheatEngine cheat table trid
CyberTracker 64 chiptune trid
XML githublinguist
*.ct1 CALS raster ffw
*.ct2 CALS raster ffw
*.ct3 CALS raster ffw
NIFF (Navy Image File Format) ffw
*.ct4 JEDMICS C4 ffw
CALS raster ffw
*.ctb AutoCAD Colour-Dependant Plot Style Table pronom
AutoCAD Color-Based Plot Style trid
*.ctd Sony ClickToDvd Project trid
*.ctf WhereIsIt? catalog file trid
*.ctg Canon Photo Info file trid
*.cti Bitz and Pixels XML (ASCII)Report Template Info for products trid
*.ctl Visual Basic user-defined control file trid
Phoenix Visual Designer third party control trid
*.ctm OpenCTM ffw
*.ctp CrazyTalk Project trid
PHP githublinguist
*.cts TreeSheets project trid
*.ctt MSN Messenger Saved Contact List trid
*.ctw Context tree weighing (CTW) compressed file trid
*.ctx Softdisk Text Compressor ffw
Gasteiger group CTX trid
*.ctxt BlueJ Class Context trid
*.cu application/cu-seeme tika
Cuda githublinguist
*.cub Isis Cube data trid
SeeYou Airspace trid
*.cube Gaussian Cube data trid
*.cue CUE and BIN ffw
ISO CDImage cue/description - Data (with remark) trid
ISO CDImage cue/description - Data trid
*.cuh Cuda githublinguist
*.cui AutoCAD Custom User Interface trid
*.cur CUR ffw
Windows 1.0 Cursor ffw
Microsoft Windows Cursor pronom
Windows Cursor shape trid
*.curl text/vnd.curl tika
*.curxptheme CursorXP theme trid
*.cus AutoCAD Custom Dictionary pronom
Delitracker Customplay module trid
*.cut Opus-CBCS ffw
Dr. Halo ffw
CUT (Amstrad) ffw
Dr Halo Bitmap pronom
*.cva Compaq Diagnostics trid
*.cvd Clam AntiVirus virus database trid
*.cvf Jet-VoiceMail audio data trid
*.cvg Calamus Vector Graphic ffw
Calamus Vector Graphic trid
*.cvp WinFax Cover Page trid
*.cvs Spaceward Graphics ffw
*.cvt GEOS Convert ffw
*.cw Redcode githublinguist
*.cwd Cardwar Cards deck trid
*.cwiki text/plain tika
*.cwk ClarisWorks ffw
AppleWorks ffw
application/x-appleworks tika
ClarisWorks 1 (generic) pronom
ClarisWorks 2-3 (generic) pronom
ClarisWorks Drawing 4 pronom
ClarisWorks Word Processor 4 pronom
ClarisWorks Spreadsheet 4 pronom
ClarisWorks Database 4 pronom
ClarisWorks Painting 4 pronom
ClarisWorks/AppleWorks Drawing 5 pronom
ClarisWorks/AppleWorks Word Processor 5 pronom
ClarisWorks/AppleWorks Spreadsheet 5 pronom
ClarisWorks/AppleWorks Database 5 pronom
ClarisWorks/AppleWorks Painting 5 pronom
AppleWorks Drawing 6 pronom
AppleWorks Word Processor 6 pronom
AppleWorks Spreadsheet 6 pronom
AppleWorks Database 6 pronom
AppleWorks Painting 6 pronom
AppleWorks Presentation 6 pronom
ClarisWorks Drawing 2-3 pronom
ClarisWorks Word Processor 2-3 pronom
ClarisWorks Spreadsheet 2-3 pronom
ClarisWorks Database 2-3 pronom
ClarisWorks Painting 2-3 pronom
Claris Works word processor (MacBinary) trid
Claris Works document trid
Claris Works text (MacBinary) trid
*.cwl Common Workflow Language githublinguist
*.cwp Cakewalk SONAR project trid
*.cwr WrapCandy template trid
*.cws Combustion v2 WorkSpace project trid
*.cww application/prs.cww tika
Crossword Weaver puzzle trid
*.cxf CXF Vector Map Format (v2.x) trid
CTXf compressed archive trid
Picasa collage trid
CXF Vector Map Format (v3.x) trid
Cuttlefish eXtended Format trid
CXF Vector Map Format (v1.x) trid
*.cxi Coherent X-ray Imaging format trid
*.cxt Shockwave Movie tika
*.cxx C++ ffw
C++ source code tika
C++ githublinguist
*.cxx-objdump Cpp-ObjDump githublinguist
*.cy Cycript githublinguist
*.cym Callus OPL Register Log ffw
*.cyp Crocodile Physics Simulation trid
*.czd Crash Zone Drawing trid
*.czip ZipGenius encrypted compressed archive trid
*.d SPPACK ffw
D ffw
D source code tika
SPPACK sampled data audio trid
Infinity Engine WeiDU Dialogue trid
GBG DraftMaker V6.0 drawing trid
DTrace githublinguist
Makefile githublinguist
D githublinguist
*.d$$ Adventure Game Toolkit temporary strings trid
*.d-objdump D-ObjDump githublinguist
*.d00 EdLib packed module ffw
*.d01 EdLib packed module ffw
*.d2s Diablo II Saved Game File trid
*.d2v DGIndex project trid
*.d3d CorelDream 3D drawing trid
*.d3dbsp Call of Duty map (generic) trid
Call of Duty 4 map trid
*.d64 D64 ffw
*.d71 D64 ffw
*.d81 D64 ffw
*.d88 VFloppy disk image trid
*.daa PowerISO Direct-Access-Archive image trid
*.dae COLLADA ffw
COLLADA digital asset document trid
COLLADA githublinguist
*.daf application/vnd.mobius.daf tika
*.dag PSI-MI XML ffw
*.dar Disk Archiver ffw
*.darcspatch Darcs Patch githublinguist
*.dark OpenDark archiver compressed file trid
*.dart Dart ffw
Dart githublinguist
*.dat Z-code ffw
Exact ffw
AdvSys ffw
Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format ffw
PRT scene description ffw
DKBTrace scene description ffw
Internet Explorer history file ffw
Mork ffw
Supaplex Level format ffw
Windows Registry ffw
The Print Shop ffw
BVE train.dat file ffw
MacWavelets ffw
Meteosat data ffw
Allegro packfile ffw
Mork pronom
CD-ROM/XA (eXtended Architecture) pronom
PBG3 Archive Format for Touhou ESoD trid
UFOOrbitV2/UFOAnalyzerV2 map trid
Freehand 11 Project trid
Propilkki data trid
CaveStory save game trid
Norton Disk Doctor UnDo file trid
MicroStation Resource data trid
Allegro Packfile (compressed) trid
Shareaza thumb trid
Madden 2004 data file trid
Bitcoin-Qt Blockchain block trid
MapInfo MapBasic tabular DataBase trid
Allegro Packfile (uncompressed) trid
Microsoft Internet Explorer cache trid
Bitcoin-Qt wallet trid
Professional File 2.0 - MS-DOS Form and File Application trid
Windows NT Registry Hive trid
Oric Tape image trid
Runtime Software compressed disk image trid
ZOAGZIP game data format trid
Bosch IP Nonogram Solver puzzle format trid
R4 cheat codes trid
Palm Desktop DateBook trid
MirandaIM database-archive file trid
Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format trid
Allegro data (generic) trid
StarForce protection container (v1) trid
TomTom traffic data trid
AVG 6 Integrity Database trid
FSC Rater primary data trid
Dwarf Fortress save data trid
Vallen JPegger index trid
LabVIEW binary Datalog trid
Paul Robotham Music trid
GeoLite1 IP geolocation database trid
Windows 9x Registry Hive trid
Clarion 2 DataBase for DOS trid
Inno Setup Uninstall Log trid
PestPatrol data / scan strings trid
Sony Network Walkman MP3 file storage trid
Yahoo Chuzzle Puzzle save game trid
VideoCD MPEG trid
EasyRecovery saved recovery state trid
Guild Wars data trid
Zinc data trid
ESRI ArcInfo Grid (binary) fdd
MapInfo Data File (DAT) fdd
MapInfo Dataset Format fdd
ESRI ArcInfo Coverage fdd
*.data text/plain tika
*.dataless application/vnd.fdsn.seed tika
*.datatype Amiga Hunk ffw
Amiga Datatype trid
*.dats ATS githublinguist
*.dav Dahua DVR video trid
*.davmount application/davmount+xml tika
*.dax DAX compressed CD image trid
DAKX compressed audio trid
OrangeCD theme trid
*.dazip Dragon Age: Origins game data trid
*.db SQLite ffw
DB (Watcom-SQL) ffw
Consolidated.db ffw
Windows thumbnail cache ffw
Paradox Database Table 7 pronom
Paradox Database Table 3.0 pronom
Paradox Database Table 4.0 pronom
Paradox Database Table 5.0 pronom
Thumbs DB file XP pronom
SQLite Database File Format pronom
Windows Thumbnail Database trid
DIGIBooster module trid
Palm Zire Photo database trid
SQLite, Version 3 fdd
*.db-shm SQLite ffw
*.db-wal SQLite ffw
*.db2 SQLPL githublinguist
*.db3 SQLite Database File Format pronom
SQLite, Version 3 fdd
*.db_info Quartus DataBase Info trid
*.dba DateBook Archive trid
*.dbb Skype user data trid
*.dbc Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container (table files) pronom
*.dbd DataBase Diagram trid
DemoShield Project trid
*.dbf DBase III ffw
Shapefile ffw
The Master Genealogist ffw
DBF ffw
FoxPro Database 2.0 pronom
FoxPro Database 2.5 pronom
dBASE Database II pronom
dBASE Database III pronom
dBASE Database IV pronom
Microsoft FoxPro Database 2.6 pronom
dBASE Database III+ pronom
dBASE Database V pronom
dBASE for Windows database 5.0 pronom
FoxPro Database 2.x pronom
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Database Table File pronom
Psion serie 3 Database trid
Sybase iAnywhere database files trid
XBase DataBase (generic) trid
Table MS Visual FoxPro 7 trid
Table Apollo (DBF) Database Engine trid
ESRI Shapefile fdd
dBASE Table File Format (DBF) fdd
dBASE Table for ESRI Shapefile (DBF) fdd
*.dbg ASIC compiler debug info trid
InstallShield debug symbols trid
*.dbi Isearch Database Info trid
*.dbk DocBook ffw
Orcad Schematic Capture Backup trid
*.dbm DigiBooster PRO v2.x / DigiBooster 3 module ffw
DigiBoosterPro module trid
*.dbo DB/TextWorks Database Directory trid
*.dbq AutoCAD dbConnect Query Set pronom
Paradox Database Memo Field (Binary Large Object) pronom
*.dbr DB/TextWorks Database trid
*.dbs DB/TextWorks Database Textbase Structure file trid
*.dbt AutoCAD dbConnect Template Set pronom
dBASE Text Memo pronom
*.dbx Outlook Express Database ffw
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Table pronom
Outlook Express Message Database pronom
Outlook Express Folder Database pronom
Outlook Express E-mail folder trid
*.dc DesignCAD Drawing pronom
DeltaCad drawing trid
*.dc2 DesignCAD Drawing pronom
*.dc3 Diamond Caves 3 levels group trid
*.dc5 DataCAD Drawing trid
*.dca IBM DisplayWrite DCA Text File pronom
DCA Archiver compressed archive trid
*.dcd DesignCAD drawing trid
*.dce DriveCam video trid
*.dcf Dyalog APL Component File trid
Enter a useful filetype description trid
D-LIB bytecode (v2.0) trid
D-LIB bytecode (generic) trid
DRM Content Format - Separate delivery file (generic) trid
*.dcl text/plain tika
Clean githublinguist
*.dcm DICOM ffw
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine File Format pronom
KiCad Documentation trid
DICOM medical imaging bitmap trid
*.dcp DNG camera profile ffw
*.dcr Kodak ffw
Shockwave (Director) ffw
Shockwave Movie tika
Kodak Digital Camera Raw Image File pronom
Macromedia (Adobe) Director Compressed Resource file pronom
Director - Shockwave movie trid
Camera Raw Formats (Group Description) fdd
*.dcs DCS ffw
Kodak raw image tika
Desktop Color Separation File pronom
*.dct DCT ffw
Microsoft Visual FoxPro database container (memo files) pronom
*.dcu Borland Delphi 6 Library trid
Delphi 7 Compiled Unit trid
*.dcurl text/vnd.curl.dcurl tika
*.dcw Draft Choice for Windows drawing trid
*.dcx Dublin Core ffw
DCX ffw
Visual FoxPro Database Container File pronom
Multipage Zsoft Paintbrush Bitmap Graphics pronom
Graphics Multipage PCX bitmap trid
*.dd Doodle! (C64) ffw
AccWare Data Dictionary trid
*.dd2 application/vnd.oma.dd2+xml tika
*.ddb Windows DDB ffw
Windows Bitmap 1.0 pronom
*.ddd application/ tika
Verity Collection Document Dataset Descriptor Style Set pronom
Verity Collection Index Descriptor File pronom
GLBasic 3D data trid
ColdFusion Verity engine fields definition trid
*.ddf SDTS ffw
Spatial Data Transfer Standard fdd
ISO/IEC 8211 Data Descriptive File (DDF) fdd
*.ddi DDI ffw
*.ddif DDIF ffw
DIGITAL Document Interchange Format trid
*.ddj SilkRoad image trid
*.ddl PLSQL githublinguist
SQL githublinguist
*.ddoc DigiDoc digital signature trid
*.ddp Delphi Diagram Portfolio trid
*.dds DirectDraw Surface ffw
DirectDraw Surface pronom
DirectX DirectDraw Surface trid
*.ddy ASHRAE Design Conditions Design Day data trid
*.deb Deb ffw
application/x-debian-package tika
Debian Linux Package trid
*.decls BlitzBasic githublinguist
*.deep IFF-DEEP ffw
*.def PSI-MI XML ffw
DoT ffw
text/plain tika
*.dem DEM ffw
Vista Pro Graphics pronom
Vista Digital Elevation Map trid
iGO Digital Elevation Map trid
Half-Life Demo trid
Half-Life 2 Demo trid
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Format fdd
*.depend Code::Blocks Dependencies trid
*.deploy application/octet-stream tika
*.deployproj Deployment Manager configuration trid
*.depot HP-UX Software Distributor catalog depot trid
*.depproj XML githublinguist
*.der DER encoded certificate ffw
DER ffw
application/x-x509-ca-cert tika
DER encoded X509 Certificate trid
*.des GRAFIT layout trid
Pro/Desktop Design trid
*.desc MPlayer bitmap font ffw
*.desktop KDE/GNOME desktop entry trid
desktop githublinguist
* desktop githublinguist
*.dev Dev-Cpp project ffw
Bloodshed Dev-C++ project trid
*.developerprofile Xcode Developer Profile trid
*.develve Develve data trid
*.device Amiga Hunk ffw
*.dex Disk Imploder ffw
Dalvik Executable ffw
Dalvik Executable Format tika
Dalvik Executable Format pronom
Dalvik Dex class trid
*.df0 DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.df1 Omnis Studio database trid
DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.df2 DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.df3 POV-Ray density file ffw
DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.df4 DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.df5 DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.df6 DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.df7 DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.df8 DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.df9 DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.dfac application/vnd.dreamfactory tika
*.dff DSD ffw
DSD Interchange File Format trid
DSD Interchange File Format audio trid
DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.dfi DiscFerret disk image (new-style) trid
DiscFerret disk image (old-style) trid
*.dfm Borland Delphi form ffw
Borland Delphi - C++ Builder Form trid
Digital-FM module trid
Pascal githublinguist
*.dfont Macintosh resource file ffw
Macintosh OS X Data Fork Font trid
*.dfs Area 51 game data trid
BrainSuite Surface File Format trid
*.dft Solid Edge Draft Document trid
DSDIFF, Direct Stream Digital Interchange File Format, Version 1.5 fdd
*.dfu DfuSe device firmware trid
*.dfw Derive for Windows (v6) trid
Derive for Windows (generic) trid
Derive for Windows (v5) trid
*.dfxml Digital Forensics XML trid
*.dgc DGCA ffw
DGCA Digital G Codec Archiver trid
*.dgi DGI (Digi-Pic) ffw
*.dgml Marble map description trid
Directed Graph XML document trid
*.dgn Microstation CAD Drawing 95 pronom
Bentley V8 DGN pronom
Bentley MicroStation CAD drawing (alternate) trid
Bentley MicroStation CAD drawing trid
*.dgr PhoneTools Internal Graphic Format trid
*.dgs Dagesh document trid
*.dh David Hanney chiptune trid
*.di Digital Illusions ffw
D githublinguist
*.dia Dia ffw
DoItAgain ffw
Dia Graphics Format pronom
Dia drawing (uncompressed) trid
*.dib BMP ffw
Windows bitmap tika
Windows Bitmap 2.0 pronom
Windows Bitmap 3.0 pronom
Windows Bitmap 3.0 NT pronom
Windows Bitmap 4.0 pronom
Windows Bitmap 5.0 pronom
*.dic DICOM ffw
Tzip (Text ZIP) ffw
Speller Custom Dictionary pronom
Speller Exclude Dictionary pronom
Kingsoft PowerWord Dictionary trid
*.did Verity Collection Document Index Descriptor Style Set pronom
Verity Collection Index Descriptor File pronom
*.dif Data Interchange Format ffw
application/dif+xml tika
Data Interchange Format pronom
VisiCalc Database pronom
Kaspersky Anti-Virus update diff trid
Data Interchange Format - Table trid
DV-DIF (Digital Video Digital Interface Format) fdd
*.diff Diff ffw
Unified diff ffw
text/x-diff tika
Diff githublinguist
*.dig Sound Designer I (Mac) audio trid
*.digi DigiBooster v1.x module ffw
DIGIBooster module trid
*.dii Summation Document Image Information Load File trid
*.dim FastCopy DIM disk image trid
*.din DESI-III drawing trid
*.dir Shockwave (Director) ffw
Shockwave Movie tika
Macromedia Director PC pronom
Macromedia Director Macintosh pronom
ESRI ArcInfo Coverage fdd
*.dis QRT Ray Tracer bitmap ffw
application/vnd.mobius.dis tika
*.dist application/octet-stream tika
*.distz application/octet-stream tika
*.dita DITA Topic tika
DITA document trid
XML githublinguist
*.ditamap DITA Map tika
DITA map trid
XML githublinguist
*.ditaval DITA Conditional Processing Profile tika
XML githublinguist
*.diz FILE ID.DIZ ffw
*.djr Macromedia Director Java Resource - Video trid
*.djs Dogescript githublinguist
*.djv image/vnd.djvu tika
DjVu File Format pronom
Secure DjVU pronom
DjVu image trid
*.djvu DjVu ffw
image/vnd.djvu tika
DjVu File Format pronom
Secure DjVU pronom
*.djx Fluid Entertainment Dundjinni - included Art trid
*.dks DKS subtitles trid
*.dl Dave Lowe module trid
*.dlc Steam Downloadable Content info trid
DLC - DIGILINEAR compressed archive trid
*.dldi Dynamically Linked Device Interface trid
*.dlg Infinity Engine Dialogue (v1.0) trid
*.dll Dynamic-link library (Windows) ffw
New Executable ffw
Portable Executable ffw
Linear Executable ffw
application/x-msdownload tika
Windows Portable Executable pronom
Windows Portable Executable 32 bit pronom
Windows Portable Executable 64 bit pronom
Miranda IM plugin trid
DeliPlayer player plugin trid
Omnis Web Client Component trid
WinAmp 2.x Output plugin trid
Win32 Dynamic Link Library - Borland C/C++ trid
foobar 2000 Input component trid
VD - Visual Designer add-in trid
Psycle plugin trid
SpamPal plugin trid
OllyDbg plugin trid
foobar 2000 generic component trid
foobar 2000 Diskwriter output component trid
DLL PowerBASIC PB/DLL 6.x trid
OS/2 Dynamic Link Library (no DOS stub) trid
NT5 Migrate DLL trid
JellyFish Pro Editor PlugIn DLL trid
Pixia filter plugin trid
Find and Run Robot (FARR) plugin trid
DLL PowerBASIC/Win generic trid
Win32 Dynamic Link Library (generic) trid
Take Command plugin (64 bit) trid
Quintessential Player input plugin trid
DeliPlayer genie trid
DLL PowerBASIC/Win 7.x trid
WinAmp 2.x Input plugin trid
Winconv conversion module trid
Win32 Dynamic Link Library (generic) trid
Take Command plugin trid
ATI The Compressonator plugin trid
JAJC plugin trid
Generic .NET DLL/Assembly trid
*.dll.config XML githublinguist
*.dlm IDL githublinguist
*.dls Downloadable Sounds Audio pronom
DownLoadable Sound bank trid
Downloadable Sounds Format, Version 1.1b fdd
*.dlt DELTA binary dataset trid
*.dm Delta Music module trid
DM githublinguist
*.dmb BYOND game byte-code executable trid
*.dmc DMC ffw
*.dmd Oracle SQL Developer Data Model trid
*.dmf D-Lusion Music File ffw
DemoForge demo trid
X-Tracker module trid
Digitals/Delta Map file trid
DeleD map trid
Delusion Digital Music File song/module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.dmg Apple Disk Image ffw
application/x-apple-diskimage tika
Apple Disk Copy Image 4.2 pronom
Disk Image (Macintosh) trid
*.dmi DMIS input data trid
*.dmk DMK ffw
*.dmm DropMind Mind Map trid
*.dmp Disk Imploder ffw
TCPDump pcap packet capture tika
pcap Packet Capture pronom
Windows Minidump trid
Windows memory dump trid
Windows 64bit Memory Dump trid
Oxford Instruments electron microscope image tile trid
DC2N DMP format trid
*.dmrproj Statistica ffw
*.dms Disk Masher System ffw
application/octet-stream tika
SDS Software DISK-Masher compressed disk image trid
DISK-Masher compressed disk image trid
*.dmsd VideoWave DVD Project trid
*.dmt DeLorme Street Atlas Map Transfer trid
*.dmu Digital Mugician module trid
*.dmx Data Model eXchange encoding format trid
*.dmz DMesh 3d model trid
*.dna application/vnd.dna tika
*.dng DNG ffw
Adobe Digital Negative tika
Digital Negative Format (DNG) 1.1 pronom
Digital Negative Format (DNG) 1.0 pronom
Digital Negative Format (DNG) 1.2 pronom
Digital Negative Format (DNG) 1.3 pronom
Digital Negative Format (DNG) 1.4 pronom
Adobe Digital Negative (DNG), Version 1.1 fdd
*.dnh Touhou Danmakufu script trid
*.dnl DNL eBook / eCatalog / eCard / eBrochure trid
*.dnm YS FLIGHT Dynamic 3d model trid
*.dnp NeatImage 2.2 Free Ed. Profile File trid
Eudemons Online game data trid
*.dnt Data Doctor Recovery NTFS data trid
*.do Stata ffw
DSK (Apple II) ffw
Stata githublinguist
*.doc Plain text ffw
DOC ffw
PC-Write ffw
Microsoft Word ffw
FrameMaker ffw
Microsoft Word Document tika
Wordperfect Secondary File 5.0 pronom
Wordperfect Secondary File 5.1/5.2 pronom
WordPerfect for MS-DOS/Windows Document 6.0 pronom
Stationery for Mac OS X pronom
Microsoft Word for MS-DOS Document 3.0 pronom
Microsoft Word for MS-DOS Document 4.0 pronom
Microsoft Word for MS-DOS Document 5.0 pronom
Microsoft Word for MS-DOS Document 5.5 pronom
Interleaf Document pronom
Microsoft Word Document 6.0/95 pronom
Microsoft Word Document 97-2003 pronom
Microsoft Word for Windows Document 1.0 pronom
Microsoft Word for Windows Document 2.0 pronom
Microsoft Office Owner File pronom
Microsoft Word (Generic) 6.0-2003 pronom
Microsoft Word Document (Password Protected) 97-2003 pronom
Compound WordPerfect for Windows Document 6 onwards pronom
Microsoft Word document trid
Microsoft Word document (MacBinary) trid
DeskMate document trid
Microsoft Word document (old ver.) trid
Quill document trid
Microsoft WinWord 2.0 trid
Word 5.5 document trid
PerfectOffice document trid
Microsoft Word 98 document(Macintosh) trid
*.dockerfile Dockerfile githublinguist
*.docm Microsoft Word ffw
Office Open XML Document (macro-enabled) tika
Macro enabled Microsoft Word Document OOXML 2007 Onwards pronom
Word Microsoft Office Open XML Format document (with Macro) trid
*.docx DOCX ffw
Microsoft Word ffw
Office Open XML ffw
Office Open XML Document tika
Microsoft Word for Windows 2007 onwards pronom
Microsoft Office Encrypted Document 2007 Onwards pronom
Word Microsoft Office Open XML Format document trid
OOXML Format Family -- ISO/IEC 29500 and ECMA 376 fdd
DOCX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2016, ECMA-376, Editions 1-5 fdd
DOCX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500-1: 2008-2016 fdd
*.doczip dockzip format trid
*.dof Delphi Options File trid
*.doh Stata githublinguist
*.doo Doodle (Atari) ffw
*.doom SYSDOOM ffw
*.doq Digital Orthophotos (DOQ & DOQQ) fdd
*.dore Doré Raster ffw
*.dos DOS device driver ffw
*.dot Microsoft Word ffw
Microsoft Word template ffw
DOT (graph description language) ffw
DoT ffw
Microsoft Word Document tika
Microsoft Word Document Template 97-2003 pronom
Microsoft Word Document Template (Password Protected) 97-2003 pronom
Graphviz (DOT) githublinguist
*.dotm Microsoft Word ffw
DOTM ffw
Office Open XML Document Template (macro-enabled) tika
Microsoft Word Macro-Enabled Document Template 2007 onwards pronom
*.dotsettings XML githublinguist
*.dotx Microsoft Word ffw
DOTX ffw
Office Open XML Document Template tika
Microsoft Word Template 2007 onwards pronom
*.dox MultiMate Professional Word Processor ffw
MultiMate Text File 4.x pronom
*.dp application/vnd.osgi.dp tika
*.dpatch Darcs Patch githublinguist
*.dpc Twisted Metal 2 (PC) texture trid
*.dpd Ovation Pro document trid
*.dpf Dargon Package File trid
*.dpg application/vnd.dpgraph tika
Nintendo DS MPEG Video trid
*.dpk Delphi Package trid
*.dpl Borland component trid
*.dplsave Driver: Parallel Lines savegame trid
*.dpp Serif DrawPlus Drawing 3 pronom
Serif DrawPlus Drawing 4 pronom
Serif DrawPlus Drawing 5 pronom
*.dpr Object Pascal ffw
Free Pascal ffw
Pascal source code tika
Delphi project source trid
Pascal githublinguist
*.dproj Delphi Project trid
*.dps Kingsoft Presentation document trid
DivX Skin trid
*.dpt Kingsoft Presentation template trid
*.dpx DPX ffw
Digital Moving Picture Exchange Bitmap 1.0 pronom
Digital Moving Picture Exchange Bitmap 2.0 pronom
Digital Moving Picture Exchange bitmap (big endian) trid
Digital Moving Picture Exchange bitmap (little endian) trid
Digital Moving-Picture Exchange (DPX), Version 2.0 fdd
Digital Moving-Picture Exchange (DPX), Version 2.0 fdd
*.dqy Microsoft Excel ODBC Query pronom
*.dr Open Digital Rights Language trid
*.drawit DrawIt ffw
*.drc Ogg Packaged Dirac Video tika
*.dream Stardock's DeskScapes animated wallpaper trid
*.drf Kodak raw image tika
Dynojet Run File trid
*.drl Drazlace IFLI (C64) bitmap trid
*.drn DRAKON Editor diagram trid
*.dro DOSBox Raw OPL ffw
D-Robots robot trid
*.droid Droid profile trid
*.drpm Delta RPM Package trid
*.drs Data Resource File ffw
*.drt Opus-CBCS ffw
Micrografx Draw ffw
*.dru EAGLE Design Rules trid
*.druby Mirah githublinguist
*.drv Dynamic-link library (Windows) ffw
New Executable ffw
*.drw Micrografx Draw ffw
Micrografx Draw 2.0 pronom
Micrografx Draw 3.0 pronom
Micrografx Draw 4.0 pronom
Micrografx Designer 3.1 pronom
Windows Draw drawing trid
CADS Planner drawing trid
Pro/ENGINEER drawing file trid
GE PSLF drawing trid
MacDraw drawing trid
Micrografx Designer Drawing (v3.1) trid
*.drz Drazpaint (C64) bitmap trid
*.ds Furcadia DragonSpeak Script trid
*.ds1 DeSmuME savestate trid
*.ds2 Digital Speech Standard ffw
DSS Pro pronom
Dream Station 2.0 module trid
*.ds2res Dungeon Siege 2 data trid
*.ds4 Micrografx Draw ffw
Micrografx Designer Graphics (ver 4) trid
*.ds_store Desktop Services Store ffw
DS_store file (MAC) pronom
Mac OS X folder information trid
*.dsa DAZ Studio script trid
*.dsc Debian source control file ffw
text/prs.lines.tag tika
*.dse Dyalog APL Session trid
WhatsUp Gold Virtual Device trid
*.dsf DSF ffw
Micrografx Draw ffw
DSD ffw
Micrografx Designer pronom
Micrografx Designer Drawing (v9.0) trid
DSD Storage Facility audio trid
Dreamcast Sound Format trid
X-Plane Distribution Scenery Format trid
Micrografx Designer Drawing (v3.1) trid
*.dsflib DSF ffw
Dreamcast Sound Format trid
*.dsft Microsoft App-V Sequencer Differential SFT trid
*.dsk DSK (CPCEMU) ffw
DSK (Apple II) ffw
Generic PC disk image trid
TI-99 PC99 Track Dump Format trid
Oric MFM disk image trid
MSX DOS Disk Image trid
Oric disk image trid
Extended CPCEMU style disk image trid
Standard CPCEMU style disk image trid
TI-99 V9T9 Sector Dump Format trid
IBM SKF disk image trid
*.dsl DSSSL ffw
CriticalSeeker Picture Packet trid
*.dsm Digital Sound Interface Kit (RIFF) module trid
Dynamic Studio Professional module trid
Digital Sound Interface Kit module trid
*.dsn OrCAD Schematic Capture Schematic file trid
Microsoft ODBC Data Source trid
ISIS Schematic file trid
*.dsp FAUST ffw
MS Developer Studio Project trid
*.dspackage Desktop Sidebar skin trid
Desktop Sidebar slideshow trid
*.dsr Visual Basic Active Designer file trid
*.dss Digital Speech Standard ffw
Digital Speech Standard pronom
Digital Speech Standard audio (v2) trid
Digital Sound Studio module trid
Digital Speech Standard audio (generic) trid
Digital Speech Standard audio (v3) trid
Dream Station 1.0 module trid
*.dst Embroidery file (generic) trid
Tajima stitch image trid
DST compressed file trid
*.dsw Microsoft Developer Studio Workspace trid
*.dsy Daisy Container File trid
*.dt0 Digital Terrain Elevation Data pronom
*.dt1 Digital Terrain Elevation Data pronom
pulse EKKO data file pronom
*.dt2 Digital Terrain Elevation Data pronom
*.dta Stata ffw
Zeiss BIVAS ffw
Stata Data (DTA) Format 104 pronom
Stata Data (DTA) Format 105 pronom
Stata Data (DTA) Format 110 pronom
Stata Data (DTA) Format 111 pronom
Stata Data (DTA) Format 114 pronom
Stata Data (DTA) Format 113 pronom
Stata Data (DTA) Format 115 pronom
Stata Data (DTA) Format 117 pronom
Stata Data (DTA) Format 118 pronom
Stata Data File Format (.dta), Version 118 fdd
*.dtb application/x-dtbook+xml tika
*.dtc Weresc CADE drawing trid
*.dtd DTD ffw
XML Document Type Definition tika
Document Type Definition pronom
TechSoft 2D Design drawing trid
XML Document Type Definition (DTD) fdd
*.dted Digital Terrain Elevation Data pronom
*.dtf Symantec Q e A relational database trid
*.dtg Desktop Guitarist music score trid
*.dti Deep Thought disk Image trid
*.dtk TI-99 PC99 Track Dump Format trid
*.dtm DigiTrekker module ffw
Digitrekker module trid
Digital Tracker 1.9 module trid
*.dtp PageMagic ffw
Timeworks Publisher ffw
*.dts audio/vnd.dts tika
DTS Coherent Acoustics (DCA) Audio pronom
DTS Padded audio trid
Digital Theater Systems Audio Formats fdd
*.dtshd audio/vnd.dts.hd tika
*.dtx TeX githublinguist
*.duby Mirah githublinguist
*.duc Action Replay Saved gamestate trid
*.dump application/octet-stream tika
*.dur DURILCA compressed file trid
*.dut Opus-CBCS ffw
*.dv DeltaVision ffw
Digital Video pronom
Digital Video trid
DV-DIF (Digital Video Digital Interface Format) fdd
*.dva DVDAuthorGUI project trid
*.dvb Visual Basic Macro pronom
AutoCAD VBA macro trid
*.dvds DVDStyler Project trid
*.dvf Sony Digital Voice File/Sony Memory Stick Voice File pronom
Sony Compressed Voice File trid
*.dvg GraphicWorks Vector Drawing trid
*.dvi DVI (Device Independent File Format) ffw
DVI ffw
TeX Device Independent Document tika
TeX Binary File pronom
TeX/LaTeX Device Independent Document pronom
Device Independent Document (TeX/LaTeX compiled) trid
*.dvm DVM ffw
DVM video/movie trid
*.dvr DVR-Studio stream trid
*.dvs DeepVision sonar format trid
*.dvtcolortheme Xcode Color Theme trid
*.dw David Whittaker ffw
*.dw2 DesignCAD for Windows Drawing pronom
*.dwa Project Dogwaffle animation (type 1) trid
Project Dogwaffle animation (generic) trid
*.dwc DWC ffw
Enter a useful file type description trid
*.dwd DiamondWare Digitized audio trid
*.dwf model/vnd.dwf tika
AutoCAD Design Web Format 6.0 pronom
Autodesk Design Web Format trid
*.dwfx AutoCAD Design Web Format tika
AutoCAD Design Web Format(DWFx) pronom
Design Web Format XPS trid
*.dwg DWG ffw
AutoCad Drawing tika
AutoCAD Drawing 1.0 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 1.2 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 1.3 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 1.4 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 2.0 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 2.1 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 2.2 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 2.5 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 2.6 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing R9 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing R10 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing R11/12 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing R13 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing R14 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 2000-2002 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 2004-2005 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 2007-2008 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 2010/2011/2012 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing 2013/2014 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing (generic) trid
AutoCAD R13 drawing trid
AutoCAD R2.5 drawing trid
AutoCAD 2010-2011 drawing trid
AutoCAD R11/R12 drawing trid
CIRCAD data (v3.x) trid
AutoCAD R13 drawing (subtype 11) trid
AutoCAD R2000 drawing trid
AutoCAD R13 drawing (subtype 12) trid
CIRCAD data (v4.x) trid
AutoCAD R9 drawing trid
AutoCAD R14 drawing (subtype 14) trid
AutoCAD R2004 drawing trid
AutoCAD R14 drawing (subtype 13) trid
AutoCAD R10 drawing trid
AutoCAD 2007-2009 drawing trid
CIRCAD data (v5.x) trid
AutoCAD R13 drawing (subtype 10) trid
AutoCAD R2.6 drawing trid
DWG (AutoCAD Drawing) Format Family fdd
*.dwi Dependency Walker Image trid
Dance With Intensity song trid
*.dwl AutoCAD Database File Locking Information pronom
Dr. Web Language data trid
DataWeave githublinguist
*.dwl2 AutoCAD drawing lock trid
*.dwn Dawn file format trid
*.dwp SharePoint Portal Server Dashboard Web Part (Unicode) trid
DirectWave Program trid
DarkWave Studio module trid
Darwin Pond File trid
SharePoint Portal Server Dashboard Web Part trid
*.dws APL workspace ffw
AutoCAD Drawing Standards File pronom
Dyalog APL WorkSpace trid
*.dwt DWG ffw
AutoCAD Drawing Template pronom
*.dwz Ulead DVD MovieFactory project trid
*.dx DEC Data Exchange File pronom
*.dxb DXB ffw
AutoCAD DXF simplified Binary tika
Drawing Interchange Binary Format 1.0 pronom
Duxbury Braille document trid
AutoCAD Drawing Exchange Binary Format (v1.0) trid
*.dxe AutoCAD Data Extraction template trid
*.dxf DXF ffw
APL workspace ffw
AutoCAD DXF tika
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 1.0 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 1.2 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 1.3 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 1.4 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2.0 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2.1 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2.2 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2.5 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2.6 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) R9 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) R10 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) R11/12 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) R13 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) R14 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2000-2002 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2004/2005/2006 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) R10 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) R11/12 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) R13 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) R14 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) 2000-2002 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (Binary) 2004-2005 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) Generic pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2007/2008/2009 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2010/2011/2012 pronom
Drawing Interchange File Format (ASCII) 2013/2014 pronom
AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format (Binary) trid
AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format (var 2) trid
AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format trid
DXF (AutoCAD Drawing Interchange Format) Family, ASCII variant fdd
*.dxl Domino XML Document Export pronom
Domino XML Database Export pronom
*.dxm DXM music trid
*.dxp application/vnd.spotfire.dxp tika
*.dxpack DesktopX Object Package trid
*.dxr Shockwave (Director) ffw
Shockwave Movie tika
Macromedia Director PC pronom
Play SID Audio 1 pronom
Macromedia Director Macintosh pronom
Macromedia Director Protected Movie (PC) trid
Macromedia Director Protected Movie (MAC) trid
*.dxs DeleD scene trid
*.dxtheme DesktopX Theme trid
*.dxx Drawing Interchange Format Style Extract pronom
*.dyalog APL githublinguist
*.dyl Psion Library trid
Dylan githublinguist
*.dylan Dylan githublinguist
*.dylib Mach-O ffw
*.dz Dzip compressed archive trid
Darius Zendeh module trid
*.dzt GSSI SIR-10 RADAN data file pronom
*.e Eiffel source code tika
Eiffel githublinguist
E githublinguist
*.e00 E00 ffw
ESRI Arc/Info Export File pronom
ArcInfo Coverage Export trid
ESRI ArcInfo interchange file (E00) fdd
*.e01 Encase Image File Format/Expert Witness Compression Format pronom
EnCase Forensic Drive Image trid
Expert Witness Disk Image, EnCase E01 Bitstream fdd
*.e24 Signum font ffw
*.e2p PonyProg device file trid
*.e3 think3 thinkdesign CAD trid
*.e4mod Emergency 4 ModPack trid
*.e57 ASTM E57 3D File Format pronom
LIDAR Point Cloud data trid
*.ea EarAche module trid
*.eam.fs Formatted githublinguist
*.ear application/x-tika-java-enterprise-archive tika
Java Enterprise Archive trid
*.eas EAS3 ffw
*.easm eDrawings part (v 2008) trid
*.eb Easybuild githublinguist
*.ebc Compiled MediaBasic Project trid
*.ebcdic EBCDIC-US pronom
*.ebnf EBNF githublinguist
*.ebo Microsoft Reader eBook annotations trid
*.ebp Volleyball Playbook project trid
*.ebs2 E-Run 2.0 Script trid
*.ebuild Gentoo Ebuild githublinguist
*.ebx Electronic Book Exchange trid
*.ec eC githublinguist
*.ecc DVDisaster Error Correction File ffw
*.ecelp4800 audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp4800 tika
*.ecelp7470 audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp7470 tika
*.ecelp9600 audio/vnd.nuera.ecelp9600 tika
*.ecf Exchange Extended Configuration File - Office Add-in trid
*.echr Explorations RPG Game Engine resource trid
*.ecl Eclipse text trid
ECL githublinguist
ECLiPSe githublinguist
*.eclass Gentoo Eclass githublinguist
*.eclipseproduct Eclipse product marker trid
*.eclxml ECL githublinguist
*.ecm Error Code Modeler trid
*.ecma application/ecmascript tika
*.ecp EasyC Project trid
*.ecr HTML+ECR githublinguist
*.ecw ECW ffw
Enhanced Compression Wavelet pronom
Ensoniq WaveSet Format trid
Enhanced Compressed Wavelet trid
*.ed Xerox EDMICS-MMR ffw
*.ed2k eDonkey network download link trid
*.edat2 E-DataAid 2.0 data trid
*.edb Extensible Storage Engine ffw
Euphoria Database System (EDS) trid
EstImage DataBase trid
ETABS model trid
PhotoShop Extended Digital Book trid
*.edc Edje Data Collection githublinguist
*.edf Digital Trainer Encrypted Score file trid
eMemoPad Data File trid
European Data Format trid
*.edg EDGE Diagrammer diagram trid
*.edge Adobe Edge Project trid
*.edi UN/EDIFACT trid
*.edl EdLib packed module ffw
*.edm application/vnd.novadigm.edm tika
*.edn Clojure ffw
EDIF Netlist trid
edn githublinguist
*.edoc Electronically certified Document trid
*.edx application/vnd.novadigm.edx tika
EDraw Max drawing trid
*.eex HTML+EEX githublinguist
*.efe Ensoniq EPS family instrument trid
*.eff Infinity Engine Effect (v2.0) trid
*.efg Gambit Extensive Form representation trid
*.efi Portable Executable ffw
*.efif application/vnd.picsel tika
*.efp SilkRoad effect trid
*.eft ChiWriter high resolution screen font trid
*.efx j2 Global Communications eFax trid
*.eg2 eGatherer Collected System Configuration Information trid
*.egg EGG ffw
EGG (ALZip) ffw
Python Egg trid
EGG compressed archive trid
*.egisenc egis encrypted data trid
*.eglib Adobe Edge Animate Library trid
*.egon Egon animation trid
*.egp EGrid32 Form properties template trid
Easy Grade Pro data trid
*.egr EGrid32 Form trid
*.egrm text/plain tika
*.egrp Explorations RPG Game Engine resource trid
*.egx VEGX ffw
*.eh eC githublinguist
*.ei6 application/ tika
*.eio Evermore Software EIOffice document binder trid
*.eit Encharta database update trid
*.ejp Elite Japan Crossword Puzzle trid
*.ejs EJS githublinguist
*.ekb ZMC VisualTablet data trid
*.el Emacs Lisp source code tika
Emacs Lisp githublinguist
*.ela EasyLanguage Storage / Archive trid
*.elc application/octet-stream tika
Emacs Lisp bytecode tika
Combustion 2 Particle Library trid
*.eld EasyLanguage Document trid
*.elf Executable and Linkable Format ffw
Executable and Linkable Format 32bit Little Endian pronom
Executable and Linkable Format 32bit Big Endian pronom
Executable and Linkable Format 64bit Little Endian pronom
Executable and Linkable Format 64bit Big Endian pronom
EurekaLog log file trid
*.eli ELI 5750 compressed archive trid
*.eliom OCaml githublinguist
*.eliomi OCaml githublinguist
*.elm Elm ffw
FrontPage Theme-Pack trid
Elm githublinguist
*.els EasyLanguage Storage / Archive trid
*.em EmberScript githublinguist
*.emacs Emacs Lisp githublinguist
*.emacs.desktop Emacs Lisp githublinguist
*.emb EMBL nucleotide format trid
EMB Wilcom Design embroidery file trid
*.emberscript EmberScript githublinguist
*.embl EMBL sequence data trid
*.emd Extended MOD ffw
DATACOMP 1.0 compressed archive trid
EMD (Extended MOD) module/song trid
*.emf Enhanced Metafile ffw
Extended Metafile tika
Microsoft Windows Enhanced Metafile 1.0 pronom
Microsoft Windows Enhanced Metafile 2.0 pronom
Microsoft Windows Enhanced Metafile 3.0 pronom
Windows Enhanced Metafile trid
Jasspa's MicroEmacs Macro File trid
*.emi Pocket Tanks emitter trid
*.eml Internet e-mail message format ffw
Thunderbird Message File ffw
message/rfc822 tika
Internet Message Format pronom
MIME Email 1.0 pronom
E-Mail message (Var. 3 - Exchange) trid
E-Mail message (Var. 5) trid
E-Mail message (Var. 2) trid
E-Mail message (Var. 1) trid
E-Mail message (Var. 4) trid
E-Mail message (Var. 6) trid
Email (Electronic Mail Format) fdd
EML githublinguist
*.emlx message/x-emlx tika
*.emma application/emma+xml tika
*.ems Electronic Music System v6 module trid
eMachineShop model trid
*.emul AY chiptune trid
*.emulecollection eMule Collection file trid
*.emy Ericsson eMelody Ringtone trid
*.emz Enhanced Metafile ffw
Gzip Compressed Archive tika
*.enb EverNote database trid
*.enc Encore Musical Notation trid
Media Safe encrypted data trid
OpenSSL encrypted data trid
ENhanced Compressor compressed archive trid
*.enc1 Kaspersky encrypted trace trid
*.encrypted TopStudio encrypted trid
EasyCrypto encrypted trid
*.enex Evernote Exported XML trid
*.enf EndNote Filter File pronom
EndNote Filter trid
*.eng Live For Speed Engine sound trid
*.enl EndNote Library pronom
EndNote Library file trid
*.enr EndNote Import File pronom
*.ens EndNote Style File pronom
EndNote Style trid
EndNote Style (variant) trid
*.ent Protein Data Bank ffw
text/plain tika
*.env LightWave Envelope data trid
*.enw EndNote Import File pronom
*.enz EndNote Connection File pronom
EndNote Connection trid
*.eobj Explorations RPG Game Engine resource trid
*.eoc EncryptOnClick encrypted trid
*.eol audio/ tika
*.eop EveryonePiano music score trid
*.eopm EOP Music Master music score trid
*.eot Embedded OpenType ffw
application/ tika
ExamView Online Test trid
Embedded OpenType font trid
*.ep EasyPlot save file trid
Pencil sketch trid
*.epa Award BIOS logo ffw
*.epf Eagle preferences trid
Entrust Entelligence Profile trid
*.epi Encapsulated PostScript ffw
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) File Format, Version 3.x fdd
*.epitask Telestream Episode Task trid
*.epj Ecere Projects githublinguist
*.epm Electric Pipes Music trid
*.epp EasyPrint Preview trid
*.eprt eDrawings part trid
*.eps Encapsulated PostScript ffw
DCS ffw
PostScript tika
Encapsulated PostScript File Format 1.2 pronom
Encapsulated PostScript File Format 3 pronom
Encapsulated PostScript File Format 2.0 pronom
Encapsulated PostScript trid
Encapsulated PostScript (with DOS style preview) trid
Adobe Encapsulated PostScript trid
Macintosh Encapsulated Postscript (MacBinary) trid
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) File Format, Version 3.x fdd
PostScript githublinguist
*.epsf Encapsulated PostScript ffw
PostScript tika
Encapsulated PostScript File Format 1.2 pronom
Encapsulated PostScript File Format 3 pronom
Encapsulated PostScript File Format 2.0 pronom
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) File Format, Version 3.x fdd
*.epsi Encapsulated PostScript ffw
PostScript tika
Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) File Format, Version 3.x fdd
*.epub EPUB ffw
RePub ffw
Digital Replica Plus ffw
Electronic Publication tika
ePub format pronom
Open Publication Structure eBook trid
EPUB, Electronic Publication, Version 3 fdd
EPUB, Electronic Publication, Version 2 fdd
*.epw EasyPlot save file trid
EnergyPlus Weather data trid
*.eq EQ githublinguist
*.eqf Winamp EQ Settings File trid
*.er1 AllFusion ERwin data trid
*.erb HTML+ERB githublinguist
*.erb.deface HTML+ERB githublinguist
*.erf Epson ERF ffw
Epson raw image tika
Epson Raw Image Format pronom
BioWare Entity Resource File trid
*.erl Erlang ffw
Erlang source code tika
Erlang githublinguist
*.ers ER Mapper Raster ffw
Earth Resource Satellite image header format pronom
Earth Resource Mapping Satellite Image Header trid
*.erv ER Mapper Vector ffw
*.erx AllFusion ERwin data trid
*.es ECMAScript ffw
E-Studio 1.x experiment trid
JavaScript githublinguist
Erlang githublinguist
*.es2 E-Studio 2.x experiment trid
*.es3 application/vnd.eszigno3+xml tika
*.es6 JavaScript githublinguist
*.esb eBeam Whiteboard trid
*.escript Erlang githublinguist
*.esf Total War ESF ffw
application/ tika
*.esm Enhanced Simplex ffw
*.esp Morrowind plugin trid
ESP - Extension Sort Packer compressed archive trid
TESIV:Oblivion Plug-in trid
*.ess The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim savegame trid
Ekahau Site Survey File trid
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion savegame trid
*.est Microsoft Streets and Trips map trid
*.esu ESU electronic sounds trid
*.esy EmEditor Syntax file trid
*.et Kingsoft Spreadsheet trid
*.et3 application/vnd.eszigno3+xml tika
*.eta Keyhole - Google Earth Placemark trid
Keyhole - Google Earth Overlay trid
*.etd Acrobat eBook Reader EBX Transfer Data trid
*.etf Enigma Transportable File (Finale) pronom
Finale ETF Enigma Tansportable File trid
*.etl ETL ffw
Window tracing/diagnostic binary log trid
*.etx text/x-setext tika
*.eu Eureka Packer module ffw
*.euf Private Character Editor Bitmap Font trid
*.ev2 Emblaze Video 2 video trid
*.ev3 LEGO Mindstorms EV3 project trid
*.ev3p LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Program trid
*.eva EVA ffw
*.evo Enhanced VOB ffw
Enhanced Video Object trid
*.evt EVT ffw
Windows Event Log ffw
Windows Event Viewer Log trid
*.evtx Vista Event Log trid
*.evy Envoy document trid
*.ewb EasyWorship Bible text trid
Electronics Workbench Circuit trid
*.ewprj Compressed Electronics Workbench project trid
*.ex Fashion Tracker module trid
Elixir githublinguist
*.ex01 Expert Witness Disk Image, EnCase Ex01 Bitstream fdd
*.ex4 MQL 4 compiled Expert Advisor trid
*.ex_ InstallShield installer archive ffw
Microsoft SZDD compressed (Haruhiko Okumura's LZSS) trid
*.exb CAXA drawing trid
*.exe EXE ffw
Self-extracting ZIP ffw
NSIS ffw
New Executable ffw
Portable Executable ffw
Linear Executable ffw
Inno Setup self-extracting archive ffw
DOS/Windows executable (EXE) tika
MS-DOS Executable pronom
Windows New Executable pronom
Windows Portable Executable pronom
Windows Portable Executable 32 bit pronom
Windows Portable Executable 64 bit pronom
DOS Executable Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0 trid
Win32 Executable PowerBASIC (generic) trid
Win32 EXE PECompact compressed (generic) trid
Win32 EXE PECompact compressed (v1.x) trid
WIN32 Executable PowerBASIC/CC 4.0 trid
DOS Executable PowerBASIC 3.20 trid
DOS EXE PKLite compressed (+PKHide) trid
UPX compressed DOS Executable trid
Sony Playstation Executable trid
PE Ninja 1.0 compressed Win32 Executable trid
Win32 Executable Microsoft Visual Basic 4 trid
Win32 Executable (generic) trid
Win32 EXE TMT Pascal (generic) trid
tElock compressed/encrypted Win32 executable trid
Win32 Executable Delphi generic trid
Win16/32 Executable Delphi generic trid
CExe compressed Win32 executable trid
Win32 Executable MS Visual C++ 5.0 trid
PE Diminisher v0.1 compressed Win32 Executable trid
16bit DOS EXE ApBasic trid
Oxygen Basic Win32 Executable trid
Win32 Executable PowerBASIC/Win 7.x trid
AGInstaller setup trid
Win32 Executable WINDEV (generic) trid
Win32 EXE PECompact compressed (v2.x) trid
MicroFocus COBOL DOS Executable trid
Win32 Executable Watcom C++ (generic) trid
FreeBASIC 0.14 Win32 executable trid
Win32 Executable Borland Delphi 5 trid
UPX - NRV compressed Win32 Executable trid
Impact Basic 1.0 Win16 executable trid
WIN32 Executable PowerBASIC/CC 2.10 trid
ZCureIT ZPro encrypted trid
Generic CIL Executable (.NET, Mono, etc.) trid
Win32 Executable MS Visual FoxPro 7 trid
DOS Executable Microsoft Basic 7.x (w/o runtime) trid
Win32 Executable Free Pascal 2.4.x trid
Win32 EXE Yoda's Crypter trid
Win32 Executable PowerBASIC PB/DLL 6.x trid
Win32 Executable MS Visual C++ 4.x trid
Nanoasm Win32 Executable trid
Win32 Executable Borland Delphi 3 trid
NanoZip Self Extracting archive trid
Win32 Executable PowerBASIC/Win 8.x trid
wxBasic Win32 executable trid
DOS Executable Borland Pascal 7.0x trid
TCC Win32 executable trid
Win32 Executable PowerBASIC/Win 10.x trid
Win32 Executable Borland Delphi 6 trid
Win64 Executable Free Pascal 2.4.2 trid
InstallShield setup trid
DOS Executable Microsoft VBDOS 1.0 trid
16bit DOS EXE PKLite compressed trid
NSIS - Nullsoft Scriptable Install System trid
Wise Installer executable trid
Win32 Executable Microsoft Visual Basic 5 trid
LZEXE compressed DOS executable trid
EXE DOS L3P v2.11 compiled trid
FreeBASIC Win32 executable (generic) trid
Win32 EXE RosAsm trid
Win32 Executable WINDEV 8 trid
WinRAR Self Extracting archive trid
Petite compressed Win32 executable trid
ZLock Pro encrypted SFX trid
Mew compressed Win32 Executable trid
OS/2 Executable (generic) trid
Clipper DOS Executable trid
LGLZ compressed DOS executable trid
NeoLite compressed Win32 executable trid
Win16 NE executable (generic) trid
AutoIt3 compiled script executable trid
Inno Setup installer trid
Lavasoft Ad-aware 6 plugin trid
FreeBASIC 0.11 Win32 executable trid
ASIC compiled DOS executable trid
FreeBASIC 0.15 Win32 Executable trid
DOS Executable Generic trid
Thinapp Packaged Portable Application Launcher executable trid
Win32 Executable MS Visual FoxPro 8 trid
ASPack compressed Win32 Executable (generic) trid
WIN32 Executable PowerBASIC/CC (generic) trid
Win32 Executable PowerBASIC/Win 9.x trid
FreeBASIC 1.00 Win32 Executable trid
UPX compressed Win32 Executable trid
Microsoft Update - Self Extracting Cabinet trid
kkrunchy compressed Win32 Executable trid
DOS Executable Microsoft Basic 7.x trid
Win32 Cygwin executable trid
Generic Win/DOS Executable trid
MinGW32 C/C++ Executable trid
DiskImager 1.1 DOS sfx image trid
DOS Executable Borland C++ trid
WIN32 Executable PowerBASIC/CC 5.0 trid
WIN32 Executable PureBasic (generic) trid
PolyEnE compressed/encrypted Win32 Executable trid
REALbasic Win32 Executable trid
Win32 Executable Borland Delphi 7 trid
WIN32 Executable PowerBASIC/CC 3.02 trid
DOS Turbo Basic executable trid
Macromedia Projector/Flash executable trid
MS generic-sfx Cabinet File Unpacker (32/64bit MSCFU) trid
Winzip Win32 self-extracting archive (generic) trid
Win16 Executable Microsoft Visual Basic 3 trid
Win32 MS Cabinet Self-Extractor (WExtract stub) trid
DOS Executable Borland Turbo Pascal 5.5 trid
Win32 Executable Microsoft Visual Basic 6 trid
Win32 Executable MS Visual C++ (generic) trid
GIMP Plugin (Win) trid
jetAudio skin trid
Win64 Executable (generic) trid
Global Communications Network skin trid
EZip compressed Win32 executable trid
OS/2 Presentation Manager Executable trid
Win32 IBasic executable (generic) trid
DOS Executable PowerBASIC 3.50 trid
Win32 EXE Euphoria (Watcom compiled) trid
Cruncher compressed DOS executable trid
AIN compressed DOS Executable trid
Microsoft CLR native image executable trid
OS/2 Executable (no DOS stub) trid
*.exm HP Palmtop 95/100/200LX Sys.Manager compliant Executable trid
*.exp Expect Script tika
Autocad DOS real mode ADI driver trid
Visual C++ Export Library trid
EXPRESS data modeling language, ISO 10303-11 fdd
*.exr OpenEXR ffw
OpenEXR 2 pronom
OpenEXR High Dynamic-Range bitmap trid
*.exs Elixir githublinguist
*.ext application/vnd.novadigm.ext tika
*.eyb Encarta Encyclopedia Yearbook and Web Links update trid
*.eye Webgate WebEye bitmap trid
Eyemail video trid
Ruby githublinguist
*.eyetvi EyeTV Index data trid
*.eyetvp EyeTV scheduling metadata trid
*.eyetvr EyeTV Recording metadata trid
*.eygl Eyeglass file format (Ross Spencer) ffw
*.ez application/andrew-inset tika
*.ez2 application/vnd.ezpix-album tika
*.ez3 application/vnd.ezpix-package tika
*.ezc EZGUI Designer control definition trid
*.ezdraw EazyDraw File Format pronom
Binary Property List pronom
*.ezlog Skype Extras Manager log trid
*.ezp EasyPlot save file trid
*.f FORTRAN ffw
Freeze/Melt ffw
Freeze/Melt ffw
Fortran source code tika
Fortran source code tika
Fortran pronom
Fortran githublinguist
Filebench WML githublinguist
Forth githublinguist
*.f01 HEC-RAS Flow file trid
*.f02 HEC-RAS Flow file trid
*.f03 Fortran pronom
Fortran githublinguist
*.f08 Fortran githublinguist
*.f2r Farandole Form 2.0 ffw
*.f3b F3 font ffw
*.f3d Softdisk Family Tree ffw
MotoRacer 3 bike model trid
*.f3m Softdisk Family Tree ffw
*.f4a MPEG-4 Media File pronom
*.f4m F4M ffw
*.f4v F4V ffw
video/x-f4v tika
MPEG-4 Media File pronom
*.f77 Fortran source code tika
Fortran githublinguist
*.f90 FORTRAN ffw
Fortran source code tika
Fortran pronom
Fortran githublinguist
*.f95 Fortran pronom
Fortran githublinguist
*.f99 HEC-RAS Flow file trid
*.fa FASTA and FASTQ ffw
*.faa FASTA and FASTQ ffw
*.fac FaceSaver ffw
*.face FaceSaver ffw
X-Face ffw
Facer watch Face trid
*.facet Facet file trid
*.fact ElectricImage 3D file trid
*.factor Factor githublinguist
*.fal Q0 ffw
*.fan Fantom ffw
Fantom githublinguist
*.fancypack Fancy githublinguist
*.far Farandole Composer module ffw
Farandole Composer Module pronom
The Sims Archive file trid
Farandole Composer module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.fas FASTA and FASTQ ffw
AutoCAD Fast-load AutoLISP (FAS4) trid
*.fasta FASTA and FASTQ ffw
FASTA DNA sequence trid
*.fastq FASTA and FASTQ ffw
*.fav Outlook Shortcuts trid
*.fax Fax formats ffw
*.faxx FAXX ffw
*.fb Slim! compressed archive trid
*.fb2 FictionBook document tika
FictionBook 2.0 eBook trid
*.fb2k-component foobar2000 component trid
*.fbc FamilyTree Maker compressed backup trid
*.fbf Free Backup Fix backup trid
*.fbi Total Annihilation Main Unit Definition trid
*.fbk Family Tree Maker ffw
FamilyTree Backup File trid
*.fbl iGO map trid
*.fbm FBM image ffw
Fuzzy Bitmap trid
DELFTship ship trid
*.fbn ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.fbp7 FinalBuilder 7 Project trid
*.fbrb Battlefield Bad Company 2 game data trid
*.fbs image/vnd.fastbidsheet tika
FBIde session trid
*.fbx FBX ffw
FBX (Filmbox) Text pronom
Autodesk - Kaydara FBX 3D format (Binary) trid
Autodesk - Kaydara FBX 3D format (Text) trid
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.fc Future Composer v1.x module ffw
Future Composer v1.4 module trid
Amiga Future Composer module (v1.x) trid
*.fc13 Future Composer v1.x module ffw
*.fc14 Future Composer v1.x module ffw
*.fc7 FastCAD for Windows drawing (V7) trid
*.fca Omnis Web Client Form Cache trid
*.fcd FidoCAD drawing trid
Virtual CD-ROM File trid
*.fcf Thrustmaster TARGET profile trid
*.fcgi Perl ffw
Common Gateway Interface ffw
PHP githublinguist
Python githublinguist
Shell githublinguist
Perl githublinguist
Ruby githublinguist
Lua githublinguist
*.fchs Fuchs Tracker ffw
*.fcl FidoCAD Library trid
*.fcm Softdisk Family Tree ffw
FC-M Packer module ffw
FC-M Packer song/module trid
FidoCAD Macro trid
FCE-Ultra movie capture trid
*.fco FIASCO ffw
*.fcp Final Cut project trid
FineCrypt encrypted (v2.0) trid
*.fcpxml Final Cut Pro X XML project trid
*.fcs Foobar 2000 Columns UI settings trid
Flow Cytometry Standard format trid
*.fcstd FreeCAD Document trid
*.fcw FastCAD for Windows drawing (generic) trid
*.fd2 EasyPrint PictureMate borders trid
*.fdat Fiasco Database: data file trid
*.fdb FDB (Legacy Family Tree) ffw
Fiasco Database: definition file trid
Firebird database trid
*.fdd FlexiDATA Database trid
FormDocs document trid
*.fdf FDF ffw
Forms Data Format tika
Acrobat Forms Data Format trid
*.fdi FDI ffw
Anex86 PC98 floppy image ffw
Formatted Disk Image file trid
Full Disk Image trid
*.fdm Floppy Disk Manager disk image trid
*.fdp FMOD Designer Project trid
*.fdr Final Draft Document 5-7 pronom
Final Draft document trid
*.fds Nintendo Famicom (NES) Disk System trid
*.fdt FormDocs template trid
*.fdx Final Draft Script trid
*.fe_launch application/vnd.denovo.fcselayout-link tika
*.fea OpenType Feature File githublinguist
*.feather Feather pronom
*.feature Gherkin ffw
Gherkin githublinguist
*.fed FORMIK form trid
*.feedback Expression SketchFlow Feedback trid
*.fen FEN ffw
*.ff Farbfeld ffw
Call of Duty game data trid
*.ffdata ABBYY eForm Filler data trid
*.ffe Microsoft DirectInput Force Feedback Effect trid
*.fff Imacon 3F ffw
Imacon raw image tika
Gravis UltraSound PnP InterWave patch trid
Hasselblad 3F RAW trid
*.ffl Fast Find document List trid
*.ffli FFLI ffw
*.ffn FASTA and FASTQ ffw
FIFA game serie Font trid
*.ffna Guild Wars gamedata trid
*.ffp FLAC Fingerprint trid
*.ffr FFR archiv format trid
*.fft IBM DisplayWrite Final Form Text File pronom
*.ffx Microsoft Fast Find Index v1.x trid
*.fg Fred Gray module trid
*.fg5 application/ tika
*.fgd Shockwave Movie tika
Digital Raster Graphic as TIFF fdd
*.fh FreeHand image tika
*.fh* Freehand (MX) Project (generic) trid
*.fh10 FreeHand ffw
FreeHand image tika
Macromedia FreeHand 10 pronom
Freehand 10(MX) Project trid
*.fh11 FreeHand ffw
FreeHand image tika
Macromedia FreeHand MX 11 pronom
Freehand 11 Project trid
*.fh12 FreeHand image tika
*.fh3 Aldus Freehand Drawing 3 pronom
Freehand drawing (v3) trid
*.fh4 FreeHand image tika
Aldus Freehand Drawing 4 pronom
*.fh40 FreeHand image tika
*.fh5 FreeHand image tika
Macromedia Freehand 5 pronom
*.fh50 FreeHand image tika
*.fh7 FreeHand image tika
Macromedia FreeHand 7 pronom
*.fh8 FreeHand image tika
Macromedia FreeHand 8 pronom
*.fh9 FreeHand ffw
FreeHand image tika
Macromedia FreeHand 9 pronom
*.fhc FreeHand image tika
*.fhf Cleanersoft Free Hide Folder data trid
*.fib File Investigator data (generic) trid
*.fic Hyper File database trid
*.fid File Investigator data (generic) trid
*.fidx Fiasco Database: index File trid
*.fif Fractal Image Format ffw
Fractal Image pronom
Fractal Image Format trid
*.fig Fig ffw
Matlab figure ffw
application/x-xfig tika
Level 5 MAT-file format (MATLAB) pronom
MAT-file format 7.3 pronom
Cabri figure trid
FIG vector drawing trid
DeskMate Draw drawing trid
*.fih File Investigator data (generic) trid
*.fil DeskMate Filer database trid
AVG Antivirus Vault file trid
AVG Antivirus Vault file (v7) trid
*.film Sega FILM/CPK video trid
*.filters XML githublinguist
*.fim Icon Heaven library ffw
Paul van Keep's Icon Heaven icons package trid
*.fin Corel saved find/search trid
*.fip File Investigator data (generic) trid
*.fish Fish shell ffw
fish githublinguist
*.fit Flexible Image Transport System tika
*.fits Flexible Image Transport System ffw
Flexible Image Transport System tika
Flexible Image Transport System pronom
Flexible Image Transport System (FITS), Version 3.0 fdd
*.fiv File Investigator data (generic) trid
*.fla FLA ffw
FLAC lossless compressed audio trid
Flash Authoring / source material trid
Flash authoring source (CS5) trid
FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), Version 1.1.2 fdd
Macromedia Flash FLA Project File Format fdd
*.flac FLAC ffw
Free Lossless Audio Codec tika
FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) 1.2.1 pronom
FLAC lossless compressed audio trid
FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec), Version 1.1.2 fdd
*.flame Fractal Flame Parameters trid
*.flc FLIC ffw
The Master Genealogist ffw
video/x-flc tika
Autodesk Animator Pro FLIC pronom
FIGfont control file (zipped) trid
FIGfont control file trid
*.fld AVS Field data trid
YS FLIGHT scenery field trid
*.fle The Master Genealogist ffw
*.flex JFlex githublinguist
*.flf FIGfont trid
FIGfont (zipped) trid
FIGlet Font githublinguist
*.flh FLIC ffw
*.fli FLIC ffw
Flexible Line Interpretation ffw
video/x-fli tika
AutoDesk FLIC Animation pronom
Autodesk Animator (FlicLib) pronom
Autodesk Animator trid
*.flif FLIF ffw
Free Lossless Image Format (FLIF) pronom
*.flipchart ActivInspire Flipchart trid
*.flk The Master Genealogist ffw
*.fll TextPipe Filter List trid
*.flm Animatic Film ffw
AutoCAD Film Roll pronom
Adobe FilmStrip trid
Flasm disassembled Flash ActionScript bytecode trid
*.flo application/vnd.micrografx.flo tika
iGrafx FlowCharter document trid
*.flow Expression SketchFlow data trid
*.flp Raw FL Studio Project ffw
The Master Genealogist ffw
FL Studio project file (FLP) pronom
FruityLoops Track trid
Activstudio Flipchart trid
Flash Project trid
*.fls The Master Genealogist ffw
*.flt FLIC ffw
ImgStar ffw
Syntrillium CoolEdit Filter trid
Qimage Filter trid
OpenFlight 3D file trid
ESRI GridFloat Output File fdd
*.flux FLUX githublinguist
*.flv FLV ffw
video/x-flv tika
Macromedia FLV 1 pronom
Flash Video trid
Macromedia Flash FLV Video File Format fdd
*.flw application/vnd.kde.kivio tika
*.flx FLIC ffw
text/vnd.fmi.flexstor tika
*.fly The Master Genealogist ffw
text/ tika
*.fm FrameMaker ffw
application/vnd.framemaker tika
Adobe FrameMaker Document 8.0 pronom
FileMaker Pro Database 3 pronom
FileMaker Pro Database 5 pronom
Adobe FrameMaker Document 5.0 pronom
Adobe FrameMaker Document 2.0 pronom
Adobe FrameMaker Document 3.0 pronom
Adobe FrameMaker Document 4.0 pronom
Adobe FrameMaker Document 5.5 pronom
Adobe FrameMaker Document 6.0 pronom
Adobe FrameMaker Document 7.0 pronom
Adobe FrameMaker Document 9.0 pronom
FrameMaker document trid
*.fm1 Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Formatting File 2.3-2.4 pronom
*.fm3 Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Formatting File 3.0 pronom
*.fmb Oracle Binary Form trid
*.fmd Softdisk Family Tree ffw
Cumulate Draw's editable FMD format trid
*.fmk FM-Kingtracker module trid
*.fmp AutoCAD Font Mapping Table pronom
FileMaker Pro Database 3 pronom
FileMaker Pro Database 5 pronom
The Fractal Mapper map trid
*.fms DISK-Masher compressed disk image trid
*.fmt Lotus 1-2-3 Spreadsheet Formatting File 2.3-2.4 pronom
*.fmv Frame Vector Metafile pronom
Famtasia movie capture trid
*.fmx Oracle Executable Form trid
*.fmz form*Z Project File pronom
Form*Z Project trid
*.fn text/plain tika
*.fna FASTA and FASTQ ffw
*.fnc application/ tika
Vue D'Esprit 4 function definition trid
Vue D'Esprit function definition (generic) trid
PLSQL githublinguist
*.fnd Windows Explorer saved search trid
*.fnk FunkTracker module ffw
FunkTracker module trid
*.fns Free Notes document trid
*.fnt FNT (Windows Font) ffw
GEM bitmap font ffw
GRASP font ffw
BMFont Font control data (text) trid
Elecbyte M.U.G.E.N. font trid
GEM GDOS font trid
Bannermania font trid
Yountel Unicode font trid
*.fntdata Embedded OpenType ffw
*.fo XSL Format tika
*.fodg OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument Drawing ffw
*.fodp OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument Presentation ffw
OpenDocument Flat XML Presentation trid
*.fods OpenDocument Spreadsheet ffw
OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument Flat XML Spreadsheet trid
*.fodt OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument Text ffw
OpenDocument Flat XML Document trid
*.folio Folio ffw
*.fon FON ffw
Windows System font trid
*.font Amiga bitmap font ffw
*.fop Freedom of Press ffw
*.for FORTRAN ffw
Fortran source code tika
Fortran pronom
Fortran githublinguist
Forth githublinguist
Formatted githublinguist
*.form Gambas form (v2) trid
Gambas form (v3) trid
*.forth Forth githublinguist
*.fos Fallout 3 save game trid
*.fot Win 3.x Installed TrueType Font trid
*.fountain Fountain ffw
Fountain Script trid
*.fox Furcadia Art trid
*.fp FileMaker Pro Database 3 pronom
FileMaker Pro Database 5 pronom
FuturePlayer module trid
FinePrint saved - output file trid
GLSL githublinguist
*.fp2 Funpaint ffw
Funpaint 2 bitmap trid
*.fp3 FileMaker Pro Database 3 pronom
FloorPlan Plus/3D Drawing trid
FileMaker Pro 3 database trid
*.fp5 FileMaker Pro Database 5 pronom
FileMaker Pro database trid
*.fp7 FileMaker Pro 7 tika
FileMaker Pro Ver. 7+ Database Document 7 pronom
*.fpage XPS FixedPage trid
*.fpd Softdisk Family Tree ffw
*.fpf IKEA Kitchen Planner Document trid
*.fpk PerFORM Communicator File Packet trid
*.fpl foobar2000 playlist trid
*.fpp Fortran githublinguist
*.fpr Fiasco Database: print report definitions trid
*.fpt Farandole Composer pattern ffw
The Master Genealogist ffw
Microsoft FoxPro Memo pronom
Farandole Composer pattern trid
Sybase iAnywhere memo files trid
*.fpx FlashPix ffw
image/vnd.fpx tika
Kodak FlashPix Image pronom
Kodak FlashPix bitmap trid
*.fr Finalburn Alpha movie capture trid
Text githublinguist
Frege githublinguist
Forth githublinguist
*.fr3 FastReport 3 report trid
*.fra FRA (Fractint) ffw
*.frag GLSL githublinguist
JavaScript githublinguist
*.frame application/vnd.framemaker tika
*.framework Apple framework ffw
*.frec Fiasco Database: frequencies files trid
*.fred Fred Editor module trid
*.fref Freenet node reference ffw
*.frf PerFORM compressed database trid
*.frg Sound Forge project trid
GLSL githublinguist
*.frl PerFORM compressed database trid
FormFlow 1.x form trid
FormFlow 2.x form trid
PerFROM Pro Form trid
*.frm MySQL ffw
VisualBasic form ffw
Visual basic source code tika
Visual basic source code tika
Visual basic source code tika
MySQL Table Definition Format pronom
FireFly SDK Designer form trid
Phoenix Visual Designer form trid
VBDOS 1.0 Form trid
MySQL Database Dictionary (generic) trid
MySQL Dictionary File (ISAM) trid
VisualBasic Form trid
MySQL Database 3.23.52 Dictionary File trid
ADLForms document trid
Visual Basic githublinguist
*.frn FASTA and FASTQ ffw
*.fro A-Robots Fighting Robot Object trid
*.frp PerFORM compressed database trid
FormFlow 2.x form trid
*.frt Microsoft FoxPro Memo pronom
Forth githublinguist
*.frx FoxPro Report pronom
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Report pronom
Microsoft Visual Basic Form trid
Visual Basic githublinguist
*.frz FormFlow 2.x form trid
*.fs F Sharp ffw
ZODB File Storage (2.1) trid
GLSL githublinguist
F# githublinguist
Forth githublinguist
Filterscript githublinguist
*.fsa FASTA and FASTQ ffw
ABIF - Applied Biosystems Inc. Format trid
*.fsb FMOD Sample Bank ffw
FMOD Sample Bank Format trid
*.fsc application/vnd.fsc.weblaunch tika
*.fsf Quartus Software Build Settings File trid
*.fsh FSH (EA Sports) ffw
Electronic Arts image trid
GLSL githublinguist
*.fshader GLSL githublinguist
*.fsi F Sharp ffw
F# githublinguist
*.fsm Farandole Composer sample ffw
Farandole Composer sample trid
*.fsn Greeting Card Factory trid
*.fsp Flash Slideshow Builder project trid
*.fsproj Visual Studio F# Project trid
XML githublinguist
*.fss PaperPort slide show trid
*.fst image/vnd.fst tika
FAST input trid
F* githublinguist
*.fsx F Sharp ffw
F# githublinguist
*.fsy FileSync profile trid
*.ft Fuchs Tracker ffw
FastTracker module ffw
text/plain tika
*.ft10 FreeHand image tika
*.ft11 FreeHand image tika
*.ft12 FreeHand image tika
*.ft7 FreeHand image tika
*.ft8 FreeHand image tika
*.ft9 FreeHand image tika
*.ftb MyHeritage Family Tree Builder ffw
*.ftb-shm MyHeritage Family Tree Builder ffw
*.ftb-wal MyHeritage Family Tree Builder ffw
*.ftc Falcon True Color ffw
application/vnd.fluxtime.clip tika
FluxTime Clip trid
*.ftd Softdisk Family Tree ffw
*.fth Forth ffw
Forth githublinguist
*.fti Softdisk Family Tree ffw
application/vnd.anser-web-funds-transfer-initiation tika
File-Type Image trid
FamiTracker Instrument trid
*.ftl Family Tree Legends data trid
Faster Than Light mod trid
FreeMarker githublinguist
*.ftm Softdisk Family Tree ffw
Family Tree Maker ffw
FamiTracker Module trid
Face The Music module trid
*.ftmb Family Tree Maker ffw
*.ftmd Family Tree Maker ffw
*.ftmm Family Tree Maker ffw
*.ftp Softdisk Family Tree ffw
*.ftr File-Type Rule trid
*.fts Flexible Image Transport System ffw
Flexible Image Transport System tika
Windows Help Full-Text Search index file trid
Flexible Image Transport System bitmap trid
*.ftw Family Tree Maker ffw
Family Tree Maker Family Tree trid
*.ftxt IFF-Text document trid
Cloanto C1-Text document trid
*.fuchs Fuchs Tracker module trid
*.ful Canvas (Atari) ffw
*.fun Standard ML githublinguist
*.fup FairUse Wizard project trid
*.fus Fxpansion Uninstall Script trid
*.fuz Fuzzac Packer module ffw
*.fuzz Fuzzac Packer module ffw
*.fv text/plain tika
*.fvf Fluke View data trid
*.fvt video/vnd.fvt tika
*.fw Framework Database II pronom
Forgotten Worlds custom music format trid
Kodak Camera Firmware trid
*.fw2 Framework Database II pronom
Framework II file trid
*.fw3 Framework Database III pronom
Framework III file trid
*.fw4 Framework Database IV pronom
*.fwk Colton Software Fireworkz document trid
*.fx Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic Effects trid
BluffTitler Effect trid
HLSL githublinguist
FLUX githublinguist
*.fxb HALion Sampler patch - bank trid
*.fxcproj FX Composer Project trid
*.fxg Flash XML Graphics trid
*.fxh HLSL githublinguist
*.fxm Fuxoft AY Language ffw
Fuxoft AY Music chip language trid
WinFax Pro multipage document trid
*.fxml XML githublinguist
*.fxo DirectX pre-compiled pixel/vertex shader trid
*.fxp FXP ffw
Steinberg Plug-in trid
*.fxr WinFax Sent / Received document trid
*.fy Fancy githublinguist
*.fz Fritzing sketch trid
*.fz2 JB BAHN vehicle (Zoom2) trid
*.fz4 JB BAHN vehicle (Zoom4) trid
*.fza Fattz Announcement trid
*.fzb Fritzing Bin module trid
*.fzbz Fritzing Bundled Bin trid
*.fzip Foxit Reader Add-on trid
*.fzp Fritzing Part trid
*.fzpz Fritzing Bundled Part trid
*.fzs application/vnd.fuzzysheet tika
*.fzz Fritzing shareable project trid
*.g Img Software Set ffw
text/plain tika
MicroPlanet Gravity news database trid
GAP githublinguist
G-code githublinguist
*.g01 HEC-RAS Geometry file trid
*.g02 HEC-RAS Geometry file trid
*.g3 CCITT Group 3 ffw
image/g3fax tika
*.g3a Casio Prizm add-in trid
*.g3d Glest 3D model trid
GOM 3D data trid
*.g3x RealFlight data trid
*.g4 ANTLR githublinguist
*.g41 G64 GCR-encoded Disk Image Format pronom
*.g64 G64 ffw
G64 GCR-encoded Disk Image Format pronom
Genetec Video Archive trid
G64 1541 raw disk image trid
*.g71 G64 GCR-encoded Disk Image Format pronom
*.g8 Cubicomp PictureMaker green channel image data trid
*.g99 HEC-RAS Geometry file trid
*.g9b G9B ffw
G9B graphics format bitmap trid
*.ga3 Graphical Analysis 3 document trid
*.gab WinDev Controls' Styles description trid
*.gac application/vnd.groove-account tika
*.gadget Microsoft Vista Sidebar Gadget (CAB - Obsolete) trid
Microsoft Vista Sidebar Gadget (Zip) trid
*.gal GenePix Array List trid
*.gam TADS ffw
Master of Orion saved game ffw
Tasc Chess CD II saved game trid
Infinity Engine save Game (v2.x) trid
The Games Factory Game (G) trid
Klik'n'Play game trid
The Games Factory Game (P) trid
Infinity Engine save Game (v1.1) trid
Vectrex game trid
Cyberboard Game trid
TADS 2 Game trid
*.gambas Gambas application (v2) trid
*.gan GanttProject project trid
*.gap GAP githublinguist
*.gau MS Flight Simulator Gauge trid
*.gawk Awk githublinguist
*.gax MS Age of Empires II: The Conquerors Expansion v1.0 Saved Game trid
*.gb Printfox bitmap ffw
GenBank sequence record trid
*.gba Game Boy Advance ROM trid
*.gbap GLBasic project (generic) trid
GLBasic Project (XML) trid
*.gbc GameBoy Color ROM File trid
*.gbd Graphtec Binary Data trid
*.gbi gBurner Image trid
*.gbl Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gblorb Blorb ffw
Glulx ffw
Blorb package trid
*.gbo Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gbp gBurner Project trid
Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gbr GIMP Brush ffw
Gerber Format pronom
The GIMP Brush trid
GameBoy Sound System GBR dump trid
Gerber printed circuit description trid
Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gbs Game Boy Sound ffw
Opus-CBCS ffw
Opus Embedded Commands ffw
GameBoy Sound System dump trid
Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gbx Game data package trid
TrackMania track trid
Cyberboard Gamebox trid
*.gca GCA ffw
G Compression Archiver trid
*.gcat GUI Design Studio Catalogue trid
*.gcd Fallout character description ffw
General Content Descriptor file trid
Generic CADD 6.x drawing trid
*.gcf Graphing Calculator trid
ArcSoft Greeting Card Creator project trid
OptionSoft WindowsXCompressor archive trid
*.gcg GCG Sequence Chemical file trid
*.gco Genbox Family History chart options trid
G-code githublinguist
*.gcode G-code githublinguist
*.gcs GameShark SharkSave for GameCube trid
*.gcw Microsoft Math worksheet trid
*.gcz Compressed GameCube / Wii ROM trid
*.gd GAP githublinguist
GDScript githublinguist
*.gd2 GDLib Image trid
*.gdb InterBase Database pronom
MapSource GPS Waypoint Database trid
GVA/GVA2000 Author lecture trid
GeoDB, ESRI Geodatabase (File-based) fdd
GDB githublinguist
*.gdbinit GDB githublinguist
*.gdf General Data Format for Biosignals ffw
*.gdfmakerproject Game Definition File Editor project trid
*.gdi GEM VDI Metafile ffw
*.gdl model/vnd.gdl tika
Game Description Language trid
Game Description Language (with rem) trid
*.gdm General Digital Music module ffw
General DigiMusic module trid
*.gdoc Google Document ffw
Google Drive Document link trid
*.gdp GUI Design Studio Project trid
*.gdraw Google Drive Drawing link trid
*.gds GDSII stream format layout (binary) trid
*.gdt Genbox Family History dictionary trid
*.gdws GUI Design Studio WordSpace trid
*.geany Geany project ffw
*.ged GEDCOM ffw
Genealogical Data Communication (GEDCOM) Format pronom
GEDCOM Family History trid
Arts and Letters Graphics file trid
*.gem GEM VDI Metafile ffw
Ventura Publisher Vector Graphics pronom
GEM Metafile Format 1.00 pronom
GEM Metafile Format 1.01 pronom
GEM Metafile Format 3.10 pronom
McAfee AV Pattern update (newer engine) trid
GEM metafile trid
*.gemspec Ruby Gem::Specification trid
Ruby githublinguist
*.gen ADRG ffw
Ventura Publisher pronom
Arc Digitized Raster Graphic (ADRG) fdd
*.genbank GenBank sequence record trid
*.gendex.txt GENDEX ffw
*.geo application/vnd.dynageo tika
GeoGebra 1.0 pronom
Videoscape GEO mesh trid
GLSL githublinguist
*.geojson JSON githublinguist
*.geom OFF (DEC-WSE Object File Format) ffw
GLSL githublinguist
*.gex application/vnd.geometry-explorer tika
*.gexf GEXF ffw
Graph Exchange XML Format trid
*.gf Metafont ffw
Grammatical Framework githublinguist
*.gfa GFA BASIC Amiga tokenized source trid
GFA-Basic ATARI tokenized source v2.x (protected) trid
GFA-Basic MSDOS tokenized source trid
GFA-Basic ATARI tokenized source v2.x trid
*.gfar Greenfoot Archive trid
*.gfi Greenfish Icon Editor Pro trid
*.gfie Greenfish Icon Editor Pro trid
*.gfs GGFileSPlit File Fragment trid
*.gft GEM bitmap font ffw
GSP Family Tree trid
*.gfx Instant Artist GFX ffw
Explorations RPG Game Engine resource - Bitmap trid
*.gg KoalaPainter ffw
Google Gadget trid
*.ggb Ggb ffw
application/vnd.geogebra.file tika
GeoGebra 2 pronom
GeoGebra 1.x pronom
GeoGebra 3 pronom
GeoGebra 4 pronom
GeoGebra 5 pronom
*.ggp GemCom Graphic bitmap trid
*.ggr GIMP Gradient trid
*.ggt application/vnd.geogebra.tool tika
*.ghf application/vnd.groove-help tika
*.gho Norton older Ghost image (first file) trid
*.ghs Norton older Ghost image (split file) trid
*.gi GAP githublinguist
*.gid GID Help index trid
*.gif GIF ffw
Graphics Interchange Format tika
Graphics Interchange Format 87a pronom
Graphics Interchange Format 89a pronom
GIF89a bitmap trid
GIF bitmap (generic) trid
GIF animated bitmap trid
GIF87a bitmap trid
GIF Graphics Interchange Format, Version 89a fdd
*.gifv GIFV ffw
*.gig GigaSampler Sound bank trid
*.gih GIMP Animated Brush ffw
*.gim application/vnd.groove-identity-message tika
Playstation 3 icon trid
*.gir GObject Introspection information trid
Gens Plus! movie capture trid
*.gis ERDAS LAN/GIS ffw
ERDAS IMAGINE Gray-scale Bitmap Image pronom
Erdas bitmap trid
*.gjf Gaussian Input Data File pronom
*.gko Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gl GRASP GL ffw
*.gla Sothink SWF Easy Project trid
*.glade XML githublinguist
*.glb Blorb ffw
Glulx ffw
Blorb package trid
*.glf GLF 3D Font File Format trid
Glyph githublinguist
*.glif Glyph Interchange Format ffw
*.glox Microsoft Office SmartArt Graphics Layout trid
*.glsl GLSL githublinguist
*.glslv GLSL githublinguist
*.gltf JSON githublinguist
*.glue GlueMon module trid
*.gm Game Music trid
Autologic bitmap trid
*.gm1 Stronghold GM1 ffw
*.gm2 Autologic bitmap trid
*.gm4 Autologic bitmap trid
*.gm6 Game Maker 6 project trid
*.gma Garry's Mod Addon ffw
*.gmanifest Google Desktop Gadget manifest trid
*.gmc Game Music Creator ffw
Game Music Creator Music trid
*.gme GME ffw
DexDrive memory card save game trid
*.gmf Glopus Map File trid
*.gmi GPS Tuner map calibration data trid
*.gml Geography Markup Language pronom
Graphlet File Format trid
Geography Markup Language (GML) fdd
XML githublinguist
Graph Modeling Language githublinguist
Game Maker Language githublinguist
*.gmo GNU Gettext Machine Object file trid
*.gmp GUEmap document trid
*.gms GAMS githublinguist
*.gmv GMV input file trid
Cyberboard Move trid
Gens movie capture trid
*.gmx application/ tika
XML githublinguist
*.gn GN githublinguist
*.gni GN githublinguist
*.gnm Gnumeric ffw
Generator GNM output log / music trid
*.gns Genital Save State ffw
*.gnt Micro Focus COBOL generated code trid
*.gnu Gnuplot githublinguist
*.gnucash application/x-gnucash tika
*.gnumeric Gnumeric ffw
application/x-gnumeric tika
GNUMERIC spreedshet (XML, ungzipped) trid
*.gnuplot Gnuplot githublinguist
*.go Go ffw
Go source code tika
Go githublinguist
*.gocad GOCAD ascii data format trid
*.god GodPaint ffw
Ruby githublinguist
*.goe GOES Satellite bitmap trid
*.golo Golo githublinguist
*.gp Gnuplot githublinguist
*.gp3 Guitar Pro v3 tablature trid
*.gp4 Guitar Pro 4 ffw
Guitar Pro v4 tablature trid
*.gp5 Guitar Pro v5 tablature trid
*.gpb GIMP Brush ffw
Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gpd Generic Printer Description - Unidrv minidriver trid
*.gpg GNU Privacy Guard public keyring trid
*.gph PrintPartner ffw
application/vnd.flographit tika
*.gpi Garmin Point of Interest trid
*.gpj jGRASP Project trid
*.gpkg GeoPackage Encoding Standard (OGC), version 1.0 fdd
*.gpl GIMP Palette ffw
GIMP Palette trid
*.gpm Crossword Puzzle trid
*.gpr GenePix Results trid
Ghemical Project trid
*.gpt Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gpx GPX ffw
GPS eXchange Format pronom
Guitar Pro 6 tablature (non compressed) trid
GPS eXchange Format trid
GPS eXchange format trid
Guitar Pro 6 tablature (compressed) trid
*.gq QLFC compressed archive trid
*.gqf application/vnd.grafeq tika
*.gql GraphQL githublinguist
*.gqs application/vnd.grafeq tika
*.grace Grace githublinguist
*.gradle Gradle githublinguist
*.graffle OmniGraffle Drawing trid
*.gram application/srgs tika
*.grammar Synalysis grammar file ffw
*.gramps GRAMPS XML trid
*.graphml GraphML graph trid
*.graphql GraphQL githublinguist
*.grb GRIB ffw
GROB ffw
General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form tika
Gridded Binary 1.0 pronom
Gridded Binary 2.0 pronom
Gridded Binary image trid
*.grb1 General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form tika
*.grb2 General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form tika
*.grd Photoshop ffw
Surfer Grid trid
Symantec Guard Header trid
Adobe Photoshop gradient trid
*.gre application/vnd.geometry-explorer tika
*.greenfoot Greenfoot Project trid
*.grf GRF (Amstrad) ffw
GraphEdit Filter Graph trid
*.grid GridMove grid template trid
*.grindx Juice Grinder recipe trid
*.grm text/plain tika
*.gro GROB ffw
HP-48sx Graphic Object bitmap trid
Genbox Family History report options trid
Allegro MIDI music trid
*.groovy Groovy ffw
Groovy source code tika
Groovy githublinguist
*.grp MSX BASIC graphics ffw
Windows program group ffw
StarCraft group file ffw
Windows Program Manager Group trid
*.grs GetRight Skin trid
*.grt Groovy githublinguist
*.grv application/vnd.groove-injector tika
*.grx GetRight File List trid
*.grxml application/srgs+xml tika
XML Grammar trid
XML githublinguist
*.grz GRZipII compressed archive trid
GRZip compressed archive trid
*.gs Genie githublinguist
JavaScript githublinguist
Gosu githublinguist
*.gs0 Genecyst Save State ffw
Genecyst save state trid
*.gs1 Genecyst Save State ffw
*.gs2 Genecyst Save State ffw
*.gs3 Genecyst Save State ffw
*.gs4 Genecyst Save State ffw
*.gs5 Genecyst Save State ffw
*.gs6 Genecyst Save State ffw
*.gs7 Genecyst Save State ffw
*.gs8 Genecyst Save State ffw
*.gs9 Genecyst Save State ffw
*.gsb Golden Software Boundary data trid
*.gsd Graphtec vector data / drawing trid
*.gsf GSF ffw
application/x-font-ghostscript tika
Portable Sound Format pronom
Gameboy Sound Format trid
*.gsflib GSF ffw
Portable Sound Format pronom
Gameboy Sound Format trid
*.gshader GLSL githublinguist
*.gsheet Google Sheet ffw
Google Drive Spreadsheet link trid
*.gsi GPS Tuner map slices calibration data trid
*.gslides Google Drive Presentation link trid
*.gsm GSM ffw
US Robotics GSM (with header) audio trid
ArchiCAD Library Object trid
*.gsn Cyberboard Scenario trid
*.gsp Geometer's Sketchpad Document trid
Groovy Server Pages githublinguist
*.gsr Golfstar Resource data trid
*.gss Geometer's Sketchpad Script trid
*.gst Gosu githublinguist
*.gsv Genecyst Backup RAM ffw
*.gsx Gosu githublinguist
*.gt2 Graoumf Tracker 2 module ffw
Graoumf Tracker 2 module trid
*.gtar GNU tar Compressed File Archive (GNU Tape Archive) tika
*.gtiff GeoTIFF, Revision 1.0 fdd
BigTIFF fdd
*.gtk Graoumf Tracker module ffw
Beaver Sweeper module trid
Graoumf Tracker module trid
*.gtl Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gtm application/vnd.groove-tool-message tika
GPS TrackMaker map trid
*.gto Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gtp Guitar Pro Tablature (v1.x) trid
Guitar Pro Tablature (v2.x) trid
Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gtpl Groovy githublinguist
*.gts Gerber Image githublinguist
*.gtw model/vnd.gtw tika
*.gtx Genetica 1.0 Texture trid
*.gui GUI Design Studio design trid
*.guide AmigaGuide ffw
Amigaguide hypertext document trid
*.guikit Shapeshifter theme trid
*.gul Samsung document trid
*.gv DOT (graph description language) ffw
text/vnd.graphviz tika
Graphviz (DOT) githublinguist
*.gvi Google Video trid
AVI (Audio Video Interleaved) with DivX Codec fdd
*.gvp Google Video pointer trid
*.gvy Groovy githublinguist
*.gwi Novell Groupwise File link trid
*.gwp GoodWay Flight Planner flight plan trid
*.gws GateWay Settings trid
*.gx1 GX1 ffw
*.gx2 GX2 ffw
*.gxd General CADD Pro (generic) trid
*.gxf General eXchange Format video trid
Grid Exchange Format - ASCII trid
*.gxk Galaxkey encrypted data trid
*.gym GYM ffw
Sega Genesis/Mega Drive sound/music data trid
*.gyp Python githublinguist
*.gypi Python githublinguist
*.gz Gzip ffw
Gzip Compressed Archive tika
GZIP Format pronom
The GIMP image trid
GZipped data trid
*.gza GZA compressed archive trid
*.gzip GZipped data trid
*.h Objective-C ffw
C ffw
C++ ffw
High Level Shading Language ffw
C++ source code header tika
C source code header tika
Objective-C githublinguist
C githublinguist
C++ githublinguist
*.h++ C++ source code header tika
C++ githublinguist
*.h261 video/h261 tika
*.h263 video/h263 tika
*.h264 video/h264 tika
Raw H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Video trid
*.h2o Liquid Entertainment H2O compressed archive trid
*.h2p Zebra2 Preset trid
*.h2pattern Hydrogen ffw
*.h2song Hydrogen ffw
*.h5 HDF5 ffw
Hierarchical Data Format File tika
HDF5 1 pronom
HDF5 2 pronom
HDF5 0 pronom
HDF5 data file trid
HDF5, Hierarchical Data Format, Version 5 fdd
*.h8t H8 Tape image trid
*.ha HA ffw
HA compressed archive trid
*.haml HAML source code tika
Haml githublinguist
*.haml.deface Haml githublinguist
*.handlebars Handlebars githublinguist
*.hap Hamarsoft HAP 3.x compressed archive trid
*.haptar Haptek Compressed file trid
*.har HAR ffw
Hamster archive ffw
*.harp HAR ffw
*.hash EnCase Forensics Hash trid
*.hats ATS githublinguist
*.hb Harbour githublinguist
*.hbci application/vnd.hbci tika
*.hbk Hex Workshop Bookmark File trid
*.hbs Handlebars githublinguist
*.hcc HydroCAD Data for prefabricated storage Chambers trid
*.hcg HCLab document trid
*.hcl HCL githublinguist
*.hcp HydroCAD Project trid
*.hcx BinHex ffw
*.hd pulse EKKO header file pronom
Howie Davies module trid
*.hdf HDF ffw
HDF4 ffw
Hierarchical Data Format File tika
HDF5 2 pronom
NCSA Hierarchical Data Format trid
HDF IDE hard disk image trid
HDF-EOS, Hierarchical Data Format-Earth Observing System (based on HDF4) fdd
HDF4, Hierarchical Data Format, Version 4 and earlier fdd
*.hdf5 HDF5 1 pronom
HDF5 1 pronom
HDF5 2 pronom
*.hdfeos HDF-EOS, Hierarchical Data Format-Earth Observing System (based on HDF4) fdd
*.hdp JPEG XR ffw
JPEG XR (AKA HD Photo, Windows Media Photo) trid
HD Photo, Version 1.0 (Windows Media Photo) fdd
*.hdr IMG/HDR ffw
Radiance HDR ffw
Radiance RGBE Image Format pronom
SafeGuard Encrypted Virtual Disk pronom
InstallShield setup header trid
Radiance High Dynamic Range image trid
ESRI GridFloat Output File fdd
*.hdv DSK (Apple II) ffw
HDV (disk image) ffw
Sim //e Virtual Hard Drive image trid
*.he2 HDF-EOS, Hierarchical Data Format-Earth Observing System (based on HDF4) fdd
*.he4 HDF-EOS, Hierarchical Data Format-Earth Observing System (based on HDF4) fdd
*.he5 Hierarchical Data Format File tika
Hierarchical Data Format Release 5 trid
*.head BRIK/HEAD ffw
*.heartssave-ms Microsoft Hearts Saved game trid
*.heic HEIF ffw
*.heif HEIF ffw
*.hes HES ffw
Hudson Entertainment System Sound Format dump trid
*.hex Intel HEX ffw
Hugo ffw
BinHex ffw
HEX (Unifont) ffw
*.hf Rayshade Heightfield ffw
*.hfa ERDAS Imagine Hierarchical File Architecture trid
*.hfe HxC Floppy Emulator disk image trid
*.hfs HFS ffw
*.hfz HollywoodFX Plug-In trid
*.hg1 Hellgate London save game trid
*.hgl HP-GL ffw
*.hgt HGT ffw
*.hh C++ ffw
C++ source code header tika
Hack githublinguist
C++ githublinguist
*.hhp Microsoft HTML Help Project trid
*.hic PC-Bibliothek Hierarchy Compressed trid
Clojure githublinguist
*.hin HyperChem molecule format trid
*.hip HiP compressed file trid
*.hipc Hippel COmpressed SOng module trid
*.hir C64 Hires bitmap trid
*.hiv Windows NT Registry Hive trid
*.hjson Hjson ffw
*.hjt TreePAD document trid
TreePAD document (older version) trid
*.hki HKI ffw
WinHki compressed archive trid
*.hl7 Health Level-7 data (pipe delimited) trid
*.hlean Lean githublinguist
*.hlf FAR help trid
*.hlp HLP (WinHelp) ffw
INF/HLP (OS/2) ffw
Microsoft Advisor Help ffw
application/winhlp tika
Windows Help File pronom
OS/2 Help trid
gfxboot compiled html help trid
Microsoft Advisor Help file trid
HP200LX System Application's Help trid
Windows HELP File trid
*.hlsl High Level Shading Language ffw
HLSL githublinguist
*.hlsli HLSL githublinguist
*.hlx Help Magician text file trid
*.hm Harris Matrix pronom
*.hmi HMI ffw
HMI song trid
*.hmk Hallmark Card Studio file trid
*.hmp Frontier 2 First Encounters Music trid
Help Magician Project trid
*.hmr HMR ffw
*.hmt HighMAT file trid
*.hmw Homeword for DeskMate trid
*.hnd HNSKY Deep Sky Database trid
*.hne NoteCenter encrypted notes trid
*.hog Descent game data archive trid
*.honmod HoN Modification Manager package trid
*.hostnames Archive Team hostname file ffw
*.hot RIPscrip Icon ffw
Anders Oland music trid
*.hp C++ source code header tika
*.hpd HP Document trid
*.hpg HP-GL ffw
*.hpgl HP-GL ffw
application/vnd.hp-hpgl tika
Hewlett Packard Graphics Language pronom
*.hpi Total Annihilation saved game trid
Hemera Photo-Object Image trid
*.hpid application/vnd.hp-hpid tika
*.hpp C++ ffw
C++ source code header tika
C++ source code header tika
C++ githublinguist
*.hprj Heroglyph Project Format ffw
*.hproj HOBOware Project trid
*.hps application/vnd.hp-hps tika
HP HPS digital sender info trid
*.hq.uef Unified Emulator Format pronom
*.hqf SQF githublinguist
*.hqx BinHex ffw
application/mac-binhex40 tika
BinHex Binary Text pronom
BinHex encoded trid
*.hr HR (TRS-80) ffw
*.hrf Hitachi Raster Format bitmap trid
*.hrl Erlang githublinguist
*.hrt Opus-CBCS ffw
Hornet Packer module/song trid
*.hru HRU bitmap trid
*.hrz Slow-scan television ffw
*.hs Haskell ffw
Haskell source code tika
Haskell githublinguist
*.hs2 HS2 (POSTERING) ffw
*.hsb HandStory eBook trid
*.hsc HYSYS Simulation Case trid
HelpScribble Project trid
HSC music composer song trid
Haskell githublinguist
*.hsi HSI JPEG ffw
HSI JPEG bitmap trid
*.hst HSI Raw ffw
*.ht HyperTerminal data file trid
*.htc HTML Components pronom
HTML Component (ASCII) trid
HTML Component (Unicode) trid
*.htke application/vnd.kenameaapp tika
*.htm HTML ffw
HyperText Markup Language tika
Hypertext Markup Language 2.0 pronom
Hypertext Markup Language 3.2 pronom
Hypertext Markup Language 4.0 pronom
Hypertext Markup Language 4.01 pronom
Extensible Hypertext Markup Language 1.0 pronom
Extensible Hypertext Markup Language 1.1 pronom
Hypertext Markup Language pronom
Hypertext Markup Language 5 pronom
Vector Markup Language pronom
HyperText Markup Language with DOCTYPE trid
Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML), 1.0 fdd
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Format Family fdd
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 5 fdd
HTML githublinguist
*.html HTML ffw
RASH ffw
Jinja ffw
HyperText Markup Language tika
Hypertext Markup Language 2.0 pronom
Hypertext Markup Language 3.2 pronom
Hypertext Markup Language 4.0 pronom
Hypertext Markup Language 4.01 pronom
Extensible Hypertext Markup Language 1.0 pronom
Extensible Hypertext Markup Language 1.1 pronom
Hypertext Markup Language pronom
Hypertext Markup Language 5 pronom
Vector Markup Language pronom
HyperText Markup Language trid
HyperText Markup Language with DOCTYPE trid
Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML), 1.0 fdd
HTML Electronic Calendar and Scheduling Format fdd
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Format Family fdd
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 5 fdd
HTML githublinguist
*.html.hl HTML githublinguist
*.htmlz HTMLZ eBook trid
*.htr Haptek Compressed file trid
*.http HTTP githublinguist
*.htx HTML Extension File pronom
*.hud HUD Maker trid
*.huh HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System Unit Hydrograph file ffw
HydroCAD Unit Hydrograph definitions trid
*.hus Husqvarna Designer I Embroidery Machine Format trid
*.hut Opus-CBCS ffw
*.hv Amiga HAM Video trid
*.hvd application/vnd.yamaha.hv-dic tika
*.hvl Hively Tracker module trid
*.hvp application/vnd.yamaha.hv-voice tika
*.hvs application/vnd.yamaha.hv-script tika
*.hwp HWP ffw
Hangul (Korean) Word Processor document (alternate) trid
Hangul (Korean) Word Processor document trid
*.hx Haxe ffw
Haxe source code tika
AmiraMesh ASCII 1.0 pronom
AmiraMesh 3D ASCII 2.0 pronom
AmiraMesh 3D Binary 2.0 pronom
AmiraMesh 3D Binary Little Endian 2.0 pronom
AmiraMesh Binary Little Endian 2.1 pronom
Haxe githublinguist
*.hxml HXML githublinguist
*.hxn Hexagon model trid
*.hxs Microsoft compiled help format 2.0 trid
*.hxsl Haxe githublinguist
*.hxt Help Table of Contents trid
*.hxx C++ source code header tika
C++ githublinguist
*.hy Hy githublinguist
*.hyp Atari ST Guide Hypertext document trid
Sphinx Questionnaire form trid
Hyper archive (stored) trid
Hyper archive (compressed) trid
Acrobat spelling dictionary trid
*.hzf neosat fixes trid
*.hzp CrossStudio project trid
*.i INTERCAL ffw
*.i16 DVI ffw
*.i3 Modula source code tika
Modula-3 githublinguist
*.i3d Instant3D document trid
*.i3f I3 Fax file trid
*.i6 Inform ffw
*.i7 Inform ffw
*.i7x Inform 7 githublinguist
*.i8 DVI ffw
*.iaf Outlook 97 and 2000 E-mail Account Settings trid
*.iage IAGE ffw
*.ib3 ICDRAW icon ffw
*.ibd MySQL ffw
*.ibi ICDRAW icon ffw
*.ibk Instrument Bank ffw
Imaging for Windows Image Bookmark trid
ICE Book Reader Professional Book trid
Sound Blaster Instrument Bank trid
*.ibooks Apple iBooks Author publication format tika
Apple iBook format pronom
*.ibp IsoBuster CD/DVD image backup trid
*.ic IAGE ffw
*.ic1 Imagic Film/Picture ffw
*.ic2 Imagic Film/Picture ffw
*.ic3 Imagic Film/Picture ffw
*.ica Citrix Independent Computer Architecture trid
*.ical ICalendar ffw
*.icalendar ICalendar ffw
*.icb TGA ffw
Truevision TGA Bitmap 1.0 pronom
Truevision TGA Bitmap 2.0 pronom
Truevision TGA, version 1.0 fdd
*.icc ICC profile ffw
application/vnd.iccprofile tika
Art Icons Pro - IconCollection trid
*.ice ICE (ICEOWS) ffw
Cooltalk Audio tika
ICE compressed archive trid
Freeze! compressed archive trid
Slice githublinguist
*.iced CoffeeScript githublinguist
*.icl Icon library ffw
Icons Library trid
Clean githublinguist
*.icm ICC profile ffw
application/vnd.iccprofile tika
Indipendent Color Matching profile trid
*.icma IDML ffw
*.icn RIPscrip Icon ffw
HP 100LX/200LX icon ffw
Micrografx Icon ffw
DEGAS Elite icon ffw
BGI image ffw
HP Palmtop 100/200LX Icon trid
*.icns ICNS ffw
Icons resource file trid
*.ico ICO ffw
Favicon ffw
Sun icon ffw
OS/2 Icon ffw
OS/2 Bitmap Array ffw
Windows 1.0 Icon ffw
image/ tika
Icon file format pronom
OS/2 Icon trid
Windows Icon trid
*.icon Sun icon ffw
*.icpr Art Icons Pro - IconProject trid
*.icr NCSA Telnet Interactive Color Raster bitmap trid
*.ics ICalendar ffw
Image Cytometry Standard ffw
text/calendar tika
Internet Calendar and Scheduling format pronom
Image Cytometry Standard 1 pronom
Image Cytometry Standard 2 pronom
iCalendar - vCalendar trid
iCalendar Electronic Calendar and Scheduling Format fdd
*.id Exact ffw
IBM Audio Visual Connection (AVC) Still Video Image ffw ffw
MapInfo Dataset Format fdd
*.idb Microsoft Developer intermediate file format trid
IDA Database trid
*.idc C githublinguist
*.ide Grand Theft Auto III model IDs and properties trid
Grand Theft Auto IV Item Definition trid
Borland C++ Project definition trid
*.idf ICEDraw ffw
Microsoft Instrument Definition File trid
*.idl Inteface Definition Language tika
*.idm Fahrenheit - The Game - DAT + IDM archive trid
*.idml IDML ffw
Adobe InDesign Markup Language trid
*.idms IDML ffw
*.idol IDle Object Library - bytecode trid
*.idq Internet Data Query File pronom
*.idr Idris githublinguist
*.ids Image Cytometry Standard ffw
*.idw IntelliDraw Vector Graphics pronom
AutoDesk Inventor drawing trid
*.idx VobSub ffw
Git ffw
Meta Raster Format ffw
VobSub Index file trid
Java Applet cache index trid
*.ief image/ief tika
AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format) fdd
*.iem Internet Explorer Maintenance extension trid
*.ies IESNA Photometric data trid
*.ifb ICalendar ffw
text/calendar tika
iCalendar Electronic Calendar and Scheduling Format fdd
*.ifc Industry Foundation Classes 2x2 pronom
Industry Foundation Classes 2x3 pronom
Industry Foundation Classes 4 pronom
Industry Foundation Classes (IFC), Clear Text Family fdd
*.ifcxml Industry Foundation Classes XML pronom
*.iff 8-Bit Sampled Voice ffw
IFF ffw
ILBM ffw
Maya IFF ffw
Sun TAAC image ffw
Interchange File pronom
Interchange File Format Interleaved Bitmap pronom
Interchange File Format 8-bit Sampled Voice pronom
Maya IFF bitmap trid
IFF-SMUS Music trid
Amiga IFF 8SVX audio trid
IFF InterLeaved BitMap trid
"The Sims" object trid
Amiga IFF 16SVX Audio trid
*.ifiction iFiction Metadata trid
*.ifl IncrediFlash animation trid
*.ifm application/vnd.shana.informed.formdata tika
*.ifo DVD data file and backup data file pronom
DVD Info file trid
*.ig Modula source code tika
Modula-3 githublinguist
*.igb IGB ffw
*.igc IGC Flight Track trid
*.ige ERDAS Imagine IMG ffw
*.iges IGES ffw
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification Format tika
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) 5.x pronom
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) data trid
*.igi Indigo Image trid
*.igl application/vnd.igloader tika
*.igm Indigo Renderer Material trid
*.igr Intergraph SmartSketch Drawing trid
*.igs IGES ffw
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification Format tika
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) 5.x pronom
Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) data trid
Indigo Renderer Scene trid
*.igx application/vnd.micrografx.igx tika
iGrafx document trid
*.ihlp Stata githublinguist
*.ihtml text/plain tika
*.iif application/vnd.shana.informed.interchange tika
QuickBooks Import/Export Interchange File trid
*.iim InShape IIM ffw
*.iimg Interleaf image ffw
*.iiq IIQ ffw
Phase One raw image tika
*.ijs J githublinguist
*.ik Ioke ffw
Ioke githublinguist
*.ikmp IK Multimedia Preset trid
*.il3 particleIllusion library trid
*.ilbm ILBM ffw
IFF InterLeaved BitMap trid
*.ild ILDA image data transfer format trid
*.ilda ILDA image data transfer format trid
*.ili INTERLIS Model File 2.3 pronom
INTERLIS Model File 2.2 pronom
INTERLIS Model File 1 pronom
*.ilk Microsoft Incremental Linker data trid
*.ilm Opus Creator multimedia file trid
*.ilx Interlex vocabulary trid
*.ily LilyPond ffw
LilyPond githublinguist
*.im Liberty IM ffw
Applixware Bitmap ffw
Applixware Bitmap pronom
*.im1 Sun Raster ffw
*.im24 Sun Raster ffw
*.im32 Sun Raster ffw
*.im8 Sun Raster ffw
*.ima IMA ffw
DVI ffw
Old DOS disk image trid
IncrediMail animation trid
*.ima4 IMA4 encoded audio trid
*.image Apple Disk Copy Image 4.2 pronom
*.imb DVI ffw
IncrediMail Address Book trid
*.imc DVI ffw
Runtime Software compressed raw image trid
*.imd IMD ffw
ImageDisk disk image trid
*.ime IncrediMail emoticon trid
*.imelody iMELODY sound/music (header less) trid
*.imf Id Software Music Format ffw
Imago Orpheus module ffw
Imago Orpheus module trid
IncrediMail letter/ecard trid
*.img IMG/HDR ffw
Apple Disk Image ffw
IMA ffw
GEM Raster ffw
Alias PIX ffw
PDS ffw
HFS ffw
Doré Raster ffw
Interleaf image ffw
Raw disk image ffw
Psion IMG/APP ffw
Canvas (Atari) ffw
Vivid IMG ffw
HTC splashscreen ffw
DVI ffw
ADRG ffw
ERDAS Imagine IMG ffw
GEM Image pronom
VICAR (Video Image Communication and Retrieval) Planetary File Format pronom
Apple Disk Copy Image 4.2 pronom
Garmin Mapsource Img (actual compressed maps) trid
ADEX bitmap trid
ScreenBuilder image trid
Garmin basemap trid
Img Software Set bitmap trid
Old DOS disk image trid
GEM Paint Rle bitmap trid
Android boot image trid
Partimage disk image trid
Partclone image trid
QEMU qcow disk image trid
Vicar picture bitmap trid
Digital Research GEM VDI bitmap trid
Arc Digitized Raster Graphic (ADRG) fdd
*.img3 Img3 enctrypted signed container trid
*.imi DVI ffw
IncrediMail image trid
*.iml XML githublinguist
*.imm DVI ffw
*.imn IncrediMail notifier trid
*.imo iMON Setting file trid
*.imovieproj iMovieProj File Format pronom
Binary Property List pronom
iMovie project (old ver.) trid
iMovie project trid
*.imp IMP ffw
File Imploder ffw
application/vnd.accpac.simply.imp tika
WinImp compressed archive trid
Softbook eBook trid
Improv spreadsheet trid
*.imq PDS ffw
DVI ffw
NASA Planetary Data System image trid
*.imr DVI ffw
Impromptu report trid
Information Magic data file trid
*.ims application/ tika
IMS Content Package trid
IncrediMail skin trid
*.imw IncrediMail sound (MIDI music) trid
IncrediMail sound (WAV) trid
*.imy DVI ffw
iMELODY sound/music (header less) trid
iMELODY sound/music trid
*.imz Compressed Disk Image (password protected) trid
WinImage compressed disk image trid
*.in Autotools ffw
text/plain tika
CFAST input - data trid
*.inc Pascal ffw
POV-Ray scene description ffw
Pascal githublinguist
PHP githublinguist
HTML githublinguist
SourcePawn githublinguist
Assembly githublinguist
PAWN githublinguist
SQL githublinguist
POV-Ray SDL githublinguist
C++ githublinguist
*.ind InDesign INDD ffw
Adobe InDesign Document Generic pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS2 pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS3 pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS4 pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS5 pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS6 pronom
AOL thumbnails index trid
MapInfo MapBasic data Index trid
MapInfo Dataset Format fdd
*.indd InDesign INDD ffw
Adobe InDesign document tika
Adobe InDesign Document Generic pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS2 pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS3 pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS4 pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS5 pronom
Adobe InDesign Document CS6 pronom
InDesign Document trid
*.index Digital Evidence Bag ffw
*.inf Inform ffw
Electronic Arts INF ffw
INF/HLP (OS/2) ffw
INF (Windows) ffw
Autorun.inf ffw
Windows Setup File pronom
Information or Setup File pronom
Autorun Configuration File pronom
OS/2 Help trid
Autorun.inf file trid
*.inf_loc INF (Windows) ffw
*.infl Inflate ffw
*.info Amiga Workbench icon ffw
NewIcons ffw
GlowIcons ffw
ZoomBrowser Ex thumbnail cache ffw
Amiga icon file (NewIcons type) trid
Multibit Bitcoin wallet info trid
GNU Info document trid
ZbThumbnail.Info trid
*.ing Intergraph Raster Image pronom
*.ini MIRC scripting language ffw
INI ffw
Configuration file tika
Text Configuration file pronom
Windows Boot Loarder information trid
Picasa info (generic) trid
Microsoft QBX local INI trid
Generic INI configuration trid
Picasa album info trid
Infinity Engine configuration trid
INI githublinguist
*.inl C++ githublinguist
*.ino C++ githublinguist
*.inp UAE Input recorder data trid
InPage document trid
*.ins Adlib Tracker instrument ffw
InstallShield Script trid
THX Tracker instrument trid
Microfox Company PUT compressed archive trid
MVSTracker Instrument trid
TeX githublinguist
*.int Fallout compiled script trid
*.intr Dylan githublinguist
*.inx Adobe InDesign Interchange format tika
InstallShield Compiled Rules File pronom
InstallShield Compiled Rules trid
*.io Io githublinguist
*.iob Imagine Object File ffw
*.iol Jolie githublinguist
*.ip Interactive Physics data trid
IconPackager theme trid
MusicMaker Instrument trid
*.ipa IPA ffw
Apple iOS IPA AppStore file tika
iOS Application trid
*.ipd BlackBerry Backup trid
*.ipe Microth Stroke Set trid
*.ipf IPF ffw
Interchangeable Preservation Format floppy disk image trid
IGOR Pro githublinguist
*.ipi IPI ffw
*.ipj Autodesk Inventor project trid
*.ipk application/vnd.shana.informed.package tika
Nintendo DS Packed Images trid
*.ipl IPLab ffw
*.ipp C++ githublinguist
*.ipr InstallShield Project trid
*.ips IPS (binary patch format) ffw
International Patching System binary patch trid
*.ipt Inventor Part file trid
*.ipuz IPUZ ffw
*.ipx Ipix Spherical Panorama trid
*.ipynb Jupyter Notebook ffw
IPython notebook trid
Jupyter Notebook githublinguist
*.iqy Microsoft Excel Web Query pronom
Microsoft Web query trid
*.irclog IRC log githublinguist
*.ircp IRIDAS Composite playlist trid
*.irm application/ tika
*.irp application/vnd.irepository.package+xml tika
InfraRecorder Project trid
*.irr Irrlicht 3D scene trid
*.irrmesh Irrlicht static mesh (UTF-16) trid
Irrlicht static Mesh trid
Irrlicht static Mesh (UTF-8) trid
*.is Sound Invasion Music System module trid
*.is20 Sound Invasion Music System 2.0 module trid
*.isf Tektronix instrument data file trid
Inspiration Software data trid
*.ism ITI SimulationX Encrypted Model trid
ISAM table handler data trid
*.iso ISO image ffw
ISO 9660 ffw
Apple Partition Map ffw
ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data tika
ISO Disk Image File pronom
Apple ISO9660/HFS hybrid CD image trid
IsoDraw Document trid
ISO CDImage - universal format e.g. WinISO or IsoBuster trid
ISO Disk Image File Format fdd
*.iso19139 text/iso19139+xml tika
*.isoimg ISO image ffw
*.iss Funcom ISS ffw
Inno Setup Script trid
Inno Setup Script (with rem) trid
ISS Audio trid
InstallShield Response File trid
Inno Setup githublinguist
*.ist Digitrakker instrument ffw
Adobe Image Styler file trid
*.istg Imagine Staging File trid
*.isu InstallShield Uninstall Script trid
*.isz ISo Zipped format trid
*.it Impulse Tracker module ffw
Impulse Tracker Module pronom
Impulse Tracker module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.ita IconTweaker theme trid
*.itbz Impulse Tracker module ffw
*.itc iTunes CoverFlow data file trid
*.itf INTERLIS Transfer File 1 pronom
*.itgz Impulse Tracker module ffw
*.ithmb IThmb ffw
*.itk Tcl script tika
*.itl ITunes Music Library ffw
iTunes Music Library trid
*.itm Infinity Engine Item (v1) trid
Infinity Engine Item (v2.0) trid
*.itp application/vnd.shana.informed.formtemplate tika
*.itr Impulse Tracker module ffw
Icy Tower Replay trid
*.its Impulse Tracker sample ffw
*.itz Impulse Tracker module ffw
*.ium infoUSA Network Meter file trid
*.iv Open Inventor File Format 1.x pronom
Open Inventor File Format 2.x pronom
SGI Open Inventor Scene Graph (ASCII) trid
SGI Open Inventor Scene Graph (binary) trid
*.ivc Microsoft Expression Media 2 pronom
*.ive OpenSceneGraph native binary format trid
*.ivf Intel Indeo Video File trid
*.ivp application/vnd.immervision-ivp tika
*.ivr RealNetworks Internet Video Recording trid
*.ivu application/vnd.immervision-ivu tika
ImmerVision XML user interface trid
*.ivy Ivy module descriptor trid
XML githublinguist
*.iw2 Information Workshop 2000 data file trid
*.iwa IWA ffw
*.iwc IWC (WaveL) ffw
WaveL bitmap trid
*.iwd Call Of Duty map - game data archive trid
*.iws Information Workshop data file trid
*.ixl DB/TextWorks Database Indexed List trid
*.ixs Ixalance module trid
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.j Jar ffw
JAR (ARJ Software) ffw
JAR Compressed Archive (with Security Envelope) trid
JAR Compressed Archive trid
JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
Objective-J githublinguist
Jasmin githublinguist
*.j2b Jazz Jackrabbit 2 module trid
*.j2c JPEG 2000 codestream ffw
JPEG 2000 Codestream tika
JPEG 2000 Part 1, Core Coding System fdd
Profile 1 for JPEG 2000, Part 1, Core Coding fdd
Profile 0 for JPEG 2000, Part 1, Core Coding fdd
Profile 3 for JPEG 2000, Part 1, Core Coding fdd
Profile 4 for JPEG 2000, Part 1, Core Coding fdd
*.j2k JPEG 2000 codestream ffw
*.j6i J6I ffw
Ricoh digital camera image trid
*.jacksum Jacksum fingerprints trid
*.jad text/ tika
Java Application Descriptor trid
*.jade Pug ffw
Pug githublinguist
*.jake JavaScript githublinguist
*.jam application/vnd.jam tika
Jamcracker Tracker Module pronom
JamCracker module trid
*.jap Nonogram puzzle trid
jalbum Project trid
*.jar Jar ffw
Java ffw
Java Archive tika
Java Archive Format pronom
JARCS compressed archive trid
QiC JAR ebook trid
Mozilla Firebird theme trid
Java Archive trid
*.jas Cheetah3D format (binary) trid
Cheetah3D format trid
*.java Java ffw
Java source code tika
Java language source code file pronom
Java githublinguist
*.jb2 JBIG2 ffw
*.jbf PaintShop Pro Browser Cache ffw
PaintShop Pro Browser Cache File pronom
Jasc PSP Browser Cache trid
*.jbg JBIG ffw
JBIG raster bitmap trid
*.jbi Relative Job Data trid
*.jbig JBIG ffw
*.jbig2 JBIG2 ffw
*.jbr PaintShop Pro ffw
*.jbuilder Ruby githublinguist
*.jc JCalG1 ffw
*.jcb CB-JCBrooke module/song trid
*.jcc Japan Crossword File (Dmitry Torshin format) trid
*.jce JWPce document trid
*.jceks Java SunJCE KeyStore trid
*.jclic JClic project trid
*.jcp Jesusonic Preset trid
JCreator Project trid
*.jdbg Embedded JCL debug info trid
*.jdf JEOL NMR Spectroscopy pronom
Job Definition Format Job File trid
*.jdt Capture Classic Filler - Accelio JetForm trid
*.jdx JCAMP Spectroscopic Data Exchange Format trid
*.jef Janome NH10000 Sewing Machine Stitch File trid
*.jelly XML githublinguist
*.jfi JFIF ffw
Joint Photographic Experts Group tika
JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
*.jfif JFIF ffw
Joint Photographic Experts Group tika
JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
*.jflex JFlex githublinguist
*.jg6 BigJig Jigsaw trid
*.jgcscs EditPad Pro Custom Syntax Coloring Scheme (ASCII) trid
EditPad Pro Custom Syntax Coloring Scheme (UTF-8) trid
*.jgw ESRI World File Format pronom
ESRI World File fdd
*.jhm JavaHelp map trid
*.jif JPEG ffw
Jeff's Image Format ffw
Joint Photographic Experts Group tika
Jeffs Image Format pronom
Jeff's Image Format bitmap trid
JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
*.jig GameHouse Jigsaw Game trid
*.jinja HTML+Django githublinguist
*.jinja2 HTML+Django githublinguist
*.jison Jison githublinguist
*.jisonlex Jison Lex githublinguist
*.jisp application/vnd.jisp tika
*.jj Doodle! (C64) ffw
*.jks Java KeyStore trid
*.jl Julia ffw
Common Lisp source code tika
Julia githublinguist
*.jls JPEG-LS ffw
JPEG-LS pronom
SPIFF, Still Picture Interchange File Format fdd
JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
*.jlt application/vnd.hp-jlyt tika
*.jmf Janko Mrsic-Flogel module trid
*.jmg 16 bit adaptive RLE compressed bitmap trid
*.jmh JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
*.jmx text/plain tika
*.jnb Sigma Plot Workbook trid
*.jng JNG ffw
video/x-jng tika
JPEG Network Graphics pronom
JPEG Network Graphics bitmap trid
*.jnilib Java Native Library for OSX tika
JNI Library trid
*.jnlp application/x-java-jnlp-file tika
Java Web Start application descriptor trid
*.jnt Windows Journal trid
*.jo FlowJo Mac Workspace trid
*.job Windows Task Scheduler JOB file ffw
Tripod Data Systems Job file trid
*.joboptions Acrobat Distiller Job Options trid
*.joda application/vnd.joost.joda-archive tika
*.joy Trackjoy GUS Tracker module trid
EzDraw drawing trid
*.jp2 JP2 ffw
JPEG 2000 ffw
GeoJP2 ffw
JPEG 2000 Part 1 (JP2) tika
JP2 (JPEG 2000 part 1) pronom
LuraWave JPEG-2000 bitmap trid
JPEG-2000 JP2 bitmap trid
GML in JPEG 2000 for Geographic Imagery fdd
JPEG 2000 Part 1 (Core) jp2 File Format fdd
*.jpc JPEG 2000 codestream ffw
JPC (LuraWave) ffw
JPEG-2000 Code Stream bitmap trid
*.jpe JPEG ffw
Joint Photographic Experts Group tika
JPEG File Interchange Format 1.00 pronom
JPEG File Interchange Format 1.01 pronom
JPEG File Interchange Format 1.02 pronom
Raw JPEG Stream pronom
JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
*.jpeg JPEG ffw
JFIF ffw
Joint Photographic Experts Group tika
JPEG File Interchange Format 1.00 pronom
JPEG File Interchange Format 1.01 pronom
JPEG File Interchange Format 1.02 pronom
Raw JPEG Stream pronom
SPIFF, Still Picture Interchange File Format fdd
JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
*.jpf JPX ffw
JPEG 2000 ffw
GMLJP2 ffw
JPEG 2000 Part 2 (JPX) tika
JPX (JPEG 2000 part 2) pronom
JPEG 2000 Part 2 (Extensions) jpf (jpx) File Format fdd
*.jpg JPEG ffw
JFIF ffw
Multi-Picture Format ffw
Lossless JPEG (original) ffw
Joint Photographic Experts Group tika
JPEG File Interchange Format 1.00 pronom
JPEG File Interchange Format 1.01 pronom
JPEG File Interchange Format 1.02 pronom
Raw JPEG Stream pronom
Still Picture Interchange File Format 1.0 pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) 2.1 pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) 2.2 pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) 2.0 pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Compressed) 2.2.1 pronom
HSI JPEG bitmap trid
JFIF JPEG bitmap trid
JPEG bitmap trid
Macintosh JPEG bitmap (MacBinary) trid
JFIF-EXIF JPEG Bitmap trid
SPIFF, Still Picture Interchange File Format fdd
JPEG Encoded File with Exif Metadata fdd
JFIF, JPEG File Interchange Format, Version 1.02 fdd
*.jpgm JPEG 2000 Part 6 (JPM) tika
*.jpgv video/jpeg tika
*.jpgw ESRI World File Format pronom
ESRI World File fdd
*.jpm JPM ffw
JPEG 2000 ffw
JPEG 2000 Part 6 (JPM) tika
JPM (JPEG 2000 part 6) pronom
JPEG 2000 Part 6 (Compound) jpm File Format fdd
*.jpn Jason Page ffw
*.jpo Jason Page ffw
*.jps JPS ffw
Jolly Print Studio graphic trid
*.jpx JPX ffw
JPEG 2000 ffw
GMLJP2 ffw
JPX (JPEG 2000 part 2) pronom
jalbum image info trid
JBuilder Project trid
GML in JPEG 2000 for Geographic Imagery fdd
JPEG 2000 Part 2 (Extensions) jpf (jpx) File Format fdd
*.jq JSONiq githublinguist
*.jqz JQuiz quiz trid
*.jr2 Fishing Simulator 2 addon trid
*.jrc Jrchive compressed archive trid
*.jrprint JasperReports Print trid
*.jrxml JasperReports JRXML report definition trid
*.js JavaScript ffw
Flow ffw
JavaScript Source Code tika
JavaScript file pronom
JavaScript githublinguist
*.jsb JavaScript Bean file trid
JavaScript githublinguist
*.jscad JavaScript githublinguist
*.jsd eFAX Jet Suite Document trid
*.jsf Jahshaka Scene File trid
*.jsfl JavaScript githublinguist
*.jsl PaintShop Pro ffw
*.jsm JavaScript githublinguist
*.json JSON ffw
Firefox bookmarks ffw
application/json tika
JSON Data Interchange Format pronom
DroidPad custom layout trid
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) fdd
GeoJSON, Version 1.0 fdd
JSON githublinguist
*.json-patch JSON Patch ffw
*.json-tmlanguage JSON githublinguist
*.json5 JSON5 githublinguist
*.jsonl JSON githublinguist
*.jsonld JSON-LD ffw
JSON-LD pronom
JSONLD githublinguist
*.jsonlz4 Mozilla LZ4 ffw
*.jsp Java Server Page tika
Java Servlet Page pronom
Java Server Pages githublinguist
*.jsproj XML githublinguist
*.jss JavaScript githublinguist
*.jst DoT ffw
*.jsx JSX ffw
Flow ffw
JSX githublinguist
*.jsxbin Binary ExtendScript Script trid
*.jt JT 3D visualization format trid
*.jtd Ichitaro document trid
*.junit text/plain tika
*.jvx JavaView JVX geometry trid
*.jw JustWrite Text Document pronom
*.jwc Jw_cad data trid
JewelCase Maker project trid
*.jwl Easy CD Creator's media label trid
*.jwr LegaSuite GUI Runtime trid
*.jwt JustWrite Text Document pronom
*.jx text/plain tika
*.jxr JPEG XR ffw
JPEG Extended Range pronom
*.k DCS ffw
*.k25 Kodak ffw
Kodak raw image tika
*.k7 DCMO6 emulator tape image trid
*.ka Karma Asset trid
*.kadf KetabeAvval Data Format trid
*.kal Hondata K-Manager Calibration data trid
*.kap BSB ffw
MapInfo Sea Chart trid
*.kap.txt BSB ffw
*.kar Musical Instrument Digital Interface tika
Karaoke MIDI trid
*.karbon application/vnd.kde.karbon tika
*.kat Katorzer music trid
*.kaw Karma Workspace trid
*.kbm Scala (music software) ffw
*.kcf KiSS CEL ffw
KISekae Set System bitmap trid
Sony Ericsson remote control configuration trid
Key Home Gourmet Cookbook trid
*.kch KChess saved match trid
*.kcm KonyvCalc file trid
*.kdb Doobs database trid
KeePass Password Safe database trid
Kinetica data trid
*.kdbx KeePass Password Safe database trid
*.kdc Kodak ffw
Kodak raw image tika
Kaspersky Anti-Virus signature bases trid
Camera Raw Formats (Group Description) fdd
*.kdh KDH document trid
*.kds KD Player Skin trid
*.kdx Google Earth import definition trid
*.kes Kurzweil 3000 document trid
*.kexi Kexi database trid
*.key PEM encoded RSA private key ffw
DER encoded RSA private key ffw
IWork ffw
Keynote ffw
application/ tika
Apple iWorks Keynote 09 pronom
H-BEDV - AVIRA product key trid
QBX (MS Basic 7.x) Editor keyboard definition trid
Infinity Engine resource directory (v1) trid
Kaspersky Lab Key file trid
Keynote presentation trid
* IWork ffw
Keynote ffw
*.keyring Gnome Keyring encrypted binary format trid
*.keystore Gnome Keyring Store trid
Java KeyStore trid
*.kfm Gamebyro KFM data trid
*.kfn KaraFun Karaoke Song trid
*.kfo application/vnd.kde.kformula tika
*.kgb KGB Archiver ffw
Kremlin Encrypted File trid
KGB Archiver compressed archive trid
*.ki Klystrack Instrument trid
*.kia application/vnd.kidspiration tika
*.kicad_mod KiCad Layout githublinguist
*.kicad_pcb KiCad Layout githublinguist
*.kicad_wks KiCad Layout githublinguist
*.kid Kidspiration file trid
Genshi githublinguist
*.kif KIFF ffw
KIFF - Kt Interchange File Format compressed bitmap trid
*.kiff KIFF ffw
*.kil KIllustrator File tika
*.kin Kinemage protein language trid
*.kit Kit githublinguist
*.kla KLARFF map-data trid
*.klip KlipFolio Klip trid
*.klq Kaspersky Anti-Virus quarantined trid
*.kml KML ffw
Keyhole Markup Language tika
Keyhole Markup Language (XML) pronom
Google Earth placemark trid
Google Earth network link trid
Emu48 keyboard configuration trid
Google Earth placemark (Unicode) trid
KML, Version 2.2 fdd
XML githublinguist
*.kmp Mario Kart Wii course description trid
Korg Trinity/Triton multisample trid
Kandinsky Music Painter music trid
*.kmy KMyMoney XML data (decompressed) trid
*.kmz KML ffw
application/ tika
Keyhole Markup Language (Container) pronom
Google Earth saved working session trid
*.kne application/vnd.kinar tika
*.knp application/vnd.kinar tika
*.knt KeyNote notes trid
*.knw Live For Speed Knowledge AI data trid
*.koa KoalaPainter ffw
Koala Paint (C64) bitmap trid
*.kodu Kodu game world trid
*.kojo Scala githublinguist
*.kom KOM game data archive trid
*.kon application/vnd.kde.kontour tika
*.kpl IBM KIPS bitmap ffw
Kazaa Playlist trid
*.kpp Kid Pix Presentation trid
*.kpr KPresenter File tika
KOffice KPresenter Presentation trid
*.kps IBM KIPS bitmap ffw
*.kpt KPresenter File tika
*.kpx Kid Pix project trid
*.kra Krita ffw
Krita Document Format pronom
*.kraw kRAW Audio Stream trid
*.krc Chinese KuGou ResourCe (KuGou Music lyric) trid
*.kris KRIS Packer / ChipTracker module ffw
Kris Tracker / ChipTracker song/module trid
*.krl KRL githublinguist
*.kro Kolor Raw ffw
*.krt klickTel Routenplanner route trid
*.krz Kurzweil 2000 sample trid
*.ksc Korg Trinity/Triton script trid
*.ksf Korg Trinity/Triton sample trid
*.ksh Shell githublinguist
*.ksl Karaoke Song List Creator song list trid
*.ksm Ken's Adlib Music ffw
Kefrens-Sound Machine song/module trid
*.ksp KSpread File tika
*.kss KSS ffw
KSSX ffw
KSS music format dump trid
KSSX music format dump trid
*.ksv Kheops Studio Video trid
*.ksy Kaitai Struct ffw
*.kt Kotlin ffw
Klystrack chiptune trid
Kotlin githublinguist
*.kt3 Battery 3 Drum Kit trid
*.ktm Kotlin githublinguist
*.ktn KToon project trid
*.ktr application/vnd.kahootz tika
*.kts KT-Tech compressed audio trid
Kotlin githublinguist
*.ktx KTX ffw
Khronos Texture File pronom
*.ktz application/vnd.kahootz tika
Kahootz Project trid
*.kvtml KWordQuiz learning file trid
*.kw3 KanjiWORD document trid
*.kwd KWord File tika
KWord document trid
*.kwi KIWI GPS navigation system ffw
*.kwo KeyWallet Object - encrypted data trid
*.kws KeyWallet Skin trid
*.kwt KWord File tika
*.kxs Kexis ffw
Kexis lossless compressed audio trid
*.kz Chinese kuaiya kzip compressed archive trid
*.l Lex/Flex source code tika
PicoLisp githublinguist
Roff githublinguist
Lex githublinguist
Common Lisp githublinguist
*.l01 Logical File Evidence Format pronom
Encase Logical Evidence trid
Expert Witness Disk Image, EnCase L01 Logical fdd
*.l2r Lineage II Replay trid
Lineage II data trid
*.l30 Signum font ffw
*.l4d CINEMA 4D Layout trid
*.l64 64LAN image trid
*.l6t Line 6 Tone trid
*.la LA ffw
La Lossless Audio compressed (v0.4) trid
La Lossless Audio compressed (v0.3) trid
La Lossless Audio compressed (v0.2) trid
La Lossless Audio compressed (generic) trid
*.lab Bar-One Lite label trid
*.lagda Literate Agda githublinguist
*.lan ERDAS LAN/GIS ffw
Erdas bitmap trid
*.las AutoCAD Last Saved Layer State pronom
ASPRS Lidar Data Exchange Format 1.0 pronom
ASPRS Lidar Data Exchange Format 1.1 pronom
ASPRS Lidar Data Exchange Format 1.2 pronom
Log ASCII Standard Format 1.2 pronom
Log ASCII Standard Format 2.0 pronom
Log ASCII Standard Format 3.0 pronom
Log ASCII Standard trid
LAS (LASer) File Format, Version 1.4 fdd
Lasso githublinguist
*.lasso Lasso githublinguist
*.lasso8 Lasso githublinguist
*.lasso9 Lasso githublinguist
*.latex LaTeX Source Document tika
*.latte Latte githublinguist
*.launch XML githublinguist
*.lay Sprint Layout Printed Circuit Design (v6.0) trid
Tecplot Layout trid
*.layout Code::Blocks Workspace Layout trid
*.laz ASPRS Lidar Data Exchange Format 1.0 pronom
ASPRS Lidar Data Exchange Format 1.1 pronom
ASPRS Lidar Data Exchange Format 1.2 pronom
*.lb Low Bitrate Packer compressed audio trid
*.lbd application/ tika
*.lbe application/ tika
*.lbl PDS ffw
*.lbm ILBM ffw
Deluxe Paint bitmap pronom
Interchange File Format Interleaved Bitmap pronom
IFF InterLeaved BitMap trid
*.lbr LBR ffw
LBR (Commodore) ffw
LU library trid
EAGLE Library trid
*.lbs Omnis Studio Library trid
*.lbt P-touch Editor Label ffw
*.lbx P-touch Editor Label ffw
TeX githublinguist
*.lck Lock file ffw
Microsoft FrontPage pronom
Dreamweaver Lock File pronom
*.ld Polycom SoundPoint IP firmware trid
Linker Script githublinguist
*.ld2 Lingoes Dictionary trid
*.ldf LuraDocument Format ffw
LuraDocument Format bitmap trid
Microsoft SQL Server log (generic) trid
*.ldif LDIF ffw
LDAP Data Interchange Format pronom
LDAP Data Interchange Format trid
*.ldml Lasso githublinguist
*.ldr GoDot C64 Image Processing - Loader trid
LDraw Model trid
*.lds Liquid Digitized Sample ffw
Liquid Digitized Sample Specification trid
Sentinel RMS generator license trid
Linker Script githublinguist
*.ldw Virtual Villagers data trid
*.ldx Liquid Executable bytecode trid
Lingoes Dictionary trid
*.lean Lean githublinguist
*.lef Lenex XML data trid
LEN Exchange Format trid
*.lektorproject INI githublinguist
*.lep Lepton ffw
*.les application/vnd.hhe.lesson-player tika
*.less LESS source code tika
Less githublinguist
*.lex Lex githublinguist
*.lfd LucasFilm Data - LucasArts game resource trid
*.lfe LFE githublinguist
*.lff Lucasfilm picture ffw
*.lfm Lazarus Form trid
*.lfp Lytro ffw
Lytro Light Field Picture web format trid
*.lg32 GFA-BASIC 32 library trid
*.lgg Arc Digitized Raster Graphic (ADRG) fdd
*.lgo OS/2 Boot Logo ffw
Modern ListGeo Output trid
*.lgp Final Fantasy Game Archive trid
Logitech G15 keyboard Profile trid
*.lgt Logtalk githublinguist
*.lgx Logistix spreadsheet trid
*.lha LHA ffw
application/octet-stream tika
LHA File Format pronom
LHARC/LZARK compressed archive trid
*.lhs Haskell ffw
Haskell source code tika
Literate Haskell githublinguist
*.lhts The Movies Editor Text String Database trid
*.lib AR ffw
Microsoft Library ffw
IntelliFont ffw
Amiga Hunk ffw
Generic Library File pronom
CIRCAD source library (v5.x) trid
OrCAD Library model trid
KiCad part Library trid
CIRCAD source library (v4.x) trid
Microsoft Basic 7.x compiled library trid
*.lib4d Cinema 4D Preset Library trid
*.library Amiga Hunk ffw
*.library-ms Microsoft Windows library description trid
*.lic License file pronom
ESET NOD32 Antivirus License data trid
*.lid Lextek Language Identification Module trid
Dylan githublinguist
*.lidr Idris githublinguist
*.liff LIFF ffw
*.lighthouse-project Lighthouse Project trid
*.lim Limit compressed archive trid
*.lin AutoCAD Linetype Definition File pronom
Electronic Arts interactive sequence trid
X-Plane Painted Line trid
*.link66 application/vnd.route66.link66+xml tika
*.liq Liquid Tracker module ffw
Liquid Tracker module trid
*.liquid Liquid githublinguist
*.lisp Common Lisp source code tika
NewLisp githublinguist
Common Lisp githublinguist
*.list text/plain tika
JAR Index trid
*.list3820 application/ tika
*.listafp application/ tika
*.lit Microsoft Reader eBook pronom
Microsoft Reader eBook trid
Quake colored light data trid
*.litcoffee CoffeeScript ffw
Literate CoffeeScript githublinguist
*.litemod Minecraft LiteLoader Mod trid
*.livecode LiveCode stack trid
*.ljpeg Lossless JPEG (original) ffw
*.ljpg Lossless JPEG (original) ffw
*.lkd Pioneer OEL screensaver trid
*.ll Combit List and Label printer setup file trid
LLVM githublinguist
*.lli AutoCAD Landscape Library pronom
*.llsd Linden Lab Structured Data trid
*.lma Learning Mobile Author (LMA) Project trid
*.lme Leggless Music Editor module trid
*.lmi Python githublinguist
*.lmk Sothink Logo Maker logo trid
*.lmu RPG Maker 2000/2003 Map trid
*.lmx Route 66 Landmarks trid
*.lng Acrobat Language definition file pronom
SourceEdit Language Definition trid
*.lnk Windows Shortcut ffw
Microsoft Windows Shortcut pronom
Windows Shortcut trid
*.lnx Lynx archive ffw
Atari Lynx ROM trid
*.loc Topografix's EasyGPS/TerraByte Location file trid
*.lock Lock file ffw
*.log Windows Event Log ffw
The Master Genealogist ffw
application log tika
Log File pronom
Bluetooth Snoop Packet Capture pronom
Nmap scan results trid
Wise Installer log trid
LabVIEW binary Datalog trid
HijackThis logfile trid
*.log1 Windows Event Log ffw
*.log2 Windows Event Log ffw
*.logonvista LogonStudio Vista logon image trid
*.logonxp LogonStudio theme trid
*.logtalk Logtalk githublinguist
*.lol LOLCODE ffw
LOLCODE githublinguist
*.look SpeedGrade Look trid
*.lookml LookML githublinguist
*.lostxml application/lost+xml tika
*.lp LaTeX-CAD drawing trid
Lightscape Preparatation trid
*.lpaq lpaq compressed data (generic) trid
*.lpd Lecturnity Player file trid
*.lpi Lazarus Project Information trid
*.lpk ActiveX License Package file pronom
Tecplot Layout Package trid
Lazarus Package trid
*.lpmd LPMD Molecular Data trid
*.lpr Free Pascal ffw
Pascal githublinguist
*.lpu Passolo Localization Project trid
*.lqr LBR ffw
*.lqt Liquid Audio trid
*.lrc Lyric file (with ID tags) trid
*.lrf application/octet-stream tika
Broad Band eBook LRF pronom
Unencrypted BBeB - BroadBand eBook trid
*.lrm application/ tika
*.lrprev Lightroom preview data trid
*.lrs Lexar Encrypted file trid
*.lrtemplate Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Template trid
*.lrz Lrzip ffw
Long Range Zip compressed trid
*.ls LiveScript ffw
LiveScript githublinguist
LoomScript githublinguist
*.lsb LSB ffw
*.lsc LOGO!Soft Comfort Circuit trid
*.lsd ABBYY Lingvo dictionary trid
*.lsim LogicSim circuit (Java ver.) trid
*.lsl SuperMap World GIS Line Style Library trid
LSL githublinguist
*.lslp LSL githublinguist
*.lsm LSM ffw
*.lsp AutoLISP ffw
Common Lisp source code tika
AutoLISP File pronom
NewLisp githublinguist
Common Lisp githublinguist
*.lsproj Visual Studio LightSwitch Project trid
*.lss LSS16 ffw
LSS16 SYSLINUX Splash image trid
LimeSurvery Survery trid
*.lst Exact ffw
Adobe Font List pronom
Kaspersky Lab black list file trid
*.lsz Litestep theme trid
*.ltf application/ tika
Frogans Short-cut trid
*.ltx TeX githublinguist
*.lua Lua ffw
Lua source code tika
Lua githublinguist
*.luar UltraDefrag Lua Report trid
*.lum Technicolor Dream ffw
*.lva Logitech Video Effects Avatar trid
*.lvf Logitech Video Effects Face Accessory trid
Lightweight Video Format video trid
Logo Report View File trid
*.lvlx PGE Extendable Level trid
*.lvm LabVIEW Measurement trid
LiveSwif Movie (ungzipped) trid
*.lvp audio/vnd.lucent.voice tika
*.lvproj LabVIEW githublinguist
*.lvw Livewire Document trid
*.lw LiteWave compressed audio trid
*.lwf LuraWave ffw
LuraWave Format bitmap trid
*.lwo LightWave Object ffw
Lightwave Object trid
*.lwp Lotus Word Pro ffw
application/vnd.lotus-wordpro tika
Lotus WordPro Document 96 pronom
Lotus WordPro Document 97/Millennium pronom
IBM Works for OS/2 word processor document trid
Lotus Word Pro document trid
*.lws LightWave Scene ffw
LightWave 3D Scene trid
*.lwtp LimeWire theme trid
*.lx01 Expert Witness Disk Image, EnCase Lx01 Logical fdd
*.lxf LEGO Exchange Format - Digital Designer trid
SPLASH - Lenex compressed data trid
*.lxfml LEGO Digital Designer XML data trid
*.lxo Luxology 3D scene trid
*.lxxplot LXBeams Light Plot ffw
*.ly LilyPond ffw
LilyPond githublinguist
*.lyr LBR ffw
Project Dogwaffle layered bitmap trid
*.lyt PCB Layout trid
*.lyx LyX document trid
*.lz Lzip ffw
LZIP compressed archive trid
*.lz4 LZ4 ffw
*.lza LZA animation/video trid
*.lzc Need for Speed game data trid
*.lzh LHA ffw
application/octet-stream tika
LHA File Format pronom
LHARC/LZARK compressed archive trid
*.lzma LZMA Alone ffw
LZMA compressed archive trid
*.lzo Lzop ffw
lzop compressed trid
*.lzp LazPaint ffw
*.lzr LBR ffw
*.lzs LArc compressed archive trid
*.lzx LZX ffw
LZX Amiga compressed archive trid
*.m MATLAB script file ffw
Objective-C ffw
DCS ffw
Objective-C source code tika
Maple Common Binary file (generic) trid
Mercury githublinguist
Objective-C githublinguist
Limbo githublinguist
Mathematica githublinguist
MUF githublinguist
Matlab githublinguist
M githublinguist
*.m01 MicroStation Modification resource file trid
*.m13 application/x-msmediaview tika
*.m14 application/x-msmediaview tika
*.m15 thinEdge model trid
*.m1a MPEG-1 ffw
*.m1v MPEG-1 ffw
MPEG Elementary Stream ffw
MPEG Movie Clip tika
MPEG-1 Elementary Stream pronom
*.m2 PC-98 Music trid
*.m2a MPEG-1 ffw
MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 tika
*.m2i M2I mapping trid
*.m2k M2k ffw
*.m2s Maxthon skin (MX2) trid
*.m2t MPEG-2 Transport Stream pronom
*.m2ts M2TS ffw
MPEG-2 Transport Stream pronom
MPEG-2 Transport Stream video trid
*.m2v MPEG Elementary Stream ffw
MPEG Movie Clip tika
MPEG-2 Elementary Stream pronom
*.m3 Modula source code tika
Modula-3 githublinguist
*.m3a MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 tika
*.m3g Mobile 3D Graphics trid
*.m3u MP3 Playlist File tika
MPEG 1/2 Audio Layer 3 Streaming pronom
M3U Winamp playlist trid
*.m3u8 M3U Winamp Playlist (UTF-8) trid
*.m4 M4 ffw
text/plain tika
m4 preprocessor / macro source trid
M4 githublinguist
M4Sugar githublinguist
*.m4a ALAC ffw
AAC ffw
MP4 ffw
audio/mp4 tika
MPEG-4 Media File pronom
Apple Lossless Audio Codec pronom
Apple Lossless Audio Codec trid
AAC Audio in MP4 container trid
MPEG-4 File Format, Version 2 fdd
*.m4b MP4 ffw
audio/mp4 tika
QuickTime Audio, AAC Codec fdd
*.m4p MP4 ffw
Protected iTunes Music Store audio track trid
QuickTime Audio, AAC Codec fdd
QuickTime File Format fdd
*.m4r MP4 ffw
iPhone Ringtone trid
*.m4u video/vnd.mpegurl tika
*.m4v MP4 ffw
video/x-m4v tika
MPEG-4 Media File pronom
MPEG-4 Video trid
*.m64 mupen64 movie capture trid
*.m8m 8mam8 model trid
*.m99 M99 compressed data trid
*.ma Maya scene ffw
application/mathematica tika
Maya ASCII File Format pronom
Maya ASCII Scene trid
Mathematica githublinguist
*.mab Mork ffw
Mork pronom
Mozilla Address Book trid
*.mac MacPaint ffw
MacPaint Image pronom
*.mad Electronic Arts MAD video trid
*.maf Mutation Annotation Format trid
*.maff MAFF ffw
Mozilla Archive Format trid
*.mag MAKIchan Graphics ffw
application/vnd.ecowin.chart tika
*.mak VisualBasic project ffw
Makefile githublinguist
*.make Makefile githublinguist
*.maker application/vnd.framemaker tika
*.maki Compiled Winamp Maki script trid
*.mako Mako githublinguist
*.mal MadAppLauncher configuration trid
*.man Man page ffw
Troff ffw
Roff/nroff/troff/groff Unformatted Manual Page (UNIX) tika
Man page trid
Roff githublinguist
*.mani Mine-imator Project trid
*.manifest Assembly manifest (Windows) ffw
text/plain tika
Windows Manifest - Visual Stylesheet XML file trid
*.mao Mako githublinguist
*.map PCRaster Map ffw
Mapsforge Binary Map ffw
7DTD Map File ffw
Mapsforge Binary Map File Format pronom
OziExplorer Map data trid
Electronic Arts interactive sequence trid
MapInfo MapBasic map data trid
Hex Workshop Char Map File trid
Navigon map trid
PCRaster map trid
Leges Motus Map trid
Gen Surf map trid
Bochs keymap trid
Furcadia Map trid
MapInfo Dataset Format fdd
*.map.xml HDF4map, HDF4 File Content Map fdd
*.mar Mozilla Archive ffw
Micrognosis compressed archive trid
Mozilla ARchive trid
Microsoft(/MSN) MARC archive trid
MAr compressed archive trid
*.marc MARC ffw
*.markdn Markdown ffw
*.markdown Markdown ffw
CommonMark ffw
Markdown source code tika
Markdown githublinguist
*.marko Marko githublinguist
*.mas Lotus Freelance Smartmaster Graphics pronom
Nascar SimRacing data trid
*.mask Mask githublinguist
*.mat MAT ffw
application/x-matlab-data tika
Level 5 MAT-file format (MATLAB) pronom
MAT-file format 7.3 pronom
3D Studio Max Material Library trid
Matlab Level 5 MAT-File trid
MAT-File Level 5 File Format fdd
Unity3D Asset githublinguist
*.mata Stata githublinguist
*.matah Stata githublinguist
*.mathematica Mathematica githublinguist
*.mathml application/mathml+xml tika
Mathematical Markup Language trid
*.matlab Matlab githublinguist
*.mawk Awk githublinguist
*.max 3DS ffw
PaperPort (MAX) ffw
MAX (3ds Max) ffw
MAKIchan Graphics ffw
Max ffw
Digital Terrain Elevation Data pronom
3DS Max pronom
PS2 PowerSave trid
3D Studio Max Scene trid
Creative Witer document trid
PaperPort scanned document/image trid
*.maxc MaxCrypt encrypted trid
*.maxhelp Max githublinguist
*.maxpat Max ffw
Max Patch trid
Max githublinguist
*.maxproj Max githublinguist
*.maz Hover! maze data trid
*.mb Maya scene ffw
application/mathematica tika
Paradox Database Memo Field (Binary Large Object) pronom
Maya Binary File Format 32 Bit pronom
Maya Binary File Format 64 Bit pronom
Maya Binary Scene trid
*.mbd Multimedia Builder Data trid
*.mbdx iOS backup manifest index trid
*.mbf Microsoft Money Backup file trid
*.mbfavs AVS X image ffw
*.mbi MBasic source trid
*.mbk STOS memory bank ffw
application/vnd.mobius.mbk tika
*.mbm EPOC MBM ffw
SymbianOS Multi BitMap trid
*.mbox application/mbox tika
MBOX pronom
Standard Unix Mailbox trid
MBOX Email Format fdd
EML githublinguist
*.mbp Mobipocket eBook Auxiliary data trid
*.mbs STOS memory bank ffw
*.mbsa Microsoft Baseline Security Analyser report trid
*.mbx Mbox ffw
Eudora ffw
MapInfo MapBasic application eXtension (generic) trid
*.mc Macrocell format trid
Mark Cooksey module trid
*.mc1 application/vnd.medcalcdata tika
*.mc4d Maxon Cinema 4D v4.x object trid
*.mc9 Mastercam 9 geometry trid
*.mcd application/ tika
Mathcad Document Binary pronom
MiniCAD drawing trid
Mathcad document trid
Bleem! memory card save game trid
VectorWorks Drawing trid
*.mcdx Mathcad Prime Document trid
*.mcf MasterCook Cookbook File trid
MMS Composer File trid
Media Container Format stream trid
TMPEGEnc config file trid
*.mcl MCell Cellular Automata format trid
Windows Media Center application link trid
*.mcmd MCMD module trid
*.mcml Media Center Markup Language trid
*.mco MSN Messenger Wink trid
*.mcp MUSICompress encoded audio trid
WaveZIP lossless compressed audio trid
CodeWarrior Project trid
*.mcr Musicator Delta song/music trid
Tecplot Macro trid
MAXScript githublinguist
*.mcurl text/vnd.curl.mcurl tika
*.mcw Microsoft Word for Macintosh Document 3.0 pronom
Microsoft Word for Macintosh Document 4.0 pronom
Microsoft Word for Macintosh Document 5.0 pronom
Microsoft Word for Macintosh Document 1.0 pronom
MacWrite II document trid
*.md Markdown ffw
CommonMark ffw
Markdown source code tika
MDCD compressed archive trid
Mike Davies module trid
GCC Machine Description githublinguist
Markdown githublinguist
*.md.html Markdeep ffw
*.md0 Photoshop Thumbnail Cache ffw
*.md2 Quake 2 model trid
*.md3 Quake III Arena model trid
*.md5 MD5 File pronom
*.md8 Mediator Project trid
*.mda MDA ffw
Rays Media data trid
MicroDesign Area bitmap trid
*.mdb Access ffw
application/x-msaccess tika
Microsoft Access Database 2.0 pronom
Microsoft Access Database 95 pronom
Microsoft Access Database 97 pronom
Microsoft Access Database 2000 pronom
Microsoft Access Database 2002 pronom
Microsoft Jet DB trid
Microsoft Access MDB File Format Family fdd
*.mdc Minolta MDC (Minolta RD-175) ffw
MidiCo Karaoke trid
Merkaartor Document trid
*.mdd MacDraft drawing trid
*.mdf SDL Trados Translation Memory Data Find trid
Microsoft SQL Server database (generic) trid
*.mdi MDI ffw
Microsoft Document Imaging tika
Microsoft Document Imaging File Format pronom
Microsoft Document Imaging format trid
*.mdl Digitrakker module ffw
Simulink Model trid
Mighty Draw DOS library trid
Half-life Model trid
MoRay 3D Model trid
Digitrakker module trid
Microsoft Flight Simulator 3D model (generic) trid
*.mdmp Windows Minidump trid
*.mdoc Roff githublinguist
*.mdown Markdown ffw
Markdown githublinguist
*.mdp MDA ffw
MicroDesign Page trid
*.mdpolicy XML githublinguist
*.mdr MagicDraw UML project trid
*.mds Media Descriptor trid
*.mdtext Markdown source code tika
*.mdv QLAY MDV image trid
*.mdw Microsoft Jet DB Workgroup Information trid
*.mdwn Markdown githublinguist
*.mdx MDX ffw
MDict dictionary trid
*.mdxml Magic Draw UML model trid
*.me Roff/nroff/troff/groff Unformatted Manual Page (UNIX) tika
Multi Edit configuration trid
TROFF markup trid
Roff githublinguist
*.me3 Arcsoft MultiMedia Email 3.0 message trid
*.meb Open eBook trid
*.med OctaMED module (MED) ffw
MED/OctaMED Amiga module trid
Music Editor module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.med4 OctaMED v2.10 module (MED4) ffw
*.mediawiki MediaWiki githublinguist
*.mef Mamiya MEF ffw
Mamiya raw image tika
MAIET Encrypted File System trid
*.mei MEI ffw
Music Encoding Initiative pronom
*.mell Mellel Document trid
*.mellel Mellel Document trid
*.mem Fanuc parameters file trid
Mnemosyne database trid
*.mer Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram trid
*.merlin2 Merlin Project trid
*.mesh model/mesh tika
*.met Presentation Manager Metafile ffw
Met Metafile pronom
OmniPage Pro Document pronom
HEC-HMS Metereologic model configuration trid
eMule *.part.met data/info trid
*.meta text/plain tika
Unity3D Asset githublinguist
*.metal Metal githublinguist
*.metalink Metalink file trid
*.mew Multi Edit configuration trid
*.mex Macro Express Macro trid
*.mf IPS manifest ffw
Metafont ffw
text/plain tika
text/plain tika
Java Manifest trid
*.mfcribbon-ms MFC Ribbon definition trid
*.mfil Blzzard Manifest trid
*.mfl Mozilla XUL FastLoad File trid
*.mfm application/vnd.mfmp tika
*.mft Battlefield Bad Company package manifest trid
*.mg Modula source code tika
Modula-3 githublinguist
*.mgb Paragon 5 Gameboy Tracker module trid
*.mgc magic compiled data trid
*.mgf Monarch Graphic File trid
MalieGF bitmap trid
*.mgourmet3 MacGourmet 3 document trid
*.mgr MGR bitmap ffw
*.mgt Megatracker module trid
*.mgz application/vnd.proteus.magazine tika
*.mhk Broderbund Mohawk archive trid
*.mht MHTML ffw
message/rfc822 tika
Microsoft Web Archive pronom
Microsoft Internet Explorer Web Archive trid
*.mhtml MHTML ffw
message/rfc822 tika
Microsoft Web Archive pronom
*.mia MusicIndiaOnline Trident Player Music file trid
*.mic Microsoft Image Composer ffw
*.mid MIDI ffw
Musical Instrument Digital Interface tika
MIDI Audio pronom
Karaoke MIDI trid
MIDI Music trid
Standard MIDI File Format fdd
*.midi MIDI ffw
Musical Instrument Digital Interface tika
MIDI Audio pronom
Standard MIDI File Format fdd
*.midnam MIDI patch name trid
*.mif MIFF ffw
MIF (MSX) ffw
Maker Interchange Format ffw
FrameMaker Interchange Format tika
Adobe FrameMaker Interchange Format pronom
ESRI MapInfo Export File pronom
Magick Image File Format pronom
ImageMagick Machine independent File Format bitmap trid
(Frame)Maker Interchange Format trid
ImageMagick Machine independent File Format bitmap (with rem) trid
Symbian Machine-readable File graphics trid
MapInfo Interchange Format trid
*.miff MIFF ffw
ImageMagick Machine independent File Format bitmap trid
ImageMagick Machine independent File Format bitmap (with rem) trid
*.mig Windows Easy Transfer migration data trid
Mighty Draw drawing trid
*.mime MIME ffw
message/rfc822 tika
*.min Digital Terrain Elevation Data pronom
*.mini2sf 2SF ffw
2SF Nintendo DS Sound Format rip (Mini) trid
*.minid MiniD githublinguist
*.minidsf DSF ffw
Dreamcast Sound Format trid
*.minigsf GSF ffw
Portable Sound Format pronom
Gameboy Sound Format trid
*.minincsf NCSF Nitro Composer Sound Format rip (Mini) trid
*.minipsf PSF1 ffw
Portable Sound Format ffw
Portable Sound Format pronom
*.minipsf1 PSF1 ffw
Portable Sound Format pronom
*.minipsf2 PSF2 ffw
*.miniqsf QSF ffw
QSF Capcom QSound Format rip (Mini) trid
*.minisnsf SNSF ffw
*.minissf SSF ffw
*.miniusf USF ffw
Nintendo Ultra 64 Sound Format trid
*.mio MioMotion movie trid
MyInfo Topic trid
MIO compressed audio trid
*.mir YAML githublinguist
*.mirah Mirah githublinguist
*.mis McGrath Information Solution metadata trid
*.mitsu Mitsubishi S340-10 bitmap trid
*.mix MIX (Picture It!) ffw
MIX (PhotoDraw) ffw
Microsoft PhotoDraw 1.0 pronom
Microsoft Picture It! Image File 1 pronom
Microsoft PhotoDraw drawing trid
Project Dogwaffle mixing palette (type 2) trid
Atari Digi-Mix module trid
*.miz Mizar article (with rem) trid
Mizar article trid
*.mj2 MJ2 ffw
JPEG 2000 ffw
JPEG 2000 Part 3 (Motion JPEG, MJ2) tika
MJ2 (Motion JPEG 2000) pronom
Motion JPEG 2000 File Format fdd
*.mjml XML githublinguist
*.mjp VTech MJP video trid
J.River Media Center plugin trid
*.mjp2 MJ2 ffw
JPEG 2000 Part 3 (Motion JPEG, MJ2) tika
MJ2 (Motion JPEG 2000) pronom
Motion JPEG 2000 File Format fdd
*.mjpg SMJPEG Video trid
*.mjs JavaScript githublinguist
*.mk Makefile githublinguist
*.mk2 Mark II Sound-System module trid
*.mk3d Matroska ffw
MK3D ffw
Matroska 1-4 pronom
Matroska Multimedia Container fdd
Matroska Multimedia Container fdd
*.mka Matroska Audio ffw
Matroska ffw
audio/x-matroska tika
Matroska 1-4 pronom
Matroska Audio stream trid
Matroska Multimedia Container fdd
Matroska Multimedia Container fdd
*.mkd Markdown source code tika
Markdown githublinguist
*.mkdn Markdown githublinguist
*.mkdown Markdown githublinguist
*.mkf KaraBox Karaoke song trid
*.mkfile Makefile githublinguist
*.mki MAKIchan Graphics ffw
*.mkii Mark II Sound-System module trid
TeX githublinguist
*.mkiv TeX githublinguist
*.mks Matroska ffw
Matroska 1-4 pronom
Matroska Multimedia Container fdd
Matroska Multimedia Container fdd
*.mkv Matroska ffw
MKV ffw
video/x-matroska tika
Matroska 1-4 pronom
Matroska Video stream trid
Matroska Multimedia Container fdd
Matroska Multimedia Container fdd
*.mkvi TeX githublinguist
*.mkw MKW ffw
mkwACT lossless compressed audio trid
*.ml OCaml ffw
ML source code tika
MyLifeOrganized data trid
Musicline module trid
OCaml githublinguist
Standard ML githublinguist
*.ml4 OCaml githublinguist
*.mlb MyLittleBase database trid
*.mlf Package Download Profile trid
*.mli OCaml ffw
Ocaml source code tika
AutoDesk 3D-Studio Material-Library trid
OCaml githublinguist
*.mll Maya plug-in (generic) trid
OCaml githublinguist
*.mlm MolMeccano molecule trid
*.mlp application/vnd.dolby.mlp tika
Dolby MLP Lossless Audio pronom
Meridian Lossless Packing audio trid
*.mls Skype localization data trid
*.mly OCaml githublinguist
*.mm Mm ffw
Objective-C ffw
NeXtMidas Macro (with rem) trid
FreeMind mind map trid
NeXtMidas Macro trid
Objective-C++ githublinguist
XML githublinguist
*.mm8 MusicMaker v8 module trid
*.mmap MindManager tika
MindManager Brainstorm and Process Control Map trid
*.mmas MindManager tika
*.mmat MindManager tika
*.mmd application/vnd.chipnuts.karaoke-mmd tika
Madonna Model trid
Cumulate Draw's editable MMD format trid
*.mmd0 MED/OctaMED Amiga module trid
*.mmd1 MED/OctaMED Amiga module trid
*.mmd2 MED/OctaMED Amiga module trid
*.mmd3 MED/OctaMED Amiga module trid
*.mmdb GeoLite2 IP geolocation database trid
*.mmdc MMDC Music trid
MED/OctaMED Amiga module trid
*.mmf application/vnd.smaf tika
Yamaha SMAF Synthetic music Mobile Application Format trid
Meal-Master Format recipe trid
*.mmk Module Management System githublinguist
*.mml Music Macro Language trid
Aleph One Marathon Markup Language trid
*.mmm Adobe Multiple Master Metrics font file pronom
*.mmmp MindManager tika
*.mmo Memory-Map Navigator Overlay trid
Hyper File memo trid
*.mmp LMMS ffw
MindManager tika
LMMS Project trid
Mindjet MindManager Map trid
*.mmpt MindManager tika
*.mmpz LMMS ffw
LMMS Project Zipped trid
*.mmr Xerox EDMICS-MMR ffw
image/ tika
*.mms Module Management System githublinguist
*.mmsw Movie Magic Screenwriter document trid
*.mmw AceMoney data trid
*.mmz MiraMon compressed data trid
*.mnc MINC ffw
AutoCAD Compiled Menu pronom
*.mnd Fractal Forge 2.x fractal parameters trid
*.mng MNG ffw
video/x-mng tika
Multiple-image Network Graphics pronom
Multiple-image Network Graphics bitmap/anim trid
*.mnl AutoLISP ffw
AutoLISP Menu Source File pronom
*.mnr AutoCAD Menu Resource File pronom
*.mns AutoCAD Source Menu File pronom
*.mnt AutoCAD Menu Resource File pronom
*.mnu AutoCAD Template Menu File pronom
*.mny application/x-msmoney tika
Microsoft Money data trid
Microsoft Money auto saved data trid
*.mo GNU Gettext Machine Object file trid
Modelica githublinguist
*.mo3 MO3 module trid
*.mobi MOBI ffw
application/x-mobipocket-ebook tika
PocketMobi (Palm Resource) File pronom
Mobipocket - PRC Palm e-Book trid
*.mod Executable and Linkable Format ffw
Amiga Module ffw
NoiseTracker module ffw
StarTrekker / Star Tracker module ffw
Wavefront OBJ ffw
audio/x-mod tika
CATIA Model 4 pronom
Microsoft Multiplan 4.0 pronom
MOD Audio Module pronom
Octalyser 6-channel STe/Falcon Module trid
Fasttracker 8-channel Amiga Module trid
Fasttracker 6-channel Amiga Module trid
Monarch model trid
GoDot C64 Image Processing - Module trid
Digital Tracker 4-channel module trid
Octalyser 8-channel STe/Falcon Module trid
Standard 4-channel Amiga Module trid
Digital Tracker 8-channel module trid
Digital Tracker 6-channel module trid
KiCad Module library trid
Fasttracker 2-channel Amiga Module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
Modula-2 githublinguist
XML githublinguist
AMPL githublinguist
Linux Kernel Module githublinguist
*.modd Picture Motion Browser data trid
*.mode1v3 Xcode project data trid
*.mode2v3 Xcode project data trid
*.model CATIA Model 4 pronom
CATIA model trid
LEGO model data trid
PlantWALK model trid
*.model.lkml LookML githublinguist
*.modfem Femap Model trid
*.moflex Mobiclip for Nintendo CTR trid
*.mogg Rock Band multi track music trid
*.mol MOL ffw
MOdule (play)List trid
*.mol2 Tripos Mol2 trid
*.mom Troff ffw
*.mon M.O.N New module trid
M.O.N Old module trid
Monotone Tracker chiptune trid
*.monkey Monkey githublinguist
*.monkey2 Monkey githublinguist
*.mono Mono ffw
*.moo Mercury githublinguist
Moocode githublinguist
*.moon MoonScript githublinguist
*.mop NS/Elite Display 3.12 Macro Object Path File trid
MOP report trid
*.mos Leaf MOS ffw
Leaf raw image tika
Infinity Engine compressed graphic (v1) trid
Infinity Engine graphic (v1) trid
*.mot LightWave Motion data trid
*.mou WinMount archive trid
*.mov QuickTime ffw
Electronic Arts MOV ffw
video/quicktime tika
Quicktime pronom
Apple ProRes pronom
QuickTime Movie trid
QuickTime Video, MPEG Codec fdd
QuickTime Video, Cinepak Codec fdd
QuickTime Video, MJPEG Codec fdd
QuickTime File Format fdd
QuickTime Video, Apple ProRes 422 Codec Family fdd
QuickTime Video, Sorenson Codec fdd
QuickTime Video, Apple Codec fdd
*.movie video/x-sgi-movie tika
SGI movie format trid
*.mp+ Musepack Audio ffw
*.mp1 MPEG-1 ffw
MPEG Audio Layer I ffw
MPEG 1/2 Audio Layer I pronom
*.mp2 MPEG-1 ffw
MPEG Audio Layer II ffw
MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 tika
MPEG Audio Stream, Layer II pronom
MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 Layer II Audio Encoding fdd
*.mp2a MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 tika
*.mp2s Max Payne 2 saved game trid
*.mp3 MP3 ffw
MPEG-1 ffw
MPEG Elementary Stream ffw
MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 tika
MPEG 1/2 Audio Layer 3 pronom
MP3 audio (ID3 v2.x tag) trid
MP3 Xing Encoder trid
mp3HD audio trid
LAME encoded MP3 audio trid
Plugger encoded MP3 audio trid
GoGo encoded MP3 audio (ID3 v1.x tag) trid
AlbumWrap archive trid
GoGo encoded MP3 audio (ID3 v2.x tag) trid
AlbumWrap archive trid
LAME encoded MP3 audio (ID3 v2.x tag) trid
LAME encoded MP3 audio (ID3 v1.x tag) trid
GoGo encoded MP3 audio trid
MP3 audio (ID3 v1.x tag) trid
MP3 audio trid
QuickTime Audio, MP3 Codec fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2002 fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), NLS extension for AMR-WB+ Speech Codec fdd
QuickTime File Format fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
MP3 File Format fdd
*.mp4 MPEG-4 ffw
AAC ffw
MP4 ffw
AVC (file format) ffw
video/mp4 tika
MPEG-4 Media File pronom
Apple Lossless Audio Codec pronom
Generic MP4 container trid
AAC Audio in MP4 container trid
MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Main Profile fdd
MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, Main Profile fdd
MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Simple Studio Profile fdd
MPEG-4 File Format, Version 1 fdd
MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Advanced Simple Profile fdd
MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Core Profile fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Simple Profile fdd
MPEG-4 File Format for Advanced Video Coding (Non-FRExt Extensions, Part 15) fdd
MPEG-4 File Format, Version 2 fdd
MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, Extended Profile fdd
MPEG-4, Visual Coding, Simple Scalable Profile fdd
MPEG-4, Advanced Video Coding, Baseline Profile fdd
*.mp4a audio/mp4 tika
*.mp4s application/mp4 tika
*.mp4v video/mp4 tika
*.mpa MPEG-1 ffw
MPEG Audio Layer II ffw
MPEG Audio Stream, Layer II pronom
*.mpb MyPhoneExplorer Backup trid
*.mpc Musepack Audio ffw
Magick Persistent Cache ffw
application/vnd.mophun.certificate tika
Musepack encoded audio (generic) trid
Musepack encoded audio (SV7.0) trid
*.mpcatalog Media View Pro pronom
*.mpcpl MediaPlayer Classic Playlist trid
MediaPlayer Classic Playlist (UTF-8) trid
*.mpd DASH Media Presentation Description trid
File List Creator list trid
MapDraw chemical sequence map trid
*.mpe MPEG Movie Clip tika
*.mpeg MPEG-1 ffw
MPEG Program Stream ffw
MPEG Elementary Stream ffw
MPEG Movie Clip tika
MPEG-1 Program Stream pronom
MPEG-2 Program Stream pronom
MPEG-2 Elementary Stream pronom
MPEG-1 Elementary Stream pronom
MPEG Video trid
MPEG-2 Encoding Family fdd
MPEG-2, Simple Profile fdd
MPEG-1 Video Coding (H.261) fdd
MPEG-2, Main Profile fdd
MPEG-2 Video Encoding (H.262) fdd
MPEG-2, 4:2:2 Profile fdd
*.mpf MosASCII Project Workspace trid
MainActor project trid
*.mpfa FASTA and FASTQ ffw
*.mpg MPEG-1 ffw
MPEG Program Stream ffw
MPEG Elementary Stream ffw
MPEG Movie Clip tika
MPEG-1 Program Stream pronom
MPEG-2 Program Stream pronom
MPEG-2 Elementary Stream pronom
MPEG-1 Elementary Stream pronom
MPEG2 Video File recorded by ProgDVB trid
MPEG Video trid
MPEG-2 Encoding Family fdd
MPEG-2, Simple Profile fdd
MPEG-1 Video Coding (H.261) fdd
MPEG-2, Main Profile fdd
MPEG-2 Video Encoding (H.262) fdd
MPEG-2, 4:2:2 Profile fdd
*.mpg4 video/mp4 tika
*.mpga MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 tika
*.mpi InstallJammer Project trid
*.mpj Minitab project trid
MessiahStudio Project trid
Video Edit Magic project trid
*.mpkg Meta-Package File ffw
application/ tika
*.mpl MPLS ffw
Maple database trid
AVCHD Playlist trid
*.mpls MPLS ffw
Blu-ray Movie Playlist Information trid
*.mpm application/vnd.blueice.multipass tika
*.mpn application/vnd.mophun.application tika
Mophun game trid
*.mpo Multi-Picture Format ffw
Multi Picture Object bitmap trid
*.mpp Musepack Audio ffw
Multi Palette Picture ffw
application/ tika
Microsoft Project 4.0 pronom
Microsoft Project 95 pronom
Microsoft Project 98 pronom
Microsoft Project 2000-2003 pronom
Microsoft Project 2007 pronom
Microsoft Project 2010 pronom
Microsoft Project trid
*.mppz MagicPlot Project trid
*.mpq MoPaQ ffw
MPQ Archive - Blizzard game data trid
*.mps Segment Map trid
Microsoft Pocket Streets v8.0 (2004) Map trid
Garmin MapSource data trid
Max Payne 1 Savegame trid
*.mpt application/ tika
*.mpv MPEG-1 ffw
*.mpw MPEG Audio Stream, Layer II pronom
MosASCII Project Workspace trid
*.mpx application/x-project tika
Microsoft Project Export File 1.0 pronom
Microsoft Project Export File 4.0 pronom
Microsoft Project Export File 3.0 pronom
Microsoft Project exported data trid
*.mpy application/ tika
*.mpz Moove Resource Description trid
SoundSlimmer compressed audio trid
*.mq4 MetaQuote / MetaTrader indicator trid
MQL4 githublinguist
*.mq5 MQL5 githublinguist
*.mqb Metasequoia Brush trid
*.mqh MQL4 githublinguist
MQL5 githublinguist
*.mql MetaTrader indicator trid
*.mqo Metasequoia 3D scene trid
*.mqp Metasequoia Palette trid
*.mqv Sony Movie Player video trid
*.mqy application/vnd.mobius.mqy tika
*.mrb Segmented Hypergraphics ffw
*.mrc MRC ffw
MIRC scripting language ffw
MARC ffw
application/marc tika
*.mrf MRF (Monochrome Recursive Format) ffw
Meta Raster Format ffw
*.mrk Informative Graphics Markup file trid
CSI MaRKup drawing trid
*.mrp China Mobile application trid
*.mrt Stimulsoft Report trid
*.mrw Minolta MRW ffw
Minolta raw image tika
Minolta RAW pronom
Minolta Dimage RAW image trid
Camera Raw Formats (Group Description) fdd
*.ms Troff ffw
Roff/nroff/troff/groff Unformatted Manual Page (UNIX) tika
MAXScript githublinguist
Roff githublinguist
Unix Assembly githublinguist
*.ms10 MultiSim Design (generic) trid
*.ms3d MilkShape 3D model trid
*.ms8 MultiSim Design (generic) trid
*.ms9 MultiSim Design (generic) trid
*.msa MSA (Magic Shadow Archiver) ffw
Atari MSA Disk Image trid
*.msc Microsoft Management Console Snap-in Control file pronom
Microsoft Management Console Snap-in control file trid
*.mscml application/mediaservercontrol+xml tika
*.mscx MuseScore music score trid
*.mscz MuseScore compressed music score trid
*.msdvd Windows DVD Maker project trid
*.mse-installer Magic Set Editor Installer trid
*.mse-set Magic Set Editor Set trid
*.mseed application/vnd.fdsn.mseed tika
*.mseq application/vnd.mseq tika
*.msf Mork ffw
application/ tika
Mork pronom
Mozilla Mail Summary file trid
*.msg Opus-CBCS ffw
Microsoft Outlook ffw
Outlook Item File ffw
Microsoft Outlook Message tika
Microsoft Outlook Email Message 97-2003 pronom
Outlook Message trid
Microsoft Outlook Item (MSG) fdd
*.msh model/mesh tika
Fluent mesh trid
Orbiter mesh trid
*.msi Windows Installer ffw
Microsoft Windows Installer tika
Microsoft Windows Installer trid
MSI/Accelrys Cerius II trid
*.msk RIPscrip Icon ffw
*.mskin Maxthon skin (MX1) trid
*.msl application/vnd.mobius.msl tika
Mapping Specification Language (ASCII) trid
Mapping Specification Language (UTF-8) trid
*.msm Windows Installer Merge Module trid
*.mso ActiveMime ffw
MedlySound module trid
ActiveMime object trid
*.msp MSP (Microsoft Paint) ffw
Windows Installer ffw
Microsoft Windows Installer tika
Microsoft Paint 1 pronom
Microsoft Paint 2 pronom
Microsoft Windows 2.x Paint bitmap trid
Windows Installer Patch trid
*.mspec Ruby githublinguist
*.msq Mario Sequencer file ffw
*.msrcincident Remote Assistance Request trid
*.mss Advanced Mario Sequencer file ffw
Scribe ffw
CartoCSS githublinguist
*.mst Microsoft Windows Installer tika
Room Arranger design trid
Windows SDK Setup Transform Script trid
*.msty application/ tika
*.msu Microsoft Update Standalone Package ffw
Windows Update Package trid
*.msv Memory Stick Voice ffw
Sony Digital Voice File/Sony Memory Stick Voice File pronom
Sony Compressed Voice File trid
*.mswmm Microsoft Windows Movie Maker File pronom
Windows Movie Maker project trid
*.mt Mathematica githublinguist
*.mt2 MadTracker 2 module ffw
MadTracker 2 module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.mtd Digital Sheet Music trid
Digital Sheet Music (Big Endian) trid
*.mte TargetExpress target trid
*.mtf Mediatek Font trid
*.mtk MPU-401 trakker module trid
*.mtl Wavefront MTL ffw
Alias|Wavefront material trid
Crytek XML Material trid
Wavefront Material githublinguist
*.mtm Multi Track Module ffw
MultiTracker Module pronom
MultiTracker module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.mtml MTML githublinguist
*.mtp Minitab Portable Worksheet trid
Power Translator document trid
EasyBuilder8000 project trid
*.mtr Master Tracker module ffw
*.mts M2TS ffw
model/vnd.mts tika
AVCHD video clips - MPEG Transport Stream trid
JVC - Everio MPEG-2 Transprot Stream trid
*.mtv MTV ray tracer bitmap ffw
MTV video trid
*.mtw Minitab Worksheet trid
*.mtx Viewpoint MetaStream scene trid
Matrix spreadsheet trid
*.mtz MIUI Theme trid
*.mu mupad githublinguist
*.muf MUF githublinguist
*.mug Digital Mugician 2 module trid
*.multisample Bitwig Studio multisample trid
*.mum Windows Update Package trid
*.mumps M githublinguist
*.mup Mup ffw
Music Publisher Score trid
*.mus Make-A-Melody ffw
Accolade MIDI File Format ffw
Electronic Arts MUS ffw
Doom MUS ffw
ANSI Music ffw
application/vnd.musician tika
Enigma Binary File (Finale) pronom
Electronic Arts Music format trid
MVSTracker Music module trid
Myriad Harmony / Melody assistant music trid
Doom/Heretic music trid
Finale music score trid
Finale NotePad trid
Finale (generic binary format) trid
Finale PrintMusic trid
Finale ETF Enigma Tansportable File trid
Finale Guitar trid
*.muse Emacs Muse project trid
*.musicxml application/vnd.recordare.musicxml+xml tika
*.musink Musink ffw
*.mustache HTML+Django githublinguist
*.mv SGI movie format trid
Miva Script trid
*.mv3 AUPEC encoded audio trid
*.mva Setup Program Archive trid
*.mvb application/x-msmediaview tika
*.mvc Movie Collector data trid
Miva Compiled script trid
*.mvd Magix Movie Edit video trid
*.mve Wing Commander III MVE movie trid
Interplay MVE video trid
muvee autoProducer Project trid
*.mvex Muvee autoProducer 6 project trid
*.mvg MVG ffw
Magick Vector Graphics trid
*.mvm MVX Module trid
*.mvs MusicMatch JukeBox Visualization (v1.0) trid
*.mw Maple XML worksheet trid
*.mw2 MicroWorlds LOGO Activity trid
*.mw4 MechWarrior 4 game data trid
*.mwb MySQL Workbench Document trid
*.mwf application/vnd.mfer tika
*.mwl Mighty Draw Windows library trid
*.mwp STEP7-Micro WIN PLC Program trid
*.mws Maple worksheet trid
*.mxd ESRI ArcMap Document pronom
ArcMap GIS project trid
MX series Remote Control configuration (generic) trid
MX-850 Remote Control configuration trid
*.mxf MXF ffw
application/mxf tika
Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 1a pronom
Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 1b pronom
Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 1c pronom
Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 2a pronom
Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 2b pronom
Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 2c pronom
Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 3a pronom
Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 3b pronom
Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern 3c pronom
Material Exchange Format Operational Pattern OP-ATOM pronom
Material Exchange Format trid
Picasa movie project trid
Material Exchange Format (MXF) fdd
*.mxl application/vnd.recordare.musicxml tika
Compressed Music XML pronom
Moxcel spreadsheet trid
*.mxm Cubic Tiny XM module trid
*.mxmf Extensible Music Format pronom
Mobile eXtensible Music Format pronom
MXMF Nokia Ringtone trid
*.mxmf XMF, eXtensible Music File Format, Version 1.0 fdd
*.mxml application/xv+xml tika
XML githublinguist
*.mxp Macromedia Extension Package trid
*.mxs application/vnd.triscape.mxs tika
Maxwell Render Scene trid
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.mxt Max githublinguist
*.mxtx MaxTrax module trid
*.mxu video/vnd.mpegurl tika
*.myd MySQL ffw
MySQL MISAM Data tika
*.myi MySQL ffw
MySQL MISAM Compressed Index tika
MySQL MyISAM tables index trid
*.myo MYOB data trid
*.myr Myriad Harmony / Melody assistant music trid
*.mysql SQL githublinguist
*.myt Myghty githublinguist
*.mz MOZART Music Document trid
*.mzf MediaZip compressed archive trid
*.mzm MZM ffw
*.mzml MzML ffw
*.mzx MegaZeux world trid
*.n Neko bytecode trid
Nemerle githublinguist
Roff githublinguist
*.n-gage application/ tika
*.n2p Nebula Program / Vector trid
*.n2v Nebula Program / Vector trid
*.n3 text/plain tika
Notation3 pronom
*.nab Novell Groupwise Address Book trid
*.nam The Print Shop ffw
*.nanr Nintendo Animation Resource trid
*.nap NAPLPS ffw
NAP Metafile pronom
*.nar Nexon game archive trid
*.narc Nintendo ARChive trid
*.nas Nastran input data trid
*.nasm Assembly githublinguist
*.natvis XML githublinguist
*.nawk Awk githublinguist
*.nb HTC splashscreen ffw
application/mathematica tika
Nota Bene Text File pronom
Mathematica Notebook pronom
Mathematica Notebook trid
Mathematica githublinguist
Text githublinguist
*.nbf NVIDIA Scene Graph binary trid
*.nbi Ahead Nero BackItUp file (v1.x) trid
*.nbm NetBeans Module trid
*.nbp Mathematica Notebook trid
Mathematica githublinguist
*.nbu Nokia phone BackUp trid
*.nc NetCDF ffw
MCrypt ffw
application/x-netcdf tika
netCDF-3 Classic pronom
netCDF-3 64-bit pronom
NetCDF Network Common Data Form trid
NetCDF-4 (Network Common Data Form, version 4) fdd
NetCDF-4 (Network Common Data Form, Version 4), Classic Model fdd
NetCDF-3 (Network Common Data Form, version 3) fdd
nesC githublinguist
*.ncb Microsoft C/C++ program database trid
*.ncc Nokia PC Suite Content Copier file trid
*.ncd Nero CoverDesigner ffw
Nero CoverDesigner trid
*.ncer Nintendo Cell Resource trid
*.ncgr Nintendo Character Graphic Resource trid
*.ncl XML githublinguist
Text githublinguist
NCL githublinguist
*.nclr Nintendo Colour Resource trid
*.ncp Nikon Custom Picture Control trid
*.ncs KOTOR (Knight Of The Old Republic) compiled script trid
*.ncsflib NCSF Nitro Composer Sound Format rip trid
*.nct Nero CoverDesigner ffw
Ahead Nero CoverDesigner Template trid
*.ncx application/x-dtbncx+xml tika
Navigation Control file for XML trid
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2002 fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), NLS extension for AMR-WB+ Speech Codec fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
*.ndb SeeYou Waypoint trid
*.ndf Nikon ffw
ESET Smart Security Quarantine Data trid
Channel Data File trid
*.ndm Enemy Territory: Quake Wars demo trid
*.ndproj XML githublinguist
*.ndr Nikon ffw
*.nds NDS ffw
*.ndx FWKCS ffw
WinDev Index trid
*.ne Nearley githublinguist
*.nearley Nearley githublinguist
*.nec NEC JIS encoded file trid
*.ned Nerdtracker II module ffw
Nerdtracker II module trid
*.nef Nikon ffw
Nikon raw image tika
Nikon Digital SLR Camera Raw Image File pronom
Nikon raw image trid
Camera Raw Formats (Group Description) fdd
*.neo NEOchrome ffw
Atari NeoChrome bitmap trid
*.nepprj NEPLAN Project trid
*.nes Nintendo Entertainment System ROM trid
*.net SNNS network definition trid
Epanet data file trid
KiCad Netlist output trid
NetCracker Resource Inventory trid
Netlab project trid
*.neu Gambit Neutral file trid
*.nexe Google NaCl Executable (x86) trid
*.nf Faase Paint-by-Numbers puzzle format trid
Nextflow githublinguist
*.nfc Nokia PC Suite Content Copier file trid
*.nff NFF ffw
Sense8 NFF ffw
Neutral ASCII File Format trid
*.nfg Gambit Normal Form representation trid
*.nfo NFO ffw
Folio Views Infobase trid
*.nftr Nintendo DS Font Type trid
*.nfz JB BAHN vehicle trid
*.ng Norton Guide trid
*.ngc Xilinx Netlist trid
*.ngd Xilinx Netlist trid
*.ngdat application/ tika
*.ngg Nokia Group Graphic ffw
Nokia Group Graphics bitmap trid
*.nginxconf Nginx githublinguist
*.ni Inform 7 githublinguist
*.nib NIB File Format pronom
Binary Property List pronom
Apple Interface Builder NIB archive (XML) trid
Apple Interface Builder NIB archive (binary) trid
*.nic NeoDesk icon ffw
*.nif CALS raster ffw
NIFF (Navy Image File Format) ffw
Notation Interchange File Format ffw
NIF ffw
Notation Interchange File Format pronom
NetImmerse file format trid
GameBryo file format trid
Notation Interchange File Format trid
*.niff NIFF (xloadimage) ffw
*.nii NII ffw
NIfTI-1 data format trid
*.nii.gz NII ffw
*.nim Nim ffw
Nim githublinguist
*.nimrod Nim githublinguist
*.ninja Ninja githublinguist
*.nit ESRI ArcInfo Grid (binary) fdd
ESRI ArcInfo Coverage fdd
Nit githublinguist
*.nitf image/nitf tika
*.nix Nix githublinguist
*.njk HTML+Django githublinguist
*.njs JavaScript githublinguist
*.nk2 Nickfile ffw
Outlook AutoComplete file trid
*.nkm Mario Kart DS track data trid
*.nl NewLisp githublinguist
NL githublinguist
*.nlm Nokia Logo Manager bitmap ffw
Netware Loadable Module trid
Nokia Logo Manager bitmap trid
NetLogo githublinguist
*.nlu application/vnd.neurolanguage.nlu tika
*.nm2 Navitel 3.1 Map trid
*.nma NMEA GPS log data trid
*.nmea NMEA GPS log data trid
*.nmf Normal Map trid
*.nmind Nmind ffw
*.nml application/vnd.enliven tika
*.nmsv Native Instruments Massive Sound trid
*.nmv Nintendulator movie capture trid
*.nnd application/vnd.noblenet-directory tika
*.nns application/vnd.noblenet-sealer tika
*.nnt Eudora Address Book trid
*.nnw application/vnd.noblenet-web tika
*.no Text githublinguist
*.noa Nancy Codec video trid
*.nol Nokia Operator Logo ffw
Nokia Operator Logo bitmap trid
*.none Structured Data Exchange Format pronom
MS DOS Compression format pronom
*.not Eclipse Notes trid
*.note Notability ffw
Handrite Note document trid
*.notebook SMART Notebook trid
*.nov Battery 3 quick load sample data trid
*.npk MikroTik RouterOS Upgrade Package trid
*.npl Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Project trid
*.npm Nokia Picture Message ffw
Corel Custom Natural Media Stroke trid
*.npp Art Explosion Publisher Pro document trid
*.npr CUBASE ffw
*.nproj XML githublinguist
*.npx image/ tika
*.nqi NOD32 Quarantined file Information trid
ESET Smart Security Quarantined file Information trid
*.nqp Perl 6 githublinguist
*.nr Roff githublinguist
*.nr3 Nero MP3 ISO Compilation trid
*.nra Nero Audio-CD Compilation trid
Nero Audio-CD Compilation (Unicode) trid
*.nrg Nero BurningROM CDImage (RAW Format) trid
Nero BurningROM CDImage trid
*.nri Tricksteronline image trid
Nero ISO Compilation trid
*.nrkt Native Instruments Reaktor sample trid
*.nrrd NRRD ffw
Nearly Raw Raster Data 1 pronom
Nearly Raw Raster Data 2 pronom
Nearly Raw Raster Data 3 pronom
Nearly Raw Raster Data 4 pronom
Nearly Raw Raster Data 5 pronom
Nearly Raw Raster Data trid
*.nrv Nero Video-CD compilation trid
*.nrw Nikon ffw
Nikon raw image tika
Nikon Digital SLR Camera Raw Image File pronom
Nokia RAW bitmap trid
*.ns1 NetStumbler NS1 log trid
*.ns2 Lotus Notes Database 2 pronom
*.ns3 Lotus Notes Database 3 pronom
*.ns4 Lotus Notes Database 4 pronom
*.nscr Nintendo DS title Screen trid
*.nsd NSD ffw
*.nse Lua githublinguist
*.nsf NES Sound Format ffw
Notes Storage Facility ffw
application/vnd.lotus-notes tika
Lotus Notes Database 2 pronom
Lotus Notes Database 3 pronom
Lotus Notes Database 4 pronom
Lotus Notes database trid
NES Sound Format rip trid
Lotus Notes Storage Facility fdd
*.nsfe NES Sound Format Extended ffw
*.nsh NSIS githublinguist
*.nsi Nullsoft Scriptable Install System pronom
NSIS githublinguist
*.nsk NaShrinK compressed archive trid
reFX NEXUS Skin trid
*.nsl Nokia Startup Logo ffw
*.nsp Computerized Speech Lab NSP ffw
Computerized Speech Lab NSP audio trid
*.nsr The Newsroom ffw
*.nsv Nullsoft Streaming Video trid
*.nsx Index Apollo Database Engine trid
*.nt StarTrekker / Star Tracker module ffw
*.nt3 JB BAHN layout trid
*.ntf National Imagery Transmission Format ffw
image/nitf tika
National Imagery Transmission Format 1.0 pronom
National Imagery Transmission Format 2.0 pronom
National Imagery Transmission Format 2.1 pronom
National Transfer Format Map trid
NITF National Imagery Transmission Format image trid
Font descriptor trid
*.nth Nokia theme trid
*.ntk NoiseTrekker v1.0 module trid
NoiseTrekker v2.0 module trid
*.ntm Navitel 2.0 Map trid
*.ntp NovoTrade Packer module trid
*.ntt Neato MediaFACE label template trid
*.ntw Lode Data Network trid
*.nu Nu githublinguist
*.numbers IWork ffw
Numbers ffw
application/ tika
Apple iWork Numbers pronom
Numbers spreadsheet trid
* IWork ffw
Numbers ffw
*.numpy NumPy githublinguist
*.numpyw NumPy githublinguist
*.numsc NumPy githublinguist
*.nunit NUnit project trid
*.nup NOD32 Antivirus Update file trid
*.nupkg NuGet Package trid
*.nuspec NuGet Specification trid
NuGet Specification (UTF-8) trid
XML githublinguist
*.nut Squirrel ffw
NUT Open Container Format pronom
NUT Open Container Format trid
Squirrel githublinguist
*.nuv NuppelVideo (MythTV) video trid
NuppelVideo video trid
*.nv Juno address book trid
*.nvb NVIDIA Scene trid
*.nvc NeroVision Express project trid
*.nvdl NVDL script trid
*.nvf Creative Nomad II series MP3 players Voice File audio trid
*.nvram VMware BIOS state trid
*.nw Noweb ffw
GraalOnline level trid
*.nwc Navisworks Document Generic pronom
Navisworks Document 2010 pronom
Navisworks Document 2011 pronom
Navisworks Document 2012 pronom
NoteWorthy Composer song trid
Noteworthy Composer data file trid
NoteWorthy song (alternate format) trid
*.nwd Navisworks Document Generic pronom
Navisworks Document 2010 pronom
Navisworks Document 2011 pronom
Navisworks Document 2012 pronom
NavisWorks Document trid
*.nwp Neo Content file trid
*.nx1 NexusDB database trid
*.nxv NXV video trid
*.ny Audacity Nyquits plug-in trid
Common Lisp githublinguist
*.nyf myBase database trid
*.nz NanoZip compressed archive (generic) trid
NanoZip compressed archive trid
*.nzb Newzbin Usenet Index trid
*.o COFF ffw
Executable and Linkable Format ffw
Object file format ffw
Mach-O ffw
A.out ffw
Amiga Hunk ffw
Executable and Linkable Format 32bit Little Endian pronom
Executable and Linkable Format 32bit Big Endian pronom
Executable and Linkable Format 64bit Little Endian pronom
Executable and Linkable Format 64bit Big Endian pronom
ELF Executable and Linkable format (generic) trid
*.o2c Objects to See 3D object trid
*.o3m Ortho 3D Model trid
*.oa2 application/ tika
*.oa3 application/ tika
*.oad Notaro document trid
*.oas application/ tika
*.ob3 ORTIM Zeit data trid
*.obd application/x-msbinder tika
Microsoft Office Binder File for Windows 95 pronom
Microsoft Office Binder File for Windows 97-2000 pronom
Office Binder Document trid
*.obj Imagine Object File ffw
Wavefront OBJ ffw
Object file format ffw
Relocatable Object Module Format ffw
Common Object File Format (COFF) Library trid
OMF - Relocatable Object Module Format trid
Microsoft VBDOS 1.0 compiled object code trid
Microsoft Basic 7.1 compiled object code trid
Wavefront Object (created by Hexagon) trid
Blender 3D object trid
UVMapper object trid
CADRazor 3d model trid
Wavefront Object (generic) trid
Wavefront Object githublinguist
*.objdump ObjDump githublinguist
*.obml OBML (Opera Binary Markup Language) ffw
Opera Mini saved web page trid
*.obml15 OBML (Opera Binary Markup Language) ffw
*.obml16 OBML (Opera Binary Markup Language) ffw
*.obo PSI-MI XML ffw
*.obp Bryce Object Library trid
*.obpack ObjectBar theme trid
*.obt Microsoft Office Binder Template for Windows 95 pronom
Microsoft Office Binder Template for Windows 97-2003 pronom
*.obz Microsoft Office Binder Wizard for Windows 95 pronom
Microsoft Office Binder Wizard for Windows 97-2003 pronom
*.ocaml Ocaml source code tika
*.ocb OpenChrom chromatogram trid
*.occ DB/TextWorks Database Terms and Words trid
*.ocd OCAD map trid
*.ocf Oberon/F Code File trid
*.oci OpenCanvas Image trid
*.oct Radiance Octree trid
*.ocx Dynamic-link library (Windows) ffw
Portable Executable ffw
Windows ActiveX control trid
*.oda application/oda tika
*.odb OpenDocument ffw
application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.database tika
OpenDocument Database Format 1.0 pronom
OpenDocument Database Format 1.2 pronom
OpenDocument Database Format 1.1 pronom
OpenDocument DataBase trid
OpenDocument Database Front End Document Format (ODB), Version 1.2, ISO 26300-1:2015 fdd
*.odc OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Chart document tika
Oberon/F Document trid
OpenDocument Chart Document Format (ODC), Version 1.2, ISO 26300-1:2015 fdd
*.odcl Open Dialog Control Language for AutoCAD trid
*.odd XML githublinguist
*.odex Dalvik Executable ffw
Optimised Dalvik Executable Format pronom
*.odf OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Formula document tika
*.odft OpenDocument v1.0: Formula document used as template tika
*.odg OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument Drawing ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Graphics document (Drawing) tika
OpenDocument Graphics 1.0 pronom
OpenDocument Graphics 1.1 pronom
OpenDocument Graphics 1.2 pronom
OpenDocument Graphics document trid
OpenDocument Drawing Document Format (ODG), Version 1.2, ISO 26300-1:2015 fdd
*.odi OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Image document tika
*.odl ODL (Microsoft Object Description Language) ffw
*.odm OpenDocument ffw
OverDrive Media console media control trid
OpenDocument Master Text document trid
OpenDocument Text Document Format (ODT), Version 1.2, ISO 26300-1:2015 fdd
*.odp OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument Presentation ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Presentation document tika
OpenDocument Presentation 1.0 pronom
OpenDocument Presentation 1.1 pronom
OpenDocument Presentation 1.2 pronom
OpenDocument Presentation trid
OpenDocument Presentation Document Format (ODP), Version 1.2, ISO 26300-1:2015 fdd
*.ods OpenDocument Spreadsheet ffw
OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Spreadsheet document tika
OpenDocument Spreadsheet 1.0 pronom
OpenDocument Spreadsheet 1.1 pronom
OpenDocument Spreadsheet 1.2 pronom
OpenDocument Spreadsheet document trid
OpenDocument Spreadsheet Document Format (ODS), Version 1.2, ISO 26300:2015 fdd
OpenDocument Spreadsheet Document Format (ODS), Version 1.1, ISO 26300:2006 fdd
*.odt OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument Text ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Text document tika
Online Description Tool Format pronom
OpenDocument Text 1.0 pronom
OpenDocument Text 1.1 pronom
OpenDocument Text 1.2 pronom
MindRender VREK Object File Format trid
OpenDocument Text document trid
OpenDocument Text Document Format (ODT), Version 1.1, ISO/IEC 26300:2006 fdd
OpenDocument Text Document Format (ODT), Version 1.2, ISO 26300-1:2015 fdd
*.odv Ocean Data View data (TXT) trid
*.oes OpenCanvas event data trid
*.ofc Open Financial Connectivity file trid
*.off OFF (DEC-WSE Object File Format) ffw
OFF (Geomview Object File Format) ffw
*.ofip OFIP ffw
*.ofm OmniForm Form trid
*.ofr OptimFROG ffw
OptimFROG encoded Audio trid
*.ofs OptimFROG ffw
*.oft Microsoft Outlook ffw
Outlook Item File ffw
Microsoft Outlook Email Message 97-2003 pronom
Outlook Form Template trid
*.ofw TopLevel Forms Form trid
*.ofx Open Financial Exchange 1.02 pronom
Open Financial Exchange 1.03 pronom
Open Financial Exchange 1.6 pronom
Open Financial Exchange 2.0.3 pronom
Open Financial Exchange 2.1.1 pronom
*.oga Ogg ffw
Ogg Vorbis Audio tika
*.ogg Ogg ffw
Vorbis ffw
Theora ffw
Ogg Vorbis Codec Compressed WAV File tika
Ogg Vorbis Codec Compressed Multimedia File pronom
Ogg Multimedia Container pronom
Ogg Theora Video pronom
Ogg Opus Codec Compressed Multimedia File pronom
Ogg FLAC Compressed Multimedia File pronom
Ogg Speex Codec Multimedia File pronom
OGG Vorbis Audio trid
OGG stream (generic) trid
Ogg Vorbis Audio Format fdd
Ogg File Format fdd
*.ogm Ogg ffw
Ogg Packaged OGM Video tika
OGG Media stream trid
*.ogv Ogg ffw
Theora ffw
Ogg Vorbis Video tika
Ogg Multimedia Container pronom
Ogg Theora Video pronom
Ogg Vorbis Video trid
*.ogx Ogg ffw
Kate ffw
application/ogg tika
*.oiv OpenIV mod package trid
*.okt Oktalyzer module ffw
Oktalyzer Audio file pronom
Oktalyzer module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.okta Oktalyzer module ffw
Oktalyzer module trid
*.ol Jolie githublinguist
*.olb OrCAD PSpice Capture Symbols Models trid
*.olf OyezForms saved rigid form (v9, v10) trid
*.olk Microsoft Outlook ffw
Microsoft Outlook Address Book pronom
*.olr Openlab Raw Format trid
*.olrw Openlab Raw Format trid
*.olsr olsrd configuration trid
*.oma ATRAC Advanced Lossless ffw
Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding ffw
Sony OpenMG Audio (SonicStage) trid
*.ome.tiff OME-TIFF ffw
*.ome.xml OME-XML ffw
*.omf Onyx Music File ffw
Open Source Metadata Framework trid
Open Media Framework Interchange trid
Onyx Music File module trid
*.omfi Open Media Framework Interchange trid
*.omgrofl Omgrofl githublinguist
*.omod OpenMRS Module trid
*.omx OMAX Make tool path data trid
Ots Media Library trid
OMAX Make tool path data (with rem) trid
*.ond Lotus Notes Encapsulated Memo trid
*.one Microsoft OneNote pronom
Microsoft OneNote note trid
SEMONE compressed archive trid
*.onepkg application/onenote tika
Microsoft OneNote Package File pronom
Microsoft OneNote Package trid
*.onetmp application/onenote tika
*.onetoc application/onenote tika
*.onetoc2 application/onenote tika
OneNote table of contents trid
*.ooc ooc githublinguist
*.oop OOP compressed archive trid
*.op2 Stanford Research Systems Optimlelt file trid
*.opa Psion OPO/OPA ffw
Opa githublinguist
*.opal Opal githublinguist
*.opc Office Upgrade Control file trid
*.opd Durango Interferometry data trid
OmniPage Document trid
*.opencl OpenCL githublinguist
*.opf application/oebps-package+xml tika
Obsidium Project File pronom
Open Packaging Format manifest trid
OmniPass encrypted trid
Obsidium Project File trid
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2002 fdd
OEBPS (Open Ebook Forum Publication Structure) 1.0 fdd
OEBPS (Open Ebook Forum Publication Structure) 1.2 fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), NLS extension for AMR-WB+ Speech Codec fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
*.opi OmniPass exported user trid
*.opj Origin Project trid
OrCAD Project trid
*.opk Origin Pack file trid
*.opml OPML - Outline Processor Markup Language trid
*.opo Psion OPO/OPA ffw
*.oppc Darksiders game data package trid
*.opps3 Darksiders game data package trid
*.oprc application/vnd.palm tika
*.ops Office Profile-Settings (v11.0) trid
Office Profile-Settings (v1.1) trid
Office Profile-Settings (v10.0) trid
*.opt Neuratron PhotoScore Document trid
*.opus Ogg ffw
Ogg Opus Codec Compressed WAV File tika
Ogg Multimedia Container pronom
Ogg Opus Codec Compressed Multimedia File pronom
Opus compressed audio trid
*.opx OrgPlus Organization Chart trid
*.opy OptiY Model trid
*.oqy Microsoft Excel OLAP Query pronom
*.ora OpenRaster ffw
OpenRaster Image Format pronom
OpenRaster image trid
*.orc Csound Orchestra trid
Csound githublinguist
*.orf Olympus ORF ffw
Olympus raw image tika
Olympus RAW pronom
Olympus digital camera RAW image trid
Camera Raw Formats (Group Description) fdd
*.org Org-mode ffw
Organya ffw
application/vnd.lotus-organizer tika
Organya module trid
Organya 2 module trid
Org githublinguist
*.ort Opus-CBCS ffw
Oric Raw Tape format trid
*.os 1C Enterprise githublinguist
*.osb OpenStreetMap Binary map data trid
*.osc OpenStreetMap Change data trid
OptionScope Worksheet trid
*.osd Okteta grammar file ffw
*.osf application/vnd.yamaha.openscoreformat tika
Oberon/F Symbol File trid
*.osfpvg application/vnd.yamaha.openscoreformat.osfpvg+xml tika
*.osm OpenStreetMap XML Data trid
XML githublinguist
*.osp Orion Sampler sample trid
Obi Synth Pack Music trid
*.ost Personal Folder File ffw
Outlook Personal Folders File Format tika
Outlook Exchange Offline Storage trid
*.osu Osu! script trid
*.otb OTA bitmap ffw
*.otc OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Chart document used as template tika
OpenDocument Chart Document Format (ODC), Version 1.2, ISO 26300-1:2015 fdd
*.otf OpenDocument ffw
OpenType ffw
Open Font Format ffw
OpenType Font tika
OpenType Font File pronom
OpenType - CFF compact font format trid
*.otg OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument Drawing ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Graphics document used as template tika
OpenDocument Graphics 1.0 pronom
OpenDocument Graphics 1.1 pronom
OpenDocument Graphics 1.2 pronom
OpenDocument Drawing Document Format (ODG), Version 1.2, ISO 26300-1:2015 fdd
*.oth OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Text document used as template for HTML documents tika
*.oti OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Image document used as template tika
*.otm OpenDocument v1.0: Global Text document tika
*.oto AutoPano project trid
*.otp OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument Presentation ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Presentation document used as template tika
OpenDocument Presentation 1.0 pronom
OpenDocument Presentation 1.1 pronom
OpenDocument Presentation 1.2 pronom
OpenDocument Presentation Template trid
OpenDocument Presentation Document Format (ODP), Version 1.2, ISO 26300-1:2015 fdd
*.otrkey OnlineTVRecorder (OTR) Keyfile trid
*.ots OpenDocument Spreadsheet ffw
OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Spreadsheet document used as template tika
OpenDocument Spreadsheet 1.0 pronom
OpenDocument Spreadsheet 1.1 pronom
OpenDocument Spreadsheet 1.2 pronom
OpenDocument Spreadsheet template trid
OpenDocument Spreadsheet Document Format (ODS), Version 1.2, ISO 26300:2015 fdd
OpenDocument Spreadsheet Document Format (ODS), Version 1.1, ISO 26300:2006 fdd
*.ott OpenDocument ffw
OpenDocument Text ffw
OpenDocument v1.0: Text document used as template tika
OpenDocument Text 1.0 pronom
OpenDocument Text 1.1 pronom
OpenDocument Text 1.2 pronom
OpenDocument Text Document template trid
OpenDocument Text Document Format (ODT), Version 1.2, ISO 26300-1:2015 fdd
*.otx Outerra engine ffw
*.otz OpenLP Theme trid
*.out Opus-CBCS ffw
Wireshark traffic log trid
Lua bytecode (generic) trid
Lua 5.0 bytecode trid
Lua 4.0 bytecode trid
*.ova OVF (Open Virtualization Format) ffw
Open Virtualization Format package trid
*.ove Cakewalk Overture Score trid
*.ovf OVF (Open Virtualization Format) ffw
Open Virtualization Format descriptor trid
*.ovl Atari ST executable ffw
RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 game data trid
Elite: Dangerous game data trid
Geogrid Overlay (binary) trid
*.ovr Borland Overlay trid
Arc Digitized Raster Graphic (ADRG) fdd
*.ovx Psion OVAL Control trid
*.owl XML syntax for RDF graphs tika
Web Ontology Language githublinguist
*.ox Ox githublinguist
*.oxh Ox githublinguist
*.oxo Ox githublinguist
*.oxps OpenXPS ffw
Open XML Paper Specification tika
Open XML Paper Specification trid
*.oxt application/vnd.openofficeorg.extension tika
OpenOffice Extension trid
*.oxygene Oxygene Project (UTF-8) trid
Oxygene Project trid
Oxygene githublinguist
*.oz Oz githublinguist
*.ozf Mozart functor trid
*.ozf2 OziExplorer Map trid
*.ozfx3 OziExplorer Map trid
*.ozv ORTIM Zeit project trid
*.p Pascal ffw
Prolog ffw
Img Software Set ffw
Pawn ffw
P ffw
Pascal source code tika
Matlab binary-runtime P-file trid
OpenEdge ABL githublinguist
*.p00 P00 C64 Image Format pronom
C64 flexible file format trid
*.p01 P00 C64 Image Format pronom
MicroStation Modification resource file trid
*.p02 P00 C64 Image Format pronom
*.p03 P00 C64 Image Format pronom
*.p04 P00 C64 Image Format pronom
*.p10 PKCS10 ffw
application/pkcs10 tika
*.p12 PKCS12 ffw
PFX (original format) ffw
application/x-pkcs12 tika
*.p2 PIC2 ffw
*.p21 Standard for the Exchange of Product model data pronom
STEP-file, ISO 10303-21 fdd
*.p24 Signum font ffw
*.p2f Eclipse Plugin list trid
*.p2g Power2Go project trid
*.p3d P3D (PSC) ffw
Panda multifile object trid
ArmA P3D ODOL model trid
*.p3t PlayStation 3 Theme trid
*.p4 P4 githublinguist
*.p40 The Player 4.0a module trid
The Player 4.0b module trid
*.p41 The Player 4.1a module trid
*.p4x The Player 4.x Music trid
*.p50 The Player 5.0a module trid
*.p5m IPS manifest ffw
*.p5p IPS archive ffw
*.p6 Perl 6 githublinguist
*.p60 The Player 6.0a module trid
*.p61 The Player 6.1a module trid
*.p65 PageMaker ffw
PageMaker Document 6.5 pronom
Pagemaker Document (Generic) pronom
Adobe PageMaker 6.5 document trid
*.p6l Perl 6 githublinguist
*.p6m Perl 6 githublinguist
*.p7 XV thumbnail ffw
Xv's Visual Schnauzer bitmap trid
*.p7b PKCS7 certificate ffw
application/x-pkcs7-certificates tika
*.p7c PKCS7 certificate ffw
application/pkcs7-mime tika
*.p7m application/pkcs7-mime tika
PKCS #7 Crytographic message file pronom
*.p7r application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp tika
*.p7s application/pkcs7-signature tika
PKCS #7 Signature trid
*.p8 Lua githublinguist
*.p9 Signum font ffw
*.pa PrintArtist project trid
*.pa3 Parity Volume Set ffw
PabloPaint ffw
*.pa6 PAQ ffw
*.pa7 PAQ ffw
*.pa8 PAQ ffw
*.pab Personal Folder File ffw
Microsoft Outlook ffw
Microsoft Outlook Personal Address Book pronom
Microsoft Personal Address Book trid
*.pac SBStudio module ffw
LPAC ffw
SBStudio II Package (song + sounds) trid
STAD hi-res (v.-packed) bitmap trid
STAD hi-res (h.-packed) bitmap trid
LPAC - Lossless Predictive Audio Compression trid
CrossePAC compressed archive trid
JavaScript githublinguist
*.pack Git ffw
Package (Web) ffw
application/x-java-pack200 tika
*.package Maxis package/archive trid
*.pae PowerArchiver Rijndael Encrypted file trid
*.paf PAF (Personal Ancestral File) ffw
Personal Ancestral File (PAF) 3 pronom
Personal Ancestral File (PAF) 4 pronom
Personal Ancestral File (PAF) 5 pronom
Personal Ancestral File trid
Ensoniq PARIS Audio File trid
*.pag RealTick page trid
*.pages IWork ffw
Pages ffw
application/ tika
Apple iWork Pages pronom
Pages document trid
* IWork ffw
Pages ffw
*.pak PAK ffw
Quantum compressed archive ffw
Quake archive trid
Massive game data trid
Simutrans object package trid
Massive Development package/container trid
Sygic map trid
PAK/ARC Compressed archive trid
*.pal Dr. Halo ffw
IBM KIPS bitmap ffw
Canvas (Atari) ffw
RIFF Palette File ffw
RIFF Palette Format pronom
JASC format palette file trid
Dr. Halo palette trid
Microsoft (color) Palette trid
*.pam Portable Arbitrary Map ffw
Portable Any Map pronom
Portable Arbitrary Map bitmap trid
*.pan Pan githublinguist
*.pando Pando Package trid
*.paq8f PAQ8F compressed archive trid
*.paq8jc PAQ8JC compressed archive trid
*.paq8jd PAQ8JD compressed archive trid
*.paq8l PAQ8L compressed archive trid
*.paq8o PAQ8O compressed archive trid
*.paq8o8 paq8o8 compressed archive trid
*.paq8p PAQ ffw
*.par Parity Volume Set ffw
Aerofly model parameters trid
Parity Archive Volume Set trid
Solid Edge model trid
*.par2 Parity Volume Set ffw
Parity Archive Volume Set (Par2) trid
*.parrot Parrot githublinguist
*.pas Pascal ffw
Object Pascal ffw
Free Pascal ffw
Pascal source code tika
Pascal source code tika
WinCC script trid
Pascal githublinguist
*.pascal Pascal githublinguist
*.pasm Parrot Assembly githublinguist
*.pat MultiMate Professional Word Processor ffw
GIMP Pattern ffw
Photoshop ffw
Gravis Ultrasound patch ffw
CorelDraw Pattern pronom
Gravis UltraSound GF1 patch trid
SNNS pattern definition trid
Black and White 2 paths data trid
The GIMP Pattern trid
Adobe Photoshop Pattern trid
PCStich pattern trid
ESRI ArcInfo Coverage fdd
Max githublinguist
*.patch Diff ffw
Unified diff ffw
text/x-diff tika
imgdiff patch (v1) trid
imgdiff patch (v2) trid
Diff githublinguist
*.pax Pax ffw
PAX (Pick Ax) ffw
PAX password protected bitmap trid
*.pb Protobuf ffw
Cyberlore Studios Playboy game map trid
PowerBASIC/DOS configuration file trid
PureBasic githublinguist
*.pbd application/vnd.powerbuilder6 tika
PowerBASIC debugger symbols trid
PowerBuilder Dynamic library trid
*.pbf Portable Bitmap Format ffw
Sprite Backup image trid
ProtoBuf binary format map data trid
*.pbi PC-BSD Installer Package trid
PureBasic githublinguist
*.pbk Pixel Bender Kernel trid
*.pblib PowerBASIC Static Link Library trid
*.pbm Netpbm formats ffw
Portable Bit Map tika
Portable Bitmap Image - ASCII pronom
Unix Portable BitMap trid
Plain PBM bitmap trid
*.pbmb Portable Bitmap Image - Binary pronom
*.pbn Portable Bridge Notation ffw
*.pbo Arma PBO ffw
*.pbp PowerBASIC Project trid
Phoenix Visual Designer project trid
*.pbr PowerBASIC resource trid
*.pbt PowerBuilder Tutorial trid
PowerBuilder githublinguist
*.pbu PowerBASIC/DOS Compiled Unit trid
*.pbw Pebble Watchface trid
PowerBuilder Workspace trid
*.pbxproj Apple Xcode Project trid
*.pbxuser Apple Xcode User data trid
*.pc1 DEGAS image ffw
*.pc2 DEGAS image ffw
AutoCAD Plot Configuration File R14 pronom
*.pc3 DEGAS image ffw
AutoCAD Plot Configuration File 2000 pronom
AutoCAD Plotter Configuration trid
*.pca Perfect Clarity Audio ffw
*.pcap PCAP ffw
TCPDump pcap packet capture tika
pcap Packet Capture pronom
TCPDUMP's style capture trid
*.pcapng pcap Next Generation Packet Capture pronom
Wireshark PCAP Next Generation Dump File Format (Little Endian) trid
Wireshark PCAP Next Generation Dump File Format (Big Endian) trid
*.pcb PCBoard ffw
P-CAD Printed Curcuit Board trid
CIRCAD data (v3.x) trid
ACCEL or Protel Printed Circuit Board file (text) trid
CIRCAD data (v4.x) trid
ACCEL Printed Circuit Board (ASCII) trid
CIRCAD data (v5.x) trid
PCB 3.0 Binary file trid
ACCEL or Protel Printed Circuit Board file (binary) trid
PCB 4.0 Binary file trid
*.pcbdoc PCB Document trid
*.pcblib Protel PCB 3.0 Binary Library trid
*.pcc PCX ffw
*.pcd Photo CD ffw
Kodak Photo CD Image pronom
Kodak PhotoCD bitmap trid
*.pcf PCF ffw
PCIF ffw
application/x-font-pcf tika
X11 pcf bitmap font trid
Piping Component File trid
Solid Edge Packaged Collaboration File trid
Valve particle storage trid
Cisco VPN Profile Configuration File trid
*.pcg Korg Trinity/Triton instruments bank (generic) trid
*.pch MS Visual C++ precompiled header trid
*.pch2 Nord Modular G2 Patch trid
*.pck In the Groove PCK ffw
PLSQL githublinguist
*.pcl Programmable Command Language ffw
PCL ffw
application/vnd.hp-pcl tika
HP Printer Control Language capture/bitmap trid
Pencil project trid
*.pclxl application/vnd.hp-pclxl tika
*.pcm RAW (Audio) ffw
*.pco PC-Outline outline trid
*.pcp AutoCAD Plot Configuration File 1.0-R13 pronom
*.pcs PhotoChrome ffw
PICS ffw
PICS Animation pronom
Pfaff Home Embroidery Format trid
Yamaha Piano Combo Style trid
*.pcss PostCSS githublinguist
*.pct PICT ffw
NIST IHead ffw
Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT Format tika
Macintosh PICT Image 1.0 pronom
Macintosh PICT Image 2.0 pronom
Macintosh Pict image (MacBinary) trid
*.pcu XProfan Compiled Unit trid
*.pcurl application/vnd.curl.pcurl tika
*.pcv MozBackup backup file trid
*.pcx PCX ffw
image/x-pcx tika
PCX 0 pronom
PCX 2 pronom
PCX 3 pronom
PCX 4 pronom
PCX 5 pronom
ZSoft PCX bitmap trid
*.pd Pure Data ffw
PipeDream document trid
Pure Data githublinguist
*.pd3 Denso BHT PD3 Image File / Program trid
*.pd_lua Lua githublinguist
*.pdb Protein Data Bank ffw
Visual Studio PDB ffw
Palm OS Database ffw
Palm Database ImageViewer ffw
TealPaint ffw
Diddle sketch ffw
DiddleBug sketch ffw
ScreenShot Hack ffw
GrayPaint ffw
PRC (Palm OS) ffw
PalmDOC ffw
Brookhaven Protein Databank File tika
PowerProject Teamplan pronom
Palm TealInfo trid
Palm iSilo 1.x/2.x document trid
Palm SuperMemo trid
Palm FireViewer bitmap trid
Palm JFile database trid
Palm Pilot bitmap trid
BGBlitz position database trid
Palm PeanutReader e-book trid
Palm Quicksheet trid
PalmDraft schematic trid
Palm TealDoc document trid
Protein Databank (with HTML header) trid
Protein DataBank trid
Palm List database trid
Palm Tides trid
Palm Pilot-DB database trid
Palm WineMaster list trid
Treo Phone skin trid
Palm MobileDB database trid
SmartList To Go database trid
Merriam-Webster's Pocket Dictionary trid
Palm JFile Pro database trid
Microsoft Program DataBase trid
Palm TealPaint drawing trid
Palm PocketChess deluxe games library trid
Palm Dictionary Reader trid
zTXT eBook trid
Palm iSilo 3.x document trid
PalmDOC text document trid
Palm TealMovie video+audio trid
LAMPWords Dictionary Databases trid
Palm Plucker document trid
Palm TealMeal trid
HP 100/200lx Palmtop phonebook trid
Palm Bible+ document trid
Palm ThoughtManager trid
*.pdd PhotoDeluxe ffw
Adobe PhotoDeluxe pronom
Verity Collection Partition Definition Descriptor Style Set pronom
Verity Collection Index Descriptor File pronom
*.pde Processing Development Environment pronom
Processing githublinguist
*.pdf PDF ffw
Portable Document Format tika
Acrobat PDF 1.0 - Portable Document Format 1.0 pronom
Acrobat PDF 1.1 - Portable Document Format 1.1 pronom
Acrobat PDF 1.2 - Portable Document Format 1.2 pronom
Acrobat PDF 1.3 - Portable Document Format 1.3 pronom
Acrobat PDF 1.4 - Portable Document Format 1.4 pronom
Acrobat PDF 1.5 - Portable Document Format 1.5 pronom
Acrobat PDF 1.6 - Portable Document Format 1.6 pronom
Acrobat PDF/A - Portable Document Format 1a pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange 1:1999 pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange 1:2001 pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange 1a:2003 pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange 2:2003 pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange 3:2003 pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange 1a:2001 pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange 3:2002 pronom
Acrobat PDF 1.7 - Portable Document Format 1.7 pronom
Acrobat PDF/A - Portable Document Format 1b pronom
Acrobat PDF/A - Portable Document Format 2a pronom
Acrobat PDF/A - Portable Document Format 2b pronom
Acrobat PDF/A - Portable Document Format 2u pronom
Acrobat PDF/A - Portable Document Format 3a pronom
Acrobat PDF/A - Portable Document Format 3b pronom
Acrobat PDF/A - Portable Document Format 3u pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange PDF/X-4 pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange PDF/X-4p pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange PDF/X-5g pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange PDF/X-5pg pronom
Acrobat PDF/X - Portable Document Format - Exchange PDF/X-5n pronom
Acrobat PDF/E - Portable Document Format for Engineering PDF/E-1 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 9.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 10.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 11.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 12.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 13.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 14.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 15.0 pronom
Adobe Illustrator 16.0 pronom
Adobe Portable Document Format trid
GraphiCode Programmable Device Format trid
PDF/A-2b, PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7), Level B Conformance fdd
PDF/UA-1, PDF Enhancement for Accessibility, Use of ISO 32000-1 fdd
PDF/A-3, PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of ISO 32000-1, With Embedded Files fdd
PDF/A-2a, PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7), Level A Conformance fdd
PDF/A-2u, PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7), Level U Conformance fdd
PDF/A-1a, PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of PDF 1.4, Level A Conformance fdd
PDF, Version 1.7 (ISO 32000-1:2008) fdd
PDF, Version 1.7, ExtensionLevel 5 fdd
PDF/A, PDF for Long-term Preservation fdd
PDF_1_4, PDF Version 1.4 fdd
PDF/X, PDF for Prepress Graphics File Exchange fdd
PDF (Portable Document Format) Family fdd
PDF_1_3, PDF Versions 1.0-1.3 fdd
PDF/A-1b, PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of PDF 1.4, Level B Conformance fdd
PDF/A-2, PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7) fdd
PDF, Version 1.6 fdd
PDF, Version 1.7, ExtensionLevel 3 fdd
PDF, Version 1.5 fdd
PDF/A-1, PDF for Long-term Preservation, Use of PDF 1.4 fdd
*.pdfxml Adobe PDFXML document trid
*.pdg Chaoxing SSReader Digital Library e-Book trid
*.pdi PDI Disk Image (Type 1) trid
*.pdm PowerDesigner Model trid
*.pdn Portable Draughts Notation ffw
Paint.NET image ffw
Paint.NET Image (v3) trid
Paint.NET Image trid
*.pdo Pepakura Designer work trid
Pepakura Designer work (with rem) trid
*.pdp Broderbund Print Shop Deluxe pronom
*.pds PDS ffw
PALASM Design Description trid
Print Shop graphic trid
*.pdsprj Proteus Project trid
*.pdt Inkwriter/Notetaker Template pronom
*.pdx Adobe Portable Document Catalog Index File 2.0 pronom
Adobe Portable Document Catalog Index File 3.0 pronom
Adobe Portable Document Catalog Index File 3.1 pronom
Adobe Portable Document Catalog Index File 3.2 pronom
*.pe4 Ulead thumbnail trid
*.pea PEA ffw
PEA compressed archive (v1.x) trid
PEA compressed archive (v2.x) trid
*.pec Brother/Babylock/Bernina Home Embroidery format trid
*.pef Pentax PEF ffw
Pentax raw image tika
Portable Embosser Format trid
Camera Raw Formats (Group Description) fdd
*.peg Red Faction 2 game data trid
*.pek Adobe Premiere Peak Waveform trid
*.pem PEM ffw
PEM encoded certificate ffw
PEM encoded RSA private key ffw
PKCS7 certificate ffw
Certificate Revocation List ffw
PKCS10 ffw
*.pen text/plain tika
*.pep Pep8 githublinguist
*.perl Perl script tika
Perl githublinguist
*.perspective Xcode perspective trid
*.perspectivev3 Xcode perspective (V3) trid
*.pes PES ffw
Brother/Babylock/Bernina Home Embroidery Format trid
*.pex SilkExplorer - Performance Explorer Workspace trid
*.pez Prezi Desktop presentation trid
*.pf Microsoft Windows Vista / 7 Prefetch data trid
Microsoft Windows 8 Prefetch data trid
Microsoft Windows XP Prefetch data trid
Microsoft Windows Prefetch data (generic) trid
*.pf2 PFF2 ffw
*.pfa application/x-font-type1 tika
PostScript githublinguist
*.pfb Adobe Type 1 ffw
application/x-font-type1 tika
Adobe Printer Font Binary pronom
Adobe PostScript Type 1 Font trid
*.pfc AOL Personal Filing Cabinet ffw
AOL Preferences/Personal Filing Cabinet trid
*.pfd ProForm Database trid
Playstation 3 savegame control data trid
*.pff Zoomify PFF ffw
Portable Form File pronom
Formatta Portable Form File trid
*.pfg jEEPers Program Configuration file (with rem) trid
jEEPers Program Configuration file (without rem) trid
*.pfi PhotoFiltre Image bitmap trid
*.pfl PhotoFilter plugin trid
*.pfm PFM (Portable Float Map) ffw
Adobe Type 1 ffw
Printer Font Metric tika
Adobe PostScript Font Metrics file pronom
Cimatron Drawing trid
Adobe Printer Font Metrics trid
*.pfr PaintShop Pro ffw
PFR ffw
application/font-tdpfr tika
*.pft ChiWriter font ffw
*.pfv PhotoFiltre path trid
*.pfx PKCS12 ffw
PFX (original format) ffw
application/x-pkcs12 tika
*.pg Printfox bitmap ffw
*.pgc PGC (Portfolio Graphics Compressed) ffw
PGN (Portable Gaming Notation) Compressed format trid
*.pgd PGP Disk image trid
*.pgf PGF (Progressive Graphics File) ffw
PGF (Portfolio Graphics) ffw
PGC Portfolio Graphics Compressed bitmap trid
Progressive Graphics File bitmap trid
*.pgm Netpbm formats ffw
Portable Graymap Graphic tika
Portable Grey Map - Binary pronom
Portable Grey Map - ASCII pronom
Yamaha RS7000 OS image trid
Portable GrayMap bitmap trid
Opentech Digital STB main software trid
*.pgma Portable Grey Map - ASCII pronom
*.pgmb Portable Grey Map - Binary pronom
*.pgml Precision Graphics Markup Language ffw
Precision Graphics Markup Language trid
*.pgn PGN ffw
application/x-chess-pgn tika
Portable Gaming Notation trid
*.pgp application/pgp-encrypted tika
PGP public key block trid
*.pgs PageStream document trid
*.pgtb IFF ProGram TraceBack trid
*.pgw ESRI World File Format pronom
ESRI World File fdd
*.pgx PGX (JPEG 2000) ffw
PGX (Portfolio) ffw
*.ph Perl ffw
Perl githublinguist
*.phc Home Embroidery Format trid
*.phd PolyHedral Database trid
Portable Heap Dump dump trid
*.phf QNX Photon Font (bitmap) trid
Photo Font trid
*.phj PhCNC project trid
*.phn Phun scene trid
*.pho Gerber Photoplot trid
*.php PHP ffw
PhotoParade slideshow ffw
PHP script tika
PHP Script Page pronom
PHP githublinguist
Hack githublinguist
*.php3 PHP script tika
PHP githublinguist
*.php4 PHP script tika
PHP githublinguist
*.php5 PHP githublinguist
*.phprj RadPHP Project trid
*.phps PHP ffw
PHP githublinguist
*.phpt PHP githublinguist
*.phr iGO Phoneme data trid
*.phtml HTML+PHP githublinguist
*.phv Viking Sewing Machines emroidery disk file trid
*.phx Phoenix RC simulator update trid
*.pi Pi (image format) ffw
*.pi1 DEGAS image ffw
*.pi2 DEGAS image ffw
*.pi3 DEGAS image ffw
*.pi4 Extended DEGAS image ffw
*.pi5 Extended DEGAS image ffw
*.pi6 Extended DEGAS image ffw
*.pi7 Extended DEGAS image ffw
*.pi8 Extended DEGAS image ffw
*.pi9 Extended DEGAS image ffw
*.pic PCPaint PIC ffw
Dr. Halo ffw
ILBM ffw
MacPaint ffw
PICT ffw
MTV ray tracer bitmap ffw
Radiance HDR ffw
Psion PIC ffw
BioRad confocal image ffw
BSAVE Image ffw
Pixar picture ffw
WinMiPS ffw
Lotus 1-2-3 Chart ffw
PIC (Yanagisawa) ffw
Softimage PIC ffw
Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT Format tika
Lotus 1-2-3 Chart pronom
PC Paint Bitmap pronom
Macintosh PICT Image 2.0 pronom
Radiance RGBE Image Format pronom
Bio-Rad Image(s) file trid
Psion Serie 3 bitmap trid
PCPAINT/Pictor bitmap trid
Softimage Picture bitmap trid
IBM Storyboard Live!/Picture Maker bitmap trid
Pic githublinguist
*.picio Pixar picture ffw
*.pickle Pickle ffw
*.pict PICT ffw
Apple Macintosh QuickDraw/PICT Format tika
Macintosh PICT Image 1.0 pronom
Macintosh PICT Image 2.0 pronom
Macintosh Quickdraw/PICT Drawing trid
*.pif Program information file ffw
Windows Program Information trid
*.pig PigLatin githublinguist
*.pigm Packaged Indigo Renderer Material trid
*.pika PikaScript ffw
Pika Software Builder Project trid
*.pike Pike githublinguist
*.pim PIM ffw
PIM compressed archive trid
*.pir Parrot Internal Representation githublinguist
*.pis Beni Tracker module ffw
PS2DIS project trid
*.pit PackIt ffw
Odin Partition Information Table trid
*.piv Pivot stickfigure animation trid
*.pix Alias PIX ffw
BRender PIX ffw
VORT file ffw
Inset PIX ffw
Lumena PIX/BPX ffw
PABX background ffw
Inset Systems Bitmap pronom
Alias PIX bitmap trid
PABX Background bitmap trid
*.pixar Pixar picture ffw
*.pixi Pixilang ffw
*.pixicode Pixilang ffw
*.pja PackARC ffw
*.pjc The Master Genealogist ffw
*.pjf PaintJet soft font ffw
*.pjg PackJPG ffw
Meta Raster Format ffw
PackJPG compressed JPEG bitmap trid
*.pjt Microsoft FoxPro Memo pronom
*.pjx Microsoft Visual FoxPro Project pronom
FoxPro Project pronom
*.pjxl HP Paintjet ffw
*.pk PK font ffw
Peak Graphical Waveform File pronom
*.pk3 Quake Live game data trid
Quake 3 game data trid
*.pkb PLSQL githublinguist
*.pke Extron IP Link driver trid
*.pkg Package File (OS X) ffw
application/octet-stream tika
I-DEAS Package trid
Newton PaperBack eBook trid
BeOS installation package trid
Sun SVR4 package data stream trid
InstallShield compiled setup package trid
*.pkgproj XML githublinguist
*.pki application/pkixcmp tika
*.pkipath application/pkix-pkipath tika
*.pkl Pickle githublinguist
*.pkm GrafX2 bitmap trid
*.pkn Extron IP Link driver trid
*.pkpass PKPass ffw
iOS Passbook Pass trid
*.pkproj Visual CCScript Project trid
*.pkr Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Public Keyring trid
*.pks PLSQL githublinguist
*.pkv Steam package data trid
*.pl Perl ffw
Prolog ffw
Perl script tika
Perl Script pronom
Perl script trid
Prolog githublinguist
Perl githublinguist
Perl 6 githublinguist
*.pl6 Perl ffw
Perl 6 githublinguist
*.pla PLASMA ffw
*.plan Chief Architect plan trid
Home Designer plan trid
*.planner Planner project trid
*.player Starbound player data (v1.1) trid
Starbound player data (v1) trid
2D Fighter Maker 2nd player data trid
*.playground Xcode Playground ffw
*.plb application/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-large tika
Microsoft FoxPro Library pronom
PhotoLine browse index trid
Rockwell Arena Picture Library trid
PLSQL githublinguist
*.plc application/vnd.mobius.plc tika
Verity Collection Index Style Policy pronom
*.pld PLD (PhotoLine) ffw
John Deere Payload File ffw
Messenger Plus! Backup Configuration trid
PhotoLine32 Document - Image trid
*.ple Messenger Plus! Encrypted chat log trid
Messenger Plus! Encrypted chat log (alternate) trid
*.plf application/vnd.pocketlearn tika
*.plg Aston Shell plugin trid
*.plh PLASMA ffw
*.plist Property List ffw
Property List/Binary ffw
Property List/XML ffw
XML Property List pronom
Binary Property List pronom
XML Property List trid
XML githublinguist
*.pll PAKLEO compressed archive trid
*.plm DisorderTracker 2 module ffw
Panasonic SD Voice Editor file trid
Disorder Tracker 2 module trid
*.pln Microsoft Flight Simulator Flight Plan trid
*.plot Gnuplot githublinguist
*.plp Messenger Plus! Sound Pack trid
*.pls application/pls+xml tika
WinAmp/SHOUTcast PlayList trid
PLSQL githublinguist
*.plsc Messenger Script Pack trid
*.plsk Messenger Plus! Skin Pack trid
*.plsql PLSQL githublinguist
*.plt HP-GL ffw
Hewlett Packard Vector Graphic Plotter File pronom
OziExplorer track file trid
Gerber Scientific plot trid
Lotus Organiser Paper Layout Definition trid
Rhea-PV2D (PlotView-2D) plot trid
HPGL plot file trid
Infinity Engine paperdoll (v1) trid
Gnuplot githublinguist
*.pluginspec XML githublinguist
Ruby githublinguist
*.plx Perl githublinguist
*.ply Polygon File Format pronom
Polygon file format trid
*.pm Pegasus Mail ffw
Perl ffw
XPM ffw
PM (XV image) ffw
Perl script tika
Power Music song/module trid
X PixMap githublinguist
Perl githublinguist
Perl 6 githublinguist
*.pm! Pegasus Mail ffw
*.pm$ Pegasus Mail ffw
*.pm0 DeLorme map data trid
*.pm3 PageMaker ffw
PageMaker Document 3.0 pronom
Crouzet Logic Software M3 project trid
*.pm4 PageMaker ffw
PageMaker Document 4.0 pronom
*.pm5 PageMaker ffw
PageMaker Document 5.0 pronom
*.pm6 PageMaker ffw
PageMaker Document 6.0 pronom
Adobe PageMaker 6 document trid
Perl 6 githublinguist
*.pma PMA ffw
PMarc compressed archive trid
*.pmc Pegasus Mail ffw
*.pmd Pegasus Mail ffw
PageMaker ffw
PmDraw ffw
Pagemaker Document (Generic) pronom
Page Maker 7 Document trid
Polyphonic Ringtone for Phones trid
*.pme Pixela Digital Picture trid
*.pmf Sony PSP Movie Format trid
*.pmg Photomerge Composition trid
*.pmi Pegasus Mail ffw
*.pml application/vnd.ctc-posml tika
Process Monitor Log (native format) trid
*.pmlz Zipped Palm Markup Language ebook trid
*.pmm Pegasus Mail ffw
MikuMikuDance PolygonMovieMaker data trid
PhotoMovieMaker / Smilebox slideshow trid
*.pmn Pegasus Mail ffw
*.pmod Pike githublinguist
*.pmp PackMP3 ffw
PMP video trid
AutoCAD Plotter-Modell Parameter trid
*.pmq Pegasus Mail ffw
*.pmr Pegasus Mail ffw
PhotoModeler project trid
*.pms Pegasus Mail ffw
Personal Media Suite encoded file trid
AliceSoft PMS bitmap trid
*.pmt PageMaker ffw
Pagemaker Document (Generic) pronom
Adobe PageMaker template trid
*.pmx Pegasus Mail ffw
Adobe PageMaker document (generic) trid
*.pna TomTom PNA map info trid
*.pnach PCSX2 Patch trid
*.pnc Pegasus Mail ffw
Panasonic Network Camera compressed images trid
*.pnd Pegasus Mail ffw
*.pnf INF (Windows) ffw
Windows precompiled INF (old) trid
Windows precompiled INF trid
*.png PNG ffw
APNG ffw
CgBI ffw
Freenet activelink ffw
Portable Network Graphics tika
Portable Network Graphics 1.0 pronom
Portable Network Graphics 1.1 pronom
Portable Network Graphics 1.2 pronom
Animated Portable Network Graphics pronom
Portable Network Graphics (Apple variant) trid
Portable Network Graphics trid
Portable Network Graphics (with Animation) trid
PNG, Portable Network Graphics fdd
*.pnl Pegasus Mail ffw
*.pnm Netpbm formats ffw
The Print Shop ffw
Portable Any Map tika
Portable Bitmap Image - Binary pronom
Portable BitMap Package trid
*.pnml Workflow Petri Net Designer project trid
*.pnt Prism Paint ffw
MacPaint Graphics pronom
DeskMate Paint image trid
*.pntg MacPaint ffw
*.po DSK (Apple II) ffw
Gettext Catalog githublinguist
*.pod text/plain tika
Open Project File pronom
PowerVR Object Data pronom
Plain Old Documentation format trid
Pod githublinguist
*.podsl Common Lisp githublinguist
*.podspec Ruby githublinguist
*.pof Programming Object File trid
*.pog The Print Shop ffw
Descent 2 alternative texture set trid
*.pogo PogoScript githublinguist
*.pol InnovMetric Software Polygon Model trid
X-Plane Draped Polygon trid
*.pom text/plain tika
Maven Project Object Model trid
*.pony Pony githublinguist
*.por SPSS Portable Data Format pronom
SPSS Portable ASCII Data trid
SPSS Portable File, ASCII encoding fdd
*.portpkg application/vnd.macports.portpkg tika
*.pos WinHex Position Data trid
*.post Yahoo! Voice Mail trid
*.pot PPT ffw
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation tika
Microsoft Powerpoint Design Template pronom
Fractint Continuous Potential Image trid
Gettext Catalog githublinguist
*.potm application/ tika
Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Template 2007 pronom
*.potx Office Open XML Presentation Template tika
Microsoft PowerPoint Template 2007 pronom
*.pov POV-Ray scene description ffw
POV-Ray SDL githublinguist
*.pov-state Persistence of Vision state trid
*.pp Pascal ffw
PowerPacker ffw
Pascal source code tika
PowerProject 7 pronom
PowerProject 8 pronom
PowerProject 9 pronom
PowerProject 10 pronom
PowerProject 11 pronom
PowerProject 12.0.01 pronom
PowerProject 12.0.02+ pronom
PowerPacker compressed trid
Pascal githublinguist
Puppet githublinguist
*.pp1 Picture Packer ffw
*.pp2 Picture Packer ffw
Ping Plotter Sample file trid
*.pp3 Picture Packer ffw
RawTherapee Postprocessing Profile trid
*.pp4 Picture Publisher ffw
Picture Publisher Bitmap 4 pronom
*.pp5 Picture Publisher ffw
Picture Publisher Bitmap 5.0 pronom
*.ppa Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation tika
Microsoft Powerpoint Add-In pronom
*.ppam Office Open XML Presentation Add-in (macro-enabled) tika
Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Add-In 2007 pronom
*.ppd PostScript Printer Description ffw
application/vnd.cups-ppd tika
PostScript Printer Description trid
*.ppenc Ashampoo Magical Security encrypted trid
*.ppf Picture Publisher ffw
PlayStation Patch File (generic) trid
PlayStation Patch File (v1.0) trid
PlayStation Patch File (v3.0) trid
PlayStation Patch File (v2.0) trid
Micrografx Picture Publisher document trid
*.ppg Meta Raster Format ffw
*.ppi Microsoft PowerPoint Graphics File pronom
*.ppj image/vnd.adobe.premiere tika
Premiere project trid
*.ppk PuTTY Private Key trid
*.ppm Netpbm formats ffw
UNIX Portable Bitmap Graphic tika
Portable Pixel Map - ASCII pronom
Portable Pixel Map - Binary pronom
Portable BitMap Package trid
*.ppmb Portable Pixel Map - Binary pronom
*.ppmod Papers Please Mod trid
*.ppn PackPNM ffw
*.ppp Serif PagePlus ffw
Serif PagePlus Publication Generic pronom
Serif PagePlus Publication 4 pronom
Serif PagePlus Publication 5 pronom
Serif PagePlus Publication 6 pronom
Serif PagePlus Publication 7 pronom
Serif PagePlus Publication 8 pronom
Serif PagePlus Publication 9 pronom
Serif PagePlus Publication 10 pronom
Serif PagePlus Publication 11 pronom
Serif PagePlus Publication 12 pronom
Serif PagePlus Publication Home Office pronom
CyberLink PowerProducer Project trid
Serif PagePlus Publication trid
Picture Pump Project File trid
*.ppr Photodex ProShow Workspace trid
*.pprx REXX githublinguist
*.pps PPT ffw
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation tika
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation Show 97-2003 pronom
Microsoft PowerPoint document trid
*.ppsm Office Open XML Presentation Slideshow (macro-enabled) tika
Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Show 2007 pronom
*.ppsx Office Open XML Presentation Slideshow tika
Microsoft PowerPoint Show 2007 pronom
PPTX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2016, ECMA-376, Editions 1-5 fdd
*.ppt PPT ffw
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation tika
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 4.0 pronom
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 95 pronom
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation 97-2003 pronom
Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh 4.0 pronom
Microsoft PowerPoint for Macintosh 2001 pronom
Playstation Portable Texture trid
Microsoft PowerPoint document trid
*.pptm Office Open XML Presentation (macro-enabled) tika
Macro Enabled Microsoft Powerpoint 2007 Onwards pronom
PowerPoint Microsoft Office Open XML Format document (with Macro) trid
*.pptx PPTX ffw
Office Open XML ffw
Office Open XML Presentation tika
Microsoft Powerpoint for Windows 2007 onwards pronom
Microsoft Office Encrypted Document 2007 Onwards pronom
PowerPoint Microsoft Office Open XML Format document trid
PPTX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2016, ECMA-376, Editions 1-5 fdd
OOXML Format Family -- ISO/IEC 29500 and ECMA 376 fdd
PPTX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500-1: 2008-2016 fdd
*.ppv Pocket PowerPoint trid
*.ppx PingPlotter script trid
*.ppz Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation tika
Microsoft Powerpoint Packaged Presentation pronom
PowerPoint Presentation trid
*.pqa PQA ffw
application/vnd.palm tika
*.pqf Corel Presentations file trid
*.pr4 Harvard Graphics ffw
Harvard Graphics Presentation trid
*.prc MOBI ffw
PRC (Palm OS) ffw
PalmDOC ffw
application/x-mobipocket-ebook tika
PocketMobi (Palm Resource) File pronom
Picture Gear Pocket bitmap trid
Palm Pilot executable trid
PathAway map trid
Palm Pilot executable HB++ trid
Mobipocket - PRC Palm e-Book trid
PLSQL githublinguist
SQL githublinguist
*.pre application/vnd.lotus-freelance tika
Freelance File 1.0-2.1 pronom
*.prefab Unity3D Asset githublinguist
*.prefs FileGateway Server configuration trid
Amiga Preferences trid
INI githublinguist
*.prf PRF (Polychrome Recursive Format) ffw
PRF (Fastgraph) ffw
application/pics-rules tika
Atheros Profile trid
Polychrome Recursive Format bitmap trid
*.prf2 Nord Modular G2 Performance trid
*.prfpset Adobe Premiere Effect Preset trid
*.prg Commodore 64 binary executable ffw
Commodore BASIC tokenized file ffw
DBase programming language ffw
FoxPro programming language ffw
Clipper (programming language) ffw
Atari ST executable ffw
Atari ST program/executable trid
TM-MARS compiled Redcode program trid
xBase githublinguist
*.pri QMake githublinguist
*.prj UltraEdit project file ffw
ESRI Shapefile Projection (Well-Known Text) Format pronom
FireFly SDK Designer project trid
3D Project file (generic) trid
FireFly SDK Designer project (new ASCII format) trid
Shapefile Projection trid
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.prjpcb Altium Designer project trid
*.prn Microsoft Print File pronom
Calcomp raster bitmap trid
ICC Kodak printer image format trid
*.pro Prolog ffw
IDL ffw
Prolog source code tika
PrimeOCR 3.0 pronom
PrimeOCR 3.8 pronom
Prime OCR 3.9 pronom
PrimeOCR 4.0 pronom
PrimeOCR 4.2 pronom
PrimeOCR 4.3 pronom
Infinity Engine Projectile (v1.0) trid
INI githublinguist
Prolog githublinguist
QMake githublinguist
IDL githublinguist
*.proj Poseidon for UML Project information trid
XML githublinguist
*.project text/plain tika
CATIA Project 4 pronom
Gambas project (v2) trid
Gambas project (v2) trid
Gambas Project trid
*.prolog Prolog githublinguist
*.properties Java Properties tika
HSQLDB configuration trid
Java Properties githublinguist
INI githublinguist
*.props XML githublinguist
*.proto Protobuf ffw
Protocol Buffer githublinguist
*.prproj Premiere Project trid
*.prs Yamaha Pro Style trid
*.prt application/x-prt tika
Siemens Unigraphics Part trid
Pro/ENGINEER parts file trid
*.prtl Adobe Premiere Title trid
*.pru2 Prorunner 2.0 Music trid
*.prw xBase githublinguist
*.prx Windows Media stream profile trid
*.prz Lotus Freelance Graphics trid
*.ps PostScript ffw
PostScript tika
Postscript 1.0 pronom
Encapsulated PostScript File Format 3 pronom
PostScript 2.0 pronom
PostScript 2.1 pronom
PostScript 3.0 pronom
PostScript 3.1 pronom
PaulShields song/module trid
Postscript document trid
Encapsulated PostScript (with DOS style preview) trid
PostScript Format Family fdd
PostScript githublinguist
*.ps1 PowerShell ffw
PowerShell githublinguist
*.ps16 Protracker Studio 16 module/song trid
*.ps1xml XML githublinguist
*.psa Pretty Simple Archiver compressed archive trid
ProSpace schematic trid
Professional Sound Artists Music trid
*.psafe3 Password Safe database trid
*.psb PSB ffw
application/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-small tika
Adobe Photoshop Large Document Format pronom
*.psc Papyrus githublinguist
*.psc1 XML githublinguist
*.psd PSD ffw
Photoshop Image tika
Adobe Photoshop pronom
Adobe Photoshop image trid
*.psd1 PowerShell githublinguist
*.psf PSF1 ffw
Portable Sound Format ffw
Soundfactory ffw
PC Screen Font ffw
PSF (PhotoStudio) ffw
application/x-font-linux-psf tika
Postscript Support File pronom
Portable Sound Format pronom
Portable Sound Format - Playstation trid
PSP metadata file trid
WSUS Patch Storage File trid
photoStudio bitmap trid
PowerArchiver skin trid
*.psf1 PSF1 ffw
Portable Sound Format pronom
*.psf1lib PSF1 ffw
*.psf2 PSF2 ffw
Portable Sound Format - Playstation 2 trid
*.psf2lib PSF2 ffw
*.psflib PSF1 ffw
Portable Sound Format ffw
Portable Sound Format pronom
*.psfu PC Screen Font ffw
*.psgi Perl githublinguist
*.psh Photodex ProShow Show file trid
*.psid Play SID Audio 1 pronom
Play SID Audio 2 pronom
*.psk Unreal Engine character trid
*.psm Epic Megagames MASI ffw
Turbo Pascal Symbol Table trid
Protracker Studio 16 module/song trid
Epic Megagames MASI module (new format) trid
Epic Megagames MASI module (old format) trid
*.psm1 PowerShell ffw
PowerShell githublinguist
*.pso Direct3DX9 Shader ( trid
*.psp PaintShop Pro ffw
Paint Shop Pro Image 3.0 pronom
Paint Shop Pro Image 5.0 pronom
Paint Shop Pro Image 6.0 pronom
Paint Shop Pro Image 7 pronom
Paint Shop Pro Image 4.00 pronom
Jasc Software Paint Shop Pro bitmap trid
*.pspbrush PaintShop Pro ffw
*.pspimage PaintShop Pro ffw
Paint Shop Pro Image 6.0 pronom
Paint Shop Pro Image 7 pronom
Paint Shop Pro Image 8 pronom
Paint Shop Pro Image 9 pronom
Paint Shop Pro Image 10 pronom
Jasc Paint Shop Pro 8 PSPIMAGE trid
*.psproj PyScripter Project (ASCII) trid
PyScripter Project (UTF) trid
*.psr PowerSoft DataWindow - DataStore trid
PowerSoft DataWindow - DataStore (OLE Storage ver.) trid
PowerSoft DataWindow - DataStore (Unicode) trid
*.pssg EGO Engine Textures trid
*.pst Personal Folder File ffw
Microsoft Outlook ffw
Outlook Personal Folders File Format tika
Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders (ANSI) 1997-2002 pronom
Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders (Unicode) 2003-2007 pronom
Microsoft OutLook Personal Folder (Unicode) trid
Yamaha Pianist (Solo Piano) Style trid
Microsoft OutLook Personal Folder (ANSI) trid
Microsoft Outlook PST 97-2002 (ANSI) fdd
*.psu PSU Designer 2 project trid
*.psv Playstation 2-3 Save game trid
Psycle display preset trid
*.psw Pocket Word Document pronom
Windows XP Backup Password trid
*.psw6 Password Depot 6 data trid
*.pswx Portable Password Depot XML data trid
*.psx Playstation single game save trid
*.psy Psycle Tune/Song trid
*.pt PassMark PerformanceTest file trid
XML githublinguist
*.pt1 Pro Tracker v1.xx module ffw
*.pt2 Pro Tracker v2.xx module ffw
*.pt3 Pro Tracker v3.xx module ffw
ProTracker 3.x compilation trid
*.ptb Power Tab Guitar and Bass Tablature Editor trid
*.ptcop Piston Collage song ffw
PxTone music trid
*.ptf Sony PSP Theme file trid
LiveNote Portable legal Transcript File trid
*.ptg PTG ffw
Ambient Design ArtRage project trid
*.ptid application/vnd.pvi.ptid1 tika
*.ptif TIFF, Pyramid fdd
*.ptk Puntotek Embroidery Design trid
*.ptl Microsoft Visual Modeller Petal file (ASCII) pronom
Premiere title trid
*.ptm Poly Tracker module ffw
Polynomial Texture Map pronom
Microsoft MapPoint map trid
Poly Tracker Module trid
Polynomial Texture Map trid
Polynomial Texture Map (PTM) File Format fdd
*.ptn TrendMicro System Cleaner database trid
TrendMicro HouseCall Cleaner database trid
*.pto Hugin Project trid
*.ptp Primo computer emulator tape file trid
*.ptr OS/2 Pointer ffw
*.pts PTgui project trid
*.pttune Piston Collage song ffw
*.ptx Pentax PEF ffw
V.Flash PTX ffw
Pentax raw image tika
RealLegal E-Transcript pronom
RealLegal E-Transcript trid
*.pu PlantUML ffw
*.pub Microsoft Publisher ffw
application/x-mspublisher tika
Microsoft Publisher 2.0 pronom
Microsoft Publisher 95 pronom
Microsoft Publisher 97 pronom
Microsoft Publisher 98 pronom
Microsoft Publisher 2000 pronom
Microsoft Publisher 2002 pronom
Microsoft Publisher document trid
PGP public key block trid
Public Key githublinguist
*.pud Warcraft II PUD ffw
*.pug Pug ffw
Pug githublinguist
*.pui UltraEdit project file ffw
*.puma Pumatracker module ffw
*.pumpkin Pumpkin Shop stencil trid
*.purblepairssave-ms Microsoft Purble Pairs Saved game trid
*.purbleshopsave-ms Microsoft Purble Shop Saved game trid
*.purs PureScript githublinguist
*.put Microfox Company PUT compressed archive trid
*.puz PUZ ffw
PUZ (crossword puzzles) ffw
Across crossword puzzle trid
*.pva AVZ Antiviral Toolkit data trid
PVA video trid
*.pvb application/vnd.3gpp.pic-bw-var tika
*.pvd Instalit Script pronom
*.pve GoBe Productive Document trid
*.pvk PVK ffw
PVK private key trid
*.pvm MusicPhotoVideo trid
PWK Virtual machine module trid
*.pvn Design and Print Business Edition document trid
*.pvp PuzzleView Puzzle trid
*.pvr Dreamcast VR texture trid
PVR textures trid
*.pw Professional Write Text File pronom
Pathetic Writer document trid
*.pwb Password Boss data trid
*.pwc PWC (Piecewise-Constant Image Model) ffw
*.pwd Pocket Word Document pronom
Pocket Word document trid
Password Commander Pro database (v2.x) trid
*.pwf PageWunder document trid
*.pwi Inkwriter/Notetaker Document pronom
Pocket Word document trid
*.pwl Windows 95 passwords trid
Windows 98 passwords trid
*.pwm Seattle FilmWorks ffw
Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photo Meta file trid
*.pwn application/ tika
PAWN githublinguist
*.pwp Seattle FilmWorks ffw
Smith Corona Personal Word Processor trid
Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photos trid
*.pwt Pocket Word Template pronom
Password Tracker Deluxe Tracking List trid
*.px Pixel image trid
*.pxa Pixia ffw
*.pxd Pixlr document ffw
Pixlr layered image trid
Cython githublinguist
*.pxf Pixelformer project trid
Phoenix RC simulator flying site trid
*.pxi Pixie (vector graphics) ffw
Pixie (programming language) ffw
Pixie drawing / paint trid
Cython githublinguist
*.pxl Pocket Excel sheet trid
*.pxm PXM (Pixelmator) ffw
Pixelmator graphic trid
*.pxn Logitech raw image tika
*.pxr Pixar picture ffw
*.pxs Pixie (vector graphics) ffw
*.pxx Parity Volume Set ffw
Adobe PageMaker document (generic) trid
*.pxy Topocad coordinates trid
*.py Python ffw
Python script tika
Python Script File pronom
Python githublinguist
*.py3 Python githublinguist
*.pya audio/ tika
PlayReady audio trid
*.pyc Python ffw
Python Compiled File 2.7 pronom
Python Compiled File 3.4 pronom
Python 2.1 bytecode trid
Python 2.2 bytecode trid
Python 2.3 bytecode trid
Python 2.7.1 bytecode trid
Python 1.x bytecode trid
Python bytecode (generic) trid
Python 2.0 bytecode trid
*.pyd Python ffw
Python Dynamic module trid
*.pyde Python githublinguist
*.pyi Python githublinguist
*.pyo Python ffw
Python optimized code trid
*.pyp Python githublinguist
*.pyt Python githublinguist
*.pytb Python traceback githublinguist
*.pyv video/ tika
PlayReady video trid
*.pyw Python githublinguist
*.pyx Cython (Pyrex) ffw
Cython githublinguist
*.pz pzip compressed trid
*.pz2 Poser pose trid
*.pz3 Poser scene trid
*.pza Roxio/MGI PhotoSuite Album trid
*.pzd Pocket Zone Drawing trid
*.pzf GraphPad Prism 4 pronom
GraphPad Prism project trid
*.pzl Puzzle image (X11) ffw
*.pzm GraphPad Prism 1-3 pronom
*.pzp Roxio/MGI PhotoSuite Project trid
*.pzx PZX ffw
*.q Quantum compressed archive ffw
Quantum compressed archive trid
HiveQL githublinguist
q githublinguist
*.q0 Q0 ffw
*.q1 Winamp EQ Settings File trid
*.q3c Quick 3D Cover project trid
*.q3o Quick3D Model trid
*.q4 XLD4 ffw
*.q4d XLD4 ffw
*.qal Arc Digitized Raster Graphic (ADRG) fdd
*.qam application/ tika
*.qar Quartus II Archive trid
*.qat Office Quick Access Toolbar info trid
*.qbb Intuit QuickBooks Backup trid
*.qbo application/vnd.intu.qbo tika
*.qbs QML githublinguist
*.qbw Intuit QuickBooks for Windows trid
*.qcd Quark Xpress Data File pronom
Quark Xpress Data File 10 pronom
Quark Xpress Data File 6 pronom
Quark Xpress Data File 9 pronom
*.qcf Quickbasic Coordinates File trid
*.qcow Qcow ffw
QEMU Copy On Write disk image (generic) trid
*.qcow2 Qcow ffw
QEMU Copy On Write disk image (generic) trid
*.qcp QCP Audio File Format pronom
QualComm PureVoice trid
*.qct Quark Xpress Data File 10 pronom
Quark Xpress Data File 6 pronom
Quark Xpress Data File 9 pronom
*.qd3 3DMF ffw
*.qda Quadruple D Archiver ffw
*.qdf Quicken Data File pronom
Quicken Data Format pronom
Quicken data trid
*.qdv QDV (Random Dot Software) ffw
QDV (Giffer) ffw
*.qel Quicken Data File pronom
*.qf Ovi Maps info trid
*.qfc QuickFileCollection archive trid
*.qfilter Apple Quartz Filter trid
*.qfx application/vnd.intu.qfx tika
Open Financial Exchange 1.02 pronom
Open Financial Exchange 1.03 pronom
Open Financial Exchange 1.6 pronom
Open Financial Exchange 2.0.3 pronom
Open Financial Exchange 2.1.1 pronom
Quicken Transfer file trid
Quick Link II Fax bitmap trid
*.qic Quarter Inch Cartridge Host Interchange Format pronom
Windows 98 MSBackup backup set trid
*.qif QTIF ffw
Quicken Interchange Format pronom
Quicken Interchange Format trid
QuickTime File Format fdd
*.qlb Microsoft Basic 7.x Quick library trid
*.qli Statler Stitcher trid
*.qm Qt Message trid
*.qmbl LabQuest results trid
*.qmg Qmage encoded data trid
*.qml QML ffw
QML githublinguist
*.qp03 qpress compressed archive trid
*.qps application/vnd.publishare-delta-tree tika
*.qpt Quark Xpress Data File 10 pronom
Quark Xpress Data File 6 pronom
Quark Xpress Data File 9 pronom
*.qpw QPW ffw
Quattro Pro ffw
application/x-quattro-pro tika
Quattro Pro Spreadsheet 9 onwards pronom
Quattro Pro for Windows spreadsheet trid
*.qqq Squeeze ffw
*.qrm Allen Communications Quest Released Module (v5) trid
*.qrp QuickReport Report trid
*.qrs SlickRun MagicWord Pack trid
*.qrt QRT Ray Tracer bitmap ffw
QRT Ray Tracer scene description ffw
*.qs Q Sharp ffw
Qsplat Model pronom
*.qsd QuadriSpace Format pronom
Quicken Win Data trid
*.qsf QSF ffw
Quintessential Player Family Skin trid
*.qsflib QSF ffw
QSF Capcom QSound Format rip trid
*.qsk Quintessential Player Kid Skin trid
*.qsl QuadriSpace Format pronom
*.qsm QuadriSpace Format pronom
*.qst QuadriSpace Format pronom
HeroQuest Quest trid
Zelda Classic Quest trid
*.qsu Zelda Classic Quest (Unencoded) trid
*.qsys Qsys System trid
*.qt video/quicktime tika
QuickTime File Format fdd
*.qtch Quicktime Cached data trid
*.qti QuickTime File Format fdd
*.qtif QTIF ffw
QuickTime File Format fdd
*.qtl QTL ffw
QuickTime Media Link trid
*.qtm Quicktime pronom
*.qtp QuickTime Preferences trid
*.qtz Quartz Composer data trid
*.qua Avira AntiVir quarantined trid
*.query Microsoft PCHealth query trid
*.quorum Quorum ffw
*.qvw QlikView document trid
*.qwd application/vnd.quark.quarkxpress tika
*.qwk QWK offline mail packet (ZIP compressed) trid
*.qws Quartus Workspace trid
*.qwt application/vnd.quark.quarkxpress tika
*.qx Quexal sourcecode trid
*.qxb application/vnd.quark.quarkxpress tika
*.qxd QuarkXPress ffw
application/vnd.quark.quarkxpress tika
Quark Xpress Data File pronom
Quark XPress document trid
*.qxl application/vnd.quark.quarkxpress tika
Quark Xpress Data File pronom
*.qxm Quexal macro trid
*.qxp QuarkXPress ffw
Quark Xpress Data File pronom
Quark Xpress Data File 10 pronom
Quark Xpress Data File 6 pronom
Quark Xpress Data File 9 pronom
QuarkXpress project trid
*.qxp report Quark Xpress Report File pronom
*.qxp%20report Quark Xpress Report File pronom
*.qxt application/vnd.quark.quarkxpress tika
Quark Xpress Data File pronom
*.qz Create A Quiz file trid
*.qzd QuizPro quiz data trid
*.qze QuizPro quiz data trid
*.qzs QuizPro quiz data trid
*.r R ffw
Img Software Set ffw
Spaceward Graphics ffw
R source code tika
Rebol githublinguist
R githublinguist
*.r00 C64 flexible file format trid
RAR Archive File Format Family fdd
*.r01 MicroStation Modification resource file trid
*.r2 Rebol githublinguist
*.r2a Yamaha RS7000 - All data trid
*.r2p Yamaha RS7000 - Pattern data trid
*.r2s Yamaha RS7000 - Song data trid
*.r2skin Rainlendar Skin trid
*.r3 Rebol githublinguist
*.r3a Yamaha RS7000 - Sample data trid
*.r3d RED digital pictures ffw
Red raw image tika
Redcode RAW (R3D) Media File 1 pronom
Redcode RAW (R3D) Media File 2 pronom
R3D data stream trid
*.r3p Yamaha RS7000 - Sample data trid
*.r8 Cubicomp PictureMaker red channel image data trid
*.ra RealAudio ffw
Real Audio tika
RealAudio 3 pronom
RealAudio 4 pronom
RealAudio audio trid
Real Audio trid
RealAudio, Version 10 fdd
*.ra3replay Red Alert 3 replay trid
*.rabl Ruby githublinguist
*.rad Reality AdLib Tracker module ffw
Radiance HDR ffw
Radiance Scene Description ffw
Reality ADlib tracker module/song trid
*.raf Fujifilm RAF ffw
Fuji raw image tika
Fujifilm RAW Image Format pronom
Fuji raw image trid
Camera Raw Formats (Group Description) fdd
*.rake Ruby githublinguist
*.ram RealAudio ffw
Real Audio tika
RealAudio Metafile pronom
RealMedia meta file trid
*.raml RAML githublinguist
*.rar RAR ffw
RAR archive tika
RAR Archive 2.0 pronom
RAR Archive 2.9 pronom
RAR Archive 5.0 pronom
RAR Archive trid
WinRAR interface theme trid
*.rar RAR Archive File Format Family fdd
*.ras Sun Raster ffw
CALS raster ffw
image/x-cmu-raster tika
Sun Raster Image pronom
Max Payne data file trid
Sun Raster bitmap trid
*.rast Sun Raster ffw
*.rasterw ESRI World File Format pronom
*.rat PICS Rating System trid
ESRI ArcInfo Coverage fdd
*.ratdvd ratDVD DVD image trid
*.rav Rave Reports Project trid
*.raw RAW (Audio) ffw
QRT Ray Tracer bitmap ffw
Raw bitmap ffw
Panasonic RAW/RW2 ffw
MPlayer bitmap font ffw
HSI Raw ffw
KryoFlux ffw
Panasonic raw image tika
Raw Bitmap pronom
KryoFlux 2 pronom
KryoFlux 2.2 pronom
C64 Tape image format trid
KryoFlux raw stream trid
Image Alchemy HSI temporary raw bitmap trid
Linear Pulse Code Modulated Audio (LPCM) fdd
Raw token data githublinguist
*.ray Rayshade scene description ffw
*.rb Ruby ffw
Ruby source code tika
Rocket Book eBook format pronom
RocketBook eBook trid
Ruby githublinguist
*.rb4 Resume Builder 4.x trid
*.rbbas REALbasic githublinguist
*.rbc Easy Resume Creator Pro resume trid
*.rbfrm REALbasic githublinguist
*.rbj RBJ (Redcode oBJect) ffw
Redcode Object XRA PC (v1.x) trid
*.rbmnu REALbasic githublinguist
*.rbn Richard's Bridge Notation ffw
*.rbres REALbasic githublinguist
*.rbs Propellerhead Software ReBirth Song trid
*.rbt LEGO NXT brick trid
REALbasic Project trid
*.rbtbar REALbasic githublinguist
*.rbuild Ruby githublinguist
*.rbuistate REALbasic githublinguist
*.rbw Ruby ffw
Ruby githublinguist
*.rbx Ruby githublinguist
*.rbxl Roblox Location trid
*.rbxm Roblox Model trid
*.rbxs Lua githublinguist
*.rc Windows resource script ffw
*.rc2 Windows resource script ffw
*.rcad RealCADD drawing trid
*.rcd Oloneo HDRengine project trid
Oloneo HDR preset trid
*.rcl Easy CD Creator Layout trid
Recolored project trid
*.rcprofile application/vnd.ipunplugged.rcprofile tika
*.rcs RadDeveloper color scheme trid
*.rct Windows resource script ffw
*.rcw ESRI World File fdd
*.rd Reaction Data file trid
R githublinguist
*.rda R Data Format Family (.rdata, .rda) fdd
*.rdata R saved work space trid
R Data Format Family (.rdata, .rda) fdd
*.rdc Rollei RDC ffw
IDRISI Raster image Documentation trid
*.rdf RDF ffw
XML syntax for RDF graphs tika
RDF/XML pronom
Yaesu radio memory file trid
Friend of a Friend (FOAF) Resource Description Framework trid
Resource Description Framework trid
XML githublinguist
*.rdi RDIB ffw
*.rdl SQL Server Reporting Services Report Definition Language (UTF-8) trid
SQL Server Reporting Services Report Definition Language trid
*.rdoc RDoc githublinguist
*.rdoc_options Ruby RDoc Options trid
*.rdp Remote Desktop Connection Settings trid
*.rds Ray Dream Studio trid
*.rdw Real-DRAW Project trid
*.rdz application/ tika
*.re Reason githublinguist
C++ githublinguist
*.reapeaks REAPER media peak information (v1.1) trid
REAPER media peak information (v1.0) trid
*.reb Rebol githublinguist
*.rebol Rebol githublinguist
*.red Redcode source trid
REDway DER (Dynamic Elements Resource) trid
Red githublinguist
*.reds Red githublinguist
*.reek YAML githublinguist
*.ref Lavasoft Ad-Aware reference file trid
Atari ST Guide ref links trid
IDRISI raster image Reference trid
*.reg Windows Registry ffw
Windows Registry Data (Ver. 4.0) trid
Windows Registry Data (Ver. 5.0) trid
Windows Registry Data trid
Windows Registry Data (Ver. 5.0 - UTF16) trid
Windows Registry Entries githublinguist
*.regex Regular Expression githublinguist
*.regexp Regular Expression githublinguist
*.rei Reason githublinguist
*.reko REKO cardset trid
*.rels Open Office XML Relationships trid
*.rep application/vnd.businessobjects tika
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas replay trid
Business Objects Report trid
Lotus Organizer Report trid
Starcraft Replay trid
*.res Windows resource ffw
application/x-dtbresource+xml tika
Bink Texture trid
System Shock 2 Resource data trid
SHELX output trid
Windows compiled resource trid
SNNS result trid
SCream Engine resource data trid
*.rest reStructuredText source code tika
reStructuredText githublinguist
*.rest.txt reStructuredText githublinguist
*.restx reStructuredText source code tika
*.resx Microsoft .NET XML Resource template trid
XML githublinguist
*.rev Revolution MetaCard stack trid
Revolution MetaCard stack (legacy) trid
RAR Archive File Format Family fdd
*.rex ReCycled Audio Loop Export trid
REX2 audio sample loop trid
REXX githublinguist
*.rexx Rexx source code tika
REXX githublinguist
*.rez LinTech resource trid
*.rf64 RF64 ffw
Broadcast WAVE 0 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE Encoding pronom
Broadcast WAVE 1 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE Encoding pronom
RF64 pronom
RF64 Multichannel Broadcast Wave format pronom
*.rfa Revit Family File pronom
Revit Family Architecture project trid
*.rfl Propellerhead Software Reason SoundBank trid
*.rflw Edge Reflow data trid
*.rfn RoboForm saved data trid
*.rfo RoboForm cached data trid
*.rfp RoboForm saved data trid
*.rft IBM DisplayWrite Revisable Form Text File pronom
Revit Family Template pronom
*.rfx RealFlight data trid
RoboForm saved data trid
*.rg Rouge githublinguist
*.rgb SGI (image file format) ffw
Raw bitmap ffw
Intergraph Raster ffw
Q0 ffw
Silicon Graphics RGB Bitmap tika
Silicon Graphics Image pronom
Silicon Graphics RGB bitmap trid
*.rgba SGI (image file format) ffw
*.rgbe Radiance HDR ffw
Radiance RGBE Image Format pronom
*.rge R.A.G.E. Driver trid
*.rgfx IFF Retargetable Graphics bitmap trid
*.rgo RepliGo virtual print trid
*.rgp RealArcade Game Package trid
*.rgs RealArcade Game Installer trid
InstallShield Script for Windows Registry trid
*.rgx IFF Retargetable Graphics bitmap trid
*.rhtm eRuby HTML document pronom
*.rhtml eRuby HTML document pronom
RHTML githublinguist
*.rib RIB ffw
Renderman RIB trid
*.rif application/reginfo+xml tika
Fractal Design Painter RIFF Bitmap Graphics pronom
MicroTik RouterOS debugging / support dump trid
Rockwell ADPCM audio trid
*.ring Ring githublinguist
*.rip RIPscrip ffw
*.rir Spaceward Graphics ffw
*.rix ColoRIX ffw
ColoRIX bitmap trid
*.rjp Vectordean Music trid
*.rjs RealSystem Skin trid
*.rk RK ffw
WinRK File Archive trid
*.rka RK Audio ffw
RKAU lossless compressed Audio trid
*.rkg Mario Kart Wii ghost data trid
*.rkp RemoteKeys profile trid
REKO PC cardset trid
RKP game package (v1.x) trid
*.rkplr Reaktor ffw
*.rkt Scheme ffw
Racket githublinguist
*.rktd Racket githublinguist
*.rktl Racket githublinguist
*.rl application/resource-lists+xml tika
Ragel githublinguist
*.rla RLA ffw
SDSC Image Tool Wavefront Raster Image pronom
Alias Wavefront Raster bitmap trid
*.rlc Xerox EDMICS-RLC ffw
image/ tika
Radiant LoopCAD Project trid
*.rlcw ESRI World File fdd
*.rld application/resource-lists-diff+xml tika
*.rle BMP ffw
Utah RLE ffw
CompuServe RLE ffw
Intergraph Raster ffw
Lotus Manuscript graphics ffw
SDSC Image Tool Run-Length Encoded Bitmap pronom
Utah Raster Toolkit bitmap trid
ADEX bitmap trid
Run Lenght Encoded bitmap trid
Autodesk Screencast video (intermediate format) trid
*.rlf ArtCAM relief trid
*.rlg RegCleaner v4.3 Language File trid
*.rli RealWorld Layered Image bitmap trid
*.rll Microsoft Resource Library trid
*.rm RealMedia ffw
application/vnd.rn-realmedia tika
RealMedia pronom
Real Media stream trid
Real Audio trid
RealAudio, Version 10 fdd
RealVideo, Version 10 fdd
*.rmd Redcode Metadata (RMD) File pronom
RMarkdown githublinguist
*.rmf Rich Music Format ffw
Rich Map Format trid
Rich Music Format trid
*.rmi RIFF MIDI ffw
Musical Instrument Digital Interface tika
RIFF-based MIDI pronom
RMI RIFF MIDI Music trid
RIFF-based MIDI File Format fdd
*.rml Redline Markup Language trid
*.rmp Ragnarok Online 2 RMP ffw
RealMedia Player Plug-in tika
Real Metadata Package trid
ReportMachine Prepared report trid
Magellan Raster Map trid
*.rms application/ tika
*.rmskin Rainmeter Skin trid
*.rmt RASTER Music Tracker module ffw
*.rmvb RealMedia Variable Bitrate ffw
RealMedia pronom
RealVideo Variable Bit Rate trid
RealVideo, Version 10 fdd
*.rmx RealMedia Secure clip trid
*.rnc Pro-Pack ffw
application/relax-ng-compact-syntax tika
RNC ProPack archive trid
*.rnd AutoCAD Autoshade rendering slide trid
*.rng text/plain tika
*.rnh RUNOFF githublinguist
*.rno Roff githublinguist
RUNOFF githublinguist
*.rns Propellerheads Reason Song file trid
*.rnx text/plain tika
*.robot RobotFramework githublinguist
*.roc SpaceCAD rocket model trid
*.rodl RemObjects Definition Language trid
*.roff Roff/nroff/troff/groff Unformatted Manual Page (UNIX) tika
Roff githublinguist
*.rol AdLib Visual Composer / Roland Synthesizer song ffw
AdLib Visual Composer music trid
*.roles text/plain tika
*.rom BIOS ffw
MSX2 ROM Image trid
MSX ROM Image trid
Killing Floor Map trid
*.ronn Markdown githublinguist
*.root ROOT ffw
*.roq Id Software RoQ video trid
*.rot Home World 2 - ROT graphics trid
*.rp2 RetroPlatform Player archive (old) trid
*.rp9 RetroPlatform Player archive trid
*.rpc RAR Password Cracker project trid
*.rpf RAGE Package Format ffw
*.rpl ARMovie video trid
*.rpm RPM ffw
RedHat Package Manager tika
RPM Package Manager file 1 pronom
RPM Package Manager file 2 pronom
RPM Package Manager file 3 pronom
Red Hat Package Manager Source (src.rpm) trid
RPM Package (generic) trid
*.rpp REAPER project trid
*.rps Propellerhead Software Reason Song trid
*.rpss application/ tika
*.rpst application/ tika
*.rpt ProvideX Report trid
ReportSmith report (ver 3.x) trid
Kaspersky Anti-Virus reports trid
Crystal Reports output file (Report) trid
*.rpy Ren'Py githublinguist
Python githublinguist
*.rq application/sparql-query tika
SPARQL githublinguist
*.rqy Microsoft Excel OLE DB Query pronom
*.rra Windows Installer temp data trid
*.rrd RRD ffw
Round-Robin Database trid
RRD4J Round Robin Database trid
*.rrh BlackBerry resource trid
*.rs Sun Raster ffw
Rust ffw
application/rls-services+xml tika
RenderScript githublinguist
Rust githublinguist
* Rust githublinguist
*.rsc GEM resource file ffw
Symbian OS resource data trid
MicroStation Symbology Resources trid
Rascal githublinguist
*.rsd application/rsd+xml tika
*.rsg Drakan: Order Of The Flame Saved Game trid
*.rsh Warhammer 40K textures trid
RenderScript githublinguist
*.rsm Resume trid
*.rsn SPC (Audio) ffw
*.rso LEGO NXT brick audio trid
*.rsp Rapport Script trid
Repeat Signage Presentation trid
*.rsrc Macintosh resource file ffw
*.rss RSS ffw
application/rss+xml tika
Rockwell Logix 500 SLC-5 Software trid
RSS web feed trid
XML githublinguist
*.rst ReStructuredText ffw
reStructuredText source code tika
reStructuredText githublinguist
*.rst.txt reStructuredText githublinguist
*.rsx R githublinguist
*.rsy FLEXIT Multishot Survey Raw Data file trid
*.rt RealTime subtitles trid
*.rtab RandyTab guitar tablature trid
*.rtd RagTime document trid
*.rte Revit Template pronom
Fugawi route format trid
RTE encoded file trid
*.rtf RTF ffw
Rich Text Format File tika
Rich Text Format 1.0-1.4 pronom
Rich Text Format 1.5-1.6 pronom
Rich Text Format 1.7 pronom
Rich Text Format 1.8 pronom
Rich Text Format 1.9 pronom
Rich Text Format 0 pronom
Rich Text Format trid
Rich Text Format (RTF) Family fdd
*.rti Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) File Format fdd
*.rtl HP Raster Transfer Language trid
*.rtm Real Tracker module ffw
Real Tracker module/song trid
*.rts Roytal TS remote connection trid
*.rttex Robinson Technologies Textures trid
*.rtx text/richtext tika
*.rtz RedTitan Zip trid
*.ru Ruby githublinguist
*.ruby Ruby githublinguist
*.run Rune map trid
*.rus Navitel 1.1 Map trid
*.rv Real Video pronom
RealVideo Clip pronom
RealVideo, Version 10 fdd
*.rvf RichView Format (Unicode) trid
*.rvg Revit External Group pronom
*.rviz YAML githublinguist
*.rvl Muvee project trid
*.rvproj RPG Maker VX Project trid
*.rvproj2 RPG Maker VX Ace Project trid
*.rvt Revit Project pronom
*.rw BVE route formats ffw
*.rw2 Panasonic RAW/RW2 ffw
Panasonic raw image tika
Panasonic Raw pronom
Panasonic RAW image trid
*.rwl Panasonic RAW/RW2 ffw
Leica RAW image trid
*.rws Revit Workspace pronom
*.rwsd RWSD Audio Stream trid
*.rwz Rawzor ffw
Rawzor raw image tika
Rawzor compressed raw image trid
*.rx2 REX2 audio sample loop trid
*.rxd Borland Reflex flat datafile pronom
*.rxdata RPG Maker XP data trid
*.rxe LEGO Mindstorms NXT Executable trid
*.rxf Recipe Exchange Format trid
Resco encrypted file trid
*.rxm GisRX GPS Navigator map trid
*.rxn MDL Reaction format trid
*.rz Rzip ffw
rzip compressed archive trid
*.rzx RamSoft's ZX Spectrum Replay trid
File Crypt encrypted trid
*.s Assembly language ffw
Assembler source code tika
Assembler source code tika
Nitpicker flow trid
Digital Micrograph Script trid
Unix Assembly githublinguist
*.s00 C64 flexible file format trid
*.s01 MicroStation Modification resource file trid
Expert Witness Disk Image, ASR SMART fdd
*.s2 Stranded II Mapfile trid
*.s20 S20 RAM snapshot format trid
*.s2a SEAL 2 Application trid
*.s2k Sasami Script subtitles trid
*.s2m The Settlers 2 Map trid
*.s2ma StarCraft 2 Map data trid
*.s2mh StarCraft 2 Map Header trid
*.s2ml StarCraft 2 Map Localization trid
*.s2qh StarCraft 2 Localization Header trid
*.s2ql StarCraft 2 Unit Localization trid
*.s3d Spazio3D drawing trid
*.s3i Scream Tracker/Digiplayer sample trid
*.s3m Scream Tracker 3 module ffw
Scream Tracker Module 3 pronom
Scream Tracker 3 Module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.s7m SAS DMDB Data Mining Database File tika
*.s7z S7z ffw
*.sa Sonic Arranger module trid
*.sa2 Surprise! Adlib Tracker v2.0 ffw
Surprise! AdLib Tracker 2.0 module trid
*.sa7 SAS Access Descriptor tika
*.sac Sac lossless compressed audio trid
Adobe Shared Asset Catalog trid
*.sacred2save Sacred 2 save game trid
*.saf application/vnd.yamaha.smaf-audio tika
Helix Stronghold Encrypted file trid
Standard Archive Format trid
*.sage Sage githublinguist
*.sagews Sage githublinguist
*.sah SETI@Home (classic) ffw
SETI@Home working unit data trid
*.sai PaintTool SAI ffw
*.sam Ami Pro ffw
AMI Professional Document pronom
Samurize package trid
Lotus AMI Pro document trid
*.sap Slight Atari Player ffw
Atari SAP music format trid
SAP Thomson disk image trid
Serif AlbumPlus album trid
*.sar SAR ffw
Squeak package trid
Streamline compressed archive trid
*.sas SAS ffw
SAS Program tika
SAS githublinguist
*.sas7bacs SAS Access Descriptor tika
*.sas7baud SAS Audit tika
*.sas7bbak SAS Backup tika
*.sas7bcat SAS Catalog tika
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Windows) 9.1 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Unix) 9.1 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Windows) Generic pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Unix) Generic pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Windows) 9.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Unix) 9.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Windows) 9.3 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Unix) 9.3 pronom
*.sas7bdat SAS ffw
SAS Data Set tika
Statistical Analysis System Data (Windows) 9.1 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Unix) 9.1 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Windows) Generic pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Unix) Generic pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Windows) 8.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Unix) 8.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Windows) 9.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Unix) 9.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Windows) 9.3 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Unix) 9.3 pronom
SAS v8+ data trid
*.sas7bdmd SAS DMDB Data Mining Database File tika
*.sas7bfdb SAS FDB Consolidation Database File tika
*.sas7bitm SAS Item Store (ItemStor) File tika
*.sas7bmdb SAS MDDB Multi-Dimensional Database File tika
*.sas7bndx SAS Data Set Index tika
*.sas7bpgm SAS Stored Program (DATA Step) tika
*.sas7bput SAS Permanent Utility tika
*.sas7butl SAS Utility tika
*.sas7bvew SAS Data Set View tika
*.sas7dat SAS ffw
*.sass Sass ffw
Sass githublinguist
*.sat AutoCAD ACIS Export File pronom
SatHawk data file trid
ACIS Solid Model trid
SAdT music composer module/song trid
*.sats ATS githublinguist
*.sav GB ffw
SPSS ffw
SAV ffw
Borderlands save file ffw
Eye of the Beholder saved game ffw
Faster than Light saved game ffw
SPSS Data File pronom
no$gba Nintendo Gameboy Advance emulator backup trid
Golden Land 2 Saved Game File trid
Datel Max Drive (for GameCube) save state trid
TradeWinds 2 savegame trid
OpenTTD savegame trid
Daemon Tools Pro disk image trid
FarCry (demo) saved game trid
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters World Championship savegame trid
Mount and Blade save game trid
Arx Fatalis Saved Game trid
Sanity: Aiken's Artifact Saved Game trid
SPSS for Windows Data (IBM) trid
Half-Life 2 savegame trid
Majesty 2 saved game trid
Secrets Can Kill saved game trid
Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection savegame trid
I-War 2 Edge of Chaos savegame trid
PASW Statistics Data trid
Chaser Savegame trid
SpellForce 2 save game trid
Anacreon savegame trid
SPSS for Windows Data trid
American's McGee's Alice Saved Game File trid
FDM downloads data trid
Diggles Saved Game File trid
Infinity Engine Save game (v1.0) trid
IDL binary format save file trid
Birth of The Empire / Federation savegame trid
SPSS System Data File Format Family (.sav) fdd
*.save id Software Doom 3 savegame trid
Prey save game trid
*.saz Fiddler Session Archive Zip trid
*.sb Scratch ffw
Scratch 1.4 File Format ffw
SBX SpinnerBaker eXtractor compressed archive trid
Scratch project trid
*.sb0 Vorbis ffw
*.sb2 Scratch ffw
Scratch 2.0 File Format ffw
SerialBox serials numbers package trid
Scratch 2.0 project trid
*.sbc SBC compressed archive trid
*.sbi Sound Blaster Instrument ffw
Spybot-S&D "malware" informations trid
Sound Blaster Instrument audio trid
*.sbig SBIG CCDOPS image ffw
*.sbk SCC Blaffer NT instrument kit ffw
Asymetrix Toolbook File pronom
Emu Sound Font v1.0 trid
*.sbm SCC Blaffer NT music ffw
*.sbml application/sbml+xml tika
*.sbn ESRI Spatial Index File pronom
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.sbpf Small Business Publisher document trid
*.sbt Scala githublinguist
*.sbw Savings Bonds Wizard data trid
*.sbx SeqBox ffw
ESRI Spatial Index File pronom
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.sbz ShowBiZ project trid
*.sc SuperCollider ffw
application/ tika
IRIS Showcase drawing / presentation trid
SuperCollider githublinguist
Scala githublinguist
*.sc2 MSX BASIC graphics ffw
SimCity 2000 saved city ffw
*.sc2replay StarCraft 2 game replay trid
*.sc4 Creative Nomad voice audio trid
SimCity 4 Saved game trid
*.sc5 MSX BASIC graphics ffw
Chris Sawyer's Locomotion Scenario trid
*.sc6 MSX BASIC graphics ffw
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 scenario trid
*.sc68 SC68 ffw
sc68 music file trid
*.sc7 MSX BASIC graphics ffw
SAS Catalog tika
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Windows) 9.1 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Unix) 9.1 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Windows) Generic pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Unix) Generic pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Windows) 9.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Unix) 9.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Windows) 9.3 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalog (Unix) 9.3 pronom
*.sc8 MSX BASIC graphics ffw
*.sc? ColoRIX ffw
*.scad OpenSCAD ffw
OpenSCAD githublinguist
*.scala Scala ffw
Scala source code tika
Scala githublinguist
*.scaml Scaml githublinguist
*.scc MSX BASIC graphics ffw
Scenarist Closed Caption data trid
Visual SourceSafe control file (var 2) trid
Visual SourceSafe control file (var 1) trid
*.scd Scribus ffw
SuperCollider ffw
application/x-msschedule tika
Schedule+ Contacts pronom
Agfa/Matrix SCODL bitmap trid
SuperCollider githublinguist
*.scdoc SCDOC ffw
*.sce Scilab githublinguist
*.scene Sculpt 3D Scene trid
*.scf ChemWindow Standard Chemistry File trid
Windows Explorer Command Shell file trid
DNA Sequence Chromatogram trid
VIA setup configuration file trid
*.sch Scheme ffw
MicroSim PSpice schematic trid
Qucs schematic (v0.0.x) trid
CIRCAD data (v3.x) trid
CIRCAD data (v4.x) trid
EAGLE schematic trid
OrCAD SDT schematic trid
EAGLE File Format schematic (v6+) trid
KiCad Schematics trid
CIRCAD data (v5.x) trid
DProtel for Windows schematic trid
P-CAD schematic trid
Personal CAD PC-CAPS Database trid
TINA Schematic trid
XML githublinguist
KiCad Schematic githublinguist
Scheme githublinguist
Eagle githublinguist
*.schdoc Protel for Windows schematic capture (binary) trid
*.schlib Protel Schematic Library editor binary v1.2-2.0 trid
*.sci Scilab githublinguist
*.scl Scala (music software) ffw
Sinclair TR-DOS disk image trid
*.scm Scheme ffw
Scheme source code tika
StarCraft Map trid
Lotus ScreenCam video trid
GIMP Script-Fu Script trid
Samsung TV channels list trid
Scheme githublinguist
*.scn BSAVE Image ffw
Softimage SCN ffw
VORT art scene ffw
Caligari trueSpace File Format ASCII pronom
Caligari trueSpace File Format Binary pronom
Children of the Nile Scenario trid
FMS Scenery trid
Pinnacle Studio Scene trid
Orbiter scenario trid
*.scn0 Wii Texture Animation trid
*.sco Csound Score trid
Csound Score githublinguist
*.scores Xbill.scores ffw
Atomix.scores ffw
Tetris-bsd.scores ffw
*.scp SuperCard Pro flux image trid
*.scpt Compiled AppleScript script trid
AppleScript githublinguist
*.scq application/scvp-cv-request tika
*.scr Statistica ffw
Sun Raster ffw
SCR (ZX Spectrum) ffw
New Executable ffw
Portable Executable ffw
Word for DOS screen capture ffw
AutoCAD Script pronom
Sean Conran Music trid
Windows Screen Saver trid
*.scrbl Racket githublinguist
*.screem SCREEM project trid
*.scriptterminology AppleScript Terminology trid
*.scriv Scrivener ffw
*.scrivx Scrivener XML document trid
*.scs application/scvp-cv-response tika
*.scss Sass ffw
SCSS githublinguist
*.sct Scitex CT ffw
SAS for MS-DOS Catalog pronom
SPSS template trid
Form Memo MS Visual FoxPro 7 trid
*.scurl text/vnd.curl.scurl tika
*.scw Movie Magic Screenwriter document trid
*.scx ColoRIX ffw
StarCraft Map trid
ColoRIX bitmap trid
Form MS Visual FoxPro 7 trid
*.scxml XML githublinguist
*.scz SmartDraw ffw
Wingz script trid
*.sd2 Sound Designer II Audio File pronom
*.sd7 SAS Data Set tika
Statistical Analysis System Data (Windows) 9.1 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Unix) 9.1 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Windows) Generic pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Unix) Generic pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Windows) 8.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Unix) 8.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Windows) 9.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Unix) 9.2 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Windows) 9.3 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data (Unix) 9.3 pronom
*.sda SDA ffw
StarOffice binary formats ffw
SDA (StarOffice) ffw
application/vnd.stardivision.draw tika
StarOffice Draw 5.x pronom
*.sdata MusicMaker Song Data trid
*.sdb Extensible Storage Engine ffw
Windows Prepackaged Database trid
Windows Security Database trid
SuperMap World - AvisMap GIS Data Base trid
Pegasus SPS encoded audio trid
*.sdc SDC ffw
StarOffice binary formats ffw
application/vnd.stardivision.calc tika
StarOffice Calc 5.x pronom
StarOffice Calc 3.x pronom
StarOffice Calc 4.x pronom
StarCalc StarOffice Spreadsheet trid
ArcGIS geospatial and attribute data trid
*.sdd StarOffice binary formats ffw
application/vnd.stardivision.impress tika
StarOffice Impress 5.x pronom
StarOffice Draw 3.x pronom
StarOffice Draw 4.x pronom
StarOffice Impress 3.x pronom
StarOffice Impress 4.x pronom
*.sdef Scripting Definition trid
*.sdf Starlink Data Format ffw
Simple Data format ffw
Standard Delay Format ffw
Unisys (Sperry) System Data File pronom
IEEE DASC Standard Delay Format trid
SQL Server CE Edition database trid
Kawai music score trid
*.sdg StarOffice binary formats ffw
*.sdi System Deployment Image trid
ArcGIS spatial and attribute indexes trid
*.sdinstall Speckie Dictionary Installation trid
*.sdk NuFile Exchange Archival Library pronom
*.sdkd application/vnd.solent.sdkm+xml tika
*.sdkm application/vnd.solent.sdkm+xml tika
*.sdl SmartDraw ffw
*.sdlxliff SDL Trados XLIFF Localization data trid
*.sdm Statistica ffw
StarOffice binary formats ffw
*.sdn Steel Detailing Neutral Format pronom
*.sdo Standard Delay Format ffw
DB/TextWorks Database Deferred Update Directory trid
*.sdp StarOffice binary formats ffw
application/sdp tika
*.sdr PrintMaster ffw
SmartDraw ffw
SmartDraw pronom
SmartDraw document trid
Dell System Information trid
*.sds StarOffice binary formats ffw
LifeTechnologies SDS pronom
*.sdt SmartDraw ffw
Siemens mobile theme trid
SmartDraw template trid
*.sdw SDW ffw
StarOffice binary formats ffw
application/vnd.stardivision.writer tika
AMI Draw Vector Image pronom
StarOffice Writer 5.x pronom
StarOffice Writer 3.x pronom
StarOffice Writer 4.x pronom
StarOffice StarWriter document trid
ESRI World File fdd
*.sdx PrintMaster ffw
SatcoDX channel list trid
CaptiveWorks satellite channel database trid
*.sea Compact Pro ffw
SEA ffw
Mac Stuffit Self-Extracting Archive trid
*.search-ms Microsoft Vista Saved Search trid
*.searchconnector-ms Windows Search Connector trid
*.sec ESRI ArcInfo Coverage fdd
*.sed Sed code tika
sed githublinguist
*.see application/vnd.seemail tika
*.seed application/vnd.fdsn.seed tika
*.seg SEG-2 data trid
*.segy SEG Y Data Exchange Format Generic pronom
*.self Self githublinguist
*.sem SEM Snapshot trid
*.sema application/vnd.sema tika
*.semd application/vnd.semd tika
*.semf application/vnd.semf tika
*.sen Scifer ffw
*.seq STAD PAC ffw
Cyber Paint Sequence ffw
*.seqbox SeqBox ffw
*.ser application/java-serialized-object tika
*.ses Cool Edit / Audition Multi Track Session file ffw
Cool Edit / Audition Session trid
*.session Session Manager Firefox Backup trid
*.sesx Adobe Audition Session trid
*.set GRASP font ffw
Hitec Aurora 9 saved model trid
*.setpay application/set-payment-initiation tika
*.setreg application/set-registration-initiation tika
*.sev SevenUp bitmap trid
*.sew Janome (New Home) Sewing Machine trid
*.sexp Common Lisp githublinguist
*.sf Berkeley/IRCAM/Carl Sound Format ffw
JAR Signatures File trid
*.sf2 SoundFont 2.0 ffw
Standard SoundFont trid
*.sf7 SAS FDB Consolidation Database File tika
*.sfark sfArk compressed SoundFont trid
*.sfb PlayStation 3 Disc data trid
*.sfd Spline Font Database ffw
Spline Font Database trid
Spline Font Database githublinguist
*.sfd-hdstx application/vnd.hydrostatix.sof-data tika
*.sff Structured Fax File ffw
Standard Flowgram Format pronom
Standard Flowgram Format trid
Elecbyte M.U.G.E.N. sprites trid
Structured Fax Format bitmap trid
*.sfk Sound Forge Peak Data File trid
*.sfpack SFPack compressed SoundFont trid
*.sfproj XML githublinguist
*.sfs application/vnd.spotfire.sfs tika
SquashSF image file (little endian) trid
sfxr Sample trid
SquashSF image file (big endian) trid
*.sft ChiWriter font ffw
Microsoft App-V Sequencer SFT trid
*.sfvidcap Sony Foundry Video Capture project trid
*.sfw Seattle FilmWorks ffw
Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photo (SFW93) trid
Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photo (Uncompressed SFW94) trid
Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photo (SFW98) trid
Seattle FilmWorks / PhotoWorks photo (SFW94) (generic) trid
*.sfx SoundFX module ffw
SFX ffw
*.sfx2 SoundFX module ffw
*.sfz SFZ Sample definition trid
SFzip SoundFont compressod archive trid
SFZ Sample definition (with rem) trid
*.sga SGA archive - game data trid
*.sgf Smart Game Format ffw
Sonique skin trid
Smart Game Format trid
*.sgi SGI (image file format) ffw
Silicon Graphics bitmap (generic) trid
Silicon Graphics 24bit compressed bitmap trid
*.sgl StarOffice binary formats ffw
application/vnd.stardivision.writer-global tika
*.sgm text/sgml tika
Standard Generalized Markup Language pronom
EAD - Encoded Archival Description trid
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). ISO 8879:1986 fdd
*.sgml SGML ffw
text/sgml tika
Standard Generalized Markup Language pronom
EAD - Encoded Archival Description trid
Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). ISO 8879:1986 fdd
*.sgpbprj SGP Baltie Project trid
*.sgpg SGP Model Group trid
*.sgriddler Griddlers Paint-by-Number puzzle trid
*.sgt DirectMusic Segment File Format pronom
Microsoft DirectMusic Segments Type trid
SPSS Graphic Template trid
*.sgx SGX ffw
SymbOS graphic ffw
*.sh Bourne shell script ffw
UNIX/LINUX Shell Script tika
Linux/UNIX shell script trid
Shell githublinguist
*.sh-session ShellSession githublinguist
* Shell githublinguist
*.sh3 Harvard Graphics ffw
Harvard Graphics Show 3.0 pronom
*.sha Shar ffw
*.sha1 SHA1 File pronom
*.sha256 SHA256 File pronom
*.shader GLSL githublinguist
ShaderLab githublinguist
*.shape Dia shape trid
*.shar Shar ffw
application/x-shar tika
Shell Archive Format pronom
*.sharc SHARC ffw
*.sheet Dia sheet trid
*.shen Shen ffw
Shen githublinguist
*.shf application/shf+xml tika
*.shg Segmented Hypergraphics ffw
Segmented-Hypergraphic / Hotspot bitmap trid
*.shi SHI ffw
*.shipsection Swords of the Stars Ship trid
*.shk ShrinkIt ffw
NuFile Exchange Archival Library pronom
NuFX archive trid
*.shn Shorten ffw
Shorten lossless compressed audio trid
Shorten Lossless Audio Compression Format (SHN), Version 3.5.1 fdd
*.sho SHO ffw
*.shp Shapefile ffw
PrintMaster ffw
3D Studio Shapes pronom
ESRI Arc/View ShapeFile pronom
ArcView Shape trid
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.shproj XML githublinguist
*.shprst LuSH-101 global Preset trid
*.shr shar - SHell aRchive trid
*.shs Shell Scrap object trid
*.sht Server Side Includes ffw
*.shtm Server Side Includes ffw
*.shtmbr LuSH-101 Timbre preset trid
*.shtml Server Side Includes ffw
*.shv Viking Designer 1 embroidery file trid
Viking embroidery data disk trid
*.shw Harvard Graphics ffw
ETC Show File ffw
SHW (Corel) ffw
application/x-corelpresentations tika
Harvard Graphics Presentation 2.0 pronom
Corel Presentation 7-8-9 pronom
Corel Presentation 3 pronom
MagicQ Show trid
WordPerfect Slide Show trid
*.shx Shapefile ffw
AutoCAD Compiled Shape/Font File pronom
ESRI Arc/View Shapefile Index pronom
Motorola Flash Superfile trid
ArcView DataBase Index trid
AutoCAD Compiled Shape (Unifont) trid
AutoCAD Shape trid
AutoCAD Compiled Shape (Bigfont) v1.0 trid
ESRI Shapefile fdd
*.si7 Sibelius ffw
SAS Data Set Index tika
*.sia Silo 3D model (ascii) trid
*.siag Siag spreadsheet trid
*.siard SIARD ffw
EBCDIC-US pronom
SIARD (Software-Independent Archiving of Relational Databases) 1.0 pronom
SIARD (Software-Independent Archiving of Relational Databases) 2.0 pronom
SIARD (Software Independent Archiving of Relational Databases) Version 1.0 fdd
*.sib Sibelius ffw
Sibelius pronom
Sibelius Music - Score trid
Silo 3D model (binary) trid
ShipInBottle compressed file trid
*.sic Alter Ego Vignette Script format ffw
*.sid MrSID ffw
SID ffw
ScanIt Document pronom
Play SID Audio 2 pronom
Real SID Audio pronom
MrSID Image Format (Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database) pronom
SID tune trid
LizardTech MrSID photo trid
Real C64 SID tune trid
SIDPLAY Info trid
MrSID Image Format, Generation 3 fdd
MrSID Image Format, Generation 2 fdd
*.sie Alter Ego Vignette Script format ffw
*.sif Synfig project trid
*.sig application/pgp-signature tika
Siegfried Signature File pronom
Panda Signature file system trid
rdiff signature trid
a-squared Anti-Malware signature trid
SpyBot-Search-and-Destroy 1.2 Signature File trid
Standard ML githublinguist
*.silo model/mesh tika
*.sim ITI-SIM Model trid
SAP Itutor tutorial trid
*.sims2pack The Sims Compacted Resource file trid
*.sims3pack The Sims 3 game package trid
*.sis SIS ffw
application/vnd.symbian.install tika
EPOC/SymbianOS Installer trid
Nokia Phone Program trid
*.sisx SIS ffw
application/vnd.symbian.install tika
Symbian Series 3 Installation file trid
*.sit StuffIt ffw
application/x-stuffit tika
Stuffit Archive File pronom
Stuffit compressed archive trid
Stuffit compressed archive (var.2) trid
*.site GoLive Website project trid
*.sitx StuffIt X ffw
application/x-stuffitx tika
Stuffit X Archive File pronom
Stuffit X compressed archive trid
*.six DEC SIXEL Graphic bitmap trid
*.sj Objective-J githublinguist
*.sjs JavaScript githublinguist
*.sk Skencil SK ffw
Sketch drawing trid
*.sk1 SK1 ffw
sK1 vector graphic trid
*.skb SketchUp Document pronom
*.skc ISIS sketch trid
*.skd AutoSketch ffw
SSEYO Koan File tika
AutoSketch drawing trid
*.skein Skein replay data trid
*.sketch Sketch ffw
*.skf AutoSketch ffw
AutoSketch Drawing pronom
skincrafter skin trid
*.ski Motorola phone skin info trid
*.skl WinLIFT skin trid
*.skm SSEYO Koan File tika
STarKos tune trid
*.skn Eternity Engine Skin trid
MoonShell2 skin trid
StormFront skin trid
Blaze Media Pro Skin trid
Virtual TI v2.x emulator skin trid
Photono-Software Stealther Skin trid
*.skp SSEYO Koan File tika
SketchUp Document pronom
SketchUp model trid
*.skr Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Private/Secret Keyring trid
*.sks Show.kit template trid
STarKos song trid
Creature House Expression Skeletal Stroke trid
*.skt SSEYO Koan File tika
*.sky SKY compressed archive trid
*.skyt SKYT/Drifters Packer song trid
*.sl Slash githublinguist
*.sla Scribus ffw
Scribus document trid
*.slb Softlib ffw
AutoCAD Slide Library ffw
AutoCAD Slide Library pronom
AutoCAD Slide Library trid
*.sld AutoCAD Slide ffw
AutoCAD Slide pronom
Styled Layer Descriptor trid
XnView Slideshow Data trid
AutoCAD slide trid
Scheme githublinguist
*.sldasm SLDASM ffw
SolidWorks CAD program tika
SolidWorks 2001 Assembly trid
*.slddrw SolidWorks CAD program tika
SolidWorks Drawing trid
*.sldm application/ tika
Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Slide 2007 pronom
*.sldprt SLDPRT ffw
SolidWorks CAD program tika
SolidWorks (generic) trid
SolidWorks 2001 Component trid
*.sldx application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.slide tika
*.sle Surfplan kite project trid
*.slim Slim githublinguist
*.slk SYLK ffw
Microsoft Symbolic Link (SYLK) File pronom
SYLK - SYmbolic LinK data trid
*.sll PowerBASIC Static Link Library trid
*.sln Microsoft Visual Studio Solution (generic) trid
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v7.00 trid
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution (generic, Unicode) trid
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v8.00 trid
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution v9.00 trid
StarLogo project trid
*.slp Age of Empires Graphics File ffw
*.sls Scheme githublinguist
SaltStack githublinguist
*.slt application/ tika
*.sltng StarLogo TNG Project trid
*.slx MathWorks Simulink model trid
*.sm StepMania step file trid
SMath Studio worksheet trid
*.sm7 SAS MDDB Multi-Dimensional Database File tika
*.sma SourcePawn githublinguist
*.smali Smali assembly source trid
Smali githublinguist
*.smap 2SF ffw
*.smc Future Composer v1.x module ffw
Super Nintendo game - ROM Image trid
*.smd Sega Genesis / Megadrive Rom Image trid
Valve Studio Model Data trid
MicroMap map data trid
*.sme Samsung Kies Messages backup trid
*.smf StarOffice binary formats ffw
application/vnd.stardivision.math tika
3D World Studio mesh trid
SkinMagic Skin trid
*.smi Apple Disk Image ffw
SMIL Multimedia tika
Apple Disk Copy Image 4.2 pronom
SAMI document trid
Lotus Smart Icon trid
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language trid
Siemens archived SMS messages trid
*.smil SMIL Multimedia tika
Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language pronom
*.smk Smacker ffw
Smacker movie/video trid
*.sml SMIL Multimedia tika
Standard ML githublinguist
*.smm Smart Install Maker project trid
*.smo Siemens archived SMS messages trid
*.smod Future Composer v1.x module ffw
Future Composer v1.0-v1.3 module trid
*.smol Spartan molecule data trid
*.smp Jason Page ffw
Ulead Gallery trid
Scream Tracker/Digiplayer sample trid
Sample Vision format trid
Dirk Bialluch TPU samples trid
Ulead Photo Impact Presets trid
Sample Vision format trid
*.smpd Sc2gears Mouse Print Data trid
*.smt Memo File Apollo Database Engine trid
SMT githublinguist
*.smt2 SMT githublinguist
*.smus IFF-SMUS Music trid
*.smv Snes9x movie capture trid
*.smw SIMPL Windows source trid
SuperMap World - AvisMap GIS data trid
*.smx Statistica ffw
SysMetrix skin trid
*.smzip StepMania music package trid
*.sn1 Drive SnapShot Disk Image (additional parts) trid
*.sna Drive SnapShot Disk Image trid
SNA Snapshot trid
*.snag SnagIt capture trid
*.snb Shanda Bambook eBook trid
*.snc Sonarc compressed RAW PCM audio trid
*.snd Crystal Caves Sound format ffw
AU ffw
uLaw/AU Audio File tika
Sega FILM/CPK video trid
Elecbyte M.U.G.E.N. sound trid
*.sndh Atari SoundHeader ffw
Atari SoundHeader music trid
*.sndt SndTool sound/audio trid
*.snf SNF ffw
application/x-font-snf tika
Starry Night Document trid
Sniffer capture trid
*.sng Adlib Tracker module ffw
DeskMate song trid
Korg Song file trid
Scriptable Network Graphics trid
GoatTracker chiptune trid
*.snl EGrid32 form snippet trid
*.snm Netscape Mail Message trid
*.snn Statistica ffw
*.snoop Snoop Packet Capture pronom
snoop verbose trace trid
*.snp Microsoft Access report snapshot trid
*.sns SNS-HDR project trid
*.snsf SNSF ffw
*.snsflib SNSF ffw
*.snx SNX Snapshot trid
*.so Executable and Linkable Format ffw
A.out ffw
application/octet-stream tika
*.sof Quartus II Project trid
RESOF compressed archive trid
*.sol Flash Shared Object file trid
*.solitairesave-ms Microsoft Solitaire Saved game trid
*.son SBStudio module ffw
Spruce DVDMaestro subtitles trid
SBStudio II song trid
*.sor Shot Online Resource trid
Paradox sort definition trid
SOR OTDR data trid
SOR OTDR data (var 2) trid
*.sos SOSI map data trid
Adventure SOS compiled walkthrough trid
*.sou SBStudio module ffw
SBStudio II sounds trid
Arc Digitized Raster Graphic (ADRG) fdd
*.soy Closure Templates githublinguist
*.sp SignPlot traffic sign data trid
SPECTRUM snapshot trid
SourcePawn githublinguist
*.sp7 SAS Permanent Utility tika
*.spa OMNIC Spectral Data File pronom
Spectral Data file trid
*.sparc Skype Extra trid
*.sparql SPARQL githublinguist
*.spc Spectrum 512 formats ffw
PKCS7 certificate ffw
SPC (Audio) ffw
application/x-pkcs7-certificates tika
Datalink SoundScape trid
Super Famicon/Super NES audio dump trid
Crimson Editor language specification file trid
SpchComp encoded speech/audio trid
Spectrum 512 compressed/smooshed bitmap trid
PLSQL githublinguist
*.spd Speedo ffw
Bitstream Speedo font trid
*.spe Princeton Instruments WinView CCD image format trid
SIMPSON binary format trid
*.spec RPM ffw
RPM Spec githublinguist
Python githublinguist
Ruby githublinguist
*.speccy Speccy snapshot trid
*.spf Statistica ffw
application/vnd.yamaha.smaf-phrase tika
Still Picture Interchange File Format 1.0 pronom
SPIFF Still Picture Interchange File Format bitmap trid
Jose SciEditor Project trid
StruCad 3D model trid
SPIFF, Still Picture Interchange File Format fdd
*.spfx Squeeze Presets trid
*.sph NIST Sphere waveform audio trid
*.spidersolitairesave-ms Microsoft Spider Solitaire Saved game trid
*.spif SPIF ffw
*.spiff SPIFF, Still Picture Interchange File Format fdd
*.spin Propeller Spin githublinguist
*.spinput Spartan spinput format trid
*.spj Site Publisher Project trid
Microsoft ICE Panorama Project trid
DigiTrax Sound Project trid
PhotoStage Slideshow project trid
*.spk Spark ffw
Acorn Spark Archive trid
Sparkup book trid
Synology Package trid
*.spl Digitrakker sample ffw
SWF ffw
Macromedia FutureSplash File tika
sPlan schematic trid
Infinity Engine spell (v1) trid
Raw print data trid
Infinity Engine spell (v2.0) trid
*.spo SPSS ffw
SPSS Output Document trid
*.spot text/ tika
*.spp application/scvp-vp-response tika
Serif PhotoPlus Picture trid
*.spq application/scvp-vp-request tika
*.spr Live for Speed data trid
Cosmigo Pro Motion SPRites sequence/animation trid
Dreamcast VR texture trid
Sangduck Sprite trid
ID Software Sprite format trid
Borland Sprint document trid
Brother PowerNote spreadsheet trid
*.sprite Scratch ffw
Scratch 1.4 File Format ffw
*.sps SPSS ffw
Spectrum 512 formats ffw
Spectrum 512 Anispec ffw
Winamp Signal Processing Studio DSP-Effect trid
SharkPort file trid
Spectrum 512 compressed/smooshed bitmap trid
Scheme githublinguist
*.spu Spectrum 512 formats ffw
*.spv SPSS ffw
SPSS Output File (spv) pronom
SpacEyes3D Viewer project trid
American's McGee's Alice Saved Game File trid
*.spvchain Multibit Bitcoin blockchain trid
*.spx Ogg ffw
Speex ffw
Spectrum 512 Extended ffw
Ogg Speex Codec Compressed WAV File tika
Ogg Multimedia Container pronom
Ogg Speex Codec Multimedia File pronom
Speex encoded audio trid
Ogg Speex Audio Format fdd
*.sqf FreeMotion Flash movie trid
SQF githublinguist
*.sql SQL ffw
SQL code tika
Structured Query Language Data pronom
phpMyAdmin SQL dump trid
PLpgSQL githublinguist
PLSQL githublinguist
SQL githublinguist
SQLPL githublinguist
*.sqlite SQLite ffw
Firefox bookmarks ffw
SQLite Database File Format pronom
SQLite 3.x database trid
SQLite 2.x database trid
SQLite, Version 3 fdd
*.sqlite-shm SQLite ffw
*.sqlite-wal SQLite ffw
Firefox bookmarks ffw
*.sqlite3 SQLite Database File Format pronom
SQLite, Version 3 fdd
*.sqlproj Visual Studio SQL Server Project trid
*.sqm Operation Flashpoint mission trid
Windows Live Messenger Log file trid
*.sqr SQR script trid
*.squashfs SquashSF image file (little endian) trid
SquashSF image file (big endian) trid
*.sqx SQX ffw
SQX compressed archive trid
*.sqz The Master Genealogist ffw
Squeeze compressed archive trid
Squeeze project trid
*.sr Sun Raster ffw
*.sr2 Sony raw image tika
sr2 compressed data trid
*.sr5 Graph Saurus ffw
*.sr7 Graph Saurus ffw
SAS Item Store (ItemStor) File tika
*.sr8 Graph Saurus ffw
*.sra PowerBuilder githublinguist
*.src application/x-wais-source tika
*.src.rpm RPM Package Manager file 1 pronom
RPM Package Manager file 2 pronom
RPM Package Manager file 3 pronom
*.srdf XML githublinguist
*.srep SuperREP compressed data trid
*.srf Flexible Line Interpretation ffw
Sony raw image tika
Terragen Surface Map trid
Garmin vechicle images file trid
FileLocator Pro search criteria file trid
SRF map trid
Camera Raw Formats (Group Description) fdd
*.srl Sereal binary serialization format tika
*.srr SRR ffw
*.srs SRS ffw
Graph Saurus ffw
Outlook Send-Receive Settings trid
*.srt FWKCS ffw
SubRip text file format ffw
SubRip subtitles (Unicode) trid
SubRip subtitles trid
SRecode Template githublinguist
SubRip Text githublinguist
*.sru PowerBuilder githublinguist
*.srw Samsung SRW ffw
Samsung Raw image trid
PowerBuilder githublinguist
*.srx application/sparql-results+xml tika
*.ss Scheme ffw
Speedy System Music trid
Scheme githublinguist
*.ss7 SAS Stored Program (DATA Step) tika
*.ssa SubStation Alpha Subtitle trid
Empire Earth 1 game data trid
Children of the Nile campaign trid
*.ssc StepMania Song (with rem) trid
StepMania Song trid
*.ssd SAS Data File pronom
SAS for MS-DOS Database pronom
*.sse application/vnd.kodak-descriptor tika
*.ssf SSF ffw
application/ tika
Quartus Simulator Setting File trid
Trimble Standard Storage File GPS data trid
STL Stream Format trid
*.ssflib SSF ffw
*.ssjs JavaScript githublinguist
*.ssml Speech Synthesis Markup Language ffw
application/ssml+xml tika
*.ssp ScreenSwift Screen Saver Project trid
SmartSniff Saved Packets trid
Axialis Professional Screensaver Producer project trid
*.sss (Super) Studio Session song ffw
Coda Style Sheet trid
SugarSS githublinguist
*.sst Stream SubText Player subtitles trid
Sonic Scenarist SubTitles trid
AVHRR satellite bitmap trid
Yamaha Session Style trid
*.ssts Stream SubText Script subtitles trid
*.st ST disk image ffw
Smalltalk source code tika
HTML githublinguist
Smalltalk githublinguist
*.st* GetDataBack Scan trace trid
*.st1h Fanuc parameters file trid
*.st2 SoundTrakker128 tune trid
*.st26 Soundtracker v2.6 / Ice Tracker module ffw
*.st3 Star 3 MIDI Karaoke file trid
*.st7 SAS Audit tika
*.sta Statistica ffw
*.stage 2D Fighter Maker 2nd stage data trid
*.stan Stan githublinguist
*.stat Weather data summary report trid
*.stb AutoCAD Named Plot Style Table pronom
AutoCAD Plot Style Table (name based) trid
*.stc XML ffw
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template tika
*.std XML ffw
SXD ffw
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template tika
SureThing CD Labeler document trid
PROMT document trid
wi-scan log trid
STAAD.Pro project data trid
*.stem.mp4 Stems ffw
*.step Standard for the Exchange of Product model data pronom
ISO-10303 STEP model data trid
STEP-file, ISO 10303-21 fdd
*.stf application/vnd.wt.stf tika
3D World Studio material trid
*.stg Statistica ffw
STG SNMP Traffic Grapher settings trid
*.sthlp Stata githublinguist
*.sti SXI ffw
Statistica ffw XML ffw
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template tika
*.stk MetaMorph Stack ffw
application/hyperstudio tika
ESRI ArcInfo Grid (binary) fdd
*.stl STL ffw
Spruce subtitle format ffw
application/ tika
STL (Standard Tessellation Language) ASCII pronom
STL (Standard Tessellation Language) Binary pronom
3D System STereoLithography (ASCII) trid
*.stm Scream Tracker 1 & 2 module ffw
Extensible Storage Engine ffw
Server Side Includes ffw
Scream Tracker Module 1-2 pronom
State Transition Diagram model (Prosa) trid
Scream Tracker Module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.sto Infinity Engine Store (v9.0) trid
PRO100 Furniture design project trid
Infinity Engine Store (v1.0) trid
*.ston STON githublinguist
*.storyboard XML githublinguist
*.stp Verity Collection Stop List pronom
Standard for the Exchange of Product model data pronom
ISO-10303 STEP model data trid
STEP-file, ISO 10303-21 fdd
*.str Statistica ffw
application/ tika
Statistica Report File pronom
*.strc AY STRC chiptune trid
*.strings Strings File ffw
*.strm Nintendo audio stream trid
*.stsg SuperTux Saved Game trid
*.stt STT disk image trid
*.sttheme XML githublinguist
*.stu Pinnacle Studio Video Project trid
*.stuff EVE Online Game Contents archive trid
*.stw STW ffw XML ffw
application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template tika
STATISTICA Workbook trid
*.stwm SuperTux World Map trid
SuperTux World Map File (with rem) trid
*.stx Scream Tracker Music Interface Kit module ffw
STX ffw
SAS Transport File tika
EditPlus Syntax file trid
StockChartX data trid
PASTI disk image trid
Scream Tracker Module trid
*.sty DirectMusic Style File Format pronom
Yamaha General Style trid
Ventura Publisher Style Sheet trid
Microsoft DirectMusic Style trid
TeX githublinguist
*.styl Stylus githublinguist
*.su7 SAS Utility tika
*.sua Tim Newport-Peace's Special Use Airspace Format trid
*.sub VobSub ffw
SubViewer 1.0 subtitles trid
DVDSubtitle subtitles trid
Elaborate Bytes/SlySoft CloneCD CDImage (subchannel-data) trid
MPSub subtitles trid
Philips SVCD Designer subtitles trid
SubViewer 2.0 subtitles trid
*.sublime-build JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime-commands JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime-completions JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime-keymap JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime-macro JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime-menu JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime-mousemap JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime-project Sublime Text Project trid
JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime-settings JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime-snippet XML githublinguist
*.sublime-syntax YAML githublinguist
*.sublime-theme JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime-workspace Sublime Text Workspace trid
JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime_metrics JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sublime_session JSON with Comments githublinguist
*.sui Mac font trid
Simple User Interface Toolkit library trid
*.suite Theme Manager / WinStyles theme trid
*.sum wi-scan log trid
*.sun Sun Raster ffw
Sun Raster Image pronom
SUNTronic module/song trid
*.suniff Sun TAAC image ffw
*.suo Microsoft VisualStudio Solution User Options trid
*.surf 3D-XplorMath surf format trid
*.sus application/vnd.sus-calendar tika
*.susp application/vnd.sus-calendar tika
*.sv SystemVerilog githublinguist
*.sv2i Symantec LiveState recovery image trid
*.sv4cpio application/x-sv4cpio tika
*.sv4crc application/x-sv4crc tika
*.sv7 SAS Data Set View tika
*.svb Statistica ffw
*.svc Statistica ffw
SupervisionCam Camera Settings trid
*.svd application/vnd.svd tika
*.svf Simple Vector Format ffw
Simple Vector Format 1 pronom
Simple Vector Format 2 pronom
Simple Vector Format (generic) trid
Simple Vector Format v1.10 trid
SmartVersion File archive trid
*.svg Scalable Vector Graphics ffw
SGX ffw
Scalable Vector Graphics tika
Scalable Vector Graphics 1.0 pronom
Scalable Vector Graphics 1.1 pronom
Scalable Vector Graphics Tiny 1.2 pronom
Scalable Vector Graphics trid
SuperView Graphics bitmap trid
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), Version 1.1 fdd
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny, Version 1.2 fdd
SVG githublinguist
*.svgz Scalable Vector Graphics ffw
Scalable Vector Graphics tika
Scalable Vector Graphics Compressed pronom
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Tiny, Version 1.2 fdd
*.svh SystemVerilog githublinguist
*.svm StarView Metafile trid
*.svo Statistica ffw
*.svq Roland music sequence (generic) trid
Roland MC-80 music sequence trid
Roland XP-50 music sequence trid
*.svr SuperScape Virtual Reality Format pronom
GoDot C64 Image Processing - Saver trid
*.svs Aperio SVS ffw
*.svx Statistica ffw
SVX ffw
*.sw3 Scriptware Script Format pronom
*.swa Shockwave Movie tika
ShockWave Audio trid
*.swc Flash Component distribution archive trid
*.swd Flash file with debug info trid
Settlers II map trid
*.swf SWF ffw
Adobe Flash tika
Macromedia Flash 1 pronom
Macromedia Flash 2 pronom
Macromedia Flash 3 pronom
Macromedia Flash 4 pronom
Macromedia Flash 5 pronom
Macromedia Flash 6 pronom
Macromedia Flash 7 pronom
Adobe Flash 8 pronom
Adobe Flash 9 pronom
Adobe Flash 10 pronom
Adobe Flash 11 pronom
Adobe Flash 12 pronom
Adobe Flash 13 pronom
Adobe Flash 14 pronom
Adobe Flash 15 pronom
Adobe Flash 16 pronom
Adobe Flash 17 pronom
Adobe Flash 18 pronom
Adobe Flash 19 pronom
Adobe Flash 20 pronom
Adobe Flash 21 pronom
Adobe Flash 22 pronom
Adobe Flash 23 pronom
Adobe Flash 24 pronom
Adobe Flash 25 pronom
Adobe Flash 26 pronom
Adobe Flash 27 pronom
Adobe Flash 28 pronom
Adobe Flash 29 pronom
Adobe Flash 30 pronom
Macromedia Flash Player Movie trid
Macromedia Flash Player Compressed Movie trid
Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 8 fdd
Macromedia Flash SWF File Format, Version 7 fdd
*.swg Swag Reader Packet trid
*.swi application/vnd.arastra.swi tika
SWiSH project trid
HP Switch firmware trid
*.swidtag SWID Tag trid
*.swift Swift ffw
Swift (parallel scripting) ffw
Swift githublinguist
*.swish Swish-e index trid
*.swm Windows Imaging Format ffw
Windows Imaging Format pronom
SMIRT file trid
*.sws ScreenWeaver Project trid
*.sx2 Propellerhead Reason NN-XT Patch File ffw
*.sxc XML ffw
application/vnd.sun.xml.calc tika
OpenOffice Calc 1.0 pronom
StarOffice Calc spreadsheet trid
OpenOffice Calc spreadsheet trid
*.sxd XML ffw
SXD ffw
application/vnd.sun.xml.draw tika
OpenOffice Draw 1.0 pronom
ESRI ArcScene Document pronom
StarOffice Drawing trid
*.sxg XML ffw
application/ tika
*.sxi SXI ffw XML ffw
application/vnd.sun.xml.impress tika
OpenOffice Impress 1.0 pronom
OpenOffice Impress presentation trid
StarOffice Impress presentation trid
*.sxm XML ffw
application/vnd.sun.xml.math tika
StarOffice Math document trid
*.sxw SXW ffw XML ffw
OpenOffice v1.0: Writer Document tika
OpenOffice Writer 1.0 pronom
StarOffice Writer document trid
OpenOffice Writer document trid
*.sy3 Harvard Graphics ffw
*.sym Harvard Graphics ffw
CADVANCE 2D symbol trid
SuperMap - AvisMap GIS SYMbol library trid
DeltaCad Symbol trid
gEDA Symbol trid
*.symcache Windows Symbol Cache trid
*.syn Synu ffw
*.syntax YAML githublinguist
*.synu Synu ffw
*.sys Portable Executable ffw
Linear Executable ffw
DOS device driver ffw
Windows Portable Executable pronom
Windows Portable Executable 32 bit pronom
Windows Portable Executable 64 bit pronom
PS2 Icon trid
*.sz Snappy ffw
Snappy Framed tika
*.szs Yaz0 (Nintendo) ffw
Yaz0 compressed data trid
*.szt ZZT ffw
*.szx zx-state snapshot trid
*.t TADS ffw
TADS 3 ffw
Meteosat data ffw
Roff/nroff/troff/groff Unformatted Manual Page (UNIX) tika
Terra githublinguist
Turing githublinguist
Perl githublinguist
Perl 6 githublinguist
*.t0* TaxCut Tax Return file trid
*.t10 H&R Block ffw
*.t11 H&R Block ffw
*.t12 H&R Block ffw
*.t2flow Taverna Workbench workflow definition trid
*.t2k Teach2000 document trid
*.t3 TADS 3 ffw
TADS 3 Game trid
*.t3d Swift 3D 3D Graphic trid
*.t4 Top 4 compressed data trid
*.t64 T64 ffw
T64 Tape Image Format pronom
Commodore 64 Emulator Tape file trid
*.taac Sun TAAC image ffw
*.tab ASCII tab ffw
MapInfo MapBasic initial data Table trid
MapInfo Dataset Format fdd
SQL githublinguist
*.tac Python githublinguist
*.taf ADRIFT ffw
*.tag Cache Directory Tagging Standard ffw
Digital Evidence Bag ffw
DataFlex Query Tag Name pronom
TagInfo data trid
*.tak TAK ffw
TAK lossless compressed audio trid
*.take Sculpt 3D Take trid
*.tao application/vnd.tao.intent-module-archive tika
*.tap Tap file ffw
TAP (ZX Spectrum) ffw
TAP (Tencent) ffw
TAP (ZX Spectrum) pronom
TAP (Commodore 64) pronom
Jupiter Ace Tape image trid
C64 Tape image format trid
Oric Tape image trid
ZX Spectrum Tape image trid
*.tar Tape Archive ffw
application/x-tar tika
Tape Archive Format pronom
TAR - Tape ARchive trid
*.tar.gz Spatial Data Transfer Standard fdd
*.targets XML githublinguist
*.tax TurboTax ffw
TurboTax return file trid
*.tax2011 TurboTax ffw
*.tax2012 TurboTax ffw
*.tax2014 TurboTax ffw
*.taz Tape Archive ffw
*.tb0 Photoshop Thumbnail Cache ffw
*.tba DB/TextWorks Database Primary Textbase Definition trid
*.tbasiccx thinBasic Console scripts (obfuscated) trid
*.tbasicx thinBasic GUI scripts (obfuscated) trid
*.tbb The Bat! Message Base trid
*.tbi The Bat! Message Base Index trid
Image for Windows Disk Image trid
*.tbk Asymetrix Toolbook File pronom
Asymetrix ToolBook (generic) trid
Asymetrix ToolBook application trid
*.tbl TRANS.TBL ffw
Pagemaker TableEditor Graphics pronom
*.tbm DB/TextWorks Database Menu Screen trid
*.tbp The Bat! plugin trid
*.tbs Chess Tablebase trid
TuneUp Style Boot Screen trid
*.tbv 3D Ultra Cool data file trid
*.tbz Tape Archive ffw
application/x-bzip tika
*.tbz2 Bzip 2 UNIX Compressed File tika
*.tc TrueCrypt ffw
*.tcap application/vnd.3gpp2.tcap tika
*.tcc TCruise codes and parameters trid
C++ githublinguist
*.tcd TCruise Document trid
*.tcl Tcl ffw
Tcl script tika
Tcl githublinguist
*.tcn Techne Model trid
*.tcr Psion TCR eBook trid
*.tcsh application/x-csh tika
Tcsh githublinguist
*.tcw TurboCAD drawing trid
*.tcx Garmin Training Center Database XML (V2) trid
*.td TheDraw Save File ffw
*.td0 TD0 ffw
Teledisk Disk compressed image (advanced mode) trid
Teledisk Disk compressed image (normal mode) trid
*.tdb TDB ffw
SlamDB Database v1.0 trid
SlamDB Database (generic) trid
*.tdd TDDD ffw
*.tdf TheDraw font ffw
TinyDisk Meta File trid
*.tdi Maya IFF ffw
*.tdk Turbo Debugger Keystroke Recording File pronom
*.tdl TheDraw Save File ffw
ToDoList Tasklist trid
*.tdt SimTower saved game ffw
*.tea Tea githublinguist
*.teacher application/ tika
*.tec TECkit compiled mapping trid
*.ter Black and White 2 Terrain data trid
Terragen terrain trid
YS FLIGHT terrain data trid
*.terrain Terragen terrain trid
*.tesc GLSL githublinguist
*.tese GLSL githublinguist
*.tex LaTeX ffw
TeX ffw
TeX Source tika
Corel 10 Texture trid
Grigon texture trid
Croteam texture file trid
Nascar game texture trid
TeX githublinguist
*.texi application/x-texinfo tika
Texinfo source trid
*.texinfo application/x-texinfo tika
Texinfo source trid
*.text Plain text ffw
ScreenWriter II ffw
text/plain tika
*.textile Textile ffw
Textile githublinguist
*.tf Follin Player II module trid
HCL githublinguist
*.tf8 BigTIFF fdd
*.tfi TI-99 TIFILES file image trid
*.tfm TeX Font Metrics ffw
application/x-tex-tfm tika
FormTool Gold form trid
Transform compressed trid
*.tfstate JSON githublinguist
*.tfstate.backup JSON githublinguist
*.tfvars HCL githublinguist
*.tfw ESRI World File Format pronom
ESRI World File fdd
*.tfx TIFF-FX ffw
Tagged Image File Format for Internet Fax (TIFF-FX) pronom
*.tg1 COKE (Atari Falcon) ffw
*.tga TGA ffw
Truevision TGA Bitmap 1.0 pronom
Truevision TGA Bitmap 2.0 pronom
Targa bitmap (Original TGA Format) trid
Targa bitmap (Original TGA Format - No Image ID) trid
Targa bitmap (New TGA Format) trid
Truevision TGA, version 2.0 fdd
Truevision TGA, version 1.0 fdd
*.tgc Terragen Clip trid
*.tgd Terragen project trid
*.tgf MDL Transportable Graphics Format (DOS/Win) trid
TGF chemical test (UNIX) trid
Tree Generator 3D tree trid
MDL Transportable Graphics Format trid
*.tgo Terragen Object geometry trid
*.tgv Electronic Arts in-game video trid
*.tgw Terragen World trid
*.tgx TGX Graphics ffw
*.tgz Tape Archive ffw
Gzip Compressed Archive tika
*.thd Dolby TrueHD ffw
*.theme Windows Theme ffw
Windows Desktop Theme (with remarks) trid
Windows Desktop Theme trid
*.themepack Windows 7 theme trid
*.thf ADRG ffw
Arc Digitized Raster Graphic (ADRG) fdd
*.thm DCF ffw
Thumbnail File from Digital Camera Canon G3 trid
Sony Ericsson Theme (for mobile phones) trid
*.thmx Office Open XML Presentation tika
Microsoft Office Theme pronom
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 theme / template trid
*.thn Graphic Workshop Thumbnail ffw
Graphic Workshop for Windows Thumbnail File pronom
Graphics Workshop for Windows Thumbnail trid
*.thor Ruby githublinguist
*.thp GameCube THP video trid
*.thr THOR compressed data trid
*.thrift Thrift githublinguist
*.thy Isabelle githublinguist
*.tib Acronis True Image (v13) trid
Acronis True Image trid
*.ticart Win994a cartdrige image trid
*.tid AVCHD Thumbnail Index trid
*.tidisk TI-99 V9T9 Sector Dump Format trid
*.tif GeoTIFF ffw
TIFF ffw
BigTIFF ffw
Kodak ffw
IIQ ffw
Tagged Image File Format tika
Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed) 2.2 pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed) 2.1 pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed) 2.0 pronom
Digital Negative Format (DNG) 1.1 pronom
Tagged Image File Format for Image Technology (TIFF/IT) pronom
Tagged Image File Format for Electronic Photography (TIFF/EP) pronom
Geographic Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF) pronom
Tagged Image File Format for Internet Fax (TIFF-FX) pronom
Tagged Image File Format pronom
Tagged Image File Format Bitmap (big endian) trid
Tagged Image File Format Bitmap (little endian) trid
BigTIFF bitmap trid
Macintosh TIFF bitmap (MacBinary) trid
Adobe Digital Negative (DNG), Version 1.1 fdd
TIFF/EP, ISO 12234-2:2001 fdd
GeoTIFF, Revision 1.0 fdd
TIFF, Pyramid fdd
TIFF Uncompressed File with Exif Metadata fdd
BigTIFF fdd
TIFF, Revision 6.0 fdd
*.tif Digital Raster Graphic as TIFF fdd
*.tiff GeoTIFF ffw
TIFF ffw
BigTIFF ffw
Tagged Image File Format tika
Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed) 2.2 pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed) 2.1 pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Uncompressed) 2.0 pronom
Digital Negative Format (DNG) 1.1 pronom
Tagged Image File Format for Image Technology (TIFF/IT) pronom
Tagged Image File Format for Electronic Photography (TIFF/EP) pronom
Geographic Tagged Image File Format (GeoTIFF) pronom
Tagged Image File Format for Internet Fax (TIFF-FX) pronom
Tagged Image File Format pronom
Tagged Image File Format Bitmap (big endian) trid
Tagged Image File Format Bitmap (little endian) trid
BigTIFF bitmap trid
TIFF/EP, ISO 12234-2:2001 fdd
GeoTIFF, Revision 1.0 fdd
TIFF, Pyramid fdd
BigTIFF fdd
TIFF, Revision 6.0 fdd
*.tifile TI-99 TIFILES file image trid
*.tifiles TI-99 TIFILES file image trid
*.tifw ESRI World File Format pronom
ESRI World File fdd
*.tii TI Interactive Workbook trid
*.tim TIM (PlayStation graphics) ffw
RPC III file trid
*.tip TuneUp Styler Icon pack trid
*.tis Infinity Engine tileset (v1) trid
*.titape Win994a tape image trid
*.tiz Infinity Engine compressed Tileset trid
*.tja Taikojiro Song Map trid
*.tjn Taijin Media Net karaoke song trid
*.tjs KiriKiri Adventure Game System ffw
Trackjoy GUS Tracker song trid
*.tk Tcl script tika
*.tk1 Wintec Tools GPS log trid
*.tk3 Tk3 eBook trid
*.tkc tKC Cracking Tutorial File trid
*.tkn Libery BASIC tokenized source trid
*.tku TKUY map format trid
*.tl Type Language githublinguist
*.tl5 TimeLiner 5.x data trid
*.tla TuneUp Styler Logo Animation trid
TLA githublinguist
*.tlb Type Library (Type2) trid
Type Library (Type1) trid
SPSS Type Library trid
*.tld text/plain tika
Tag Library Descriptor trid
*.tlg KiriKiri Adventure Game System ffw
TLG (KiriKiri) ffw
*.tlk Infinity Engine Talk Table (v1) trid
BioWare Talk Table trid
*.tlo SPSS Table Look trid
*.tlp Tulip graph format trid
Tunnelier profile trid
*.tlx Wintertree dictionary trid
*.tlz Tape Archive ffw
*.tm Tcl githublinguist
*.tm2 TIM2 PlayStation2 bitmap trid
*.tmac Troff ffw
Roff githublinguist
*.tmc Thrustmaster TARGET script trid
*.tmcommand XML githublinguist
*.tmd TextMaker document trid
WorldMachine document trid
*.tml XML githublinguist
*.tmlanguage TextMate Language grammar trid
XML githublinguist
*.tmo application/vnd.tmobile-livetv tika
*.tmp Temporary files ffw
AZZ Cardfile data (RTF) trid
NeroAudio Peak file trid
AZZ Cardfile data (Text) trid
BigFix File Archive trid
Image Maker Annotation trid
*.tmpl eMule Web Interface template trid
*.tmpreferences XML githublinguist
*.tmproj TextMate Project trid
*.tms Telemate compiled script trid
*.tmsnippet XML githublinguist
*.tmtheme TextMate Theme trid
XML githublinguist
*.tmux Shell githublinguist
*.tmx Translation Memory Exchange trid
Tile Map XML trid
*.tn1 Tiny Stuff ffw
*.tn2 Tiny Stuff ffw
*.tn3 Tiny Stuff ffw
*.tn4 Tiny Stuff ffw
*.tnc SuperJPG thumbnail cache ffw
SuperJPG ThumbNail Cache file trid
TI-Nspire CAS OS image trid
*.tnd TUNDRA ffw
*.tnef Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format ffw
Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format trid
*.tngz Immaginaria TNG 3D scene trid
*.tno TI-Nspire OS image trid
*.tns TI-Nspire Document trid
*.tnsp TI-Nspire PublishView document trid
*.tny Tiny Stuff ffw
*.to4 Top 4 compressed data trid
*.toast application/x-roxio-toast tika
Toast CD Image trid
*.toc FrameMaker ffw
Eudora ffw
LaTeX table of contents trid
SACD multi-channel TOC trid
World of Warcraft TOC file trid
SACD 2 channel TOC trid
World of Warcraft Addon Data githublinguist
TeX githublinguist
*.toml TOML ffw
TOML githublinguist
*.tool Shell githublinguist
*.top Waltop digital ink-pad graphic trid
*.topojson JSON githublinguist
*.topprj TopSolid Project trid
*.torrent Torrent file ffw
application/x-bittorrent tika
BitTorrent Link trid
BitTorrent Link (Trackerless) trid
*.tos Atari ST executable ffw
Atari ST TOS executable trid
*.tp TinkerPlots document trid
Pokemon Online team trid
TecPlot ascii file format trid
*.tp3 Trackerpacker 3 Music trid
*.tp4 Kaleidescape Touch Panel Variations trid
*.tpb PLSQL githublinguist
*.tpf TexMod package File trid
HiJaak PCL soft font trid
*.tpg Tektronix Pattern trid
*.tph Turbo Pascal Help trid
*.tpi Prism Paint ffw
*.tpk Tochal Package trid
*.tpl Smarty ffw
application/vnd.groove-tool-template tika
Wii TPL images container trid
Smarty githublinguist
*.tpp Teleport Pro 1.29.1972 Project File trid
Teleport Pro 1.29.1921 Project trid
Teleport Pro (generic) Project File trid
C++ githublinguist
*.tps Clarion Topspeed Data file trid
PLSQL githublinguist
*.tpt application/vnd.trid.tpt tika
*.tpu Turbo Pascal Unit ffw
Dirk Bialluch TPU module trid
Borland Turbo Pascal compiled Unit (generic) trid
Borland Turbo Pascal 5.5 compiled Unit trid
Borland Turbo Pascal 7.0 compiled Unit trid
Borland Turbo Pascal 6.0 compiled Unit trid
*.tpx Photo Express Template trid
*.tpz Kindle Topaz eBook trid
*.tr Roff/nroff/troff/groff Unformatted Manual Page (UNIX) tika
TomeRaider e-book/document trid
*.tr3 TomeRaider 3 eBook trid
*.tra application/vnd.trueapp tika
Adventure Game Studio Translation data trid
*.trc True BASIC compiled code trid
Sniffer capture trid
a-squared Anti-Malware checksum for signatures files trid
*.trd TrID defs package trid
TR Assist Dictionary trid
*.tre Spooky Sprites ffw
Star Wars Galaxies TRE archive trid
*.trelby Trelby document trid
*.trf LFToolkit Transformation Rules File trid
*.trg PLSQL githublinguist
*.trk Fugawi Tracklog file trid
GeneRally track trid
Garmin PCX5 track file trid
Magellan MapSend trid
*.trm application/x-msterminal tika
Injector Trim data trid
*.trn Verity Collection Index Pending Transaction File pronom
*.trp EggPaint ffw
Spooky Sprites ffw
Ports of Call savegame trid
*.trs Spooky Sprites ffw
TrIDNet serialized definitions package trid
*.tru IndyPaint ffw
Spooky Sprites ffw
*.trv Traverse PC Desktop Survey Data trid
Track Record Viewer TRV/TRVX definition trid
*.trx Visual Studio Test Results trid
Track Record Viewer TRV/TRVX Index trid
*.ts TypeScript ffw
MPEG Transport Stream ffw
MPEG-2 Transport Stream pronom
Qt Translation source file trid
MPEG-2 Transport Stream trid
XML githublinguist
TypeScript githublinguist
*.tsc TINA Schematic trid
*.tsk Pocket PC Theme ffw
Skin / Theme for Pocket PC PDAs trid
*.tst TestGen data trid
ExamView Test trid
K+K Research TAC compressed audio trid
Scilab githublinguist
GAP githublinguist
*.tsv Tab delimited ffw
Complete Genomics ffw
text/tab-separated-values tika
Tab-separated values pronom
*.tsx XML githublinguist
TypeScript githublinguist
*.tt Tiny Tafel ffw
*.tta True Audio ffw
True Audio 1 pronom
True Audio 2 pronom
TTA lossless compressed audio trid
*.ttc Open Font Format ffw
TrueType Font tika
TrueType Font Collection trid
*.ttd TTDDD ffw
*.ttf TrueType ffw
OpenType ffw
Open Font Format ffw
TrueType Font tika
TrueType Font pronom
TrueType Font trid
*.ttkgp TatukGIS Project trid
*.ttl Turtle pronom
Turtle githublinguist
*.ttp Atari ST executable ffw
*.tts TTS Prefab ffw
Turbo Titler Subtitles trid
*.ttx TRADOStag XML trid
*.tu Turing githublinguist
*.tub PaintShop Pro ffw
*.tv4 TValue project trid
*.tvc TeamViewer Configuration trid
NK - BMP/TV lossless compressed bitmap trid
*.tvgskin TVgenial Skin trid
*.tvs TuneUp Visual Style trid
TeamViewer Session trid
*.twb Tableau Workbook trid
*.twbx Tableau Packaged Workbook trid
*.twd application/vnd.simtech-mindmapper tika
MindMapper Map trid
*.twds application/vnd.simtech-mindmapper tika
*.twf PCsync for Windows trid
*.twig Twig githublinguist
*.twl GPS track trid
*.tww Tagwrite Template trid
*.txc TransXchange File Format pronom
*.txd application/vnd.genomatix.tuxedo tika
*.txf TXF ffw
application/vnd.mobius.txf tika
Celestia Font Texture trid
*.txl TXL githublinguist
*.txm TrakAx Mixer Configuration data trid
*.txt Plain text ffw
Inform ffw
PC-Write ffw
ASCII Art ffw
Robots Exclusion Standard ffw
AsciiDoc ffw
Pixilang ffw
ASCII tab ffw
CMake ffw
Security.txt ffw
Ads.txt ffw
text/plain tika
Plain Text File pronom
Captions Inc. subtitles trid
EasyPlot save file trid
Text - UTF-EBCDIC encoded trid
Auto3DEM output summary trid
Text - UTF-8 encoded trid
Text - BOCU-1 encoded trid
WinHex data structure template trid
Text - UTF-16 (BE) encoded trid
Text - UTF-16 (LE) encoded trid
Adobe InDesign printing instructions report trid
Ulead subtitles trid
Wireshark traffic log trid
Text - UTF-32 (BE) encoded trid
CPC 600 subtitles trid
GDSII stream format layout (text format) trid
wi-scan log trid
IT8.7/1 target descriptor trid
FireFly menu definition trid
Text - UTF-32 (LE) encoded trid
DVD Junior subtitles trid
PGP public key block trid
BibTeX references trid
RealCADD script trid
QuickTime Text subtitles trid
iOS crash report trid
Text - SCSU encoded trid
Macintosh plain text (MacBinary) trid
Text - UTF-7 encoded trid
ESRI ArcInfo Coverage fdd
Text githublinguist
*.txtdt DVD TEXT data file trid
*.txtz TXTZ eBook trid
*.txz Tape Archive ffw
*.tym PageMaker Time Stamp File 4.0 pronom
*.type IntelliFont ffw
*.types Mime.types ffw
text/plain tika
*.tz Tape Archive ffw
Tzip ffw
Tzip (Text ZIP) ffw
tzip compressed file trid
TimeZone data trid
*.tzip tzip compressed file trid
*.tzx TZX ffw
TZX Format pronom
ZX Spectrum Tape image trid
*.u32 application/x-authorware-bin tika
*.u3d Universal 3D File Format pronom
Universal 3D trid
*.u3p U3 application Package trid
*.uae UAE - WinUAE Configuration trid
*.uap WinCC User Archive export trid
*.ubox Universe Sandbox simulation trid
*.uc UltraCompressor II ffw
UnrealScript githublinguist
*.uc0 UltraCompressor II ffw
*.uc2 UltraCompressor II ffw
application/x-uc2-compressed tika
UltraCompressor 2 Archive trid
*.uca PerfectCompress ffw
*.uccapilog Microsoft UCC API Log trid
*.uce UniCode Extensions trid
*.ucf Universal Communications Format trid
*.uci Samsung YP-P2 theme trid
*.ucls ObjectAid UML Explorer Class diagram trid
*.ucm Crazy Machines model trid
*.ucn UltraCompressor II ffw
*.ucs Universal Classification Standard Database trid
*.uct UC Browser Theme trid
*.udb VBA32 Antivirus Signature trid
*.udd OllyDbg Module Info trid
*.udeb Deb ffw
application/x-debian-package tika
*.udf Softdisk Publishing UDF files ffw
X-ray diffraction data file format trid
SQL githublinguist
*.udl AutoCAD External Database Configuration File pronom
*.udo Csound githublinguist
*.uds Sierra Generations Family trid
NHTSA UDS-1992 crash test results trid
Unique Development Music trid
*.ue2 UltraCompressor II ffw
*.uef Unified Emulator Format ffw
Unified Emulator Format pronom
Unified Emulator Format trid
*.uew UltraEdit wordfile ffw
*.uez Ulead COOL 3D (generic) trid
*.ufa UFA compressed archive trid
*.ufd application/vnd.ufdl tika
*.ufdl application/vnd.ufdl tika
*.ufi UFOCaptureV2 Preset settings trid
*.ufo PhotoImpact ffw
Ulead PhotoImpact Object(s) trid
Ellisys Visual USB Data trid
*.ugi UGF ffw
*.ugz UGF ffw
*.uha UHARC ffw
UHARC compressed archive trid
*.uhs UHS ffw
Universal Hint System trid
*.ui Qt User Interface trid
XML githublinguist
*.uifile Windows Explorer UIFILE trid
*.uir LabWindows User Interface Resource trid
*.ujg Lepton ffw
*.ulaw CCITT G.711 Audio pronom
*.ulp EAGLE script trid
*.ult Ultra Tracker ffw
Ultra Tracker module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.ulx Glulx ffw
Glulx Game trid
*.um Universal Machine (ICFP programming contest 2006) ffw
*.umd UMD Photobook trid
*.umj application/vnd.umajin tika
*.ump UModel Project trid
*.umz Universal Machine (ICFP programming contest 2006) ffw
*.uni MikMod module trid
UNIMod created by APlayer trid
*.unity Unity3D Asset githublinguist
*.unity3d Unity Web Player scene trid
Unity Web Player scene (non compressed) trid
*.unityproj Unity 3D Project trid
*.unityweb application/vnd.unity tika
*.uno Uno githublinguist
*.unr Unreal Map trid
*.uof UOF ffw
Uniform Office Format trid
*.uoml application/vnd.uoml+xml tika
*.uop UOF ffw
*.uos UOF ffw
*.uot UOF ffw
*.up3 UP! 3D model trid
*.upc Ultimate Paint Graphics Editor plugin/effect trid
Unified Parallel C githublinguist
*.upd McAfee AV Pattern update trid
Ulead Private Data trid
*.upp Unified Printer Parameter trid
*.ups UPS (binary patch format) ffw
UPS patch trid
*.ur UrWeb githublinguist
*.ur2 UltraCompressor II ffw
*.urdf XML githublinguist
*.urf AppFace skin trid
*.uri text/uri-list tika
*.uris text/uri-list tika
*.url Internet Explorer favorites ffw
Internet Shortcut ffw
Microsoft Internet Shortcut pronom
Windows URL shortcut trid
*.urls text/uri-list tika
*.urs UrWeb githublinguist
*.usd UML Sequence Diagram trid
*.useq USeq genome data trid
*.user Visual Studio Project User Options trid
*.usf USF ffw
EVGA Precision X skin trid
*.usflib USF ffw
*.uskn KSDev ThemeEngine theme/skin trid
*.usm Farandole Composer sample ffw
*.usr COREL Photo Paint User Defined Filter trid
EAGLE Parameter trid
USRobotics firmware trid
*.uss UAE saved state trid
*.ust UTAU vocal track trid
*.ustar application/x-ustar tika
*.uti SafeGuard PrivateCrypto Encrypted trid
*.utx Unreal Texture trid
*.utz application/vnd.uiq.theme tika
*.uu Uuencoding ffw
text/x-uuencode tika
*.uue Uuencoding ffw
*.uvo Sanyo Katana DLX call/voice memo trid
*.uwf UltraTracker Wave File audio trid
*.ux XML githublinguist
*.uxdc Office Data Retrieval Service Connection trid
*.uz1 JB BAHN scenery trid
*.uz2 JB BAHN scenery (Zoom2) trid
*.uz4 JB BAHN scenery (Zoom4) trid
*.uzed MyHeritage Family Tree Builder ffw
*.v VIPS ffw
Vivid scene description ffw
Vista data file ffw
Verilog ffw
Verilog source code tika
Verilog githublinguist
Coq githublinguist
*.v00 Krez 3D ultrasound image trid
*.v2i TI picture file ffw
*.v3o Emergency 3D model trid
*.v5d Vis5D dataset object trid
*.vag Sony Playstation/PS2 ADPCM-4bit compressed sound trid
*.vala Vala githublinguist
*.vap Annotated Speech audio trid
VoiceAttack Profile trid
*.vapi Vala githublinguist
*.vark Gosu githublinguist
*.vb Visual Basic ffw
VB.NET source code tika
Visual Basic githublinguist
*.vba Visual Basic githublinguist
*.vbe VBScript ffw
*.vbhtml Visual Basic githublinguist
*.vbl Virtual CD v4 log trid
*.vbm VBM (VDC BitMap) ffw
ACE-128/64 bitmap trid
WAP Bookmark info trid
Visual Boy Advance movie capture trid
*.vbox VirtualBox machine definition trid
*.vbp VisualBasic project ffw
VisualBasic Project (ActiveX DLL) trid
VisualBasic Project (generic) trid
VisualBasic Project (EXE) trid
VisualBasic Project (Control) trid
*.vbproj VisualBasic project ffw
Visual Studio Visual Basic Project trid
XML githublinguist
*.vbr MSHeli Vbar data trid
*.vbs VBScript ffw
VBScript source code tika
Visual Basic githublinguist
*.vc VisiCalc ffw
Vivid scene description ffw
Sonarc compressed VOC audio trid
VisiCalc spreadsheet trid
*.vc4 Virtual CD v4 and older trid
*.vc6 Ashlar-Vellum Part trid
*.vcard VCard ffw
*.vcd Virtual CD-ROM CD Image File tika
*.vcdiff VCDIFF ffw
*.vce Visual CertExam Suite Exam file trid
Yamaha Voice trid
*.vcf VCard ffw
The Master Genealogist ffw
text/x-vcard tika
vCard pronom
Variant Call Format 1.x pronom
Variant Call Format 2.x pronom
Variant Call Format 3.x pronom
Variant Call Format 4.x pronom
vCard - Business Card trid
*.vcf2 The Master Genealogist ffw
*.vcg application/vnd.groove-vcard tika
VCG graph trid
*.vcl VCL githublinguist
*.vcm Interwise Participant Recorded WebCast trid
*.vcproj Visual Studio .NET Visual C Project trid
*.vcs VisiCalc ffw
VCalendar ffw
text/x-vcalendar tika
VCalendar format pronom
iCalendar - vCalendar trid
*.vct Microsoft FoxPro Memo pronom
*.vcx application/vnd.vcx tika
Microsoft Visual FoxPro Class Library pronom
*.vcxproj Visual Studio Visual C++ Project trid
XML githublinguist
*.vd Visual Designer project trid
PLC Data trid
*.vda TGA ffw
Truevision TGA Bitmap 1.0 pronom
Truevision TGA Bitmap 2.0 pronom
Truevision TGA, version 1.0 fdd
*.vdb Dr.Web Anti-Virus Database trid
VistaDB database trid
*.vdf Avira AntiVir Virus Database trid
VirtualDub Filter Plug-in trid
*.vdi VDI ffw
Virtual Disk Image pronom
VirtualBox Disk Image trid
VirtualDub Debug Info trid
*.vdk BlueZone VT Display Keymap trid
*.vdx DataDiagrammingML ffw
Visio ffw
Microsoft Visio XML Drawing 2003-2010 pronom
Visio Drawing XML trid
*.vec DRAWX Vector Graphics ffw
*.veg Sonic Foundry Vegas video project trid
*.vegaswindowlayout Vegas Window Layout trid
*.vem MM Video E-Mail trid
*.veo Verilog githublinguist
*.vert GLSL githublinguist
*.vf Vegas Movie Studio Project trid
*.vff Sun TAAC image ffw
V9990 font format trid
*.vfs GnomeVFS trid
*.vft VisiForm form trid
*.vfz Webcam Video Effects pack trid
*.vgm Video Game Music format trid
*.vgs Virtual Game Station memory card save game trid
*.vgx VEGX ffw
*.vgz VGZ video trid
*.vh SystemVerilog githublinguist
*.vhd VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) ffw
VHDL source code tika
Virtual PC Virtual HD image trid
VHDL githublinguist
*.vhdl VHDL source code tika
VHDL githublinguist
*.vhf VHDL githublinguist
*.vhi VHDL githublinguist
*.vho VHDL githublinguist
*.vhost Nginx githublinguist
ApacheConf githublinguist
*.vhs VHDL githublinguist
*.vht VHDL githublinguist
*.vhw VHDL githublinguist
*.vi Jovian Logic VI ffw
Jovian Logic VI bitmap trid
LABView Virtual Instrument trid
ArcSoft VideoImpression project trid
Xerox VI Project file trid
*.vic VICAR ffw
VICAR (Video Image Communication and Retrieval) Planetary File Format pronom
Yamaha PSR-9000 custom voice (v1.0) trid
Vicar picture bitmap trid
*.vicar VICAR ffw
VICAR (Video Image Communication and Retrieval) Planetary File Format pronom
*.vid SplashID vID trid
SymbOS VID video trid
*.view.lkml LookML githublinguist
*.vif Verity Image ffw
Khoros Visualization Image File bitmap trid
*.viff VIFF ffw
*.vig Alter Ego Vignette Script format ffw
*.viivo Viivo encrypted trid
*.vim Vim script ffw
Vim script githublinguist
*.vip Husqvarna Viking/Pfaff Home Embroidery Format trid
Magix Samplitude project trid
*.vis application/vnd.visionary tika
*.vit VITec ffw
VITec bitmap trid
*.vitec VITec ffw
*.viv VIV ffw
video/ tika
VivoActive pronom
Vividas video trid
Vivo streaming video trid
*.viw SQL githublinguist
*.vix Acu4GL/AcuCOBOL Index trid
ViX images catalog trid
*.vla Digistar II VLA geometry trid
*.vlab VisionLab Studio Project trid
*.vlc AcuCorp AcuCOBOL license trid
*.vlcl VMware Localization trid
*.vlm Ashlar-Vellum Drawing trid
*.vlw VLW Font File pronom
Processing Font trid
*.vlx Visual LISP Application trid
*.vm text/plain tika
*.vm1 Panasonic SD Voice trid
*.vmc Virtual PC virtual machine configuration trid
*.vmcx Virtual Machine Shell Information trid
*.vmd Vocaloid Motion Data trid
VocalTec Media Descriptor trid
Optical Simulation Rendering VMD format trid
*.vmdk VMDK ffw
Virtual Disk Format tika
VMware 4 Virtual Disc (monolitic disc) trid
(part of a) VMware 3 Virtual Disc trid
VMware 4 Virtual Disk (part of a split disk) trid
VMware 4 Virtual Harddisk description file for split disk trid
*.vmf Valve Map Format ffw
Valve Map Format trid
VocalTec Media File trid
*.vmg Saved SMS (Unicode) trid
Saved SMS trid
*.vml Vector Markup Language pronom
*.vmlf Sony Picture Motion Browser Film roll trid
*.vmlt Sony Picture Motion Browser video data trid
*.vmo Emergency people animation data trid
*.vmt Valve Material Type ffw
*.vmv VirtuaNES movie capture trid
*.vmx VMware configuration trid
VMware configuration (alternate) trid
VMware configuration (Unix like ver.) trid
*.vmxf VMware supplemental team member configuration trid
*.vnt Sony Ericsson Mobile Phone Note trid
*.vo Vivid scene description ffw
*.vob VOB ffw
Video Object File (MPEG-2 subset) pronom
Vue D'Esprit 4 Object trid
VOB video files trid
*.voc Creative Voice File ffw
RCA digital voice recorder audio trid
Creative Voice audio trid
*.vol SafeGuard Encrypted Virtual Disk pronom
*.volt Volt githublinguist
*.vor StarOffice binary formats ffw
application/x-staroffice-template tika
StarOffice template (generic) trid
*.vort Very Ordinary Raster file format bitmap trid
*.vot VOTable ffw
*.vox Barony Voxel ffw
application/x-authorware-bin tika
MagicaVoxel Vox format pronom
Dialogic VOX (telephony) encoded audio trid
VoxWare MetaVoice encoded audio trid
*.vp VocPack ffw
Vista data file ffw
*.vp3 VP3 sewing machine file trid
*.vp6 VP6 encoded video trid
*.vpb Quantel VPB image ffw
*.vpdb VIP Organizer DB trid
*.vpj SlickEdit project trid
VideoPad project trid
*.vpk Valve Package trid
*.vpm VPM ffw
Vox Proxy Macro trid
Garmin Voice file trid
*.vpn Shrew VPN configuration trid
*.vpp Visual Paradigm Project trid
*.vpt Visual Pinball Table trid
*.vpu Avast setup-update package trid
*.vqf TwinVQF audio trid
*.vrf Ventrilo audio recording trid
*.vrml model/vrml tika
*.vro StatCrew Roster trid
DVD Video Recording format trid
*.vrt GDAL Virtual Format trid
*.vrx GLSL githublinguist
*.vs Vivid scene description ffw
*.vsct Visual Studio Command Table configuration (XML) trid
*.vsd Visio ffw
Microsoft Visio Diagram tika
Microsoft Visio Drawing 5.0 pronom
Microsoft Visio Drawing 2000 pronom
Microsoft Visio Drawing 2002 pronom
Microsoft Visio (generic) pronom
Microsoft Visio Drawing 2003-2010 pronom
Microsoft Visio Drawing trid
*.vsdisco DISCO Dynamic Discovery file trid
*.vsdm Visio ffw
Office Open XML Visio Drawing (macro-enabled) tika
Microsoft Visio Macro-Enabled Drawing 2013 pronom
*.vsdx Visio ffw
Office Open XML Visio Drawing (macro-free) tika
Microsoft Visio Drawing 2013 pronom
Visio 2013 drawing trid
Visio VSDX Drawing File Format fdd
Visio VSDX Drawing File Format fdd
*.vsf application/vnd.vsf tika
ViPlay Subtitle Format trid
*.vsh GLSL githublinguist
*.vshader GLSL githublinguist
*.vsix Visual Studio Extension trid
*.vsixmanifest VSIX Manifest trid
XML githublinguist
*.vsl Visio ffw
text/plain tika
*.vso Direct3DX9 Shader ( trid
*.vsq Voice Sequence ffw
Vocaloid Sequence trid
*.vsqx Vocaloid 3D Project trid
*.vss Visio ffw
Microsoft Visio Diagram tika
Microsoft Visio Stencil trid
*.vssettings Visual Studio Settings trid
XML githublinguist
*.vssm Visio ffw
Office Open XML Visio Stencil (macro-enabled) tika
Microsoft Visio Macro-Enabled Stencil 2013 pronom
*.vssx Visio ffw
Office Open XML Visio Stencil (macro-free) tika
Microsoft Visio Stencil 2013 pronom
*.vst TGA ffw
Visio ffw
Microsoft Visio Diagram tika
Truevision TGA Bitmap 1.0 pronom
Truevision TGA Bitmap 2.0 pronom
Truevision Vista Graphic bitmap trid
Microsoft Visio Template trid
Truevision TGA, version 1.0 fdd
*.vstemplate Microsoft Visual Studio project template trid
Microsoft Visual Studio project template (Unicode) trid
XML githublinguist
*.vstm Visio ffw
Office Open XML Visio Template (macro-enabled) tika
Microsoft Visio Macro-Enabled Template 2013 pronom
*.vsto Visual Studio Tools for Office add-in trid
*.vstpreset VST Preset trid
*.vstx Visio ffw
Office Open XML Visio Template (macro-free) tika
Microsoft Visio Template 2013 pronom
*.vsw Visio ffw
Microsoft Visio Diagram tika
*.vsx DataDiagrammingML ffw
Visio ffw
*.vsz Visual Studio wizard trid
*.vt ANSIMation ffw
*.vtf Valve Texture Format ffw
Valve Texture Format pronom
Valve Texture File trid
*.vthought Visual Thought diagram trid
*.vti ParaView VTK Image data trid
*.vtk VTK ffw
ParaView Legacy VTK Data trid
*.vtp VisionTools Pro-e source trid
*.vtr ParaView VTK Rectilinear grid trid
*.vts ParaView VTK Structured grid trid
*.vtt WebVTT ffw
Web Video Text Tracks Format tika
Web Video Text Tracks trid
*.vtu model/vnd.vtu tika
ParaView VTK Unstructured grid trid
*.vtx DataDiagrammingML ffw
Visio ffw
*.vue Vue.js ffw
Vue D'Esprit 4 Scene File trid
Vue githublinguist
*.vvc Infinity Engine spell casting fx (v1.0) trid
*.vvd Valve Vertex Data ffw
Valve Studio Model Vertex Data trid
*.vvvvvv VVVVVV map trid
*.vw Volkswriter ffw
PLSQL githublinguist
*.vw3 Volkswriter ffw
*.vwf Quartus Waveform simulation trid
*.vwx VectorWorks 12.5 pronom
VectorWorks 2009 pronom
Vectorworks 2015 pronom
Vectorworks 2010 pronom
*.vxd Linear Executable ffw
VXD Driver trid
*.vxl Voxel Animation trid
*.vxml application/voicexml+xml tika
XML githublinguist
*.vym VYM Mind Map trid
*.vz VZ200/300 image (type F1) trid
VZ200/300 image (type F0) trid
*.w CWEB ffw
CWeb githublinguist
OpenEdge ABL githublinguist
*.w2m Solo Explorer Transcription trid
*.w3d Shockwave Movie tika
Shockwave 3D Scene Export trid
*.w3g WarCraft III Recorded Game File trid
*.w3m WarCraft III map trid
*.w3z WarCraft III Saved Game File trid
*.w50 WordPerfect for MS-DOS Document 5.0 pronom
*.w51 WordPerfect for MS-DOS/Windows Document 5.1 pronom
*.w52 WordPerfect for Windows Document 5.2 pronom
*.w60 WordPerfect for MS-DOS/Windows Document 6.0 pronom
Compound WordPerfect for Windows Document 6 onwards pronom
*.w64 Sony Wave64 ffw
Sonic Foundry WAVE 64 pronom
Sonic Foundry Wave-64 audio trid
*.wab Outlook Express addressbook trid
*.wad Doom WAD ffw
application/x-doom tika
DoomRL WAD resource trid
id Software's DOOM Internal-WAD trid
WAD3 game data trid
id Software's DOOM Patch-WAD trid
*.waf Internet Explorer for Mac cache file pronom
*.wal Quake 2 Texture ffw
WinAmp 3.x / modern skin trid
Black and White 2 Wall data trid
*.wallet Multibit Bitcoin wallet trid
*.war application/x-tika-java-web-archive tika
Java Web Archive trid
*.warc WARC ffw
WARC pronom
WARC, Web ARChive file format fdd
*.warc.gz WARC ffw
*.warts Warts ffw
*.wast WebAssembly githublinguist
*.wat Web Archive Metadata File ffw
WebAssembly githublinguist
*.wat.gz Web Archive Metadata File ffw
*.watch WatchMaker Watch face trid
*.watchr Ruby githublinguist
*.wav WAV ffw
BWF ffw
CELT ffw
DCT ffw
RF64 ffw
audio/x-wav tika
Waveform Audio pronom
Broadcast WAVE 1 Generic pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Audio) 2.1 pronom
Broadcast WAVE 0 Generic pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Audio) 2.2 pronom
Exchangeable Image File Format (Audio) 2.0 pronom
Waveform Audio (PCMWAVEFORMAT) pronom
Waveform Audio (PCMWAVEFORMAT) pronom
Waveform Audio (WAVEFORMATEX) pronom
Waveform Audio (WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE) pronom
Broadcast WAVE 2 Generic pronom
Broadcast WAVE 0 PCM Encoding pronom
Broadcast WAVE 1 PCM Encoding pronom
Broadcast WAVE 2 PCM Encoding pronom
Broadcast WAVE 0 MPEG Encoding pronom
Broadcast WAVE 1 MPEG Encoding pronom
Broadcast WAVE 2 MPEG Encoding pronom
Broadcast WAVE 0 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE Encoding pronom
Broadcast WAVE 1 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE Encoding pronom
Broadcast WAVE 2 WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE Encoding pronom
RF64 pronom
RF64 Multichannel Broadcast Wave format pronom
Sonic Foundry WAVE 64 pronom
Broadcast Wave File audio trid
Infinity Engine sound (v1.0) trid
ECHOSPEECH encoded audio trid
RIFF/WAVe Audio (edited with Sound Forge) trid
RIFF/WAVe standard Audio trid
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2002 fdd
Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 2 fdd
Broadcast WAVE Audio File Format, Version 1 fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), NLS extension for AMR-WB+ Speech Codec fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
Broadcast WAVE File Format, Version 1, with LPCM Audio fdd
WAVE Audio File Format fdd
Broadcast WAVE File Format, Version 2, with LPCM Audio fdd
*.wave WAV ffw
Waveform Audio (WAVEFORMATEX) pronom
Waveform Audio (WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE) pronom
*.wax audio/x-ms-wax tika
Windows Media Metafile pronom
*.wb1 WB1 ffw
Quattro Pro ffw
Webshots picture ffw
application/x-quattro-pro tika
Quattro Pro Spreadsheet for Windows 1/5 pronom
Webshots Image trid
Quattro Pro spreadsheet trid
*.wb2 WB2 ffw
Quattro Pro ffw
application/x-quattro-pro tika
Quattro Pro Spreadsheet for Windows 6 pronom
Quattro Pro spreadsheet trid
*.wb3 WB3 ffw
Quattro Pro ffw
application/x-quattro-pro tika
Quattro Pro Spreadsheet 7-8 pronom
Quattro Pro 7 spreadsheet trid
*.wba WindowsBlinds Progress Anim theme trid
WindowBlinds skin-theme trid
*.wbc Webshots picture ffw
*.wbd Webshots picture ffw
WinBreadboard circuit schematic trid
eBeam Whiteboard trid
*.wbf TusiSoft Polyglot dictionary trid
*.wbfs WBFS ffw
*.wbi CISO Compressed ISO CD image trid
*.wbk Microsoft Word Document 97-2003 pronom
Microsoft Word for Windows 2007 onwards pronom
Microsoft Word Document (Password Protected) 97-2003 pronom
*.wbmp WBMP ffw
Wireless Bitmap File Format tika
Wireless Bitmap pronom
*.wbp Webshots picture ffw
*.wbs application/vnd.criticaltools.wbs+xml tika
Winbot Script trid
*.wbxml application/vnd.wap.wbxml tika
*.wbz Webshots picture ffw
WebShots Image trid
*.wcm WordPerfect macro ffw
application/ tika
Corel WordPerfect Macro trid
*.wcx FAR TC.Packer PlugIn trid
Total Commander Packer extension (plugin) trid
*.wcz Chamaleon Clock wallpaper clock skin trid
*.wdb Microsoft Works Database ffw
Lego Island World Database ffw
application/ tika
Microsoft Works Database for DOS 1.05 pronom
Microsoft Works Database for DOS 1.12 pronom
Microsoft Works Database for DOS 2.0 pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Windows 2.0 pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Windows 2.0a pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Windows 3.0 pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Windows 3.0a pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Windows 3.0b pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Windows 4.0 pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Windows 4.0a pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Windows 4.5 pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Windows 4.5a pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Windows 2000 pronom
Microsoft Works Database for DOS 3 pronom
Microsoft Works Database for DOS 3a pronom
Microsoft Works Database for DOS 3b pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Macintosh 3 pronom
Microsoft Works Database for Macintosh 4 pronom
Microsoft Works Database trid
*.wde WinDev Report trid
*.wdf WinGenea Data File trid
Workshare DeltaView Deltafile trid
*.wdg WinDev Procedures' Set trid
*.wdi WinDev Component description trid
*.wdk WinDev Component trid
*.wdl DynaDoc Electric Exchange Document trid
wdl githublinguist
*.wdp JPEG XR ffw
JPEG Extended Range pronom
JPEG XR (AKA HD Photo, Windows Media Photo) trid
WinDev Project trid
HD Photo, Version 1.0 (Windows Media Photo) fdd
*.wdproj Visual Studio Web Deployment Project trid
*.wdr Psion Serie 3/3a printer driver trid
*.wds 3D Haus Design project trid
3D WohnungsPlan project trid
*.wdw WinDev Window trid
*.wdx Total Commander Content plugin trid
*.wdy WinDev Run-Time Template trid
*.wdz WINDEV compressed archive trid
*.wea WeatherTool weather data trid
*.weap Weapon definition script trid
*.web Xar (vector graphics) ffw
WEB ffw
Corel Xara Web document trid
BlackWidow Website Description trid
*.webapp Open Web App Manifest ffw
JSON githublinguist
*.webarchive application/x-webarchive tika
Apple Safari Webarchive pronom
Apple Safari WebArchive trid
*.webarchivexml Android browser XML webarchive trid
*.webhistory Safari Web History trid
*.webidl WebIDL githublinguist
*.webloc Webloc ffw
Apple Finder Internet Location trid
*.webm WebM ffw
video/webm tika
WebM pronom
WebM video trid
*.webmanifest JSON githublinguist
*.webp WebP ffw
image/webp tika
WebP Lossy pronom
WebP Lossless pronom
WebP Extended pronom
WebP bitmap trid
*.webpart SharePoint Web Part trid
*.webtest Fiddler saved WebTest trid
*.wed Infinity Engine region/map (v1.x) trid
*.weechatlog IRC log githublinguist
*.wf1 EViews Workfile trid
*.wfm Tektronix TDS extended waveform data trid
Tektronix TDS waveform data trid
Rigol waveform trid
*.wfn WFN (font format) ffw
*.wfx Total Commander File system extension (plugin) trid
Infinity Engine Wave (Special) Effect (v1.0) trid
*.wgp WingMan profile trid
*.wgs Thief: Deadly Shadows save game trid
*.wgz Nokia S60 Web Runtime Widget Package trid
*.whl Python ffw
*.whx WinHex backup trid
*.wi Corel Wavelet Compressed Bitmap pronom
*.wic J Wavelet Image Codec bitmap trid
*.widget Konfabulator widget trid
Yahoo! Widget trid
*.wif CoffeCup Web Image Studio trid
*.wig Wigmore Artist 64 ffw
*.wiki MediaWiki githublinguist
*.wim Windows Imaging Format ffw
Windows Imaging Format pronom
Windows Imaging Format trid
*.win AUTOEXEC.BAT ffw
*.wings Wings 3D mesh trid
*.wiq Visual Studio Work Item Query trid
*.wisp wisp githublinguist
*.wix Xara graphics trid
*.wixlib WiX Library trid
*.wixobj WiX Object trid
*.wixproj WiX Project (UTF-8) trid
WiX Project trid
XML githublinguist
*.wjf WinZip Job File trid
WinZip Job File (XML type) trid
*.wk* Lotus 123 Worksheet (generic) trid
*.wk1 Lotus 1-2-3 ffw
Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet 2.0 pronom
Lotus 123 Worksheet (V2) trid
*.wk2 Lotus 1-2-3 ffw
Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet 2.0 pronom
*.wk3 Lotus 1-2-3 ffw
Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet 3.0 pronom
Lotus 123 Worksheet (V3) trid
*.wk4 Lotus 1-2-3 ffw
Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet 4-5 pronom
Lotus 123 Worksheet (V4) trid
*.wkf VISI-serie CAD/CAM work file trid
*.wkq Quattro Pro Spreadsheet for DOS 1-4 pronom
Quattro Pro Spreadsheet for DOS 5 pronom
*.wks Lotus 1-2-3 ffw
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet ffw
application/ tika
Lotus 1-2-3 Worksheet 1.0 pronom
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet 1-5 pronom
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet for Macintosh 3 pronom
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet for Macintosh 4 pronom
DeskMate worksheet trid
Microsoft Works spreadsheet trid
*.wkz Wingz spreadsheet trid
*.wl Mathematica githublinguist
*.wld Verity Collection Word List Descriptor Style Set pronom
Verity Collection Index Descriptor File pronom
Settlers II map trid
Morfit WorldBuilder document trid
*.wldx PGE World Map trid
*.wlk WeatherLink Binary Weather data trid
*.wlm CompW ffw
CompW bitmap trid
*.wlmp Windows Live Movie Maker Project trid
*.wls 602Tab Workbook trid
*.wlt EWallet ffw
Ilium eWallet trid
Mathematica githublinguist
*.wlua Lua githublinguist
*.wlx Total Commander Lister extension (plugin) trid
Garmin MapSource Web Link trid
*.wm video/x-ms-wm tika
Working Model 2D data trid
*.wm2d Working Model 2D data trid
*.wm3 MSC.visualNastran Desktop Document trid
*.wma WMA Lossless ffw
WMA ffw
audio/x-ms-wma tika
Windows Media Audio pronom
Windows Media (generic) trid
Windows Media Audio trid
Windows Media Audio File with WMA9 Professional Codec fdd
WMA (Windows Media Audio) File Format fdd
Windows Media Audio File with WMA9 Lossless Codec fdd
Windows Media Audio File with WMA9 Codec fdd
*.wmd application/x-ms-wmd tika
Windows Media Download package trid
*.wmf Windows Metafile ffw
Windows Metafile tika
Windows Metafile Image pronom
Windows Metafile (old Win 3.x format) trid
Windows Metafile trid
*.wml Wireless Markup Language ffw
text/vnd.wap.wml tika
Wireless Markup Language trid
*.wmlc Compiled WML Document tika
*.wmls WML Script tika
*.wmlsc Compiled WML Script tika
*.wmo Gridded Binary 1.0 pronom
Gridded Binary 2.0 pronom
*.wmp JPEG XR (AKA HD Photo, Windows Media Photo) trid
Infinity Engine world map (v1.0) trid
*.wms Windows Media Player Skin Package ffw
*.wmv WMV ffw
video/x-ms-wmv tika
Windows Media Video pronom
Windows Media Video 9 Advanced Profile (WVC1) 9 Advanced Profile (WVC1) pronom
Windows Media (generic) trid
Windows Media Video trid
WMV (Windows Media Video) File Format fdd
*.wmx video/x-ms-wmx tika
Windows Media Metafile pronom
*.wmz Windows Metafile ffw
Windows Media Player Skin Package ffw
application/x-ms-wmz tika
Windows Media Player skin trid
*.wn Wanton Packer song/module trid
*.wnk Wink presentation trid
*.woff WOFF ffw
Web Open Font Format pronom
Web Open Font Format trid
*.woff2 WOFF ffw
*.wol WOLF eBook trid
*.wor MapInfo Workspace trid
*.workbook Markdown githublinguist
*.wot WebEx Recording trid
*.wotreplay World of Tanks battle recording trid
*.wow Grave Composer module ffw
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
*.wowproj AddOn Studio for Word of Warcraft Project trid
*.wowsl WOW Slider settings trid
*.woz WOZ disk image ffw
*.wp WordPerfect ffw
WordPerfect for MS-DOS/Windows Document 6.0 pronom
WordPerfect for Windows Document 5.2 pronom
WordPerfect for MS-DOS Document 5.0 pronom
WordPerfect for MS-DOS/Windows Document 5.1 pronom
Compound WordPerfect for Windows Document 6 onwards pronom
WordPerfect (generic) trid
WordPerfect 4.2 document trid
WordPerfect 5.1/5.2 Far East version document trid
WordPerfect 5.0 document trid
WordPerfect 5.1/5.2 document trid
*.wp2 WP2 ffw
*.wp4 WordPerfect ffw
WordPerfect 4.0/4.1/4.2 pronom
*.wp5 WordPerfect ffw
WordPerfect for Windows Document 5.2 pronom
WordPerfect for MS-DOS Document 5.0 pronom
WordPerfect for MS-DOS/Windows Document 5.1 pronom
*.wp6 WordPerfect ffw
WordPerfect for MS-DOS/Windows Document 6.0 pronom
Compound WordPerfect for Windows Document 6 onwards pronom
*.wp7 WordPerfect ffw
*.wpa ACT! word processor document trid
*.wpb WPB (openCanvas) ffw
*.wpd WordPerfect ffw
application/vnd.wordperfect tika
WordPerfect for MS-DOS/Windows Document 6.0 pronom
WordPerfect for Windows Document 5.2 pronom
WordPerfect for MS-DOS Document 5.0 pronom
WordPerfect for MS-DOS/Windows Document 5.1 pronom
Compound WordPerfect for Windows Document 6 onwards pronom
WordPerfect 4.0/4.1/4.2 pronom
SoftKey WinWorks Document trid
WordPerfect (generic) trid
WordPerfect 6 and higher document trid
602Text Document trid
*.wpg WordPerfect Graphics ffw
WordPerfect Graphics Metafile 1.0 pronom
WordPerfect graphics trid
Corel World Perfect Graphic trid
WordPerfect bitmap trid
*.wpi WarpIN Installer trid
*.wpj Microsoft Works wizard trid
*.wpl application/ tika
DEC WPS Plus Document pronom
Windows Media Playlist pronom
Windows Media Player playlist trid
*.wpm WordPerfect macro ffw
Microsoft Word for Windows Macro pronom
*.wps Kingsoft Office ffw
Microsoft Works Word Processor ffw
application/ tika
Microsoft Works for Windows 4.0 pronom
Microsoft Works Word Processor 1-3 for DOS and 2 for Windows pronom
Microsoft Works Word Processor 3-4 for Windows pronom
Microsoft Works Word Processor 5-6 pronom
Microsoft Works Word Processor Macintosh 3 pronom
Microsoft Works Word Processor Macintosh 4 pronom
Kingsoft WPS Office 2002 document trid
Microsoft Works text document (alternate) trid
Microsoft Works text document trid
Kingsoft WPS Office 2001 document trid
*.wpt Kingsoft Office ffw
Microsoft Works Word Processor ffw
602PC Suite Template Document trid
Fugawi 3 waypoint format trid
Garmin PCX5 waypoint file trid
Brother Word Processor document trid
Magellan MapSend trid
OziExplorer Waypoint trid
*.wpw WhatPulse Pre-Pulse Information trid
*.wq1 WQ1 ffw
Quattro Pro ffw
Quattro Pro Spreadsheet for DOS 1-4 pronom
*.wq2 WQ2 ffw
Quattro Pro ffw
Quattro Pro Spreadsheet for DOS 5 pronom
*.wqd application/vnd.wqd tika
*.wrd Psion Series 3 Word ffw
Psion serie 3 word document trid
*.wrf WebEx Recording trid
*.wri Microsoft Write ffw
application/x-mswrite tika
Write for Windows Document 3.1 pronom
Write for Windows Document 3.0 pronom
Windows Write Document trid
*.wrk Cakewalk Music project trid
*.wrl VRML ffw
model/vrml tika
Virtual Reality Modeling Language 1.0 pronom
Virtual Reality Modeling Language 2.0 pronom
Virtual Reality Modeling Language trid
*.wrld Wander ffw
*.wrz VRML ffw
*.ws WordStar ffw
WordStar for MS-DOS Document 5.0 pronom
WordStar for Windows Document 1.0 pronom
WordStar for MS-DOS Document 5.5 pronom
WordStar for MS-DOS Document 6.0 pronom
WordStar for MS-DOS Document 4.0 pronom
WordStar for MS-DOS Document 7.0 pronom
WordStar for Windows Document 2.0 pronom
WordStar for MS-DOS Document 3.0 pronom
IBM iSeries Client Access WorkStation profile trid
*.ws3 WordStar ffw
WordStar for MS-DOS Document 3.0 pronom
*.ws4 WordStar for MS-DOS Document 4.0 pronom
*.ws5 WordStar for MS-DOS Document 5.0 pronom
*.ws6 WordStar for MS-DOS Document 6.0 pronom
*.ws7 WordStar for MS-DOS Document 7.0 pronom
WordStar 7 document trid
*.wsd WordStar ffw
WordStar for Windows Document 1.0 pronom
*.wsdd text/plain tika
*.wsdl application/wsdl+xml tika
Web Services Description Language trid
XML githublinguist
*.wse Wise script trid
*.wsf Windows Script File ffw
Windows Script File trid
XML githublinguist
*.wsgi Python githublinguist
*.wsp Whisper ffw
FlowJo PC Workspace trid
Whisper 32 data trid
*.wspolicy application/wspolicy+xml tika
*.wsq WSQ ffw
Wavelet Scalar Quantization bitmap trid
*.wsr WSR ffw
*.wss Worksheet Builder Self-Contained worksheet trid
*.wsstyles Windows Sidebar Style trid
*.wsw WordStar for Windows Document 1.0 pronom
WordStar for Windows Document 2.0 pronom
*.wsz Winamp Skin ffw
WinAmp 2.x Skin trid
*.wtb application/vnd.webturbo tika
*.wtl Windows Test Technologies (WTT) logger results trid
*.wtv Windows Media Center recorded Television Video trid
*.wu BOINC ffw
*.wuffs Wuffs ffw
*.wup WhatsUp Gold network map trid
*.wv WavPack ffw
WavPack compressed audio trid
Sonarc compressed WAV audio trid
*.wvc WavPack ffw
WavPack compressed audio correction data trid
*.wve WVE (Psion) ffw
Psion Series 3a/3c/3mx audio trid
*.wvf Yokogawa waveform data trid
*.wvx video/x-ms-wvx tika
Windows Media Metafile pronom
Windows Media redirector / shortcut trid
*.wvz MUST music / song trid
*.wwf WWF ffw
*.wwp WWarp disk image trid
*.wxi XML githublinguist
*.wxl WiX Localization (UTF-8) trid
WiX Localization (ASCII) trid
XML githublinguist
*.wxn Waixing Famicom Game ROM trid
*.wxp EXP document trid
*.wxs WiX Source trid
XML githublinguist
*.wyg WYSIWYG project data trid
*.wz MapleStory game data trid
*.wzd Sharp Wizard data (generic) trid
Sharp Wizard memo trid
Sharp Wizard schedule trid
Sharp Wizard program trid
*.wzl Winzle Puzzle ffw
*.x BARF ffw
AVS X image ffw
BVE object formats ffw
X (DirectX) ffw
Microsoft Direct3D Object (binary) trid
Magic 3D Easy View object trid
Microsoft Direct3D Object (txt) trid
Logos githublinguist
RPC githublinguist
Linker Script githublinguist
*.x00 ESRI Arc/Info Export File pronom
*.x10 X10 githublinguist
*.x2a X2A ffw
*.x32 application/x-authorware-bin tika
*.x3d X3D ffw
application/vnd.hzn-3d-crossword tika
X3D 3.0 pronom
X3D 3.1 pronom
X3D 3.2 pronom
X3D 3.3 pronom
X3D file trid
XML githublinguist
*.x3db X3D ffw
*.x3dbz X3D ffw
*.x3dv X3D ffw
*.x3dvz X3D ffw
*.x3dz X3D ffw
*.x3f X3F ffw
Sigma raw image tika
Sigma RAW Image pronom
Sigma - Foveon X3 raw picture trid
Camera Raw Formats (Group Description) fdd
*.x64 X64 and VICE emulators disk image trid
*.x?? BARF ffw
*.x_b Parasolid model trid
*.x_t Parasolid model trid
*.xa Maxis XA Audio (sound/speech) trid
Maxis XA Audio (music) trid
*.xacro XML githublinguist
*.xadml XML-Based Application Description information trid
*.xaf Cal3D Xml Animation File trid
3ds Max XML Animation File trid
*.xaiml eXtended Artificial Intelligence Markup Language trid
*.xaml Microsoft Extensible Application Markup Language (Unicode) trid
Microsoft Extensible Application Markup Language trid
XML githublinguist
*.xamlx Visual Studio Workflow service data trid
*.xap Silverlight ffw
application/x-silverlight-app tika
XACT Project trid
Silverlight Application Package trid
Windows Phone encrypted Application trid
*.xar Xar (Extensible Archive) ffw
Xar (vector graphics) ffw
XAR (Executable Archive) ffw
application/vnd.xara tika
eXtensible ARchive format pronom
Xar Image Format pronom
Xara drawing trid
XAR archive trid
*.xarc Funcom ISS ffw
ISS Audio trid
*.xargs text/plain tika
*.xb XBIN ffw
*.xbap application/x-ms-xbap tika
XAML Browser Applications trid
*.xbd application/ tika
*.xbe XBOX executable trid
*.xbel XML Bookmark Exchange Language trid
*.xbf XAML Binary Format pronom
*.xbg HP 100LX/200LX icon ffw
*.xbk SMART Board Slide Collection trid
*.xbm XBM ffw
image/x-xbitmap tika
X-Windows Bitmap Image X11 pronom
X-Windows Bitmap Image X10 pronom
X Bitmap Graphic trid
X BitMap githublinguist
*.xbrl eXtensible Business Reporting Language trid
*.xbs XnConvert configuration trid
*.xc XC githublinguist
*.xcat text/plain tika
*.xcf XCF ffw
GIMP Image File tika
Gimp Image File Format pronom
The GIMP image trid
*.xcfbz2 XCF ffw
*.xcfgz XCF ffw
*.xcodeproj Xcode Project ffw
*.xconf text/plain tika
*.xcr XCR archive trid
*.xcscheme Xcode Scheme trid
*.xdc DarkCryptTC XDC encrypted container trid
*.xdd XFIT XDD format data file trid
*.xdi Xpack DiskImage compressed archive trid
WinArchiver Extended Disc Image trid
*.xdm application/ tika
X-Windows Screen Dump File X10 pronom
X-Windows Screen Dump X11 pronom
*.xdp application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml tika
*.xdr XML-Data Reduced trid
*.xds LCDStudio Design trid
*.xdt Termbase definition trid
*.xdw application/ tika
DocuWorks File trid
*.xdxf XML Dictionary eXchange Format trid
*.xe C+= ffw
*.xeb Apabi eBook trid
*.xegrm text/plain tika
*.xenc application/xenc+xml tika
*.xep XenoDream Graphics Data trid
*.xer application/patch-ops-error+xml tika
Primavera's proprietary exchange format trid
*.xex Xbox 360 Executable trid
XeX page definition trid
*.xface X-Face ffw
*.xfb Binary Device Interface File Format trid
*.xfd Acu4GL/AcuCOBOL Extended File Descriptor trid
*.xfdf XFDF ffw
application/vnd.adobe.xfdf tika
Acrobat Forms Document trid
*.xfdl application/vnd.xfdl tika
XFDL form trid
*.xferd Recording / transfer detail trid
*.xfm Syntrillium Cool Edit Transform Effect trid
*.xfr Xfrog organic 3D model trid
*.xga XGA (Falcon) ffw
*.xgmml eXtensible Graph Markup and Modeling Language trid
*.xgr GraphEdit Filter Graph Markup Language trid
*.xgrm text/plain tika
*.xgs XACT Global Settings trid
*.xht HTML ffw
application/xhtml+xml tika
Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML), 1.0 fdd
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 5 fdd
HTML githublinguist
*.xhtml HTML ffw
application/xhtml+xml tika
Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML), 1.0 fdd
HyperText Markup Language (HTML) 5 fdd
HTML githublinguist
*.xhvml application/xv+xml tika
*.xi eXtended Instrument (generic) trid
Logos githublinguist
*.xib XML githublinguist
*.xif XIFF ffw
image/vnd.xiff tika
Text Device Interface File Format trid
*.xim Xim ffw
*.ximg GEM Raster ffw
*.xip XIP ffw
Hotbar skin trid
*.xir C+= ffw
*.xise Xilinx ISE Project trid
*.xkm X Keymap ffw
*.xks IBM Softcopy Reader PDF Extended bookshelf file trid
*.xla Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet tika
Microsoft Excel Macro 4.0 pronom
Microsoft Excel Add-In pronom
*.xlam Office Open XML Workbook Add-in (macro-enabled) tika
Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Add-In 2007 pronom
*.xlb Microsoft Excel Toolbar pronom
*.xlc Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet tika
Microsoft Excel Chart 4.0 pronom
Microsoft Excel Chart 2.x pronom
Microsoft Excel Chart 3.0 pronom
*.xld Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet tika
*.xlex text/plain tika
*.xlf XLIFF - XML Localization Interchange File Format (Unicode) trid
XLIFF - XML Localization Interchange File Format trid
XML githublinguist
*.xlg AutoCAD Xref Log pronom
*.xliff XLIFF - XML Localization Interchange File Format trid
XML githublinguist
*.xlk Microsoft Excel Backup pronom
*.xll Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet tika
Microsoft Excel Add-In pronom
*.xlm Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet tika
Microsoft Excel Macro 4.0 pronom
Microsoft Excel Macro 2.x pronom
Microsoft Excel Macro 3.0 pronom
*.xlo Autodesk Inventor Export Journal trid
*.xlog text/plain tika
*.xlr Microsoft Works Spreadsheet ffw
application/x-tika-msworks-spreadsheet tika
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet 6-9 pronom
Microsoft Works Spreadsheet trid
*.xls XLS ffw
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet tika
Microsoft Excel 2.x Worksheet (xls) 2 pronom
Microsoft Excel 3.0 Worksheet (xls) 3 pronom
Microsoft Excel 4.0 Worksheet (xls) 4S pronom
Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (xls) 5/95 pronom
Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls) 8 pronom
Microsoft Excel 2000-2003 Workbook (xls) 8X pronom
Microsoft Excel for Macintosh 2001 pronom
Microsoft Excel for Macintosh 2002 pronom
Microsoft Excel for Macintosh 2004 pronom
Microsoft Excel sheet trid
Microsoft Excel sheet (older format) trid
Microsoft Excel sheet (alternate) trid
*.xlsb XLSB ffw
Microsoft Excel 2007 Binary Spreadsheet tika
Microsoft Excel Non-XML Binary Workbook 2007 onwards pronom
*.xlsm XLSM ffw
Office Open XML Workbook (macro-enabled) tika
Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled 2007 pronom
Excel Microsoft Office Open XML Format document (with Macro) trid
*.xlsx XLSX ffw
Office Open XML ffw
Office Open XML Workbook tika
Microsoft Excel for Windows 2007 onwards pronom
Microsoft Office Encrypted Document 2007 Onwards pronom
Excel Microsoft Office Open XML Format document trid
XLSX Transitional (Office Open XML), ISO 29500:2008-2016, ECMA-376, Editions 1-5 fdd
OOXML Format Family -- ISO/IEC 29500 and ECMA 376 fdd
XLSX Strict (Office Open XML), ISO 29500-1:2008-2016 fdd
*.xlt Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet tika
Microsoft Excel Template 2000 pronom
Biew Xlat Table trid
*.xltm Office Open XML Workbook Template (macro-enabled) tika
Microsoft Excel Macro-Enabled Template 2007 pronom
*.xltx Office Open XML Workbook Template tika
Microsoft Excel Template 2007 onwards pronom
*.xlw Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet tika
Microsoft Excel Workspace pronom
Microsoft Excel 4.0 Workbook (xls) 4W pronom
Microsoft Excel 5.0/95 Workbook (xls) 5/95 pronom
Microsoft Excel 97 Workbook (xls) 8 pronom
Microsoft Excel 2000-2003 Workbook (xls) 8X pronom
*.xm Extended Module ffw
Extended Module Audio File pronom
FastTracker 2 eXtended Module trid
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
Module Music Formats (Mods) fdd
Logos githublinguist
*.xmap text/plain tika
*.xmcd Mathcad Document XML pronom
XMCD CD information trid
Mathcad XML based worksheet trid
*.xmct Mathcad XML Worksheet Template trid
*.xmd BitDefender plug-in trid
*.xmf Extensible Music Format ffw
Extensible Music Format pronom
MXMF Nokia Ringtone trid
Cal3D Xml Mesh File trid
XMF, eXtensible Music File Format, Version 1.0 fdd
*.xmfg MediaForge Runtime Player Distribution Project trid
*.xmi XMI (Extended MIDI) ffw
Extended MIDI trid
XMI - XML Metadata Interchange trid
XMill compressed XML trid
XML githublinguist
*.xmind XMind Pro tika
XMind Workbook trid
*.xml XML ffw
Early Mind Manager XML format ffw
Aiee! ffw
ITunes Music Library ffw
RSS ffw
EAD ffw
Atom ffw
Scifer ffw
Microsoft Office File List ffw
DocBook ffw
SpreadsheetML ffw
WordProcessingML ffw
Skype shared configuration ffw
Ant build file ffw
Encounter ffw
EBML Schema ffw
Extensible Markup Language tika
Extensible Markup Language 1.0 pronom
DROID Signature File Format 1.0 pronom
DROID File Collection File Format 1.0 pronom
Music XML pronom
INTERLIS Transfer File 2.2 pronom
Portable Application Description (UTF-8) (PAD) trid
MusicXML trid
ZModeler profile trid
Generic XML (ASCII) trid
Atom web feed trid
ZipGenius configuration trid
MSN Messenger log trid
Microsoft BizTalk XML message trid
HP printer usage data trid
Microsoft Office XML Flat File Format PowerPoint Presentation (UTF) trid
QTI document trid
Microsoft Office XML Flat File Format (UTF) trid
Circuit Diagram Component trid
Tinyseq sequence format trid
DocuWare XML metafile trid
GNUMERIC spreedshet (XML, ungzipped) trid
HandBrake presets trid
Artweaver Brush trid
DSPL - Dataset Publishing Language trid
SOAP message trid
COLLADA interchange database scheme for 3D trid
Mozilla blocklist trid
Microsoft Office XML Flat File Format Excel worksheet (UTF) trid
Exchange Task Wizard XML trid
SmartFTP transfer queue trid
Windows Media Player sync info trid
XML sitemap trid
SOAP Envelope trid
NewsML file trid
Rage Maker workspace trid
Gunz Online NPC model trid
ROR website description trid
TfID - Text File IDentifier definition (v0.x) trid
Android compiled View resource trid
OPML - Outline Processor Markup Language trid
ksudoku puzzle trid
pbnsolve Paint-by-Number XML puzzle format trid
TrID definition! :-) trid
Microsoft Office XML Flat File Format PowerPoint Presentation (ASCII) trid
Digital Forensics XML trid
RSS web feed trid
Microsoft Office XML Flat File Format Word Document (UTF) trid
Portable Application Description (PAD) trid
Out-Of-Box Experience file trid
TestGen XML data trid
Microsoft Office XML Flat File Format (ASCII) trid
m0n0wall configuration trid
Microsoft Office XML Flat File Format Word Document (ASCII) trid
Android Manifest trid
Microsoft Office XML Flat File Format Excel worksheet (ASCII) trid
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2002 fdd
OEBPS (Open Ebook Forum Publication Structure) 1.0 fdd
NCBIArch_3, NCBI/NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Document Type Definition (NLM DTD), Version 3.0 fdd
NCBIArch_1, NCBI/NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Document Type Definition (NLM DTD), Version 1 fdd
XML (Extensible Markup Language) 1.0 fdd
OEBPS (Open Ebook Forum Publication Structure) 1.2 fdd
MusicXML, Version 3 fdd
NITF, News Industry Text Format fdd
ESRI Geodatabase XML fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), NLS extension for AMR-WB+ Speech Codec fdd
NCBIArch_2, NCBI/NLM Journal Archiving and Interchange Document Type Definition (NLM DTD), Version 2.x fdd
DTB (Digital Talking Book), 2005 fdd
ESRI Shapefile fdd
XML (Extensible Markup Language) fdd
JATS, Journal Article Tag Suite, NISO Z39.96, Versions 1.x fdd
XML (Extensible Markup Language) 1.1 fdd
BITS (Book Interchange Tag Suite), version 2.0 fdd
XML githublinguist
*.xml.dist XML githublinguist
*.xmod Monarch Pro model trid
*.xmp XML syntax for RDF graphs tika
Extensible Metadata Platform Packet pronom
Extensible Metadata Platform Format pronom
Adobe Extensible Metadata Platform trid
*.xms XMS-Tracker module ffw
XMS-Tracker module trid
*.xmt MPEG-4, eXtensible MPEG-4 Textual Format (XMT) fdd
*.xmu SmartUML UML diagram trid
*.xmv Xbox Video trid
*.xnb Microsoft XNA Compiled Format ffw
XNA Framework Content Pipeline Binary trid
*.xng XNG ffw
*.xnk Microsoft Exchange Server Shortcut trid
*.xo application/vnd.olpc-sugar tika
*.xojo_code Xojo githublinguist
*.xojo_menu Xojo githublinguist
*.xojo_report Xojo githublinguist
*.xojo_script Xojo githublinguist
*.xojo_toolbar Xojo githublinguist
*.xojo_window Xojo githublinguist
*.xop application/xop+xml tika
*.xp0 Secret Photos puzzle ffw
*.xp2 XPilot NG map trid
*.xp3 KiriKiri Adventure Game System ffw
XP3 ffw
KiriKiri Adventure Game System package trid
*.xpa Xpack compressed archive (Win) trid
Xpack compressed archive trid
Xpack compressed single archive trid
*.xpaddercontroller Xpadder Controller layout trid
*.xpdl XML Process Definition Language format trid
*.xpf LMMS Preset trid
X-Protector Project File trid
XaoS Position File trid
*.xpi Cross-Platform Installer Module ffw
application/x-xpinstall tika
Mozilla Firefox browser extension trid
*.xpl X-Plane plugin trid
LCDStudio configuration Playlist trid
XSetup - plugin trid
XProc githublinguist
*.xpm XPM ffw
image/x-xpixmap tika
X-Windows Pixmap Image X10 pronom
X PixMap bitmap trid
X PixMap githublinguist
*.xpo Microsoft Dynamics AX Export (ASCII) trid
Microsoft Dynamics AX Export (UTF) trid
*.xpr application/ tika
Creature House Expression3 drawing trid
*.xproc XProc githublinguist
*.xproj XML githublinguist
*.xps OpenXPS ffw
Open XML Paper Specification tika
Open XML Paper Specification pronom
Open XML Paper Specification trid
MonkeyJam Exposure Sheet trid
Waves Preset trid
*.xpt Statistical Analysis System Catalogue XPT (Windows) 9.1 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Catalogue XPT (Unix) 9.1 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data XPT (Windows) 9.1 pronom
Statistical Analysis System Data XPT (Unix) 9.1 pronom
SAS Transport (XPORT) format trid
XPCOM Type Library trid
SAS Transport File Format (XPORT) Family fdd
SAS Version 5 Transport File Format (XPORT) fdd
*.xpw application/vnd.intercon.formnet tika
*.xpx application/vnd.intercon.formnet tika
*.xpy Python githublinguist
*.xq XQuery source code tika
XQuery githublinguist
*.xql XQuery githublinguist
*.xqm XQuery source / module trid
XQuery githublinguist
*.xquery XQuery source code tika
XQuery githublinguist
*.xqy XQuery source / module trid
XQuery githublinguist
*.xrc wxWindows - wxPython Resource trid
*.xrf Cal3D Xml material File trid
*.xrl Erlang githublinguist
*.xrm-ms Microsoft security certificate trid
Microsoft security certificate (Unicode) trid
*.xrni Renoise ffw
*.xrns Renoise ffw
*.xrnt Renoise ffw
*.xroles text/plain tika
*.xrp RationalPlan project trid
*.xs XS githublinguist
*.xs3 XESS worksheet (generic) trid
*.xs4 XESS worksheet (generic) trid
*.xs5 XESS worksheet (generic) trid
*.xsa XelaSoft Archive compressed data trid
*.xsamples text/plain tika
*.xsb XACT Sound Bank trid
*.xsd DFDL ffw
XML Schema Definition ffw
Extensible Markup Language tika
XML Schema Definition pronom
XML Schema trid
W3C XML Schema 1.0 fdd
XML githublinguist
*.xsi DotXSI ffw
SoftImage XSI 3D model trid
*.xsiaddon XSI Addon trid
*.xsjs JavaScript githublinguist
*.xsjslib JavaScript githublinguist
*.xsl Extensible Markup Language tika
Extensible Stylesheet Language pronom
XSLT githublinguist
*.xslfo XSL Format tika
*.xslt XSLT ffw
XSL Transformations tika
XSLT githublinguist
*.xsm application/vnd.syncml+xml tika
*.xsn InfoPath Dynamic Form - Template trid
*.xsp text/plain tika
XBMC Smart Playlist trid
*.xsp-config XPages githublinguist
*.xsp.metadata XPages githublinguist
*.xspec XML githublinguist
*.xspf XML Sharable Playlist ffw
XML Shareable Playlist Format tika
XML Shareable Playlist Format trid
*.xtc XTrkCAD project (with rem) trid
XTrkCAD project trid
*.xtend Xtend githublinguist
*.xtf INTERLIS Transfer File 2.3 pronom
INTERLIS Transfer File 2.2 pronom
eXtended Triton Format trid
*.xtg Quark Xpress Report File pronom
eXtensible TreeGraph format trid
QuarkXPress Tags trid
*.xtodvd ConvertXtoDVD project trid
*.xtp InfoPath Template Part trid
XTrkCAD parameters trid
*.xtr XTrkCAD demo trid
XTrkCAD demo (with rem) trid
*.xtreme Winstep Xtreme Theme Pack trid
*.xui Xbox 360 User Interface trid
*.xul application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml tika
Mozilla XML User interface Language trid
XML githublinguist
*.xv VIFF ffw
Khoros Visualization Image File bitmap trid
*.xvm application/xv+xml tika
*.xvml application/xv+xml tika
*.xwb XACT Wave Bank trid
*.xwd XWD ffw
X Windows Dump tika
SDSC Image Tool X Window Dump Format pronom
X-Windows Screen Dump File X10 pronom
X-Windows Screen Dump X11 pronom
X Windows Dump bitmap trid
*.xweb text/plain tika
*.xwelcome text/plain tika
*.xwf Declan Software word file trid
*.xwma Microsoft xWMA pronom
XWMA audio trid
*.xwp XWinPlot layout trid
*.xws Xara WebStyle file trid
*.xxe Xxencoding ffw
*.xxx Template:File Format/Preload ffw
Compucon/Singer PSW Embroidery Design File trid
*.xy XYWrite Document pronom
*.xy3 XYWrite Document III pronom
*.xy4 XYWrite Document IV pronom
*.xyp XYWrite Document III+ pronom
*.xyw XYWrite for Windows Document 4.0 pronom
*.xyz chemical/x-xyz tika
XYZ Graphics bitmap trid
*.xyze Radiance HDR ffw
Radiance RGBE Image Format pronom
*.xz XZ ffw
application/x-xz tika
xz container trid
*.xzp XZP container format trid
*.y DCS ffw
Yacc/Bison source code tika
Yacc githublinguist
*.y4m YUV4MPEG2 video trid
*.yacc Yacc githublinguist
*.yafa YAFA Animation trid
*.yal Arts & Letters clip art library ffw
*.yaml YAML ffw
YAML source code tika
YAML pronom
YAML githublinguist
*.yaml-tmlanguage YAML githublinguist
*.yang YANG githublinguist
*.yap Prolog githublinguist
*.yar YARA githublinguist
*.yara YARA githublinguist
*.yasnippet YASnippet githublinguist
*.ybk YanCEyWare Reader eBook trid
*.ybs YBS compressed archive trid
*.yc YAC compressed archive trid
*.ydl SGI YAODL 3d vector data trid
*.yka Yenka model trid
*.ym YM ffw
YM2149 song trid
ST-Sound YM chiptune trid
*.yml YAML githublinguist
*.yml.mysql YAML githublinguist
*.ymst YM2149 song trid
*.ync YEnc ffw
*.yobj Yobj ffw
*.yog Yog video trid
*.ypc WhyPic ffw
*.ypr BYOB project trid
*.yrl Erlang githublinguist
*.yrp YGOPRO replay trid
*.ysp BYOB sprite trid
*.ytf Picasa font cache trid
*.ytr IRIS OCR data trid
*.yuv Abekas YUV ffw
Raw bitmap ffw
*.yy JSON githublinguist
Yacc githublinguist
*.yyp JSON githublinguist
*.yyy CrLZH ffw
*.yz1 Yamazaki zipper archive ffw
Deep Freezer compressed archive trid
*.z Pack ffw
Compress ffw
Compress ffw
InstallShield Z ffw
application/x-compress tika
GZIP Format pronom
UNIX Compressed file trid
InstallShield archive trid
GZipped data trid
*.z1 Z-code ffw
*.z2 Z-code ffw
*.z3 Z-code ffw
*.z3d Z3D ffw
ZModeler 3D Model trid
*.z4 Z-code ffw
*.z5 Z-code ffw
Z-Code V5 adventure for Infocom Z-Machine trid
*.z6 Z-code ffw
*.z7 Z-code ffw
*.z8 Z-code ffw
Z-Code V8 adventure for Infocom Z-Machine trid
*.zab Zipped Audio Book trid
*.zabw AbiWord ffw
AbiWord compressed document trid
*.zap ZoneLabs Zone Alarm data trid
*.zaz application/vnd.zzazz.deck+xml tika
*.zblorb Blorb ffw
*.zbr ZBR (Zoner Zebra) ffw
Zebra metafile trid
*.zcfg HLGuard Z config file trid
*.zcml XML githublinguist
*.zdp Avery DesignPro Label design trid
*.zdx Avery Design clipart index trid
*.zed MyHeritage Family Tree Builder ffw
ZED ffw
ZX-Edit document block trid
ZX-Edit document trid
*.zeg ZeroG subtitles trid
*.zel Zelio Soft project trid
*.zeno Zeno ffw
*.zep Zephir githublinguist
*.zet ZET compressed archive trid
*.zexp Zope export file pronom
Zope binary export file trid
*.zfx ZipForm data trid
*.zgeproj ZGameEditor project trid
*.zgt Oren-made scientific document trid
*.zif Zoomify ZIF ffw
Zoomify Image Format pronom
*.zim ZIM ffw
ZIM format trid
*.zimpl Zimpl githublinguist
*.zip ZIP ffw
Z-code ffw
Winamp Skin ffw
Compressed Archive File tika
ZIP Format pronom
Trillian zipped Skin trid
Aston Shell theme trid
ZIP compressed archive (multivolume) trid
Pencil template trid
Pencil stencil trid
SubEthaEdit Mode trid
Apple Mac OS X Dashboard Widget trid
ZIP compressed archive trid
Virtual Skipper skin trid
Rockbox Theme package trid
Pivot Style Template trid
Opera Widget trid
ZIP compressed archive (empty) trid
Simple Machines Forums theme trid
DAISY book trid
ZLock Pro encrypted ZIP trid
Adventure Game Toolkit game package trid
Oolite eXpansion Pack trid
ZIP File Format (PKWARE) fdd
ZIP File Format (PKWARE) fdd
ZIP File Format, Version 6.2.0 (PKWARE) fdd
ZIP File Format, Version 6.2.0 (PKWARE) fdd
ZIP File Format, Version 6.3.3 (PKWARE) fdd
ZIP File Format, Version 6.3.3 (PKWARE) fdd
Document Container File: Core (based on ZIP 6.3.3) fdd
Document Container File: Core (based on ZIP 6.3.3) fdd
*.zipx Zipx ffw
*.zir application/vnd.zul tika
Compass and Ruler geometry trid
*.zirz application/vnd.zul tika
*.zix WinZix compressed archive trid
*.zjs Zenographics ZjStream Page Description Language (big-endian) trid
Zenographics ZjStream Page Description Language (little-endian) trid
*.zl Zen Guard license trid
Easy CD Creator Drag to Disk File trid
*.zlb Blorb ffw
*.zma ZMA impedance response data trid
*.zmf ZMF (Zoner) ffw
Zoner Draw (container with preview) trid
Zoner Draw trid
*.zmg Novell ZENworks Desktop Management image trid
*.zmi ZAP Meta Image trid
*.zmm application/vnd.handheld-entertainment+xml tika
*.zmpl Zimpl githublinguist
*.zmv ZSNES movie capture trid
*.zmx ZEMAX lens data trid
*.zno Zinio Reader Magazine trid
*.zone DNS Zone githublinguist
*.zoo ZOO ffw
application/x-zoo tika
ZOO Compressed Archive pronom
ZOO compressed archive trid
Microsoft Zoo Tycoon saved game trid
*.zot Zoot information processor database trid
*.zpaq ZPAQ ffw
ZPAQ compressed archive trid
*.zpl Zune PlayList trid
Zimpl githublinguist
*.zpp ZPanel Package trid
*.zsav SPSS System Data File Format Family (.sav) fdd
*.zsg Zillions of Games Solution - Saved Game trid
*.zsh Shell githublinguist
*.zst Zstandard ffw
ZSNES Save State trid
*.zsync zsync meta data trid
*.zth DivX Connected Theme trid
*.ztl ZBrush ZTool native format trid
*.zuml Poseidon for UML project file trid
*.zvd ZyXEL Voice Format audio trid
*.zvpl Visual Paradigm License Key trid
*.zvr ZVR eBook trid
Recorded voice audio trid
*.zvt BlueZone VT Display Emulator configuration trid
*.zws ZiLOG Developer Studio Workspace file trid
*.zx82 Speculator '97 snapshot trid
*.zxb ZX-Modules Meta format trid
*.zxe ZX-Editor Second Edition document trid
*.zxp ZX-Paintbrush document bitmap trid
*.zxs zx32's ZXS snapshot format trid
*.zyx ZyXEL Voice Format audio trid
*.zz Zzip ffw
Zzip compressed archive trid
*.zzt ZZT ffw
ZZT Game Creation System game trid
*.zzz Crunch ffw
*.{sa}proj {smartassembly} project trid
*.~i AZZ Cardfile index trid
.htaccess text/plain tika
^owl$ XML syntax for RDF graphs tika
^rdf$ XML syntax for RDF graphs tika
a_*.txt ISA-Tab Assay file tika
abs-linkmap text/plain tika
abs-menulinks text/plain tika
i_*.txt ISA-Tab Investigation file tika
install text/plain tika
keys text/plain tika
makefile text/plain tika
readme text/plain tika
s_*.txt ISA-Tab Study file tika